Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For shakers

"With John Burroughs in His Favorite Haunts," by G. Clyde Fisher. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 676-683.
... 676 Ohio Arch 676 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tiers of imperishable renown such as our Millikans Eliots Burbanks Fords Shapleys and Grenfells have given the world Professor Hulbert was generously applauded at the conclusion of his address Dr Thompson then introduced the second speaker of the afternoon Dr G Clyde Fisher Curator of Visual Instruction in the American Museum of Natural History New York City Dr Fisher is a native Ohioan whose scholarly attainments and enviable record ...

"Hoover Vignette, A," by Phillip R. Shriver. Volume 92, , Annual, 1982, pp. 74-82.
... 74 OHIO HISTORY 74 OHIO HISTORY and midwestern conditions4 Moreover there survives an excellent combination of materials describing the topic in the state documents which outline the structure of public finance and inspection in the BOSC reports written by Byers which graphically portray conditions in the institutions and conflicts between local governments and the state authorities and in Albert Byers's own diaries and a brief but interesting file of letters sent to him in his official ...

"Thomas Ewing, Sr.: Ohio's Advocate for a National Bank," by Abby L. Gilbert. Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 4-24.
... ABBY L ABBY L GILBERT Thomas Ewing Sr Ohio's Advocate for a National Bank Thomas Ewing Sr lawyer Ohio Senator and Cabinet officer who asserted we must have a National Bank and Abbott Lawrence Massachusetts industrialist politician statesman and philanthropist who firmly believed the currency of this wide extended country never could be properly regulated without some great central controlling power over the State banks were very influential in the attempt to charter a third national bank in ...

"Introduction," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 32, Number 1, January, 1923, pp. 1-6.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS INTRODUCTION A wide interest attaches to everything that is said or written of Abraham Lincoln Ohioans will be pleased to review the authentic historic record that links his name and fame with the Buckeye state The monograph on the following pages presents for the first time in chronological order Lincoln's contact with Ohio and the relation of our state and its prominent public men to the crisis through which our Nation passed in the Civil ...

"Ohio Democracy and the Crisis of Disunion, 1860-1861, The," by Eric J. Cardinal. Volume 86, Number 1, Winter, 1977, pp. 19-40.
... ERIC J ERIC J CARDINAL The Ohio Democracy and the Crisis of Disunion 1860-1861 One of the least understood political groups in American history has been the northern Democratic party during the Civil War Their contemporary Republican foes vilified them as traitors and subsequent historians have for the most part agreed with that verdict1 Political partisanship ideological conflicts and wartime passions account for the original animus it is less clear why scholars have tended to follow so ...

"Urban Political Change in the Progressive Era," by James R. Richardson. Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 310-321.
... JAMES F JAMES F RICHARDSON Urban Political Change in the Progressive Era The nature and sources of political change in the early twentieth century are among the favorite topics for assessment and reassessment among American historians The degree of concern is understandable for the Progressive period witnessed considerable expansion in governmental functions and major changes in governmental structure This transformation in form and function was perhaps more pronounced in the nation's cities ...

"William McKinley and the Tariff," by H. Wayne Morgan. Volume 74, Number 4, Autumn, 1965, pp. 215-231, notes 277-279.
... William McKinley and the Tariff William McKinley and the Tariff by H WAYNE MORGAN Two issues the currency and the tariff dominated national party politics in the years after the election of 1876 had eased the major conflicts of Reconstruction Historians generally tend to dismiss the tariff issue or to argue that politicians used it to divert public attention from more important problems It was far from irrelevant however since it involved the two most basic problems of the time the nature of ...

"Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance: The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews for the Year 1795-III, A," edited by Richard C. Knopf. Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 238-268.
... A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance A Surgeon's Mate at Fort Defiance The Journal of Joseph Gardner Andrews For the Year 1795--III Edited by R I CHARD C KNOPF This is the third and last installment of the Andrews journal The ague which Andrews noted on August 21 had commenced among the soldiery of the Garrison now in September attacks in force By October 1 two-thirds of the ninety-four persons on the post including Andrews are affected with it Then it withdraws though on October 29 twenty-three ...

"Historians and Their Helpers," Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 154-164.
... HISTORIANS AND THEIR HELPERS HISTORIANS AND THEIR HELPERS by JOHN HALL STEWART Associate Professor of History Western Reserve University For far too many years far too many people have been calling themselves--or permitting others to call them--historians I have been conscious of this ever since I first entered the ranks of what we academic folk like to think of as the professional historians But I was never as fully aware of the dangers inherent in this common practice until I began to ...

Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 380-383.
... Historical News Historical News THE INLAND RIVERS LIBRARY o f the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County has acquired during the past year two large collections of photographs of boats and other river subjects One collection was the gift of Captain Frederick Way Jr and the other is composed of prints of negatives in the Howard National Steamboat Museum The library acquired also by gift a collection from the Greene Line which includes photographs log books account books menus and ...

