Ohio History Journal

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"Charles Willing Byrd," by W. H. Burtner, Jr.. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 237-240.
... CHARLES WILLING BYRD CHARLES WILLING BYRD BY W H BURTNER JR The second secretary and acting governor of the Northwest Territory the first United States judge for Ohio district has had almost nothing printed of his life and endeavors Not ten lines can be found in the histories of Ohio His bones now lie forgotten in a little township cemetery back of the new school house at Sinking Springs Highland County Ohio He was born at Westover Charles County Virginia July 26 1770 He came to Kentucky in ...

"Dr. John Locke, Early Ohio Scientist (1792-1856)," Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 346-373.
... DR DR JOHN LO CKE EARLY OHIO SCIENTIST 1792-1856 by ADOLPH E W AL LER Associat e P rofessor and Curator of the Botan ic Gard en Oh io S ta te University The nineteenth century in the United States suddenly swung into its expanding programs of research and education No one was prepared for the impact of the increasing realization of the power over nature which man now possessed The illusion of the perfectibility of all men through knowledge stretched undimmed The inherent weaknesses of man and ...

See Book Reviews. Volume 112, Book Notes pp. 62-63, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 38.
... BookReviews Winter-Spring 2003 pp 38-63 PDF of Book Reveiws CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved and Book Notes Ohio The History of a People By Andrew R L Cayton Reviewed by H Roger Grant Buckeye Women The History of Ohios Daughters By Stephane Elise Booth Reviewed by Phyllis F Field Visions of Place The City Neighborhoods Suburbs and Cincinnatis Clifton 1850-2000 By Zane L Miller Reviewed by Dan Kearns Carl B Stokes and the Rise of Black ...

"Last Contributed Article: Newspapers Read by the Ohio Pioneers," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 145-153.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 14 5 LAST CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE The following contribution was the last written by Mr Randall for publication It appeared in the issues of The Ohio Newspaper for November and December 1919 NEWSPAPERS READ BY THE OHIO PIONEERS Maxwell's Centinel of the Northwestern Territory its Contemporaries and Immediate Successors -Journals Now More Than a Century Old BY EMILIUS 0 RANDALL LL D Journalism led the van of literary culture in its advance into the ...

"The Rise and Decline of the Cheese Industry in Lorain County," Volume 69, Number 1, January, 1960, pp. 32-57.
... The Rise and Decline of The Rise and Decline of The Cheese Industry In Lorain County By FRANK C VAN CLEEF THE SECTION OF OHIO NOW KNOWN AS LORAIN COUNTY was first settled about 1820 The ensuing three decades saw the southerly and westerly portion of the Western Reserve being cleared of forests and the land put into pastures and meadows The soil the topography and the climate proved to be quite ideally adapted to dairy farming And so this entire section in a period of thirty to forty years was ...

"Origin of Public Education in Ohio, The," by William McAlpine. Volume 38, Number 3, July, 1929, pp. 409-447.
... THE ORIGIN OF PUBLIC EDUCATION IN OHIO THE ORIGIN OF PUBLIC EDUCATION IN OHIO BY WILLIAM MC ALPINE M A A certain very excellent history of education says that in Ohio public education was a victory of the New England element over the other parts of Ohio's population In the same work there are certain maps taken from Mathews' Expansion of New England Certain parts of the state where the New England population is supposed to have predominated are marked white The remainder is black The ...

"Excavation of the Coon Mound and an Analysis of the Adena Culture," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 366-523.
... EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE ADENA CULTURE E F GREENMAN CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE ADENA CULTURE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introductory Note 369 General Features of the Coon Mound 370 Contents of the Mound 375 The Burial 375 The Tomb 379 The Gravel Circle 387 The Horizontal Log-Molds 392 The Passage 397 Reconstruction 4 00 Conclusion 408 The Adena ...

"Dedication of Memorial Wing," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 615-616.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 615 Reviews Notes and Comments 615 Judged impartially at this distance it looks a little as though neither Brooks nor Burlingame was eager to fight a duel Of course each naturally desired the public to think that he was not lacking in courage to meet the other in mortal combat While it would doubtless have been dangerous for Brooks to travel through the hostile North direct to Canada had the public been advised of his going a journey to the point designated seems not ...

"Cleveland's Johnson: The Cabinet," Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 375-390.
... Cleveland's Johnson The Cabinet Cleveland's Johnson The Cabinet By EUGENE C MURDOC K Anyone who studies the life of Tom L Johnson always is impressed by the close ties of love and loyalty that bound his co-workers to him Even stout enemies conceded that Johnson had a compelling personal appeal Tempestuous Charles A Otis Jr who spent over a million dollars trying to unseat the mayor recalls Johnson's thrilling personableness You couldn't know him without liking him Otis observed William R ...

"In Memoriam: James Steward Hine," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 559-560.
... In Memoriam 559 In Memoriam 559 State In financial circles he had attained success and a creditable record He was a trusted counselor and a man whose judgment was highly regarded by his fellow members on the Board of Trustees and the staff of the Society Mr Wood was born in Bradford County Pennsylvania October 3 1863 In 1879 he came to Columbus where he was subsequently identified with different financial institutions In 1922 he was made General Manager of the Ohio State Savings Association ...

Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 164-179.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Old Northwest as the Keystone of the Arch of American Federal Union A Study in Commerce and Politics By A L Kohlmeier Bloomington Indiana The Principia Press Inc 1938 257p This interesting if somewhat tedious monograph is a study of the economic or commercial development and political importance of the Old Northwest down to the Civil War The Old Northwest with its vast expanse of fertile soil and its other resources soon attracted a large population In the course ...

"Edgar Stillman-Kelley, Ohio Composer," by Ophia D. Smith. Volume 49, Number 1, January, 1940, pp. 68-77.
... EDGAR STILLMAN-KELLEY OHIO COMPOSER EDGAR STILLMAN-KELLEY OHIO COMPOSER By OPHIA D SMITH Among the outstanding men of Ohio is Edgar StillmanKelley the dean of American composers For sixty years he has enriched the musical literature of the world Contemporaneous with Edward McDowell Horatio Parker George Chadwick and Arthur Foote he struggled as they did for recognition in a day when only Europeans could win applause Edgar Kelley was born in Sparta Wisconsin on April 14 1857 the first child ...

"Report of the Committee on Historical Societies," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 263-266.
... Fortieth Annual Meeting 263 Fortieth Annual Meeting 263 healthy condition even though it carries the scars of the damage caused by storm three years ago The General Gibson Grove that was planted a year ago is growing with few losses and they are being replaced Thousands of people continue to visit this historic old tree annually On October 4th the Ohio History Day Association held its annual meeting at the Park and with most unfavorable weather conditions had more than 3000 people present Mr ...

Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 398-420.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Baseball The Early Years By Harold Seymour New York Oxford University Press 1960 viii373p illustrations bibliographical note and index 750 The author of this important volume started as a bat boy with the Brooklyn Dodgers earned a PhD in history at Cornell and now is an associate professor in a New York college He knows and loves his baseball and he knows his American history and so he has given us what is without question the best book on the subject In the present ...

Volume 62, Number 2, April, 1953, pp. 192-210.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Life and Times of Daniel Lindley 1801-80 Missionary to the Zulus Pastor of the Voortrekkers Ubebe Omhlope By Edwin W Smith New York Library Publishers 1952 xxx456p illustrations end-paper maps biographical table glossary and index 550 This is a record of the colorful and adventurous career of one of the first American missionaries in South Africa The name of Daniel Lindley has been perpetuated in the name of a town in South Africa and a large airplane has been ...

"Ohio Banking Institutions, 1803-1866," by A. B. Coover. Volume 21, Numbers 2 & 3, April-July, 1912, pp. 296-320.
... OHIO BANKING INSTITUTIONS 1803 TO 1866 OHIO BANKING INSTITUTIONS 1803 TO 1866 BY A B COOVER A bank as we understand and use the word is simply a plan of organizing capital by which the full benefits of the latter are secured The separate means of individuals are united together and a large sum thus constituted is hired out at interest to those who need it This combination and the manner of its use may be compared to a dam across a valley and the accumulation in one body the water of separate ...

"Fort St. Clair" (OHS Committee Report) Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 581-582.
... Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 581 Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 581 FORT ST CLAIR Mr H R McPherson read the report of the Committee as follows As chairman of The Fort St Clair Committee I have the honor to report as follows Since securing possession of Fort St Clair December 1923 the following work has been performed on the grounds Purchased 280 rods of wire for fence and new posts for 80 rods of old wire fence A total of 360 rods of fence has been erected Four hundred and ninety-one steel posts ...

"Ohio in Africa," Volume 51, Number 2, April-June, 1942, pp. 79-88.
... OHIO IN AFRICA OHIO IN AFRICA By EDWARD WESLEY SHUNK The fortunes of the American Colonization Society and its auxiliaries in Ohio were at an extremely low ebb in the 1840's and the failure of the Constitutional Convention of 1850-1851 to aid the cause further depressed its members Yet an amazing spurt of activity in the 1850's almost turned the tables The appointment of a really competent agent David Christy added to the collections from Ohio until the yearly contributions averaged over 2000 ...

"Eleventh Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society for the Year February 19, 1895 to February 18, 1896," Volume 5, Annual, August, 1897, pp. 275-290.
... ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT ELEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR THE YEAR FEBRUARY 19 1895 TO FEBRUARY 18 1896 GEN R BRINKERHOFF President E O RANDALL Secretary COLUMBUS O JANUARY 1896 275 To His Excellency ASA S To His Excellency ASA S BUSHNELL Go v er n or of Ohio SIR I have the honor to submit herewith the eleventh annual report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society covering the year from February 19 1895 to February 18 1896 This ...

"Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry: A View from the Inside, The," by Stephen Z. Starr. Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 306-318.
... STEPHEN Z STEPHEN Z STARR The Third Ohio Volunteer Cavalry A View from the Inside Anyone sufficiently interested in a Civil War regiment to make an intensive study of its history would normally begin with the Official Records Its 128 ponderous volumes contain a bare chronicle telling where the regiment was at any given time which larger units it was a part of from time to time and what its varying fortunes were in the scouts expeditions skirmishes fights and battles in which all or parts of it ...