... An Ohio Farmer's Account of Morgan's Raid An Ohio Farmer 's Account of Morgan's Raid Edited by ARVILLE L FUNK A LTH OUG H OHIO contributed soldiers to all of the major battles of the Civil War the state itself was to know war only through an exciting thirteen-day invasion of its borders by The Thunderbolt of the Confederacy General John Hunt Morgan and his Confederate cavalry division The purpose of the raid through Kentucky Indiana and Ohio in July 1863 was to divert federal troops in these ...
... Public Opinion and the Chinese Question 1876-1879 by GARY PENNANEN Diplomatic problems are not considered to have been of much consequence during the presidency of Rutherford B Hayes While not many preWorld War I judgments concerning the history of the period have escaped revisionism an assessment of Hayes's diplomacy made by Charles R Williams in 1914 has withstood the test of time Few subjects of large importance in the foreign relations of the Government demanded action or attention during ...
... LEONARD SCHLUP LEONARD SCHLUP The Sage of Athens Charles H Grosvenor and Presidential Politics in Ohio in 1908 Now largely forgotten by Ohioans Charles H Grosvenor 1833-1917 was an important political figure in Ohio during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries An Athens lawyer and veteran of the Civil War Grosvenor entered state politics in 1873 upon his election to the Ohio House of Representatives where he served as speaker from 1876 to 1878 He reached the pinnacle of his ...
... HOMES OF THE MOUND BUILDERS HOMES OF THE MOUND BUILDERS WILLIAM JACKSON ARMSTRONG Col W J Armstrong was inspector of the United States consulates under the administrations of President Grant He is the author of Siberia and the Nihilists The Heroes of Defeat etc - EDITOR The Mound Builder is still a mystery His story has not been told He is not yet intelligibly tangent to any known race He is not only prehistoric but unconnected His clues are shy and evasive lacking the thread of either written ...
... THE GATEWAYS TO FORT ANCIENT THE GATEWAYS TO FORT ANCIENT BY THOS J BROWN During a recent visit to Fort Ancient after a period of several years I was greatly impressed by the improvements that have taken place there since I have been acquainted with the fort My visits to it were begun forty-seven years ago and have been repeated at short intervals until late years then not so often When I first saw it and continuing until about the time the State acquired title to it it was one of the most ...
... KATHLEEN M KATHLEEN M DILLON Painters and Patrons The Fine Arts in Cincinnati 1820-1860 In short we should foster western genius encourage western writers patronize western publishers augment the number of western readers and create a western heart1 -Daniel Drake 1833 Dr Daniel Drake a Cincinnati physician and public benefactor made his plea for a distinctly western culture at a gathering of Ohio and Kentucky teachers in 1833 If the arts received public support Drake believed Cincinnati and ...
... OHIO RAILROADS OHIO RAILROADS BY R S KAYLER STATE COMMISSIONER OF RAILROADS Ohio was among the first of the States to commence the building of railroads As early as 1832 when there were but two hundred and twenty-nine miles of railroad in operation in the United States a special charter was granted by the State of Ohio for the construction of a railroad to extend from Sandusky Huron County to Dayton Montgomery County a distance of one hundred and fifty-six miles The road was completed as far ...
... 418 Ohio Arch 418 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications exercises of the day were presided over by Mr Emil Schlup retiring president of the Pioneer Association The election of the officers for the ensuing year resulted in the selection of Mr Amos Nye as president and of the re-election of Mr Mark Karr as secretary An interesting program of music and speeches was successfully carried out Music was furnished by the Adrian Cornet Band composed of E K Ewing Eugene Ewing Fred Ewing Thomas Reardan ...
... INDEX TO MORAVIAN RECORDS INDEX TO MORAVIAN RECORDS VOL 2 A Black Art Known by Indian preachers 78 Abraham convert assists Zeisberger 36 78 43 53-55 57 59 67 71 73 74 76 78 Bonn John goes west with Zeisberger 43 53-55 57 59 67 71 73 74 76 78 79 81 98 100 102-103 8 returns 9 Achgohunt see Echgohund Bread expensive 95 Africa entered by the Moravians 3 Bread and butter served at lunch by Algiers entered by the Moravians 3 Indian 44 Allemewi Chief influenced 61 65 sends Brukker Moravian missionary ...
