Ohio History Journal

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"General Session, 10:00 A.M., April 6, Ohio State Museum, Frank A. Livingston, Presiding," Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 275-276.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 275 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 275 mind gave way completely Wolfley begged his superiors to grant him leave and return him to Ohio Two days later on May 7 1844 the surgeon was admitted to the sick list as mentally deranged24 When the Decatur put in at Porto Praya Wolfley's commander determined to leave him in the hands of the United States Agent for the Cape Verde Islands The town of Porto Praya rests on a table-land high above the harbor of St Jago ...

"Kansas' Dead in France," by Whittier C. Mitchell. Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 145-146.
... KANSAS' DEAD IN FRANCE KANSAS' DEAD IN FRANCE BY WHITTIER C MITCHELL Leans from his warrior's heaven down John Brown Immortal Madman Brown Who shamed a nation by a deed Bolder than that of Winkelreid Swept to his dauntless breast the spears Of Freedom's foes and ere her tears Streamed on his bier with God's own fire Enkindled Slavery's funeral pyre That by its glare might all men see That all are bond till all are free He leans and smiles A measured tread Echoes up from the trenches red New ...

"The Political Judge: Justice John McLean's Pursuit of the Presidency" by Thomas E. Carney. Volume 111, pp.121-144, Summer-Autumn, 2002, pp. 121.
... Carney Summer-Autumn 2002 pp 121-144 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The Political Judge Justice John McLeans Pursuit of the Presidency By Thomas E Carney John McLean SC 3565 Ohio Historical Society Collections Introduction John McLean stands out as a singular figure in American legal history He was appointed to the United States Supreme Court by President Andrew Jackson in 1829 and served until his death in 1861 as ...

Volume 90, Number 2, Spring, 1981, pp. 160-190.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Threat of Peace James F Byrnes and the Council of Foreign Ministers 1945-1946 By Patricia Dawson Ward Kent Kent State University Press 1979 x 227p notes bibliography index 1250 The story goes that once when Lyndon Johnson was extolling the virtues of John F Kennedy's Harvard-educated government appointees to Sam Rayburn the venerable Speaker of the House replied You may be right but I wish some of them had at least run for sheriff The story might be apocryphal but ...

"Cincinnati: Athens of the West, 1830-1861," Volume 75, Number 1, Winter, 1966, pp. 10-25, notes 67-68.
... 10 OHIO HISTORY 10 OHIO HISTORY TO CINCINNATI by EDWARD A M'LAUGHLIN Fair is thy seat in soft recumbent rest Beneath the grove-clad hills whence morning wings The gentle breezes of the fragrant west That kiss the surface of a thousand springs Nature her many-colored mantle flings Around thee and adorns thee as a bride While polished Art his gorgeous tribute brings And dome and spire ascending far and wide Their pointed shadows dip in thy Ohio's tide So fair in infancy -- O what shall be Thy ...

"Fort Ancient, An Outline Description," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 313-315.
... Military Posts in the State of Ohio Military Posts in the State of Ohio 313 FORT ANCIENT AN OUTLINE DESCRIPTION The accompanying map from the survey made under my direction by Messrs Fowke and Cowen will acquaint the reader with the hillsides and the embankments The walls run in very crooked lines always following the brink of deep ravines twisting and turning in the directions which would afford best protection The following briefly narrated facts regarding the embankments should be carefully ...

"Economic Issues in Ohio's Politics During the Recession of 1857-1858," by B. W. Collins. Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 46-64.
... B B W COLLINS Economic Issues in Ohio's Politics During the Recession of 1857-1858 Historians are just beginning to integrate the study of local and state issues with the study of national issues in American politics For some periods federal issues are so important and interesting that state history tends to be reduced to a batch of mere case studies detailing the local impact of great national questions One period suffering acutely from such neglect is the 1850s Recently however state and ...

"Charles W. Heard, Victorian Architect," Volume 77, Number 4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 130a-142a, notes 174-175.
... 130 OHIO HISTORY 130 OHIO HISTORY not to be bound by the result23 Under these circumstances talk of a Hayes Garfield or other candidacy persisted Hayes lightened the tension perhaps by giving a reception Monday evening for the incoming Republican governor General Edward F Noyes It was attended by the warring factions and described by Hayes as A very lively happy thing24 Late on Tuesday evening two Republicans--a state senator and a representative--rang Hayes's doorbell They assured him that ...

"'Richest and Best / Is the Wine of the West': The Ohio River Valley and the Jewish Frontier" by Amy Hill Shevitz. Volume 112, pp. 4-18, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 4.
... Shevitz Winter-Spring 2003 pp 4-18 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved 147Richest and Best Is the Wine of the West148 The Ohio River Valley and the Jewish Frontier By Amy Hill Shevitz On July 3 1825 the small Jewish community of Cincinnati Ohio sent a fund-raising letter to the long-established congregation in Charleston South Carolina Appealing for financial assistance in the erection of a House to worship the God of our ...

"Asa S. Bushnell," by J. W. Atwood. Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 282-286.
... ASA S ASA S BUSHNELL REV J W ATWOOD Asa S Bushnell was born in Rome New York September 16 1834 and died in Columbus Ohio January 15 1 90 4 He came of a family long and honorably identified with the history and life of New England which included in its membership Horace Bushnell of Hartford one of the most forceful and original thinkers that America has produced its greatest theologian with the exception of Jonathan Edwards a great citizen and a profound scholar The family settled in ...

