Ohio History Journal

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"William McKinley and the Expansion of Presidential Power," by Lewis L. Gould. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 5-20.
... LEWIS L LEWIS L GOULD William McKinley and the Expansion of Presidential Power In the wake of the Vietnam War and Watergate much attention both scholarly and popular has been devoted to the rise of the Imperial Presidency in this century1 Those who have traced the evolution of this concept of presidential power appear to date its modern emergence from the accession of Theodore Roosevelt to the office in September 1901 Writing in the mid-1950s in his influential The American Presidency Clinton ...

"Failure of Michael Baldwin: A Case Study in the Origins of the Middle-Class Culture on the Trans-Appalachian Frontier, The," by Andrew R. L. Cayton. Volume 95, , Winter-Spring, 1986, pp. 34-48.
... ANDREW R ANDREW R L CAYTON The Failure of Michael Baldwin A Case Study in the Origins of MiddleClass Culture on the TransAppalachian Frontier In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries it became fashionable to publish massive volumes detailing the histories of individual Midwestern counties Very often these books were the products of the cooperative efforts of several county residents who employed a topical rather than a chronological approach to their subject With the obvious goal ...

"Adena," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 185-187.
... Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition 185 But if for the first time in the history of the race somebody is to draw a line around thrift and enterprise I am sure Ohio will insist on trying the experiment for herself For all economic measures are necessarily experiments especially those which deal with new conditions And when the atmosphere is charged with discontent and resentment no matter how just the eye is not always sure nor the hand always steady so ...

"Pyramids and Buried Cities in the Land of the Montezumas," Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 319-331.
... PYRAMIDS AND BURIED CITIES IN THE LAND PYRAMIDS AND BURIED CITIES IN THE LAND OF THE MONTEZUMAS1 BURIED deep in the wildernesses of Mexico and Central America innumerable ruined cities await in silence the coming of the explorer-deserted temples and crumbling pyramids builded so-far back in the twilight of time that not a tradition remains of their founders In Yucatan alone no less than sixty-seven prehistoric cities have been discovered despite the fact that this wildest territory of Mexico ...

"The Anti-Gallows Movement in Ohio," Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 104-112.
... THE ANTI-GALLOWS MOVEMENT IN OHIO THE ANTI-GALLOWS MOVEMENT IN OHIO By ALBERT POST The criminal codes of colonial America were based on those of England but in the New World where the social structure and traditions were less binding these codes were modified by reducing the number of capital crimes In England during the eighteenth century over two hundred felonies were capital while in the North American colonies the average number was about twelve With the publication in 1764 of the Essay on ...

"Public Opinion and the Chinese Question, 1876-1879," by Gary Pennanen. Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 139-148, notes 201-203.
... Public Opinion and the Chinese Question 1876-1879 by GARY PENNANEN Diplomatic problems are not considered to have been of much consequence during the presidency of Rutherford B Hayes While not many preWorld War I judgments concerning the history of the period have escaped revisionism an assessment of Hayes's diplomacy made by Charles R Williams in 1914 has withstood the test of time Few subjects of large importance in the foreign relations of the Government demanded action or attention during ...

Volume 96, , Winter-Spring, 1987, pp. 60-92.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews First Lady The Life of Lucy Webb Hayes By Emily Apt Geer Kent The Kent State University Press 1984 ix 330p illustrations notes sources cited index 1995 The goal which Emily Apt Geer has set for herself in this book is to evaluate the true character of Lucy Webb Hayes Was she the intolerant Lemonade Lucy that her husband's political opponents labeled her or was she the saint-like creature her friends believed her to be The conclusion rests somewhere between these two ...

"The Michigan-Indiana-Ohio Museums Association," edited by Harlow Lindley. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 273-289.
... THE MICHIGAN-INDIANA-OHIO MUSEUMS THE MICHIGAN-INDIANA-OHIO MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION Edited by HARLOW LINDLEY In the autumn of 1927 at the invitation of Mr George R Fox of the Chamberlain Memorial Museum of Three Oaks Michigan a small group of museum workers from Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan met in Three Oaks for a conference and round table discussion Mr Charles E Brown chief of the Wisconsin Historical Museum at Madison was in attendance and led some of the discussions At the close of ...

"Explorations of the Westenhaver Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 26, Number 2, April, 1917, pp. 227-266.
... EXPLORATIONS OF THE WESTENHAVER MOUND EXPLORATIONS OF THE WESTENHAVER MOUND BY WILLIAM C MILLS The Westenhaver Mound is located in Wayne township Pickaway county Ohio on the west bank of the Scioto river The land on which the mound is situated is owned by Mr and Mrs George E Roth and lies about six miles southwest of Circleville and three miles north of the village of Yellow Bud The site of the earthwork is a level plateau comprising the first bottom of the Scioto river which at this point is ...

"Wahkeena: Natural History Preserve," (The Society's State Memorials) by David H. Stansbery. Volume 73, Number 1, Winter, 1964, pp. 47-48.
... THE SOCIETY'S STATE MEMORIALS WAHKEENA NATURAL HISTORY PRESERVE by DAVID H STANSBERY OVER 200000000 years ago coarse sand and gravel from a slowly eroding mountain range were washed into a shallow sea that covered what is now south-central Ohio During the millions of years that followed the huge beds of sand that formed along the edge of this ocean were first compressed into solid rock then were slowly lifted above the sea level This rock formation the Blackhand Sandstone forms the bedrock ...

