Ohio History Journal

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"German Book Trade In Ohio Before 1848, The," by Robert E. Cazden. Volume 84, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1975, pp. 57-77.
... ROBERT E ROBERT E CAZDEN The German Book Trade In Ohio Before 1848 In the summer of 1796 Jonathan Zane and his brothers as part payment for lands received from the United States Government began to hew a pack trail from the Ohio River at Wheeling to the later site of New Lancaster Ohio through to Chillicothe and on to a point opposite Maysville Kentucky on the Ohio River For a long while this trail called Zane's Trace was the only route connecting Kentucky with the East along it trod many ...

"Address of Tod B. Galloway" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 33-34.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 3 3 ADDRESS OF TOD B GALLOWAY If I were to ask you what I should talk about I suppose you would answer me as the small boy did in Sunday School one day when a man got up and said Now children what shall I talk about and the bright boy said about one minute I am somewhat like an old Scotch preacher I once heard of A man went to church one day and he noticed that the preacher was crying a great deal during the delivery of his sermon Finally ...

"People of Ohio's First County, The," by Wayne Jordan. Volume 49, Number 1, January, 1940, pp. 1-40.
... THE PEOPLE OF OHIO'S FIRST COUNTY THE PEOPLE OF OHIO'S FIRST COUNTY By WAYNE JORDAN Colonel John May of Boston writing from Pittsburgh to his wife on May 12 1788 remarked I wish there were more New England people going to Muskingum1 By Muskingum he meant the newly founded Marietta colony which had not yet been named for France's queen2 The colonel had been impressed by the number of boats laden with whites and blacks which kept floating by en route to Kentucky Against such competition ...

"Ohio Land Patents," (Collections and Exhibits) by Kenneth W. Duckett. Volume 72, Number 1, January, 1963, pp. 51-60.
... COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS Ohio Land Patents by KENNETH W DUCKETT NOT LONG AGO the public relations office at a United States Air Force base wrote a press release describing a nineteenth century land deed owned by one of its civilian employees According to the release a local authority had appraised the document signed by Thomas Jefferson as president of the United States and James Madison as secretary of state at 25 Autograph collectors the release continued had subsequently made offers of up ...

Volume 109, 190-224, Summer–Autumn, 2000, pp. 190.
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2000 pp 190-224 Copyright 2000 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page BOOK REVIEWS The National Road Edited by Karl Raitz Baltimore Maryland The Johns Hopkins University Press 1996 xviii 489p illustrations maps notes references appendices contributors index 3495 A Guide to the National Road Edited by ...

"The Maumee Valley Pioneer and Historical Association," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 222-223.
... 222 Ohio Arch 222 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications sack Anthony Bleecker Samuel Bayard Peter G Stuyvesant and John Pintard met in the picture room of the old city hall in Wall Street to organize this society whose principal object should be to collect and protect materials relating to the natural civil and ecclesiastical history of the United States in general and the State of New York in particular The society was incorporated by an act of the legislature of February 9 1809 It is now ...

"The Ancestry of the Ohioan," Volume 17, Number 1, January, 1908, pp. 73-79.
... THE ANCESTRY OF THE OHIOAN THE ANCESTRY OF THE OHIOAN A M COURTENAY D D The following is a portion of an address delivered in Zanesville by Rev Courtenay who for many years has been an enthusiastic student of Ohio history upon which subject he has delivered many admirable addresses He has written frequently in prose and in verse for current reviews magazines and journals He wrote for and read at the Ohio Centennial Celebration the poem entitled The Ohio Century-EDITOR At a recent notable ...

Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 422-446.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Intimate Letters of John Cleves Symmes and His Family Including Those of His Daughter Mrs William Henry Harrison Wife of the Ninth President of the United States Edited by Beverley W Bond Jr Cincinnati Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio 1956 xxxiii174p frontispiece and index 450 The more-public papers of John Cleves Symmes founder of the Miami Purchase and one of the three high judges of the Northwest Territory were edited by Dr Bond in 1926 This new ...

"President Harding and International Organization," by David H. Jennings. Volume 75, Numbers 2 & 3, Spring and Summer, 1966, pp. 149-165, notes 192-195.
... PRESIDENT HARDING AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION by DAVID H JENNINGS Even as President-elect Warren Gamaliel Harding was bidding his Marion neighbors a tender moist-eyed farewell1 world affairs engulfed him With the exception of Lincoln said The Nation never have there been so many pressing and unsolved problems The New Republic described the pressures as truly awful2 Each problem was individually intense and was made more so from the neglect occasioned by Woodrow Wilson's illness ...

"James Ford Rhodes and the Negro: A Study in the Problem of Objectivity," by Robert Cruden. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 129-137, notes 198-199.
... James Ford Rhodes And the Negro A STUDY IN THE PROBLEM OF OBJECTIVITY by ROBERT CRUDEN The continuing debate among historians as to the scientific nature of their discipline involves as a basic element the problem of objectivity Is it possible for history to be objective in the sense that the physical and biological sciences are objective namely that its findings do not depend in any important sense on the personal idiosyncrasies or private feelings of those who reach them but are marked by a ...

