Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Keep the Record Straight," by Robert H. Bahmer. Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 225-239.
... KEEP THE RECORD STRAIGHT KEEP THE RECORD STRAIGHT by ROBERT H BAHMER Every time I am introduced as an archivist I am reminded of the story that was written back in 1935 by one of the Washington newspaper columnists who writes about government people The story appeared shortly after the National Archives was established and our big building at Seventh and Pennsylvania Avenue was constructed The first archivist of the United States had just been appointed and there was some publicity about the ...

"Town Promotion in the Progressive Era: The Case of Newark, Ohio," by G. Wallace Chessman. Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 253-275.
... G G WALLACE CHESSMAN Town Promotion in the Progressive Era The Case of Newark Ohio On July 8 1910 an angry mob stormed the county jail at Newark Ohio seized a young white dry detective being held there carried him off to the courthouse square and lynched him1 That violent act stunned local leaders who had long promoted their booming industrial town in Licking County as the best place in Ohio to live and work At the same time it dramatized the inter-city struggle that had long engaged business ...

Volume 71, Number 1, January, 1962, pp. 67-75.
... BOOK REVIEWS THE LIBERTY LINE THE LEGEND OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD By Larry Gara Lexington University of Kentucky Press 1961 xi201p index 500 Although the underground railroad was a reality much of the material relating to it belongs in the realm of folklore rather than history Most legends have many versions and the story of the underground railroad is no exception Few people can provide details when asked about the institution Specific information is usually crowded out by vague ...

Official Roster of Ohio Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the World War Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 580-581.
... 580 Ohio Arch 580 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications portunity to know both sides of the story of the conquest of the Northwest Territory Clark's achievement gave the infant Republic of the United States its claim to the vast region northwest of the River Ohio and east of the Mississippi Assuredly he and his followers are entitled to the memorial that is to be erected on the site of Old Vincennes February 25 1929 commemorative of the capture of that Post February 25 1779 OFFICIAL ROSTER ...

Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 188-215.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Frontier America The Story of the Westward Movement By Thomas D Clark New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1959 xi832p illustrations maps appendix bibliography tables and index 675 This is not an easy kind of book to write It is the history of a movement of population that affects every section of the country It covers frontier areas and periods with no exact terminal points and with no two alike It embraces political social economic military and diplomatic history and it ...

"Trial of William Bebb," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 48-61.
... TRIAL OF WILLIAM BEBB TRIAL OF WILLIAM BEBB BY C B GALBREATH For many years an interesting bit of literature has been going the rounds that has in many instances gained currency as a chapter in the history of the governors of Ohio Under the caption A Story of William Bebb it has found its way into the schools and the public and private libraries of the state Here it is without omission or addition If you should visit the State House in Columbusand look among the pictures of the governors of ...

"Letters of Thomas Buchanan Read," Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 68-80.
... LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ Edited by ALICE E SMITH Thomas Buchanan Read was less than twenty years old when he wrote the letters printed below yet he had experienced many and strange adventures At the age of fourteen he had rebelled at the life of a tailor's apprentice and escaped to Philadelphia Here for a time he had clerked in a cellar grocery then served as apprentice to a cigar maker and finally made his way on a flatboat to Cincinnati For three years ...

"DOCUMENTARY DATA," Volume 53, Number 3, July-September, 1944, pp. 294-295.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA BY BERTHA E JOSEP H SON Since the last summary this department has accomplished a general check-up on accessioned and unaccessioned manuscript materials with an interfiling of collections in the manuscript vaults so that all collections cataloged and uncataloged are now filed in one alphabetical arrangement Temporary cards were made for the uncataloged collections and these are now in the Manuscript Catalog This was done to simplify housing of collections and ...

"Professor Edward Orton, 1829-1899. A Memorial Address" by Washington Gladden. Volume 8, Number 4, April, 1900, pp. 409-432.
... PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON PROFESSOR EDWARD ORTON 1829-1899 A MEMORIAL ADDRESS BY WASHINGTON GLADDEN The genealogical history of The Orton Family in America a book of which Dr Edward Orton was the author begins with this paragraph The surname ORTON is neither a common nor an unusual one It is a name that could be heard without surprise in any community of English descent It occurs in the directories of many cities of the country and can probably be found in many towns of the United States that ...

"List of Life Members of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Who Have Been Elected and Who Have Qualified Since July 1, 1901," Volume 12, Number 4, October, 1903, pp. 444-445.
... 444 Ohio Arch 444 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications ored guest at their gatherings and re-unions He was a member of the military order of the Loyal Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the Sons of the American Revolution being president of the Benjamin Franklin Chapter Columbus Ohio at the time of his death General Wright for many years past had taken an active part in the work of The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society He was a life member February 25 1897 Governor Asa ...

