Ohio History Journal

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"George Rogers Clark Monument," report by H. R. McPherson. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 628-629.
... 628 Ohio Arch 628 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Preble County Historical Society due to his removal from Preble County but predicts continued growth and development of Fort St Clair Park in the days to come H R MCPHERSON Columbus Ohio September 26 1927 GEORGE ROGERS CLARK MONUMENT During the year the committee has sought to care for and improve the grounds The monument is located on high ground overlooking the Mad River Valley with a rather steep slope to the south and west Before ...

"John Bingham and Reconstruction: The Delimma of a Moderate," Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 76-94, notes 192-194.
... John A John A Bingham and Reconstruction The Dilemma of a Moderate by DONALD C SWIFT Congressman John A Bingham of Ohio was one of the foremost Republican politicians in the period following the Civil War Yet he is almost unknown to historians and students not primarily concerned with the Reconstruction era The names of Thaddeus Stevens Benjamin Butler Charles Sumner or Benjamin Wade more readily come to mind As a spokesman for moderation Bingham occupied a place of equal importance to that of ...

"OHS Committee Report: Spiegel Grove," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 577-579.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 577 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 577 end of the biennium but the improvement of the grounds has not yet been started We wish at this time to submit the following extract from the deed of conveyance to the Society from Miss Clarissa C Moor of the tract referred to above Provided always and these presents are upon this express condition that the premises hereby conveyed shall be used for a park and monument site and approaches Said grantee its successors and assigns ...

"Archaeological Exhibit," Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 111-112.
... Editorialana Editorialana 111 gave the name of Marietta to the new town in honor of Mary Antoinette and France Generals St Clair of Pennsylvania and Putnam of Massachusetts Samuel Holden Parsons of Connecticut and James M Varnum of Rhode Island were the leaders in the work of establishing the settlement aided by Winthrop Sargent secretary of the Territory and by the noble Manasseh Cutler who was a frequent visitor and a powerful advocate in the East Parsons Varnum and John Cleve Symmes Chief ...

"The Explorations of the Edwin Harness Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 113-193.
... THE EXPLORATIONS OF THE EDWIN HARNESS THE EXPLORATIONS OF THE EDWIN HARNESS MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Edwin Harness Mound is the largest of the fourteen mounds which are located within the earthworks of the Harness groupl and in close proximity to them and it would equal in dimensions more than all the other mounds of this group combined and perhaps the largest mound in the Scioto Valley proper although not equal in size to the great Hopewell Mound located on the north fork of Paint Creek and ...

Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 196-199.
... Historical News Historical News A Service Center for Teachers of History has recently been established by the American Historical Association It is located at 400 A Street SE Washington 3 DC Dr George Barr Carson Jr is the director The service center was created for the purpose of providing scholarly leadership in meeting the problems of history teachers The center offers direct assistance to teachers and to schools in strengthening history courses and increasing the effectiveness of teachers ...

"Editorialana," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 486-494.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF ARCHAEOLOGISTS A convention of the International Society of Archaeologists was held at Cincinnati on September 29th 1912 The meeting had been called as a semi-official gathering but the large attendance and enthusiastic sessions resulted in its being voted an official convention - the first of the organization The sessions were held at Art Museum arrangements for this privilege having been made by Mr Philip Hinkle curator of that institution ...

"The Monetary Problems of William McKinley," Volume 72, Number 4, October, 1963, pp. 263-292, notes 341-343.
... The analyst of the career of a public figure functioning under a system of representative government finds that the problem of statesmanship is peculiarly complicated The hazards in leadership often seem to conspire to punish statesmanship confronting public figures with dire alternatives which subsequent biographers must not fail to weigh on the scales of the possible and probable As McKinley bluntly explained when pushing a compromise to end a silver stalemate in the house of representatives ...

"Dialect Distribution and Settlement Patterns in the Great Lakes Region," by Alva L. Davis. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 48-56.
... DIALECT DISTRIBUTION AND SETTLEMENT PATTERNS DIALECT DISTRIBUTION AND SETTLEMENT PATTERNS IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION by ALVA L DAVIS Assistant Professor of English Western Reserve University The study of dialect distribution in the eastern United States and in the secondary settlement areas of the Great Lakes Region has now reached a point where it is possible to show some interesting correlations between the linguistic features and the settlement patterns of these regions It is simple perhaps ...

"The Debt of the State of Ohio from 1900 to 1938, Inclusive," Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 1942, pp. 119-142.
... THE DEBT OF THE STATE OF OHIO FROM THE DEBT OF THE STATE OF OHIO FROM 1900 TO 1938 INCLUSIVE By HENRY F WALRADT One method of raising money with which to make governmental expenditures is to issue bonds or certificates of indebtedness The record of the State Government of Ohio during the twentieth century as to debt may well be studied in this day when so many political units too recklessly meet their present desire or need for revenue by the easy expedient of going into debt At the beginning ...