Volume 50, Number 2, April-June, 1941, pp. 171-204.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Guide to the Material in The National Archives Washington D C Government Printing Office 194 0 303p Paper 40 cloth 70 The first general guide to the materials in The National Archives made its appearance in 1938 as an Appendix to the Third Annual Report of the Archivist of the United States The present work is the successor to that initial guide and constitutes a key to some 320000 linear feet of records or those accessioned up to December 31 1939 It must be kept in ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 35-39.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Spring Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held Friday and Saturday 23-24 April 1993 at Wittenberg University The Oral History Association will hold its 1993 Annual Meeting on November 4-7 1993 at the Birmingham Raddison Hotel in Birmingham Alabama For more information write to Kim Lacy Rogers Department of History Dickinson College Carlisle Pennsylvania 17013-2896 The Forest History Society announces the availability of Alfred D Bell Jr ...

"Address of Joseph F. Tuttle, D.D." (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 132-137.
... ADDRESS OF JOSEPH F ADDRESS OF JOSEPH F TUTTLE DD PRESIDENT CHAPIN represents Wisconsin and the Congregational Church He brings a commission from Governor Rusk I don't know whom I represent One of the chief elements of success in Manasseh Cutler as a negotiator was not mentioned yesterday in the very beautiful and exhaustive discussion which was given by the gentleman who made the address He was spoken of as a brave man as a man of learning a man of courtesy but I think that one great element ...

Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 194-224.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS A Handbook to Aid in the Study of State amp Local History A Comprehensive Reference Book of Special Interest to Teachers in Ohio Schools Compiled by George F Jenny Columbus Ohio Sesquicentennial Commission 1953 124p 050 A Handbook to Aid in the Study of State amp Local History is at once the most comprehensive and the most challenging publication of its nature that has come to our desk Inspirational seems a misnomer for a work of this sort but it is just that Surely ...

"Three Anti-Slavery Newspapers: Published in Ohio Prior to 1823," Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 172-212.
... THREE ANTI-SLAVERY NEWSPAPERS THREE ANTI-SLAVERY NEWSPAPERS Published in Ohio Prior to 1823 BY ANNETTA C WALSH The names of three editors of newspapers published in Ohio during the first quarter of the nineteenth century are closely associated with the growth of the abolition movement in the United States The names of these editors are Charles Osborn Elisha Bates and Benjamin Lundy and to two of them at least Osborn1 and Lundy2 is attributed the honor of having been the originator of the ...

"Ohio's Tallest Building: The A.I.U. Citadel, at Columbus," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 135-142.
... Story of the First Geological Survey in Ohio 135 Story of the First Geological Survey in Ohio 135 Among the other books which contained useful reference material were Hasse's Economic Material in the Documents of the States Ohio II Ohio Second Geological Survey Columbus 1869 G P Merrill's The First Hundred Years of American Geology New Haven 1924 and for the biographical information Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography New York 1900 In the periodical and newspaper field the most ...

"Homes for Poverty's Children: Cleveland's Orphanages, 1851-1933," by Marian J. Morton. Volume 98, , Winter-Spring, 1989, pp. 5-22.
... MARIAN J MARIAN J MORTON Homes for Poverty's Children Cleveland's Orphanages 1851-1933 Orphanages were first and foremost responses to the poverty of children Although historians disagree over whether orphanage founders and other child-savers were villainous saintly or neither there is little disagreement that the children saved were poor When this becomes the focus of the story orphans appear less as victims of middle-class attempts to control or uplift them than as victims of poverty ...

"The Lecompton Issue in Knox County Politics: Division of the Democracy, 1858" Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 157-192.
... LORLE A LORLE A PORTER The Lecompton Issue in Knox County Politics Division of the Democracy 1858 The division of the Democratic party in 1857-58 over the issue of the Lecompton Constitution for Kansas proved to be a decisive turning point in American history President James Buchanan by accepting this semi-fradulent attempt to admit Kansas into the Union as a slave state bitterly divided the only remaining national party Senator Stephen A Douglas the Little Giant opposed the constitution and ...

"Four Cycles: A Centennial Ode," by May Lowe. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 109-117.
... FOUR CYCLES A CENTENNIAL ODE FOUR CYCLES A CENTENNIAL ODE Prepared in commemoration of the centennial anniversary of Pickaway County The Poem is descriptive of Circleville the county seat MAY LOWE PRELUDE The grape vine and the sycamore Cast shadows long and deep On the surface of the river Near whose banks the thousands sleepMen of mystery who from silence Of the dim past settled here Wrought their mighty deeds of valor Left a record written clear Of their learning and their prowess In the ...

"Burke Aaron Hinsdale," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 378-379.
... 378 Ohio Arch 378 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications friend and ardent admirer of and deep sympathizer with John Brown He wrote her a letter the night before his execution expressing his appreciation of her long friendship and his perfect resignation to his fate Well do we remember though at that time but a child of eight how on the morning of December 2 after the breakfast meal that mother at the morning invocation broke forth in a fervent prayer that Divine Providence would sustain John ...