Ohio History Journal

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"Political Influence of Ohio Pioneers," by George M. Gadsby. Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 193-196.
... POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF OHIO PIONEERS POLITICAL INFLUENCE OF OHIO PIONEERS GEORGE M GADSBY In present day politics we find the principle of like father like son a very potent one Or as a ward chairman of this city recently remarked when speaking of the politics of a candidate an apple never falls very far from the tree If now this system of paternal or traditional politics is noticeable in recent generations it is fair to presume that a trace may be found running back to the time of the ...

"Speculative Interest in Ohio Lands in 1829 as Revealed in a Letter from Henry Farmer to Samuel J. Browne," edited by William D. Overman. Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 329-337.
... SPECULATIVE INTEREST IN OHIO LANDS IN 1829 SPECULATIVE INTEREST IN OHIO LANDS IN 1829 AS REVEALED IN A LETTER FROM HENRY FARMER TO SAMUEL J BROWNE Edited by WILLIAM D OVERMAN The following letter from Henry Farmer to his brother-in-law Samuel J Browne of Cincinnati affords a detailed account by an observant and well-informed Englishman of the unsettled political economic and social conditions in England just prior to the Era of Reform 18321 The statistical data on the cost of poor relief ...

Volume 72, Number 1, January, 1963, pp. 69-82.
... BOOK REVIEWS THE WESTERN JOURNALS OF JOHN MAY OHIO COMPANY AGENT AND BUSINESS ADVENTURER Edited and with an Introduction by Dwight L Smith Cincinnati Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio 1961 xii 176p illustrations bibliography and index 550 John May Boston merchant and Revolutionary War officer was one of the leaders of the Ohio Company of Associates which settled Marietta In 1788 he rode west to the new country on Ohio Company business and in 1789 he returned to the upper Ohio Valley ...

"Ohio River Improvement, and Lake Erie and Ohio River Ship Canal," Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 27-31.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 27 with after the first half of the year 1818 the state grant remaining on the statute book a dead letter and the whole matter receiving adjudication by the decision of Chief Justice Marshall in 1824 in the well known case of Gibbons vs Ogden Even before the trials of April 1817 boats had been springing up everywhere By 1819 there were over sixty in western waters and from this period the west with the changes wrought by the ...

"The Apathetic Foxes," Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 219-222.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 68 NUMBER 3 JULY 1959 The Apathetic Foxes By ALONZO FINLEY KERCHEVAL FOXES ARE LIKE HUMANS in many ways Few folks realize that foxes once lived in this country under organized governments of their own and attended their own schools and churches just like human folks Many years ago the first red foxes were brought to America to supply the hunting needs of wealthy Virginia planters The red fox thrived and multiplied and soon ...

"Rev. Nathaniel Barrett Coulson Love," Volume 32, Number 2, April, 1923, pp. 429-430.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 429 Reviews Notes and Comments 429 REV NATHANIEL BARRETT COULSON LOVE Rev Nathaniel Barrett Coulson Love was born in Rushville Ohio October 29 1830 He died at his home in Perrysburg Ohio December 29 1922 He had therefore passed his ninety-second birthday He was one of the pioneer ministers of Ohio His father William Love was Scotch-Irish his mother Susannah Force was of English and Scotch-Irish descent Rev Love was educated in the common schools and privately taught ...

"Logan Elm Park," (OHS Committee Report) Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 582-583.
... 582 Ohio Arch 582 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications We now have a driveway leading from the main entrance passing through the valley walnut grove over the hillside and through the battlefield returning to the main entrance Respectfully submitted W H ORTT Chairman On motion the report was accepted and ordered placed on file President Campbell called attention to the fact that at the last Annual Meeting the Society passed a resolution complimenting Director W C Mills on his long and ...

"Hon. Charles P. Griffin," Volume 12, Number 1, January, 1903, pp. 99-101.
... Editorialana Editorialana 99 George H Pepper Am Museum Nat History New York Harlan I Smith Am Museum Nat History New York Cecilie Seler Berlin Germany Hjalmar Stolpe Stockholm Sweden Luis A Herrera Uruguay Marshall H Saville New York Adelaf Breton London England C T Hartman Stockholm Sweden At the station before departure Mr Saville made a neat little speech in behalf of the guests thanking their hosts for the pleasure and profit of the day and three cheers were given by each party in behalf ...

"Ohio Academy of History Sessions, April 7, 12:30 P.M., Deshler-Wallick Hotel; 2:30 P.M., Ohio State Museum Auditorium, A. Sellew Roberts, Presiding," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 126-127.
... 126 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 126 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY during the past year Mr Johnson President Mr Eagleson First VicePresident Mr Lindley Secretary and Mr Miller Treasurer be reelected for the coming year and that the secretary be instructed to cast the ballot for their re-election This motion seconded by Mr Spetnagel was unanimously approved Mr Johnson asked that the secretary draft letters to the two retiring members of the Board of Trustees Mr ...

