Ohio History Journal

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"Sermon by Rev. John Moncure, Rector of St. Peter's Church," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 221-226.
... Sermon by Rev Sermon by Rev John Moncure 221 SERMON BY REV JOHN MONCURE RECTOR OF ST PETER'S CHURCH TEXTRemember the days of old consider the years of many generationsDeuteronomy 32 7 A hundred years in the history of a place affords a fruitful subject for study When we gaze through the vistas of past events and consider the whys and the wherefores and when we thus are brought into realization of the fact that the things which once appeared to men as through a glass darkly by the light of a ...

"John P. Parker: Black Abolitionist Entrepreneur, 1827-1900," Volume 80, Number 2, Spring, 1971, pp. 155-162.
... LOUIS WEEKS LOUIS WEEKS John P Parker Black Abolitionist Entrepreneur 1827-1900 As historians attempt to set the record straight--to recite for Americans the involvement of black people in all aspects of our national life--they will since the recovery of his Autobiography now be able to include more on the contributions of yet another outstanding Negro John P Parker of Ripley Ohio1 To be sure a few students of American history have already mentioned Parker Henry E Baker of the United States ...

Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 145-150.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews American Business and Foreign Policy 1920-1933 By JOAN HOFF WILSON Lexington University Press of Kentucky 1971 xvii 339p notes bibliography and index 1250 Since 1929 the preoccupation of historians with the role and ideology of business in American life has been intense Studies of the Gilded Age such as those by Matthew Josephson and Charles Beard looked upon businessmen as robber barons in domestic affairs During the isolationist decade capitalists became those ...

"Children's Hospital (Delivered September 15, 1922)," by James Edwin Campbell. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 53-56.
... Recent Addresses of James Edwin Campbell 53 Recent Addresses of James Edwin Campbell 53 neath rest those whom we call The Dead but they are not dead And dare ye call that dying The dignity sublime Which gains a furlough from the grave and then reports to time Doth the earth give up the daisies to a little sun and rain And keep at their roots the heroes while weary ages wane Sling up thy trumpet Israel Sweet bugler of our God For nothing waits thy summons beneath this broken sod The deadest of ...

Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 204-218.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Union amp Emancipation Essays on Politics and Race in the Civil War Era Edited by David W Blight and Brooks D Simpson Kent Ohio The Kent State University Press 1997 x 231p illustrations notes selected bibliography index 3500 Examining the impact of slavery and race on American politics and culture during the decades surrounding the Civil War this collection of essays is especially useful for scholars of northern party politics in the 1850s In the first of three essays ...

"Warren Gamaliel Harding," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 554-570.
... 55 4 WARREN GAMALIEL HARDING WARREN GAMALIEL HARDING BY C B GALBREATH Since the founding of our government six Presidents of the United States have died in office Three of these were native sons of Ohio and one William Henry Harrison when elected to that high office was and for twenty-six years had been a citizen of this state Three of the six fell at the hands of assassins and two of these Garfield and McKinley were Ohioans The passing of all these was attended with widespread and sincere ...

"Ohio Adult Penal System, 1850-1900: A Study in the Failure of Institutional Reform," Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 236-262.
... JOHN PHILLIPS RESCH JOHN PHILLIPS RESCH Ohio Adult Penal System 1850-1900 A Study in the Failure of Institutional Reform Throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century Ohio prison reformers tried to recast the state's penal system so that it would rehabilitate criminals and restore them to productive citizenship By 1884 reformers succeeded in their efforts to secure legislation to rehabilitate adult criminals through classification job training moral and academic classes reduction of ...

"Possible Cultural Affiliation of Flint Disk Caches, The," by H. Holmes Ellis. Volume 49, Number 2, April, 1940, pp. 111-120.
... THE POSSIBLE CULTURAL AFFILIATION OF THE POSSIBLE CULTURAL AFFILIATION OF FLINT DISK CACHES By H HOLMES ELLIS Over a period of some seventy-five years archaeological publications have carried occasional references to finds of unused circular or ovoid flat roughly-chipped blanks of flint buried in what have been termed ceremonial or storage caches The Lithic Laboratory for the Eastern United States at the Museum of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society has been able to locate by ...

"Accessions to Museum Collections: October 1, 1926 to September 1, 1927," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 600-605.
... 600 Ohio Arch 600 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The Registrar has reported the additions to the Museum from Oct o ber 1 1926 to September 1 1927 as follows Accessions to Museum Collections October 1 1 926 to September 1 1 927 The most important additions to the Archaeological collection aside from the material secured by explorations have been the collections of the late Dr G Miesse Lancaster Ohio which was bequeathed to the Society of Mr C O Tracy Bexley Ohio presented by his son Mr ...

"The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society, Organized March 13, 1885. Articles of Incorporation, Synopsis of By-Laws and List of Members, From Date of Organization until February 19, 1891," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 317-328.
... THE OHIO THE OHIO Archaeological and Historical Society ORGANIZED MARCH 13 1885 Articles of Incorporation Synopsis of By-Laws and List of Members FROM DATE OF ORGANIZATION UNTIL FEBRUARY 19 1891 317 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION The undersigned citizens of Ohio having associated themselves together and desiring to form a corporation not for profit under the laws of said State of Ohio do hereby subscribe and acknowledge the following articles of incorporation 1 The ...

