Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Itinerant Painting in Ohio: Origins and Implications," by Barbara Groseclose. Volume 90, Number 2, Spring, 1981, pp. 129-140.
... BARBARA GROSECLOSE BARBARA GROSECLOSE Itinerant Painting In Ohio Origins and Implications Among the most intriguing features of Ohio's art history is the role of itinerant painting in the development of the region's arthow and why itinerant painting occurred what implications the itinerant experience had for the career of the individual artist and in what manner Ohio itinerant painting might have contributed to or be related to the growth of mainstream American painting Itinerant painting is ...

"Notes on the Prevention of Communicable Diseases in Columbus, 1890-1945," Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 393-397.
... NOTES ON THE PREVENTION OF COMMUNICABLE NOTES ON THE PREVENTION OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES IN COLUMBUS 1890-1945 by HERBERT M PLATTER MD In the fall of 1893 I opened an office for the general practice of medicine in Columbus and was elected secretary of the Columbus Academy of Medicine which position I held for more than six years Columbus Medical College had just merged with Starling Medical College but Ohio Medical University opened its doors and thus there were at that time two medical ...

Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 380-383.
... Historical News Historical News THE INLAND RIVERS LIBRARY o f the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County has acquired during the past year two large collections of photographs of boats and other river subjects One collection was the gift of Captain Frederick Way Jr and the other is composed of prints of negatives in the Howard National Steamboat Museum The library acquired also by gift a collection from the Greene Line which includes photographs log books account books menus and ...

"Private Collections of Manuscripts," by Frank T. Cole. Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 399-401.
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 399 we need most in this great work of rescue and preservation Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen are more Lyman C Drapers-men who with knapsack on their backs are not only willing but anxious to go on foot if need be many miles to the left and to the right to secure a journal a diary a memorandum an autograph letter that shall be preserved and become a priceless document to those who are to come ...

"Shall the Constitution Be Preserved?," by Robert D. W. Connor. Volume 44, Number 3, July, 1935, pp. 311-325.
... SHALL THE CONSTITUTION BE PRESERVED SHALL THE CONSTITUTION BE PRESERVED1 By ROBERT D W CONNOR When a distinguished Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States not long ago mournfully lamented that the decision of the Court in the Gold Clause Case had destroyed the Constitution of the United States he merely echoed an opinion that has been expressed by dissenting jurists in every generation from the days of John Marshall to those of Charles Evans Hughes In the earlier period it was the ...

Volume 30, Binding Supplement, , 1921, pp. 543-566.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXX INDEX TO VOLUME XXX Abby Kelley Salem rescue of 380Anti-slavery speakers have difficulty in 387 finding rooms for meetings 375 Adams Charles testimonial of to characArago Etienne joins Victor Hugo and ter of Edwin Coppoc 402-403 associates in letter to widow of John Adams John Quincy hostility of proBrown 278 slavery men toward 198 Archaeological History of Ohio quoted Addison Judge 15 on primitive method of quarrying flint Administrative reorganization reports of 112-113 ...

"Daniel Drake and the Origin of Medicine in the Ohio Valley," Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 451-468.
... DANIEL DRAKE AND THE ORIGIN OF MEDICINE IN DANIEL DRAKE AND THE ORIGIN OF MEDICINE IN THE OHIO VALLEY1 By DAVID A TUCKER JR Biographical Sketch This is the story of a man of whom few of you have heard Such is fame For Daniel Drake was in his day the greatest physician of the West the founder of sound medical education in the Ohio Valley and one of the most unique and picturesque figures in the history of American medicine He was born on a farm in New Jersey October 20 1785 His parents were ...

"Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society. Society Building, Columbus, Ohio, Saturday, March 29, 1930," Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 658-659.
... ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCIETY BUILDING COLUMBUS OHIO SATURDAY MARCH 29 1930 The Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met in annual session pursuant to call at 1 o'clock p m In the absence of President Johnson Vice-President George F Bareis presided Trustees present Bareis Orton Wood Spetnagle Goodman Florence and Hinkle Director Shetrone and ...

"McCarthyism Before McCarthy: Anti-Communism in Cincinnati and the Nation During the Election of 1944," by Michael J. Anderson. Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 5-28.
... MICHAEL J MICHAEL J ANDERSON McCarthyism Before McCarthy Anti-Communism in Cincinnati and the Nation During the Election of 1944 The wave of intense anti-communist sentiment that swept over the United States in the years following the Second World War sometimes called the second red scare1 had a great impact on American society Political debate came to be dominated by the desire of both major parties to appear tough on international communism The political Left historically not a major force ...

Volume 57, Binding Supplement, , 1948, pp. 449-476.
... INDEX INDEX The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly Volume 57 ABB UT FRANCIS E LL IN sGWOO U article on American AgrictulItrist Langstroth conin Northwest Ohio Quarterly 434 tributed to 154 Abbotts' Bridge 238 American Anti-Slavery Society 29 and Abell Aaron I 182 coalition sith abolition forces 165-166 Abolition and abolitionists 2 165-174 opposed to formation of abolition party 177-178 in Western Reserve 24-47 167 the Presbyterian Church and 120 121 American Ble Jotritl cited ...

