... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS A Handbook to Aid in the Study of State amp Local History A Comprehensive Reference Book of Special Interest to Teachers in Ohio Schools Compiled by George F Jenny Columbus Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission 1953 124p 050 A Handbook to Aid in the Study of State amp Local History is at once the most comprehensive and the most challenging publication of its nature that has come to our desk Inspirational seems a misnomer for a work of this sort but it is just that Surely ...
... Annual Report of the Society for 1960 Annual Report of the Society for 1960 AFTER LAST YEAR ' S extensive report of the Society's development through its seventy-five years we shall offer but a simple review of the activities for 1960 At the end of each year the heads of the divisions and the departments prepare annual reports which are submitted to the director These statements supply most of the information from which the Society's annual report is compiled The work of the Society is after ...
... Cleveland's Johnson Elected Mayor Cleveland's Johnson Elected Mayor By EUGENE C MURDOCK One day in the early fall of 1897 thirty friends of Henry George closeted themselves with the great single-taxer in Tom L Johnson's New York offices The question before them was Should George be a candidate in the approaching New York mayoralty election Some of those present observed that their leader's health was not good and that an exhausing campaign could render permanent damage to him An eminent doctor ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Social Ideas of the Northern Evangelists 1826-1860 By Charles C Cole Jr New York Columbia University Press 1954 268p bibliography and index 425 Charles C Cole Jr has written an objective and well-balanced account of the relation between leading evangelical clergymen and the reform movements which characterized the several decades before the Civil War The author recognizes that the evangelists were above all concerned with the problem of individual salvation Their ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 397 tive of the cereal native to the American Continent But one of the most interesting of the displays brought here by Mr Mills clearly proves that these mound builders a race very different from the Indian grew this corn before the Indian drove them South It had been a question said the Ohio man whether the mound builders were agriculturists Now see these charred remains of grain They were dug from an old village site adjacent to one of the principal Ohio mounds ...
... 242 Ohio Arch 242 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications ADDRESS OP EX-GOVERNOR JAMES E CAMPBELL All history may be searched in vain for a spectacle more pathetic than that of which we are today the witnesses no scene could appeal more deeply to our sympathies and none could be more inspiring It infinitely refreshes our patriotism in this day when the trimmer and truckler are abroad in the land to revive the glorious memories of a desperate war fought for a noble purpose As we gaze with ...
... THE EARLY THEATER IN COLUMBUS OHIO THE EARLY THEATER IN COLUMBUS OHIO 1820-1840 by LUCILE CLIFTON Associate Professor of English Ball State Teachers College Muncie Indiana The citizens of Columbus Ohio which was founded one hundred and forty some years ago have attended plays for at least one hundred and thirty of those years and had a flourishing theater as early as the mid-1830's The first western theatrical circuits followed the natural trade routes down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers As ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Early Stockaded Settlements in the Governador New Mexico By Edward Twitchell Hall Jr Columbia Studies in Archaeology and Ethnology Vol II Pt I New York Columbia University Press 1944 96p Illus 200 This is a report of excavations carried on in north-central New Mexico by a joint expedition from Columbia University and the Laboratory of Anthropology Santa Fe New Mexico The purpose of the expedition was to expand our knowledge of the Rosa culture phase the oldest known ...
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTYINDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTYFOURTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Annual meeting Discussion on notificaEaton Starling L 624 tion of 634 Fallen Timbers Battlefield of 630 Archaeology Department of 623 Archaeology Department of 623 First suggestion of change in name of Armstrong Jeremiah 617 Society 626 Society 626 Armstrong Minter 617 Armstrong Minter 617 Fitch engine ...
