... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Deshler-Wallick Hotel Columbus Ohio April 9 1948 The Ohio Academy of History met in Columbus April 9 1948 in connection with the Ohio College Association The morning session opened at 10 A M with Clayton S Ellsworth of the College of Wooster presiding Two papers were given The Name of the Holy Roman Empire by Richard G Salomon of Kenyon College and The Good Neighbor Policy by Arvid T Johnson of the University of Toledo Forty members attended ...
... GERALD W GERALD W WOLFF Mark Hanna's Goal American Harmony 'A man who won't meet his men half-way is a G d fool' declared Mark Hanna one day in 1894 He was referring to the Pullman strike and the fact that troops had been sent to end it That terse profane comment tells a great deal about Hanna He was above all else a pragmatist with a canny ability to successfully adjust to changing conditions Twenty years previously when his coal mines were struck troops had been brought in--with disastrous ...
... AMERICAN ABORIGINES AND THEIR SOCIAL AMERICAN ABORIGINES AND THEIR SOCIAL CUSTOMS REV J A EASTON PH D Mr Easton was a native Ohioan born at Sinking Springs Highland County August 9 1852 His father and grandfather like himself were ministers in the Methodist Episcopal Church Eugene Easton his son the distinguished American newspaper correspondent in the Boer War is the present owner of Fort Hill Highland County which is crowned by one of the most interesting and best preserved prehistoric ...
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 69 NUMBER 2 APRIL 1960 Governor McKinley's Misfortune The Walker-McKinley Fund of 1893 By H WAYNE MORGAN ONE BALMY SPRING-LIKE DAY in February 1893 Governor William McKinley of Ohio boarded a train for a trip to New York The tang of spring in the air was matched by the bright carnation in his lapel and the genial smile he gave the well-wishers who saw him off In his pocket he had the outline of a speech he was to make to the ...
... DARWIN H DARWIN H STAPLETON Abraham Flexner Rockefeller Philanthropy and the Western Reserve School of Medicine In September 1914 the president of Western Reserve University in Cleveland Charles F Thwing addressed a friendly letter to an important ally of the university's medical school I am glad to say to you that your Western Reserve Medical School is opening tomorrow in excellent form The students seem to be overflowing We have a little larger first-year class than we ought to receive We ...
... John A John A Bingham and Reconstruction The Dilemma of a Moderate by DONALD C SWIFT Congressman John A Bingham of Ohio was one of the foremost Republican politicians in the period following the Civil War Yet he is almost unknown to historians and students not primarily concerned with the Reconstruction era The names of Thaddeus Stevens Benjamin Butler Charles Sumner or Benjamin Wade more readily come to mind As a spokesman for moderation Bingham occupied a place of equal importance to that of ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 399 we need most in this great work of rescue and preservation Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen are more Lyman C Drapers-men who with knapsack on their backs are not only willing but anxious to go on foot if need be many miles to the left and to the right to secure a journal a diary a memorandum an autograph letter that shall be preserved and become a priceless document to those who are to come ...
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 451 Rich in saving common-sense And as the greatest only are In his simplicity sublime Surely we shall be dull indeed of apprehension if we catch no inspiration from his ardor for humanity if we feel no impulse to emulate the virtues which made his service to the world so great I at least thing of him always as of One who never turned his back but marched breast forward Never doubted clouds would break Never dreamed though right ...
... The Presbyterians of Ohio The Presbyterians of Ohio 211 ABSTRACT OF THE SERMON ON THE PRESBYTERIANS OF OHIO BY REV SYLVESTER F SCOVEL PRESIDENT OF WOOSTER UNIVERSITY WOOSTER OHIO PREACHED IN THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Christian is a cosmopolitan Every land is his fatherland since God is his father So every Christian is brother to all other Christians Yet we may have a just concern which shall be special for our country and our church We have a century of Presbyterian experience behind ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS A Handbook to Aid in the Study of State amp Local History A Comprehensive Reference Book of Special Interest to Teachers in Ohio Schools Compiled by George F Jenny Columbus Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission 1953 124p 050 A Handbook to Aid in the Study of State amp Local History is at once the most comprehensive and the most challenging publication of its nature that has come to our desk Inspirational seems a misnomer for a work of this sort but it is just that Surely ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Ohio Handbook of the Civil War By Robert S Harper Columbus Ohio Historical Society for the Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission 1961 78p illustrations map and bibliography Paper 100 This compact work is crammed with highly useful information Beginning with Abraham Lincoln's earliest appearances in Ohio before the disruption of the Union it covers in rapid-fire fashion a wide range of topics Ohio's reaction to secession to the firing on Fort Sumter and the state's ...