"Fort Laurens" (OHS Committee Report) Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 574-575.
... 574 Ohio Arch 574 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications terial down to this Library The task now seems so large that it seems to this committee unlikely that the consolidation can be effected before the summer of 1925 The intervening months will be used in preparing plans securing the appropriation doing the physical work and rearranging the Society's books and material all of which is preliminary to receiving the University's collection The situation with regard to Museum of Natural History ...

See Book Reviews. Volume 113, Book Notes pp. 49-51, Winter-Spring, 2004, pp. 31.
... BookReviews Winter-Spring 2004 pp 31-51 PDF of Book Reveiws CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2004 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved See also Book Notes and Books Received ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS Builders of Ohio A Biographical History Edited by Warren Van Tine and Michael Pierce Reviewed by David C Hammack The Collected Works of William Howard Taft Vols 5 and 6 Reviewed by Clarence E Wunderlin Jr Vol 5 Popular Government amp The Anti-trust Act and the Supreme Court Edited ...

"Mark Hanna's Goal: American Harmony," by Gerald W. Wolff. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 138-151.
... GERALD W GERALD W WOLFF Mark Hanna's Goal American Harmony 'A man who won't meet his men half-way is a G d fool' declared Mark Hanna one day in 1894 He was referring to the Pullman strike and the fact that troops had been sent to end it That terse profane comment tells a great deal about Hanna He was above all else a pragmatist with a canny ability to successfully adjust to changing conditions Twenty years previously when his coal mines were struck troops had been brought in--with disastrous ...

Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 158-187.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Adena People No 2 By William S Webb and Raymond S Baby with chapters by Charles E Snow and Robert M Goslin Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1957 xi123p illustrations map chart tables bibliography and index Paper 300 This attractive well organized and well executed volume summarizes the current views of the authors concerning the Adena people and their culture in the Ohio Valley Data from forty-nine new Adena sites for the most ...

"Exploration of the Ginther Mound," Volume 34, Number 2, April, 1925, pp. 154-168.
... EXPLORATION OF THE GINTHER MOUND EXPLORATION OF THE GINTHER MOUND H C SHETRONE CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY The type of prehistoric tumuli known variously as Temple mounds Platform mounds Truncated mounds and Flat-topped mounds has furnished substance for much speculation in the archaeological literature of Ohio The early attitude of writers on the subject may be summarized in the words of Squier and Davis whose opinion is expressed as follows So far as ascertained they cover no remains and seem ...

"Baker on the Fifth Ballot? The Democratic Alternative: 1932," Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 226-246, notes 273-277.
... BAKER ON THE FIFTH BALLOT THE DEMOCRATIC ALTERNATIVE 1932 by ELLIOT A ROSEN A study of history's might-have-beens is often more interesting and informative than one would suspect from the bare recital of what happened For in addition to the zest of narrative it has the delight of speculation Very often the threads which lead to a great decision are intertwined with other strands which if they had prevailed might have brought about an entirely different aftermath What would have been the ...

"A Chapter in Early Dental History: Unveiling of Memorial Tablet at Bainbridge, Ohio," Volume 35, Number 2, April, 1926, pp. 380-401.
... A CHAPTER IN EARLY DENTAL HISTORY A CHAPTER IN EARLY DENTAL HISTORY UNVEILING OF MEMORIAL TABLET AT BAINBRIDGE OHIO On Monday afternoon November 30 1925 a tablet was unveiled in Bainbridge Ohio in memory of Doctors Chapin A Harris and James Taylor pioneer advocates of professional dentistry and founders of the first two dental schools in the United States and the world The inscription on this tablet sets forth so clearly and fully its purpose that there is little need of elaboration in this ...

"Grave of Zeisberger," by J. W. Yeagley. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 173-174.
... David Zeisberger Centennial David Zeisberger Centennial 17 3 signified his great satisfaction and comfort when his Indian brethren who watched with the dying saint sang some of the Delaware hymns for the dying which he had rendered into their vernacular years ago And thus on the afternoon of November 17th he fell asleep amid the prayers of his brethren and the singing of his converts after the benediction had been spoken in the name of the church On the following Sunday at noon after funeral ...

"James M. Ashley and the Presidential Election of 1856," by Robert F. Horowitz. Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 4-16.
... ROBERT F ROBERT F HOROWITZ James M Ashley and the Presidential Election of 1856 When the name James M Ashley of Toledo Ohio is mentioned one usually thinks of the vindictive impeacher of President Andrew Johnson but Ashley's contributions to the history of mid-nineteenth century America transcend this one event This becomes evident from studying his activities in connection with the 1856 presidential election Ashley played a prominent part in establishing the machinery for a national ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 95-108.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR MEETING OF AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the American Historical Association to which the attention of the members of the Society was invited by a circular letter under date of December 17 1923 enclosing a detailed program of the meeting was held on schedule time in Columbus December 27-29 1923 The sessions of the Association and the related ...