... PATRICK D PATRICK D REAGAN The Ideology of Social Harmony and Efficiency Workmen's Compensation in Ohio 1904-1919 From 1912 through the early 1920s progressive reformers tried to enact social insurance legislation through a state-by-state and stepby-step strategy to ameliorate the industrial conditions of work accidents sickness unemployment and premature old age An integral part of the campaign concerned the workmen's compensation movement in Ohio from 1904 through 1919 The successful ...
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 653 Forty-First Annual Meeting 653 change in Logan Elm during the past year The famous old tree continues to hold its own against the elements More than four thousand visitors registered at the park during July and possibly as many or more in August could they have been checked Some time during the first week of August a sneak thief carried away the register and either the same party or another ran an automobile through the wire fence near the creek This makes it ...
... ANDREW BIRTLE ANDREW BIRTLE Governor George Hoadly's Use of the Ohio National Guard in the Hocking Valley Coal Strike of 1884 During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the United State experienced a large number of labor strikes that involved outbreaks of violence While the causes of this violence are both numerous and varied some students of labor history cite the intervention of police forces as a major catalyst1 Indeed the list of clashes between police and labor during this ...
... Robert C Schenck and Robert C Schenck and The Emma Mine Affair By CLARK C SPENCE THE PLAYER WITH A WORTHLESS HAND had generally better begin by 'raising' when he goes in or else nobody will be likely to believe in his pretended strong hand Thus wrote Robert C Schenck celebrated author of Draw-poker in 18801 Schenck was of course referring to the game on which he was the country's foremost expert but this statement might also have been applied to another area within the field of his ...
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 425 instructed in the orderly management of public business All are on their best behavior a fraternal friendship is cultivated virtuous and temperate habits are encouraged and the best of our social instincts are called into play The festive organizations convivial clubs and the like are not safe places of resort for all natures No man can be worse for the associations of Odd Fellowship and their kindred organizations Most men ...
... OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY OF THE PERIOD OHIO MEDICAL HISTORY OF THE PERIOD 1835-1858 SOME BIBLIOGRAPHICAL AND RESEARCH AIDS TO AMERICAN MEDICAL HISTORY By PHILIP D JO RD AN PHD The history of medicine in the United States is a relatively recent field of investigation1 Historians and scientists too long ignored the fertile field of the progress of medical and surgical practice in this Nation If the scholar concerned himself at all with the advance of medicine and its auxiliary disciplines he usually ...
... DAVID L DAVID L PORTER Ohio Representative John M Vorys and the Arms Embargo in 1939 During the last few years Congress increasingly has favored a reduction in American commitments to foreign nations This action has reversed a long-standing policy of globalism stemming from World War II Congress probably has not witnessed such widespread noninterventionist sentiments since shortly before World War II when the legislative branch refused to repeal the arms embargo or permit munitions sales to ...
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIII GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME LIII ABBEY ROBERT 185 Altenburg Clarence E A Modern ConAbolition and abolitionists 7 8 9 33 T quistador in South America rev by Morris 15 N S Townshend elected G M Potts 408 to legislature by 359 Alton Ill 12 disturbances 8 Aborigines American 97 Alton O 145 Academic Institute 128 Alum Creek 58 137 138 145 155 Academy conducted by Nathaniel Holmeaning 139 ley 130 Alva Okla 54 Academy for boys A Kinmont's 122 Amalthea see Central College ...
... TRIAL OF WILLIAM BEBB TRIAL OF WILLIAM BEBB BY C B GALBREATH For many years an interesting bit of literature has been going the rounds that has in many instances gained currency as a chapter in the history of the governors of Ohio Under the caption A Story of William Bebb it has found its way into the schools and the public and private libraries of the state Here it is without omission or addition If you should visit the State House in Columbusand look among the pictures of the governors of ...
... PRESENTATION OF PORTRAITS OF PRESENTATION OF PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN INDIANS BY GENERAL EDWARD ORTON JR During the spring of 1924 an exhibit of the work of a rising young American artist Mr W Langdon Kihn of New York was shown in this city and was found to consist wholly of original portraits of American Indians made from life in their own homes under conditions which reduced their natural embarrassment timidity or superstitious fear of portraiture to a minimum thus greatly favoring truthful and ...