"Leo Lesquereux," Volume 4, Annual, January, 1896, pp. 279-291.
... Leo Lesquereux Leo Lesquereux 279 LEO LESQUEREUX BY EDWARD ORTON The revocation of the Edict of Nantes inflicted an irreparable injury upon the French nation in depleting it of its middle class from which its industrial energy its science literature and art were mainly drawn but the Protestant neighbors of France gained correspondingly thereby England Holland Switzerland and the English colonies in North America were greatly enriched by this enforced emigration These Huguenot exiles brought ...

Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 79-88.
... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS DEMOCRATIC POLITICS AND SECTIONALISM THE WILMOT PROVISO CONTROVERSY By Chaplain W Morrison Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Press 1967 viii244p index 600 In December 1844 Preston King an influential New York Democrat confessed that after the events of the past year he did not trust the South and Southern men His attitude was shared by another New Yorker G F Kemble who thought that a sectional party was needed to counteract the power of slavery in the Democratic party ...

"American Aborigines and The Social Customs," by J. A. Easton. Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 421-444.
... AMERICAN ABORIGINES AND THEIR SOCIAL AMERICAN ABORIGINES AND THEIR SOCIAL CUSTOMS REV J A EASTON PH D Mr Easton was a native Ohioan born at Sinking Springs Highland County August 9 1852 His father and grandfather like himself were ministers in the Methodist Episcopal Church Eugene Easton his son the distinguished American newspaper correspondent in the Boer War is the present owner of Fort Hill Highland County which is crowned by one of the most interesting and best preserved prehistoric ...

"George Frederick Wright: In Memoriam," Volume 30, Number 2, April, 1921, pp. 162-175.
... GEORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT GEORGE FREDERICK WRIGHT IN MEMORIAM In the fullness of years and bearing the honors of a life devoted to science and the service of his fellow men Doctor George Frederick Wright President Emeritus of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society passed to his final reward April 20 1921 While he had been failing in strength for a few months past he was able to continue his work almost to the day of his death and was cheerfully looking forward to a return to health ...

Volume 72, Number 4, October, 1963, pp. 324-340.
... BOOK REVIEWS ULYSSES S GRANT CHRONOLOGY By John Y Simon Introduction by Bruce Catton Columbus Ohio Historical Society for the Ulysses S Grant Association and the Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission 1963 39p Paper 150 Historians long have experienced difficulty assessing Ulysses S Grant's true role in American history A complex man Grant was a product of his times a man possessed of both the strengths and the weaknesses of the age For years the fame of Lincoln and Lee overshadowed that of the ...

Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 393-411.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS American Political Parties Their Natural History By Wilfred E Binkley New York Alfred A Knopf 19 43 389p 375 This book presents a keen and careful analysis of American political parties from the development of Federalism to the Republican prospects in 1944 It is not a history of politics and elections Indeed one finds not very much about national conventions events of campaigns Congressional debates and White House preand post-election politics The red-fire the horse ...

"A Hoover Vignette," Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 74-82.
... PHILLIP R PHILLIP R SHRIVER A Hoover Vignette Fifty years after his defeat for reelection by Franklin D Roosevelt Herbert Hoover remains one of America's most tragic presidents For many if not most his name continues to conjure up an aura of depression of frustration of failure Arthur M Schlesinger Jr historian of The Age of Roosevelt recalls one of the myriad jokes that fixed a nation's scorn upon FDR's unhappy predecessor in the early 1930s It has Hoover asking Andrew Mellon for the loan of ...

"Speech by Senator Simeon D. Fess," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 280-283.
... 280 Ohio Arch 280 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications sition at the head of the municipality of Put-in-Bay through the period of celebrations incident to the centennial celebration of Perry's victory on Lake Erie Secretary Galbreath called attention to a large photograph of the Old Sculptor T D Jones which had been contributed to the museum by Mr Claude Meeker The masterpiece of Mr Jones the Lincoln Memorial which stood for many years in the rotunda of the State House at Columbus is now at ...

"An Ohio Kitchen Inspector and the Soviet Famine of 1921-1922: The Russian Odyssey of Henry C. Wolfe," by Benjamin D. Rhodes. Volume 103, , Summer-Autumn, 1994, pp. 190-199.
... BENJAMIN D BENJAMIN D RHODES An Ohio Kitchen Inspector and the Soviet Famine of 1921-1922 The Russian Odyssey of Henry C Wolfe Persistence paid off for Henry C Wolfe of Coshocton Ohio when he sought a job as a relief worker in Russia during the famine of 1921-1922 Wolfe eventually was to become internationally known as a writer and lecturer on foreign affairs one of his claims to fame was that he predicted in a Harper's magazine article the August 1939 alliance between Hitler and Stalin But in ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 68-69.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History annual meeting will be held on Friday and Saturday April 26-27 1991 at Capital University in Columbus Ohio For details concerning the meeting contact Clayton R Koppes OAH Program Committee Oberlin College Department of History Oberlin Ohio 440741095 The Second Annual University of Cincinnati Social History Conference invites interested scholars to submit papers in social history broadly defined as any aspect of the history of ...