"Crossroads: The Xenia Tornado, A Retrospective View," by Donald A. Hutslar. Volume 83, Number 3, Summer, 1974, pp. 192-211.
... edited by edited by DONALD A HUTSLAR Crossroads The Xenia Tornado A Retrospective View It is possible to factually document the cataclysmic tornado which cut a path through southwestern Ohio on the third of April 1974 Pictures can show the destruction words convey the impressions of the participants There will be many publications of this nature What is difficult perhaps impossible to impart is the break in historic continuity such an event will produce particularly in a community such as ...

Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 444-451.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Brecksville Ernest Green President Harold E Wallin of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History has been appointed curator of the museum maintained by the association in the Squire Rich house The secretary Mrs Walter S Lister reports that the society sponsored this year a contest for the junior class of the local high school for one-act plays on early Brecksville CLAR K COUNTY HISTORICAL ...

"The Personal Element in History," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 153-163.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 153 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 153 ing with the connections I must leave behind me but the society of our friends but poorly compensates for the want of a subsistence We have a large circle of little ones dependent on us and I know of no persuit that would give me more pleasure than that of providing an easy Liveing for them Emigration has ever played its part in the making of history and in every land since Moses led his trusting band to the land ...

"Colonel John Murray," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 397-403.
... COLONEL JOHN MURRAY COLONEL JOHN MURRAY DAVID E PHILLIPS The readers of the Archaeological and Historical Quarterly can hardly fail to be interested in any matter intimately associated with the very beginnings of our Great Commonwealth The famous old mansion in Rutland Mass now owned by The Rufus Putnam Memorial Association and called The Cradle of Ohio has become one of the Shrines of American Patriotism and few have had so romantic an origin and history It was built about the year 176 0 and ...

"William T. Sherman and the Conservative Critique of Radical Reconstruction," by George C. Rable. Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 147-163.
... GEORGE C GEORGE C RABLE William T Sherman and the Conservative Critique of Radical Reconstruction Paradoxes abound The avenging angel of the Union whose army made not only Georgia but the Carolinas howl became the generous conciliator after Appomattox The insecure general who loathed partisan machination was sucked into the maelstrom of Washington politics The arch-enemy of the Confederacy turned into the friend of his fallen foes A superb subject for psychological analysis William Tecumseh ...

"Religion and the Public Schools of Ohio," by Bernard Mandel. Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 185-206.
... RELIGION AND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF OHIO RELIGION AND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF OHIO by BERNARD MANDEL Fenn College Cleveland Ohio Foremost in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution was the guarantee that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof This amendment however was not a conclusive establishment of religious freedom for three reasons First it was a statement of principle which was accepted in theory but often ...

"Farrar's Groundhog Speech," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 331-333.
... Editorialana Editorialana 3 31 Mrs Tuttle is a writer of great merit being a lady of unusual culture and scholarship Her husband was the late Prof Herbert Tuttle the distinguished historical writer and lecturer at Cornell University With her husband Mrs Tuttle spent some years abroad and became proficient as a linguist and an artist She not only writes in a delightful manner but wields the artist's brush both in portraiture and landscape with equal talent and charm That she is deeply ...

"When Did Ohio in Fact Become a Sovereign State of the Union?," by Rush R. Sloane. Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 278-289.
... WHEN DID OHIO IN FACT BECOME A SOVEREIGN WHEN DID OHIO IN FACT BECOME A SOVEREIGN STATE OF THE UNION BY HON RUSH R SLOANE In considering this question it is necessary to advert to the fact that after the Declaration of Independence Connecticut set up a claim to the north part of Ohio above latitude 41 north and Virginia claimed Ohio below that line as being within the limits of her charter While these questions caused some discussion and negotiation they were amicably settled and on the 13th ...

"Dedication of Tablet at Chillicothe," Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 458.
... 458 Ohio Arch 458 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Inscription on tablet placed by U S D 1 812 on the Ross County Court House Chillicothe Ohio May 17 1933 CHILLICOTHE CAPITAL OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY AND FIRST CAPITAL OF OHIO The State of Ohio was made possible by the Treaty of Paris 1783 which made the Great Lakes the northern boundary of the new United States In 1787 Congress established the Northwest Territory dedicated to freedom and public education with General Arthur St Clair ...

"Major Caleb Stark in Ohio," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 150-159.
... MAJOR CALEB STARK IN OHIO MAJOR CALEB STARK IN OHIO GEORGE H TWISS A biography of Governor Lucas and the outlining of an important and fiercely contested case through the Courts of Ohio in the form of a petition to the legislature by the plaintiff Major Caleb Stark appears in this issue of the Quarterly They appear in conjunction since they both came from the same source and are unquestionably of the same authorship The unique character and vigorous ability the distinguished and valuable ...

"The Contribution of Local History to the Community," by Henry Clyde Hubbart. Volume 58, Number 3, July, 1949, pp. 298-304.
... THE CONTRIBUTION OF LOCAL HISTORY TO THE THE CONTRIBUTION OF LOCAL HISTORY TO THE COMMUNITY by HENRY CLYDE HUBBART Professor of History Ohio Wesleyan University As we all know the day of the supremacy of political or national history has passed instead we have many historical categories The mighty torrent of history has been sluiced into various channels the economic the social the constitutional the international or diplomatic and more recently the intellectual the regional the local This is ...