... ANTECEDENT EXPERIENCE OF WILLIAM ANTECEDENT EXPERIENCE OF WILLIAM MAXWELL OHIO'S FIRST PRINTER BY DOUGLAS C McMURTRIE The facts regarding the first printing in Ohio are well known and clearly established William Maxwell set up a printing office in Cincinnati and published the first issue of the Centinel of the North-Western Territory on November 9 17931 But where Maxwell came from and what his previous experience was are points of information which have never been dealt with in any of the ...
... 352 Ohio Arch 352 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications a demand that would have overcome his indifference to display and publicity Three of his sons were prominent in their day Rev B F Morris the author of his life Jonathan D Morris who served two terms as congressman from Ohio Isaac N Morris who served two terms as congressman from Illinois and was appointed by President Grant commissioner for the Union Pacific Railway in 1869 If a daguerreotype or painting of the Senator is in the ...
... KEEP THE RECORD STRAIGHT KEEP THE RECORD STRAIGHT by ROBERT H BAHMER Every time I am introduced as an archivist I am reminded of the story that was written back in 1935 by one of the Washington newspaper columnists who writes about government people The story appeared shortly after the National Archives was established and our big building at Seventh and Pennsylvania Avenue was constructed The first archivist of the United States had just been appointed and there was some publicity about the ...
... Historical News Historical News THE INLAND RIVERS LIBRARY o f the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County has acquired during the past year two large collections of photographs of boats and other river subjects One collection was the gift of Captain Frederick Way Jr and the other is composed of prints of negatives in the Howard National Steamboat Museum The library acquired also by gift a collection from the Greene Line which includes photographs log books account books menus and ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Early Maps of the Ohio Valley A Selection of Maps Plans and Views Made by Indians and Colonials from 1673 to 1783 By Lloyd Arnold Brown Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Press 1959 xiv 132p illustrations maps plans and bibliography 1200 This handsome volume edited by Lloyd A Brown for the Eavenson Cartography Fund is an attractive picture book which summarizes the cartographic history of the Ohio River region from 1673 to 1783 It features a brief introductory ...
... 358 Ohio Arch 358 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications REPORT OF WILLIAM C MILLS Secretary Building Committee I trust as Secretary of the Building Committee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society that a brief history of the building including its cost as it now stands will be of interest at this time The appropriation of 100000 for this building was made by the 79th General Assembly 1911 It was presented to the assembly through the Auditor of State's office and acted upon ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 283 and calls out 'Let them go' and the superb roan leaders that have been prancing waiting for the word dash off But after all Kirkersville attained to something more than local fame It was in the summer of 1865 just after the end of the Great Rebellion when I was stationed at Watertown arsenal near Boston Colonel Kingsbury our commanding officer was a classmate of General Sherman and when the latter came to Boston he hurried out to the arsenal to see his old cadet ...
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2000 pp 190-224 Copyright 2000 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page BOOK REVIEWS The National Road Edited by Karl Raitz Baltimore Maryland The Johns Hopkins University Press 1996 xviii 489p illustrations maps notes references appendices contributors index 3495 A Guide to the National Road Edited by ...
... DAVID A DAVID A GERBER Lynching and Law and Order Origin and Passage of the Ohio Anti-Lynching Law of 1896 Americans are increasingly discovering that the United States has had a relatively lawless and violent history and that the problem of violent social disorder has continually plagued the nation The truth of this assertion as well as its implication for a deeper understanding of the country's social processes have tended to elude liberal scholars bent on tracing the steady progress of ...
... NOTES ON CHOLERA IN SOUTHWESTERN OHIO NOTES ON CHOLERA IN SOUTHWESTERN OHIO By DAVID A TUCKER JR M D The first invasion of the North American continent by epidemic or Asiatic cholera occurred in 1832 The disease appears to have been carried across the Atlantic by emigrants from Ireland who landed during April and May at Gross Isle thirtytwo miles below the city of Quebec Cholera had appeared in a serious epidemic at Jessore India on the Delta of the Ganges in 1816-1817 It had spread slowly ...