"Financing Ohio's Pre-Civil War Railroads," by Eugene O. Porter. Volume 57, Number 3, July, 1948, pp. 215-226.
... FINANCING OHIO'S PRE-CIVIL WAR RAILROADS FINANCING OHIO'S PRE-CIVIL WAR RAILROADS by EUGENE 0 PORTER Associate Professor of History College of Mines and Metallurgy University of Texas The financial history of early railroads in the United States is nowhere better illustrated than in the history of railroad building in Ohio The lack of trained engineers and the consequent indefiniteness of plans the insufficiency of the original capitalization the use of state county and municipal credit and ...

Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 204-229.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Pony Wagon Town--Along U S 1890 By Ben Riker Indianapolis Bobbs-Merrill Co 1948 312p illustrations 350 This book is an account of the carriage-building trade in western Ohio in the last decade of the nineteenth century but by the author's own admission he has not been greatly interested in writing a social or economic document My concern has been chiefly to set down the facts of my father's achievements and the way in which he and his neighbors lived a number of very ...

"Governor Willis' Address (Dedication of Hayes Memorial)," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 412-419.
... 412 Ohio Arch 412 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications GOVERNOR WILLIS' ADDRESS Governor Willis spoke as follows Ladies and Gentlemen It is indeed a rare privilege to be present and take a part in these interesting exercises on a day set apart in honor of our patriotic dead to be invited to join in this commemoration of one whose private life was an inspiration and whose public service was a benediction On this historic ground you have today united in this splendid celebration which has its ...

"Immigrant Institutions in Cleveland," by Wellington G. Fordyce. Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 87-103.
... IMMIGRANT INSTITUTIONS IN CLEVELAND IMMIGRANT INSTITUTIONS IN CLEVELAND By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE The immigrant's church has been the strongest single force in preserving his racial solidarity Like the Pilgrim fathers the immigrants brought with them their Bibles hymn books clergy and churches These churches were strongly attached to the homeland depending upon it for literature and clergy Political and social antagonisms have been aroused among native Americans and the immigrant's religious ...

"European Influence on Early Western Education," Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 23-35.
... EUROPEAN INFLUENCE ON EARLY WESTERN EUROPEAN INFLUENCE ON EARLY WESTERN EDUCATION BY WILLIS L GARD To-day we look upon education as a process by means of which the individual acquires experiences that tend to modify conduct and that aid in meeting new situations in life These experiences are acquired through tradition and the school Often the most effective part of an individual's education comes as the result or incidental experiences in an effort to subjugate his environment These ...

"Schoenbrunn," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 632-633.
... 632 Ohio Arch 632 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Quarterly but all numbers are promised from the printer before the close of the calendar year From this brief report it will be seen that the publications of the Society are increasing in volume and value Signed JOSE PH C GOODMAN Chairman SCHOENBRUNN Your committee has been steadily at work throughout the year in seeking to make the Schoenbrunn Memorial Park one of the outstanding historic spots of Ohio An appropriation of 7500 by the ...

"Samuel Lewis, Progressive Educator in the Early History of Ohio," by Alston Ellis. Volume 25, Number 1, January, 1916, pp. 71-87.
... SAMUEL LEWIS PROGRESSIVE EDUCATOR IN THE SAMUEL LEWIS PROGRESSIVE EDUCATOR IN THE EARLY HISTORY OF OHIO BY ALSTON ELLIS It has been said that great men have the shortest biographies By this rule Methusaleh while the oldest was also one of the greatest men that ever lived for in Genesis it is said that all the day of Methusaleh were nine hundred and sixty-nine years and then came the inevitable-he died This is the whole story save that he was the father of numerous sons and daughters and ...

Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 456-479.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Forgotten Hero General James B McPherson the Biography of a Civil War General By Elizabeth J Whaley New York Exposition Press 1955 203p appendix bibliography and index 350 In view of the avid continuing absorption of Americans in their own Civil War and its leading figures it is indeed curious that James Birdseye McPherson has not attracted a substantial biographer before now Certainly he had many attractions about him and much to admire--a brilliant mind standing ...

"Literary Bequests in Early Ohio Wills," by Gerald S. Greenberg. Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 20-34.
... GERALD S GERALD S GREENBERG Literary Bequests in Early Ohio Wills Introduction It is not surprising that besides the family Bible few books or libraries are mentioned in early Ohio wills for life on the frontier demanded that one devote full attention to life's essentials For most this meant the acquisition of a piece of land and the construction of a home It is such proprietary bequests therefore that dominate early Ohio wills One does discover however that the early doctors and lawyers of ...

Volume 61, Number 1, January, 1952, pp. 97-109.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Miracle at Kittyhawk The Letters of Wilbur and Orville Wright Edited by Fred C Kelly New York Farrar Straus and Young 1951 ix482p frontispiece illustrations and index 600 The publisher of this volume of letters has chosen to call Wilbur and Orville Wright two of the greatest and most fabulous figures of modern times Those who have been closest to the lives and the work of these men will probably approve that characterization for history can identify few notable ...