"Joint Committee Plans for Archival Surveys," Volume 43, Number 3, July, 1934, pp. 301-306.
... Report of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting 301 Report of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting 301 JOINT COMMITTEE PLANS FOR ARCHIVAL SURVEYS By T R SCHELLENBERG It is quite obvious to research students that in the past thirty years the amount of printed matter has increased in geometric ratio Today students are literally engulfed with a mass of materials many of which are printed on a cheap wood-pulp paper which crumbles to dust after a few decades but which reflect quite accurately the passing ...

"Elias Loomis and the Loomis Observatory," Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 157-170.
... Elias Loomis and the Loomis Observatory Elias Loomis and the Loomis Observatory By BONNIE S STADELMAN ON APRIL 14 1836 the trustees of Western Reserve College in Hudson Ohio made some very significant decisions Their meeting opened with prayer as usual and eventually the discussion turned to the vacancy in the mathematics and natural philosophy department The Rev Jarvis Gregg had been filling this position but he was appointed to the chair of sacred rhetoric making it necessary to appoint a ...

"'Nothing to Advertise Except God': Christian Radio and the Creation of an Evangelical Subculture in Northeast Ohio, 1958-1972," by Jay D. Green. Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 171-191.
... JAY D JAY D GREEN Nothing to Advertise Except God Christian Radio and the Creation of an Evangelical Subculture in Northeast Ohio 1958-1972 How I praise God for friends like you exclaimed an excited Elise Marshall in a 1961 letter There have been times in my life when I felt very lonely Now I have many friends who love my precious Lord the same as I do and I have sweet fellowship with each one of you even though I may never see you1 Testimonials like this were frequent in the 1960s among an ...

"The Corwin Amendment in the Secession Crisis," by R. Alton Lee. Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 1-26.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 70 NUMBER 1 J A N U A R Y 1961 The Corwin Amendment In the Secession Crisis By R ALTON LEE THE ELECTION of a Republican president in November 1860 on a platform opposed to further extension of slavery sparked the secession of South Carolina from the United States Between December 20 1860 and February 1 1861 the other six cotton states followed South Carolina out of the Union Never since the world began was there a more ...

"Reminiscences of A Surveyor," Volume 45, Number 2, April, 1936, pp. 151-160.
... REMINISCENCES OF A SURVEYOR1 REMINISCENCES OF A SURVEYOR1 By JAMES T WEED In November 1888 I was elected county surveyor of Gallia County Ohio and on the first Monday of January 1889 I assumed the duties of the office In the forty-five years since then I have done a great deal of surveying of land and city lots and highways and a little in mines Most of this work has been in Gallia County though I have practiced a little in the adjoining counties of Jackson and Vinton in nearby West Virginia ...

"Frederick Grimke and American Civilization: A Jacksonian Jurist's Appraisal," by Maxwell Bloomfield. Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 5-16, notes 89.
... The three decades preceding the American Civil War appear in retrospect as an era of intellectual as well as political turbulence Everywhere the forces of romantic subjectivism were gaining ground at the expense of longestablished modes of thought and behavior In religion the revivalist spirit placed the heart above the head and swept away the discipline imposed by ecclesiastical formalism in philosophy the mechanistic sensationalism of Locke yielded to more intuitive approaches to the problem ...

"Ohio Agriculture Today," Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 259-271.
... Ohio Agriculture Today Ohio Agriculture Today By L L RUMMELL Ohio the Gateway State--where the industrial East meets the agricultural West--is still a giant among the farm states Although only thirty-fifth in size still it ranks usually about eighth or ninth in income from the sale of the products of its farms Add to the farm income the non-farm income of those who farm part time and the total income of Ohio farmers would be even higher surely above that of those states which do not have the ...

"Study of History-A Hindrance or a Help in the Perfecting of International Organization, The," by K. C. Leebrick. Volume 50, Number 3, July-September, 1941, pp. 269-276.
... THE STUDY OF HISTORY--A HINDRANCE OR A HELP THE STUDY OF HISTORY--A HINDRANCE OR A HELP IN THE PERFECTING OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION By K C LEEBRICK This statement was made by Nicholas Murray Butler at the 184th Commencement of Columbia University June 1 1938 Ideas and principles as well as kings can abdicate There are many disturbing signs--and not in Europe or in Asia alone--that Democracy is moving in no small measure unconsciously toward abdication The long and steady progress of ...

Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 210-213.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy By William Wade Hinshaw Richmond Ind Friends Book and Supply House distributors 1937 Vol I 1185p 2000 with discount to libraries and Meetings Genealogy which is an auxiliary of historical science has been defined as the systematic account of the origin descent and relations of families Genealogical knowledge becomes of great importance in many ways both as to individual interests and as an aid in interpreting historical ...

"Report of the Building Committee for the Library and Stack-Room Addition the Hayes Memorial Building, Spiegel Grove State Park, Fremont, Ohio," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 623-627.
... Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 623 Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 623 diers of Ohio who served in the World War also a similar resolution adopted October 18 1921' The approval of the State Architect has been secured to this partial construction Bids for the erection of this building are being opened at 1000 A M today Plans for the completed building and for that portion to be built at once are submitted for the inspection of the Society Studies for the proposed sculptural features of the front ...