... BOOK REVIEWS THE LIBERTY LINE THE LEGEND OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD By Larry Gara Lexington University of Kentucky Press 1961 xi201p index 500 Although the underground railroad was a reality much of the material relating to it belongs in the realm of folklore rather than history Most legends have many versions and the story of the underground railroad is no exception Few people can provide details when asked about the institution Specific information is usually crowded out by vague ...
... 198 198 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications learned and was a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Joseph Green Butler Jr married Harriet Voorhes Ingersoll of Honesdale Pennsylvania January 10 1866 Of this union were born Mrs Blanche Butler Ford Mrs Grace Ingersoll Butler McGraw and Mr Henry A Butler The latter two survive Mrs Butler died in 1921 Mr Butler was familiarly known as Uncle Joe and his wide circle of acquaintances and friends felt a personal loss ...
... DANIEL HOSMER GARD DANIEL HOSMER GARD At the close of the American Revolution when the Great West was still an unknown vastness save from the tales brought out by leather and fur clothed traders or scouts fortune and fancy invited and beckoned the settlers of the Colonies to come and partake of its virgin fertility The Continental Congress which was without funds desiring to strike the popular chord pleasing to the ear of those who had fought and starved in this dismal battle for Freedom ...
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 101 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 101 for the purpose of recapturing the lost arts of prehistoric man in the utilization of flint and other lithic materials and for the establishment of a laboratory of actual materials to be used for purposes of comparison This project it will be recalled was financed by Messrs Arthur C Johnson and H Preston Wolfe pending other sources of support The Director had hoped that the Lithic Laboratory might become a ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Life of Mr Justice Clarke A Testament to the Power of Liberal Dissent in America By Hoyt Landon Warner Cleveland Western Reserve University Press 1959 ix232p frontispiece bibliography and index 500 In the past few years there has been a marked revival of interest in the United States Supreme Court as is shown by the flood of articles monographs and books that have appeared on the court and its members Such interest may reach a high point when the full-length study ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Charles Summer and the Coming of the Civil War By David Donald New York Alfred A Knopf 1960 xvii392xxiv p illustrations bibliography and index 675 The War for the Union By Allan Nevins Volume II War Becomes Revolution New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1960 xiv557p illustrations maps bibliography appendices and index 750 Charles Sumner played a prominent role in the Civil War era as an abolitionist senator from Massachusetts before the war as chairman of the committee ...
... Charles F Charles F Brush and the First Public Electric Street Lighting System in America By MEL GORMAN THE DEVELOPMENT OF street lighting is one of the most important factors which can be considered in gauging the social history of urban life Until the middle of the eighteenth century there was very little incentive for the dweller to leave his house after dark but with the advent of the industrial revolution the tempo of life exerted more and more pressure of activities which could not be ...
... FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN AND BALDWIN-WALLACE FRANKFURT-AM-MAIN AND BALDWIN-WALLACE COLLEGE by F A NORWOOD Associate Professor of History Baldwin-Wallace College Without German Pietism John Wesley would not have had a warming of the heart He would have remained a devoted strict churchman somewhat bigoted fulfilling his ecclesiastical duties unflinchingly but he would never have gained access to the hearts of the multitudes he would not have kindled a fire that enlightened and warmed the hearts and ...
... Suggestions for a Plan of County Suggestions for a Plan of County Organization Charles Dick Lays the Groundwork for the Campaign of 1896 Edited by THOMAS E FELT CAMPAIGN textbooks for the party faithful have been used to inspire electoral success for close to a hundred years in this country and were the document published below just another one of this familiar species it would deserve no particular notice But this is a campaign textbook with a difference Where its more conventional brothers ...
... BOOK REVIEWS ULYSSES S GRANT CHRONOLOGY By John Y Simon Introduction by Bruce Catton Columbus Ohio Historical Society for the Ulysses S Grant Association and the Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission 1963 39p Paper 150 Historians long have experienced difficulty assessing Ulysses S Grant's true role in American history A complex man Grant was a product of his times a man possessed of both the strengths and the weaknesses of the age For years the fame of Lincoln and Lee overshadowed that of the ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR THOMAS BARTLEY ACTING GOVERNOR AND JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF OHIO Singular though it may seem the biographies of Judge Bartley that have appeared from time to time in Ohio publications are without exception incomplete Beyond the record of the fact that he served a short time as governor to fill out the unexpired term of Wilson Shannon who had been appointed ...