... An Ohio Farmer's Account of Morgan's Raid An Ohio Farmer 's Account of Morgan's Raid Edited by ARVILLE L FUNK A LTH OUG H OHIO contributed soldiers to all of the major battles of the Civil War the state itself was to know war only through an exciting thirteen-day invasion of its borders by The Thunderbolt of the Confederacy General John Hunt Morgan and his Confederate cavalry division The purpose of the raid through Kentucky Indiana and Ohio in July 1863 was to divert federal troops in these ...
... A DAUGHTER OF THE McGUFFEYS A DAUGHTER OF THE McGUFFEYS FRAGMENTS FROM THE EARLY LIFE OF ANNA MC GUFFEY MORRILL 1845-1924 EDITED BY HER DAUGHTER ALICE MORRILL RUGGLES Copyrighted 1933 By ALICE MORRILL RUGGLES All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this monograph or portions thereof in any form FOREWORD FOREWORD In 1921 when my mother was living in Cambridge Massachusetts I suggested that she write out her recollections of early life in the Middle West She demurred But I have ...
... The Ordinance of July 13th 1787 The Ordinance of July 13th 1 787 37 pioneer fathers that in all the slow and tedious processes of building up in cherishing organic ideas and giving them vitality in supporting their Nation and moulding its character in defending its life in time of extremest dangers they have borne their full share of patriotic service and may now pass that nation over with a clean record to posterity sending its ideas and principles onward in their mighty mission of dominion ...
... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS DEMOCRATIC POLITICS AND SECTIONALISM THE WILMOT PROVISO CONTROVERSY By Chaplain W Morrison Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 1967 viii244p index 600 In December 1844 Preston King an influential New York Democrat confessed that after the events of the past year he did not trust the South and Southern men His attitude was shared by another New Yorker G F Kemble who thought that a sectional party was needed to counteract the power of slavery in the Democratic party ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 393 left little or nothing to be desired in the treatment of his subject To the presentation of his facts he gives logical organization and from the results draws a judicial and convincing conclusion After a painstaking minute and unprejudiced investigation the author sums up the evidence -in his chapter on the Legal Aspects and the Equities - and elicits the verdict that the seating of Mr Hayes was a justifiable compromise of a doubtful perversion of political rights ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES HENRY CLYDE SHETRONE Henry Clyde Shetrone was born in Millersport Fairfield County Ohio August 10 1876 He was edu cated in the public schools and attended Denison University At an early age he became interested in archaeology and museums and soon began gathering the literature relating to these In 1913 the opportunity came to ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 429 Reviews Notes and Comments 429 REV NATHANIEL BARRETT COULSON LOVE Rev Nathaniel Barrett Coulson Love was born in Rushville Ohio October 29 1830 He died at his home in Perrysburg Ohio December 29 1922 He had therefore passed his ninety-second birthday He was one of the pioneer ministers of Ohio His father William Love was Scotch-Irish his mother Susannah Force was of English and Scotch-Irish descent Rev Love was educated in the common schools and privately taught ...
... Historical News Historical News THE WISCONSIN HISTORY FOUNDATION has been awarded a 45000 research and publication grant from Lilly Endowment Inc of Indianapolis Indiana in support of a three-year program on the history of the American Midwest About one-third of the grant will be used for grants-in-aid to post-doctoral scholars doing research on midwest history between the Civil War and World War I and the balance will be used for publication of the results of these studies as well as of ...
... JAMES M JAMES M MORRIS No Haymarketfor Cincinnati As the news spread from Chicago of the events of May 4 1886 a new word came to be emblazoned into the hearts and minds of the American people That wordconnoting fear revolution anarchism and terror-was Haymarket Every man reading the newspapers or talking with his friends and neighbors of the events of that day could not but be aware of the fact that the anarchists who had wormed their way into the bloodstream of American life had finally let ...