Ohio History Journal

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"Membership in the General Assembly of Ohio," Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 222-283.
... MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF OHIO BY B H PERSHING Professor in Wittenberg College Since pure democracy is not possible in any country with a numerous population every republic finds itself under the necessity of devising some system of representation The emergence in America of geographical areas having in every case a historical background and a political consciousness has made the problem more complex here than in lands in which artificial ...

"Archer Butler Hulbert," by Charles B. Galbreath. Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 465-470.
... ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT BY CHARLES B GALBREATH1 The numerous acquaintances and friends of Archer Butler Hulbert have heard with regret the news of his death This is especially true in Ohio where he lived many years where he finished his college education at Marietta where he commenced his literary career at Columbus and where he taught for a time in his alma mater Though born in another State his interest in Ohio and her uncomparable history was sympathetic and abiding We ...

"Samuel Sullivan Cox: His Famous Word Picture," Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 331-332.
... Editorialana Editorialana 331 Hayes Spiegel Grove is indeed the Mount Vernon of Ohio It is this magnificent estate and home that the present owner Colonel Webb C Hayes is transferring to the State of Ohio for the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society to be by the latter preserved intact for historic and educational purposes After reading Mr Meek's production one might think that Sandusky county had a monopoly on Ohio history It certainly is rich in the lore of the brave days of old ...

"Public Session of the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives, 2:00 P.M., April 7, Ohio State Museum Library, Jonathan Forman, Presiding," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 134-136.
... 134 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY 134 OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL QUARTERLY Public Session of the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives 200 P M April 7 Ohio State Museum Library Jonathan Forman Presiding The public session of the Ohio Committee on Medical History and Archives was called to order by Dr Jonathan Forman its chairman at 2 00 P M o n April 7 1939 in the Library of the Museum The program was concerned with The Pioneer Physicians of Ohio Their Lives and ...

"Young Howells Drafts a 'Life' for Lincoln," by Robert Price. Volume 76, Number 4, Autumn, 1967, pp. 232-246, notes 275-277.
... Seemingly within moments after the nomination of Abraham Lincoln on Seemingly within moments after the nomination of Abraham Lincoln on May 18 1860 a representative of the Columbus publishing firm of Follett Foster and Company from the Tremont House in Chicago telegraphed the president-to-be in Springfield saying In connection with your debates with Douglas we have announced your biography Please designate your pleasure if any as to who the writer shall be The same day the Chicago Journal's ...

Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 237.
... BOOK REVIEWS 237 BOOK REVIEWS 237 note numbering in the texts of the documents especially in the later pages A useful chronology of communications gives the dates of origin of documents and their variants and enclosures An extensive bibliography of other materials consulted also has a calendar of communications The seal of the company here delineated for the first time is used as the frontispiece and is stamped on the binding Many of the documents are valuable apart from their connection with ...

"Historians and the Sixth Article of The Ordinance of 1787," by J. David Griffin. Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 252-260.
... J J DAVID GRIFFIN Historians and the Sixth Article of The Ordinance of 1787 Writing in the North American Review in 1876 William F Poole concluded that in the whole range of topics in our national history there is none which has been more obscure or the subject of more conflicting and erroneous statements than the Ordinance of 1787 When one makes even cursory examination of a small sample of the literature that has dealt with the Ordinance he is very likely to conclude that the statement must ...

"The Great Goodyear Strike of 1936," by Daniel Nelson. Volume 92, , Annual, 1983, pp. 6-36.
... DANIEL NELSON DANIEL NELSON The Great Goodyear Strike of 1936 It was the first CIO strike a stepping stone toward the automobile industry an affirmation of the potentialities of the sit-down strike a case study of rank and file militancy and a remarkable example of the effects of non-violent agitation' Its beginnings were obscure its consequences uncertain The circumstances in which the strike was carried on and the method used rather than the immediate causes or results made it a turning ...

Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 450-479.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews A Bibliography of Ohio Archeology By James L Murphy Ann Arbor University Microfilms International 1977 xi 488 p index 2375 This is the second comprehensive bibliography of Ohio archaeology The earlier compilation by Richard G Morgan and James H Rodabaugh was published by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in 1947 and contained 1351 entries This larger volume has 3138 entries and reflects both the striking growth of publications in the intervening ...

"The Development of the Judicial System of Ohio," by F. R. Aumann. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 195-236.
... THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUDICIAL THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM OF OHIO By PROF F R AUMANN Ohio State Unive r sity Before Statehood--Any attempt to discuss the growth of the judicial system of this State would carry us back to the time when Ohio as a part of the Northwest Territory was controlled by the Federal Government On July 13 1787 the Congress of the United States passed the Ordinance for the Government of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio Although ...