... 574 Ohio Arch 574 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications terial down to this Library The task now seems so large that it seems to this committee unlikely that the consolidation can be effected before the summer of 1925 The intervening months will be used in preparing plans securing the appropriation doing the physical work and rearranging the Society's books and material all of which is preliminary to receiving the University's collection The situation with regard to Museum of Natural History ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The bicentennial of Daniel Drake 1785-1852 pioneer physician-educator of the Ohio Valley occurs on October 20 1985 The University of Cincinnati which he founded in 1819 is planning to celebrate Drake and his accomplishments during the calendar year 1985 with essays and reviews of some of his major works It is planned to assemble a number of his unpublished orations in a small commemorative volume The Drake Bicentennial will culminate in a symposium on ...
... DR DR B F PRINCE A veteran educator life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and for thirtyone years a member of its board of trustees passed peacefully away at his home in Springfield Monday September 11 1933 at the age of ninety-three years The Springfield Daily News published a carefully written obituary from which the following sketch is gleaned 452 Dr Dr B F Prince 453 Dr B F Prince 93 dean of the faculty of Wittenberg college and affectionately called The ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 3 29 and that the meeting could then adjourn to such time or in such way that it could be reconvened for the further business of the Annual Meeting After some discussion of this matter a resolution was offered that when the present meeting concludes such business as is necessary for its present consideration and is prepared to recess that it recess to a second session which is to be called at such date and place as shall be determined by the present President and ...
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 70 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 19 61 From Free-Love to Catholicism Dr and Mrs Thomas L Nichols At Yellow Springs By PHILIP GLEASON AS THE SLAVERY controversy grew more intense in the mid1850's many of the reform movements which had preoccupied large numbers of Americans in the previous decade were submerged in the mainstream of the antislavery movement Yet currents of reform not connected with antislavery did persist and one of the most ...
... PICTURE OF A YOUNG COPPERHEAD by CARL M BECKER As he pursued his contentious course during the Civil War the great Copperhead Clement Laird Vallandigham drew around himself in Dayton Ohio a circle of political supporters and personal admirers Local politicians and newspaper editors followed in his wake and nameless men identified themselves as votaries of Val These supporters often embraced Copperheadism out of conviction but no doubt the strength and firmness of their faith were tinctured by ...
... The Ordinance of July 13th 1787 The Ordinance of July 13th 1 787 37 pioneer fathers that in all the slow and tedious processes of building up in cherishing organic ideas and giving them vitality in supporting their Nation and moulding its character in defending its life in time of extremest dangers they have borne their full share of patriotic service and may now pass that nation over with a clean record to posterity sending its ideas and principles onward in their mighty mission of dominion ...
... medicines and journals and books devoted to the health of the family were popular and the field was fertile for cults and quacks to invade the region Epidemics of smallpox and cholera are also discussed and the development of dentistry in Michigan during the period is described In reality the title of the book is a misnomer because the emphasis is not on individual doctors under three flags namely the French Tricolor the British Union Jack and ...
... JOSEPH B JOSEPH B FORAKER AND THE STANDARD OIL CHARGES1 by EARL R BECK Instructor in History Ohio State University In 1908 Joseph Benson Foraker then serving his second term in the United States Senate was one of the outstanding figures in politics in the nation Foraker had won national notice for his aggressive uncompromising fight against the Hepburn Rate Bill of 1906 and for his strident attacks upon the executive action of President Theodore Roosevelt which led to the discharge without ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Blacks in Ohio History Edited by Rubin F Weston Volume IV of The Ohio American Revolution Bicentennial Conference Series Columbus The Ohio Historical Society 1976 44p illustrations notes 200 As the nation moves into its third century under the Constitution Professor Weston remarks in the introduction it is imperative that all groups who made America be recognized and that their contribution be included in the history books With this purpose in mind one in a series of ...
... The Rubber Industry in Ohio The Rubber Industry in Ohio By WILLIAM D OVERMAN Many of us think of the rubber industry in terms of tire sizes and a system of retail distribution centers It is this But for the past half century or longer it has also been one of the moving factors in the life not only of the United States but of the entire world Also when many of us think of rubber we think in terms of a few large companies and a few well-known products which they manufacture But the rubber ...