"The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935," by Sidney Fine. Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 326-356.
... The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935 The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935 By SIDNEY FINE IN THE SPRING OF 1935 at a time when the fortunes of the automobile workers organized into American Federation of Labor federal locals were at a low ebb a strike at the Toledo plant of the Chevrolet Motor Company brought Chevrolet production all over the United States to a standstill caused the great General Motors Corporation to retreat from its policy of refusing to negotiate with strikers and resulted in ...

Volume 110, , Winter-Spring, 2001, pp. 85-113.
... Book Reviews Winter-Spring 2001 pp 85-115 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page BOOK REVIEWS and Book Notes Battle For The Soul Meacutetis Children Encounter Evangelical Protestants at Mackinaw Mission 1823-1837 By Keith R Widder East Lansing The Michigan State University Press 1999 xxiv 254p illustrations ...

"McCarthyism Before McCarthy: Anti-Communism in Cincinnati and the Nation During the Election of 1944," by Michael J. Anderson. Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 5-28.
... MICHAEL J MICHAEL J ANDERSON McCarthyism Before McCarthy Anti-Communism in Cincinnati and the Nation During the Election of 1944 The wave of intense anti-communist sentiment that swept over the United States in the years following the Second World War sometimes called the second red scare1 had a great impact on American society Political debate came to be dominated by the desire of both major parties to appear tough on international communism The political Left historically not a major force ...

Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 101-113.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS List of Documents Concerning the Negotiation of Ratified Indian Treaties 1801-1869 Compiled by John H Martin Special List No 6 Washington National Archives 1949 iii 175p appendix One of the most ambitious archival endeavors in progress today is being conducted by the United States through its National Archives The methods of record keeping employed are efficiently designed to make possible a maximum use by scholars and government officials To obviate the necessity of ...

"Report and Minutes, Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 203-218, 233-235.
... THE GENEALOGICAL SECTION THE GENEALOGICAL SECTION REPORTED BY HELEN S FULLER The joint session of the Columbus Genealogical Society and the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society took place at 7 PM April 1 in the auditorium of the Ohio State Museum Frank A Livingston presided and John F Carlisle presented a paper on William Holmes McGuffey His History and Genealogy in which he pointed out McGuffey's position concerning the selection of reading material adapted to the minds of ...

"The Bellville Gold Region," by A. J. Baughman. Volume 13, Number 1, January, 1904, pp. 83-87.
... THE BELLVILLE GOLD REGION THE BELLVILLE GOLD REGION A J BAUGHMAN Some Mansfield men who have had mining experiences in the West and in the Klondike recently visited the gold region north of Bellville Ohio and although the visits were made more out of curiosity than from business motives curiosity has been aroused as to whether prospecting will be resumed and some who are not familiar with the history of the locality ask Has gold ever been found in that region Yes it has been found there ...

Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , 1920, pp. 561-581.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXIX INDEX TO VOLUME XXIX Abenakis See Abinakis Auditors report of 495-503 Abinakis 336 440 Avolachy 186 188 Adams Gilbert C presentation of archaeological specimens by 507 Backus Elijah 147 Advocate and Tribune 153 Bailey Abby extracts from journal of Akron Germania attitude on peace negorelative to visit of Lafayette to Cintiations following the World War 52 cinnati 260-263 53 54 61 66 69 73 75 76 78 Baker Newton D at Spiegel Grove Park Alexander T B telegram from 544-545 328 ...

Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 75-78.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Howe Brothers and the American Revolu t ion By IRA D GRUBER New York Atheneum 1972 notes and index 1495 Why some twenty years after it had won the world's greatest empire did Great Britain have to admit military defeat to a small number of colonists on the periphery of that empire This question has perplexed historians for generations and the literature explaining the reasons fills library shelves Current historiography points to a combination of an ideological ...

"The Mounds of Florida and Their Builders," Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 445-454.
... THE MOUNDS OF FLORIDA AND THEIR BUILDERS THE MOUNDS OF FLORIDA AND THEIR BUILDERS REV J F RICHMOND Mr Richmond now resident of McConnelsville Ohio was born and educated in New York in which city he was for many years pastor of a prominent Methodist Episcopal Church He is the author of several books For twenty years he made his home in Florida where he improved the opportunity of giving thoughtful investigation to the so-called Indian Mounds and the various theories concerning the race that ...

"Report of Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Held in the Museum and Library Building of the Society, March 26, 1931," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 549-554.
... REPORT OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF REPORT OF ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY HELD IN THE MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING OF THE SOCIETY MARCH 26 1 931 The Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual meeting March 26 1931 at 2 o'clock p m in the trustees' room of the Museum and Library Building The following members were present Johnson Bareis Florence Orton Spetnagel Goodman and Hinkle ...