Ohio History Journal

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"William Thomas Mathews," by Charles H. Mathews. Volume 15, Number 4, October, 1906, pp. 396-404.
... WILLIAM THOMAS MATHEWS WILLIAM THOMAS MATHEWS The following sketch of William T Mathews one of the most distinguished painters of our state and generation was prepared by his brother Major Charles H Mathews New Philadelphia Ohio and is a sympathetic tribute to the memory of the notable citizen who was known as the Buckeye ArtistEDITOR William T Mathews bachelor artist was a resident of Washington D C for ten or fifteen years previous to his death which occurred at the Emergency Hospital ...

"A Classification of Ohio Place-Names," by William Coyle. Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 273-282.
... A CLASSIFICATION OF OHIO PLACE-NAMES A CLASSIFICATION OF OHIO PLACE-NAMES by WILLIAM COYLE Associate Professor of English Wittenberg College For the academic mind classification is an occupational disease But sifting data into logical categories is a harmless though pedestrian form of mental exercitation which may possess a certain value in suggesting new approaches to the data or in providing a framework for systematic examination and discussion Although the full story behind each Ohio ...

Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 379-382.
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL XLV For Index of Authors see Contents ABOLITIONISTS Price Robert Further Notes on Granville's Anti-abolition Disturbances of 1836 365-368 Price Robert The Ohio Anti-slavery Convention of 1836 173-188 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY see PHOTOGRAPHY AERIAL Annual Report of the Secretary of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society April 23 1935-April 21 1936 273-278 ANTI-ABOLITIONISTS see ABOLITIONISTS Anti-slavery Convention 1836 by ...

"Membership in the General Assembly of Ohio," Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 222-283.
... MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF OHIO BY B H PERSHING Professor in Wittenberg College Since pure democracy is not possible in any country with a numerous population every republic finds itself under the necessity of devising some system of representation The emergence in America of geographical areas having in every case a historical background and a political consciousness has made the problem more complex here than in lands in which artificial ...

"Amateur and Professional History: an observation," (Essay and Comment) Volume 77, Number 4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 145a-148a.
... THE CHINESE QUESTION 145 THE CHINESE QUESTION 145 Exchange warned Hayes that if he failed to veto the bill the interests of the trade and commerce of the United States with the Chinese Empire will be greatly imperilled45 In New York the Chamber of Commerce condemned the bill as exposing the merchant in his dealings to the consequences of public dishonor and finally as presenting the hasty action of our Congressional Body in sorry contrast with the more cautious and dignified wisdom of the ...

"Amateur and Professional History: an observation," by Daniel R. Porter. Volume 77, Number 4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 145a-148a.
... THE CHINESE QUESTION 145 THE CHINESE QUESTION 145 Exchange warned Hayes that if he failed to veto the bill the interests of the trade and commerce of the United States with the Chinese Empire will be greatly imperilled45 In New York the Chamber of Commerce condemned the bill as exposing the merchant in his dealings to the consequences of public dishonor and finally as presenting the hasty action of our Congressional Body in sorry contrast with the more cautious and dignified wisdom of the ...

"The Cincinnati Tablet: An Interpretation," Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 257-264.
... THE CINCINNATI TABLET AN INTERPRETATION THE CINCINNATI TABLET AN INTERPRETATION By CHARLES C WILLOUGHBY The Great Horned Serpent of our American tribes was usually considered a god of waters lakes and streams His anger was manifested through storms thunder and lightning Forked lightning was the darting of his tongue The Algonquians of the Great Lakes believed that a monster serpent Gitche-Kenebig dwelt in these waters who unless appeased with offerings raised a tempest or broke the ice beneath ...

"The Feurt Mounds and Village Site," by William C. Mills. Volume 26, Number 3, June, 1917, pp. 305-449.
... THE FEURT MOUNDS AND VILLAGE SITE THE FEURT MOUNDS AND VILLAGE SITE BY WILLIAM C MILLS The Feurt Mounds and Village Site are situated about five miles north of the city of Portsmouth on the east side of the Scioto river in Clay township Scioto county Ohio The land upon which this group of mounds and the village site is located is a part of the estate of Mr William C Feurt which consists of more than 400 acres of rich bottom lands and sloping hillsides and is considered one of the most ...

"Randall Memorial Meeting" (Kit-Kat Club) Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 82-109.

Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 137-160.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Organized for Prohibition A New History of the Anti-Saloon League By K Austin Kerr New Haven Yale University Press 1985 xvii 293p illustrations notes note on sources index 2500 The vineyards of temperance history have been well worked Since its organized beginnings in the 1820s temperance reform has appealed to countless thousands of Americans old and young female and male wealthy and poor liberal and conservative Consequently the movement has had a diversity a ...

Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 200-207.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The December issue of the Reporter contains an article on the early grain business in Allen County It also includes a letter from the president of the society announcing that the building fund of the society stood as of December 13 at 118000 and that 2000 was needed to meet the board's annual goal of 10000 for the fund This amount has been secured for the past three years ...

"Jared Potter Kirtland, M. D., 'The Sage of Rockport,' November 10,1793-December 18, 1877," by George M. Curtis. Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 326-337.
... JARED POTTER KIRTLAND M JARED POTTER KIRTLAND MD THE SAGE OF ROCKPORT NOVEMBER 10 1793--DECEMBER 18 1877 By GEORGE M CURTIS M D A portly old gentleman with a robust commanding physique was Dr Jared Potter Kirtland of the eighteen seventies So massive was his rotund frame that to the unutterable delight of wide-eyed visiting youngsters he would sit and read in those preEdisonian days with a candle propped upon his powerful chest His home at East Rockport Ohio was surrounded by exotic shrubs and ...

"Dr. B. F. Prince," Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 452-455.
... DR DR B F PRINCE A veteran educator life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and for thirtyone years a member of its board of trustees passed peacefully away at his home in Springfield Monday September 11 1933 at the age of ninety-three years The Springfield Daily News published a carefully written obituary from which the following sketch is gleaned 452 Dr Dr B F Prince 453 Dr B F Prince 93 dean of the faculty of Wittenberg college and affectionately called The ...

"Friedrich Hassaurek: Cincinnati's Leading Forty-Eighter," Volume 68, Number 1, January, 1959, pp. 1-17.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 68 NUMBER 1 JANUA R Y 1 959 Friedrich Hassaurek Cincinnati's Leading Forty-Eighter By CARL WITTKE THE ABORTIVE GERMAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 and 1849 led to an exodus of political refugees from Europe to the United States which was unique in the history of American immigration Among the German immigrants who crossed the Atlantic in the 1850's in quest of greater economic opportunities and political liberty there were a significant ...

"Western Reserve Historical Society," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 418-419.
... 418 Ohio Arch 418 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications exercises of the day were presided over by Mr Emil Schlup retiring president of the Pioneer Association The election of the officers for the ensuing year resulted in the selection of Mr Amos Nye as president and of the re-election of Mr Mark Karr as secretary An interesting program of music and speeches was successfully carried out Music was furnished by the Adrian Cornet Band composed of E K Ewing Eugene Ewing Fred Ewing Thomas Reardan ...

Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 195-220.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Abolitionists amp the South 1831-1861 By Stanley Harrold Lexington The University of Kentucky Press 1995 x 245p illustrations notes bibliography index 2995 Did the struggle to end slavery cause the Civil War Twentieth-century theories of the war from Charles Beard's economic interpretation to the currently fashionable cultural split between North and South have relegated abolitionist radicals to the sidelines as a causative factor in the war and by implication ...

"Central Ohio Valley History Conference," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 415-417.
... Editorialana Editorialana 415 1838 President Van Buren appointed Mr Lucas governor of the Territory of Iowa In this position he exhibited great capabilities in the organization of the territory into the state The election of William H Harrison as Whig President in 1840 caused Mr Lucas' removal from the office of Iowa governor when he returned to Ohio and was nominated by the people of his home district for membership in United States Congress In the election he was unsuccessful He then sold ...

"Report of Civil War Historian," Volume 28, Number 4, October, 1919, pp. 408-409.
... 408 Ohio Arch 408 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications That was my first impression and Dr Schlesinger's that the Archaeological Museum will become in time the mecca for county historians or as he phrased it a laboratory for scientific historical research experiment synthesis and exploitation - forever We are still receiving papers from 67 of the 88 Ohio counties in many cases two or three papers from a county making about 150 papers in all scrap-books are being formed steadily by daily ...

"A Pioneer Author to a Pioneer Editor," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 255-256.
... A PIONEER AUTHOR TO A PIONEER EDITOR A PIONEER AUTHOR TO A PIONEER EDITOR ONE of the most interesting books relating to pioneer days is John McDonald's Sketches a small volume of 267 pages reprinted from a series of articles contributed to the Western Christian Advocate The author was born in 1775 and died in Ross county Ohio in 1853 He passed through the rough wild experience of frontier life-was in turn boatman hunter surveyor military officer and state legislator Colonel McDonald was a ...

"Governor McKinley's Misfortune: The Walker-McKinley Fund of 1893," by H. Wayne Morgan. Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 103-120.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 69 NUMBER 2 APRIL 1960 Governor McKinley's Misfortune The Walker-McKinley Fund of 1893 By H WAYNE MORGAN ONE BALMY SPRING-LIKE DAY in February 1893 Governor William McKinley of Ohio boarded a train for a trip to New York The tang of spring in the air was matched by the bright carnation in his lapel and the genial smile he gave the well-wishers who saw him off In his pocket he had the outline of a speech he was to make to the ...