... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS CHARLES EVANS HUGHES AND THE ILLUSIONS OF INNOCENCE A STUDY IN AMERICAN DIPLOMACY By Betty Glad Urbana University of Illinois Press 1966 365p bibliography and index 595 Charles Evans Hughes Secretary of State under Presidents Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge 1921-1925 is considered important because he carried major responsibility for the definition of the foreign policy followed by the United States up to the eve of World War II p 1 Miss Glad divides her study into three ...
... JOHN PHILLIPS RESCH JOHN PHILLIPS RESCH Ohio Adult Penal System 1850-1900 A Study in the Failure of Institutional Reform Throughout the latter half of the nineteenth century Ohio prison reformers tried to recast the state's penal system so that it would rehabilitate criminals and restore them to productive citizenship By 1884 reformers succeeded in their efforts to secure legislation to rehabilitate adult criminals through classification job training moral and academic classes reduction of ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 249 where we shall regard him with worshipful admiration and reverence Though decorated with all the honors a nation-a world-could bestow there shines through all the man-the noble spotless man There is no incident in history to our mind like that journey from Washington to Canton of the funeral train The catafalque upon which rested the body of the illustrious dead occupied the center of a spacious car-the sides of which were glass It was brilliantly lighted at night ...
... 48 Ohio Arch 48 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications represent the majesty the dignity the power and the glory of this Great Republic THE GOSPEL OF BURNISHED STEEL AN ADDRESS DELIVERED AT THE BROAD STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAY 25 19 24 Although the Honor Roll which we are dedicating today contains names only of World War soldiers it is thought something should be said about the soldiers of former wars and perhaps in this day of mistaken pacificism something about war in general As this ...
... The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935 The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935 By SIDNEY FINE IN THE SPRING OF 1935 at a time when the fortunes of the automobile workers organized into American Federation of Labor federal locals were at a low ebb a strike at the Toledo plant of the Chevrolet Motor Company brought Chevrolet production all over the United States to a standstill caused the great General Motors Corporation to retreat from its policy of refusing to negotiate with strikers and resulted in ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Ohio in the American Revolution A Conference to Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of the Ft Gower Resolves Edited by Thomas H Smith Volume I of The Ohio American Revolution Bicentennial Conference Series Columbus The Ohio Historical Society 1976 34p illustrations 200 Though not one of the thirteen original colonies the Ohio country did play a role in the revolutionary events that the American people have been commemorating during the bicentennial During the decade ...
... HENRY L HENRY L TAYLOR On Slavery's Fringe City-Building and Black Community Development in Cincinnati 1800-1850 Scholars of the antebellum black urban experience have ignored the issue of the relationship between the city-building process and the development of the black community Most studies of the antebellum black experience published since Leon Litwack's North of Slavery have instead focused on legal aspects of racial discrimination the relationship between race and politics the ...
... Subsistence Homesteading Subsistence Homesteading in Dayton Ohio 1933-1935 by Jacob H Dorn T he United States was born in the country and has moved to the city wrote Richard Hofstadter in a provocative study of modern American reform movements1 The tide of migration from rural areas to urban centers has been with few exceptions continuous and irresistible since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution Driven along by a host of economic social and psychological forces it reached a symbolic ...
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVI INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVI A B Abolitionism in Ohio 193-194 DemoBaatz Capt C L Fort Laurens the crats denounce 212 Liberty League Story of the Acquisition of its Site resolutions 237 Free Soilers 240 by the State of Ohio 480-486 adpassim dress at unveiling of Boundary-line Absquatulators 278-280 295 monument 582-583 Adams Mrs Cecelia McMillen 16 Bailey Dr Gamaliel 232 Adams Charles F 250 283 Baird Prof F S 499 Adams County Ohio 133-134 Baker Phoebe 5 8 An Adventure with the ...
... PREGLACIAL MAN IN OHIO PREGLACIAL MAN IN OHIO AT the meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History2 for November 4 1885 Mr Putnam showed an implement chipped from a pebble of black flint found by Dr C L Metz in gravel eight feet below the surface in Madisonville Ohio This rude implement is about the same size and shape of one made of the same material found by Dr Abbott in the Trenton N J gravel and is of special interest as the first one known from the gravels of Ohio This announcement ...