"John H. Klippart, Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, 1856-1878," by John F. Cunningham. Volume 61, Number 1, January, 1952, pp. 51-63.
... JOHN H JOHN H KLIPPART SECRETARY OF THE OHIO STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE 1856-1878 by JOHN F CUNNINGHAM Dean Emeritus College of Agriculture Ohio State University When a man devotes his abilities and his energy and his vision to developing something that is of fundamental interest to all the people and does such an outstanding job that he wins the hearty acclaim and the profound respect of his generation and when the results of his work become so much a part of our daily living that we regard ...

"Exploration of the Tremper Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 25, Number 3, July, 1916, pp. 263-398.
... EXPLORATION OF THE TREMPER MOUND EXPLORATION OF THE TREMPER MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Tremper mound is situated five miles north of the city of Portsmouth on the west side of the Scioto river in Rush township Scioto county Ohio The land upon which it is located is a part of the estate of Senator William D Tremper Portsmouth which consists of more than seven hundred acres of the rich bottom lands at the confluence of the Pond creek and Scioto valleys The immediate site of the mound is a level ...

"William D. Gallagher, Champion of Western Literary Periodicals," by James A. Tague. Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 257-271.
... William D William D Gallagher Champion of Wester Literary Periodicals By JAM ES A TAGUE DURING THE 1830's a number of attempts were made in Ohio to create a successful literary journal one that would be devoted to subjects other than the predominant interests of the majority of the newspapers and magazines of the day The existing media for the most part published articles on religion politics and growth of the area and there were few local outlets for the aspiring author if he did not write on ...

"The Third Party to the Contract," by Job E. Hedges. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 37-40.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 37 Steel Queen Lee H Brooks Slackwater Frank Tyler Margaret Return Frank Fowler Troubador Sunshine and Emily Jung The fleet was in command of Capt James A Henderson The New Orleans was in command of Melville O Irwin mate Thomas Walker engineer and T Orville Noel steward Fortunately for those in attendance at the Fifth Annual Meeting the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce took the opportunity of President Taft's presence to hold Tuesday ...

"Joseph S. Benham," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 558-559.
... 558 Ohio Arch 558 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and counter-charges on issues growing out of this subject Those interested are referred to this literature and the newspapers for the attitude of men and parties toward workmen's compensation No good purpose can be subserved by the publication in the QUARTERLY of the views of representatives of political parties on this subject It should be sufficient to record here the fact that a protest has been made The Society desires the interest ...

"Randall and the Ohio Supreme Court," by Hugh L. Nichols. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 87-93.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 87 But a recognition wider and even more highly prized was that written in the hearts of those who knew and loved him During his college days at Ithaca Mr Randall met Miss Mary A Coy the lady who later became his wife To her and their two sons and daughter we of the Kit-Kat Club offer our sympathy We too have suffered a grievous loss We knew his genial companionship his ready helpfulness and his continuing friendship His sterling scholarship his ...

"William Dean Howells and the Gilded Age: Socialist in a Fur-lined Overcoat," by Gregory L. Crider. Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 408-418.
... GREGORY L GREGORY L CRIDER William Dean Howells and the Gilded Age Socialist in a Fur-lined Overcoat William Dean Howells was among the foremost of several latenineteenth century novelists including Mark Twain and Hamlin Garland who left small midwestern towns to seek their literary fortunes in the East Esteemed as a first-rank novelist the Father of American Realism and the nation's most prominent literary critic he became a celebrated symbol of Gilded Age culture When four hundred guests ...

"Address of Hon. S. D. Fess (Centennial of Croghan's Victory)," Volume 23, Number 1, January, 1914, pp. 22-30.
... 22 Ohio Arch 22 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications A centennial means a hundred years and does seem a long stretch of time and rather strangely I have heard accounts given by Major Croghan at only second hand for it happened that in 1845-6 when my father the late General Thomas J Wood U S A who graduated from West Point in 1845 was serving on the staff of General Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War Major Croghan at that time Colonel and Inspector General was also on the staff of General ...

"Judson Harmon," Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 136-150.
... JUDSON HARMON JUDSON HARMON BY HUGH L NICHOLS Judson Harmon forty-fourth governor of Ohio 1909-1913 was born at Newtown Hamilton County Ohio on the 3rd of February 1846 He was the eldest son of Rev Benjamin Franklin Harmon one of the pioneer preachers of the Baptist faith who extended the field of his spiritual ministrations through the medium of the old-time circuit-riding to the adjoining County of Clermont Judson Harmon was of English ancestry His lineage has been authentically traced to ...

"'The Family System of Common Farmers': The Origins of Ohio's Reform Farm," by Robert M. Mennel. Volume 89, Number 2, Spring, 1980, pp. 125-156.
... ROBERT M ROBERT M MENNEL The Family System of Common Farmers The Origins of Ohio's Reform Farm 1840-1858 The early history of the Ohio Reform School for Boys1 which opened in 1858 provides a unique opportunity to analyze the development of attitudes and policies toward juvenile delinquency and related problems such as dependency and neglect-all major concerns of nineteenth century society As the first American institution to combine a decentralized family or cottage building plan with an ...