"The Birthplace of President Hayes: A Study in Oral Tradition," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 167-172.
... THE BIRTHPLACE OF PRESIDENT HAYES THE BIRTHPLACE OF PRESIDENT HAYES A STUDY IN ORAL TRADITION by C E VAN SICKLE Professor of History Ohio Wesleyan University and JAMES T MAY The people of Delaware Ohio have long pointed with pride to the fact that their city is the birthplace of President Rutherford B Hayes A Delaware tradition so old that no one now living seems to remember anything about its origin marks as his birthplace a two-story brick house which it asserts his father had built and ...

"A Description of Fort Ancient," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 362-377.
... 362 Ohio Arch 362 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 4 A DESCRIPTION OF FORT ANCIENT WARREN KING MOOREHEAD The members of the Society and also the readers of THE ARCHAEOLOGIST have a special interest in the earthworks and enclosures of the Mississippi Valley The former are proud to be possessers and preservers in company with the State of Ohio of the most extensive prehistoric fortification of the United States The latter as students of antiquities are interested in facts obtained ...

Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 331-397.
... TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO 331 TEACHING OF ANATOMY IN OHIO 331 Mendel Thomas Huxley Ernst Haeckel Johann Meckel Georges Cuvier and Sir Richard Owen This period witnessed also the founding of the science of anthropology which was a definite outgrowth of the biologic and evolutionary thinking of the nineteenth century The biological aspect of anatomy nurtured in European and especially in German universities was brought to the United States during the latter years of the nineteenth century by ...

"Contributions of Ohio Physicians to the Inventions of the Period, 1835-1858," Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 315-321.
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY OF THE PERIOD OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY OF THE PERIOD 1835-1858 CONTRIBUTIONS OF OHIO PHYSICIANS TO THE INVENTIONS OF THE PERIOD 1835-1858 By DONALD D SHI R A M D When the chairman of this section suggested the title of this paper it seemed to be a relatively easy assignment Offhand one would naturally assume that many Ohio physicians must have conceived and perfected inventions outside the field of medicine However such does not seem to be the case Evidently most physicians ...

"Ohio in the Chinese Uprising," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 467-468.
... Editorialana Editorialana 467 novelist The Stockport Brass Band interspersed the program with musical selections It was a unique and interesting event in the history of the society as this is the first time that the society has come into the possession of a purely historic site The proceedings with the speeches in detail will be published in the January Quarterly of the society The society will proceed without delay to protect the site with a fitting enclosure making it an attractive place of ...

Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 452-468.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS James Wickes Taylor A Choice Nook of Memory The Diary of a Cincinnati Law Clerk 1842-1844 Edited by James Taylor Dunn Columbus Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1950 xi 85p Paper 150 James Wickes Taylor lawyer author journalist librarian consular officer was an interesting figure in the early history of Ohio Minnesota and the Canadian Northwest For fourteen years Taylor lived in Ohio then he moved to Minnesota where he resided a similar length of time ...

"Dedication of Memorial Building: Over the Grant Cottage at State Fair Grounds," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 289-294.
... DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL BUILDING DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL BUILDING OVER THE GRANT COTTAGE AT STATE FAIR GROUNDS The Grant Memorial Building enclosing the Grant cottage at the State Fair Grounds was dedicated September 3 1896 This ceremony had been planned for the forenoon of that day but a heavy rain made it necessary to postpone the program until the afternoon when fair weather greeted the large crowd assembled estimated at over four thousand people The program included addresses by Governor ...

Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 194-224.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS A Handbook to Aid in the Study of State amp Local History A Comprehensive Reference Book of Special Interest to Teachers in Ohio Schools Compiled by George F Jenny Columbus Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission 1953 124p 050 A Handbook to Aid in the Study of State amp Local History is at once the most comprehensive and the most challenging publication of its nature that has come to our desk Inspirational seems a misnomer for a work of this sort but it is just that Surely ...

"Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, April 4, 1959," Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 299-302.
... Minutes of the Meeting of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus April 4 1959 TH E O H IO ACADEMY OF HISTORY held its twenty-sixth annual meeting at the Ohio State Museum on Saturday April 4 1959 Three concurrent morning sessions were devoted to a variety of topics Alfred D Low of Youngstown University as chairman of the section on modern European history introduced David C Riede of the University of Akron and Grover C Platt of Bowling Green State University who ...

"Bentley's Lake," by A. J. Baughman. Volume 14, Number 1, January, 1905, pp. 60-61.
... BENTLEY'S LAKE BENTLEY'S LAKE A J BAUGHMAN MANSFIELD Secretary of the Richland County Historical Society The Bentley Lake seven miles east of Mansfield was created in 1846 and had a peculiar origin In 1821 Jonas Ballyet entered the northwest quarter of section 15 Mifflin township Richland county and near the center of this tract there was a circular marsh of eight or ten acres surrounded by a rim of elevations of gentle slope giving a bowl-like appearance in the place At the east side or end ...