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 451 Rich in saving common-sense And as the greatest only are In his simplicity sublime Surely we shall be dull indeed of apprehension if we catch no inspiration from his ardor for humanity if we feel no impulse to emulate the virtues which made his service to the world so great I at least thing of him always as of One who never turned his back but marched breast forward Never doubted clouds would break Never dreamed though right ...
... OHIO'S MADONNA OF THE TRAIL OHIO'S MADONNA OF THE TRAIL BY MRS LIDA KECK-WIGGINS Ohio's Pioneer Mother Statue-- the Madonna of the Trail is located three miles west of Springfield on the grounds of the State Masonic Home The statue is a warm pink in color and is moulded of Missouri granite as the main aggregate in the poured mass of algonite stone The foundation upon which it stands is two feet above ground and the monument is 18 feet tall The design is of a pioneer mother clad in garb ...
... Fortieth Annual Meeting 261 Fortieth Annual Meeting 261 In addition to the usual repairs and upkeep it became necessary to reroof the dwelling of the custodian including a new roof over the porch and to repair the summer-house This has been done at a cost of 12747 The great increase of visitors at the Park has required an additional supply of drinking water and made it necessary to drill an additional well on the premises This has been done at a cost including casing and pump of 1982 0 The ...
... Rafuse Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 153-164 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page with footnotes according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page Impractical Unforgivable Another Look at George B McClellan's First Strategic Plan By Ethan S Rafuse Maj Gen George McClellan SC3535 Ohio Historical Society Collections Four days after assuming command of the forces the ...
... The Story of a Flag 417 The Story of a Flag 417 SKETCH OF GENERAL J WARREN KEIFER From Who's Who in America KEIFER J WARREN born in Bethel Township Clark County Ohio January 30 1835 the son of Joseph and Mary Smith Keifer educated at Antioch College married Eliza Stout of Springfield Ohio March 22 1860 In law practice at Springfield Ohio since January 12 1858 president of Lagonda National Bank since 1873 Major of the 3rd Ohio Infantry April 27 1861 Lieutenant-Colonel February 12 1862 Colonel ...
... -- Drawings by HR Goodwin 638 TYPICAL SPECIMENS FROM THE SPETNAGEL CACHE NATURAL SIZE THE SPETNAGLE CACHE OF FLINT THE SPETNAGLE CACHE OF FLINT SPEAR-POINTS Few better examples of ceremonial offerings of chipped flint artifacts than the Spetnagel cache of flint spear-points recently placed on exhibition in the Museum of the Society by Mr Albert C Spetnagel of Chillicothe have been found in Ohio or elsewhere This remarkable cache-lot of upwards of 200 ceremonial spears was unearthed in the ...
... CHASE AND THE ELECTION OF 1860 CHASE AND THE ELECTION OF 1860 BY DONNAL V SMITH Continued from July QUARTERLY CHAPTER IV THE CHASE BOOM On New Year's Day 1864 the New York World lamented that the dawn of the last year of the most mournfully memorable presidential term in the annals of the Nation should still find the country rent asunder by civil convulsions It gave no hint of support for the President and his Cabinet they would have to be enlightened by the unmistakable voice of the people ...
... 600 Ohio Arch 600 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications He was community-minded He was proud of his city He loved his neighbor He was devoted to his friends He was so unselfish gracious thoughtful and kind as Governor Cox said that he exalted the thing we too casually call friendship He found good in everything and was always of good cheer--a kindhearted courteous high-minded cultured gentleman the like of which we shall not look upon again soon CLAUDE MEEKER AS MEMBER OF THE KIT-KAT CLUB ...
... WHISTLE-STOPPING Through Ohio by RICHARD O DAVIES Ohio played an important role in returning Harry S Truman to the White House in 1948 Prior to the election he had been foredoomed to defeat by all reputable political seers Ohio was seen as being safely within the Republican fold and was supposedly prepared to take part in a nationwide Republican blitz Elmo Roper for example quit taking samples of voter preference as early as September 9 with the comment that only a political convulsion could ...
... FREDERICK J FREDERICK J BLUE Friends of Freedom Lincoln Chase and Wartime Racial Policy Historians have long differed over what motivated Abraham Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation They have also disagreed over what place the President believed blacks should occupy after emancipation In failing to reach a consensus on what led Lincoln to the most important decision of his administration they have debated over what factors and persons may have influenced him1 Among those individuals ...