"Diversity and Woman Suffrage: A Case Study of the Dayton Woman Suffrage Association in the 1912 Referendum Campaign" by Cynthia Wilkey. Volume 112, pp. 27-37, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 27.
... Wilkey Winter-Spring 2003 pp 27-37 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Diversity and Woman Suffrage A Case Study of the Dayton Woman Suffrage Association in the 1912 Referendum Campaign By Cynthia Wilkey That it is the duty of the women of this country to secure unto themselves their sacred right to the elective franchise When Elizabeth Cady Stanton penned these famous words in 1848 little did she imagine that she would ...

"Publications," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 654-655.
... 654 Ohio Arch 654 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications made worthy of the many heroic events in the history of our state which it perpetuates Signed WILLIA D COTTON Member of Campus Martius Committee The Chairman of the Committee on BIG BOTTOM PARK submitted the following report The local grange held its annual picnic in the park on August 28th They put the grounds in good condition and repaired the pump A part of their program consisted of a pageant of the Massacre at that place in 1791 ...

"The Ohio Workmen's Compensation Law," by H. R. Mengert. Volume 29, Number 1, January, 1920, pp. 1-48.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS THE OHIO WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION LAW BY H R MENGERT FOREWORD Because the Ohio Workmen's Compensation Law has been looked upon as the very embodiment of what Col Theodore Roosevelt called social justice because it is being copied in other states of the Union because of the praise bestowed upon it by King Albert of Belgium who upon the occasion of his visit to Ohio pronounced it one of the greatest pieces of legislation upon the statute books ...

"Baker on the Fifth Ballot? The Democratic Alternative: 1932," Volume 75, Number 4, Autumn, 1966, pp. 226-246, notes 273-277.
... BAKER ON THE FIFTH BALLOT THE DEMOCRATIC ALTERNATIVE 1932 by ELLIOT A ROSEN A study of history's might-have-beens is often more interesting and informative than one would suspect from the bare recital of what happened For in addition to the zest of narrative it has the delight of speculation Very often the threads which lead to a great decision are intertwined with other strands which if they had prevailed might have brought about an entirely different aftermath What would have been the ...

"Skulls, Rappers, Ghosts and Doctors," by Philip D. Jordan. Volume 53, Number 4, October-December, 1944, pp. 339-354.
... SKULLS RAPPERS GHOSTS AND DOCTORS SKULLS RAPPERS GHOSTS AND DOCTORS By PHILIP D JORD AN Henry Ward Beecher fashionable eastern preacher thought it vulgar to call phrenology the science of skull bumps but despite his protests that this popular pseudo-science was an investigation of the mind1 thousands of Americans hung gaily-colored charts above tin wash-basins and analyzed themselves while they shaved Lawyers plead their clients after exhaustive cranial examinations and physicians not to be ...

"Ohio in the Presidential Election of 1824," Volume 26, Number 2, April, 1917, pp. 153-224.
... OHIO IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1824 OHIO IN THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 1824 INTRODUCTORY NOTE The characterization of the period of Monroe's presidency as the Era of Good Feeling has done much to obscure the true nature of the decade 1815-1825 It has been rather generally thought of as a period in which the Jeffersonian Republican party so completely dominated that the rival presidential candidates of 1 824 represented substantially the same principles and policies Recent scholarship ...

"Literary Bequests in Early Ohio Wills," by Gerald S. Greenberg. Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 20-34.
... GERALD S GERALD S GREENBERG Literary Bequests in Early Ohio Wills Introduction It is not surprising that besides the family Bible few books or libraries are mentioned in early Ohio wills for life on the frontier demanded that one devote full attention to life's essentials For most this meant the acquisition of a piece of land and the construction of a home It is such proprietary bequests therefore that dominate early Ohio wills One does discover however that the early doctors and lawyers of ...

"The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Annual Reports," Volume 52, Number 3, July-September, 1943, pp. 205-216.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORTS Due to the fact that the annual meetings of the various Ohio educational conferences usually held the first week in April and the meetings of the Columbus Genealogical Society and the Committee on Medical History and Archives were not held this year the annual History Conference was cancelled for 1943 and arrangements were made only for the annual business meeting of the Society scheduled ...

Volume 39, Binding Supplement, , 1930, pp. 855-871.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX INDEX TO VOLUME XXXIX Abbott Lyman 612 Ball Flamen 542 596 772 Abolition in Ohio 727 762-764 Ball Mary 668 Adair --- --- 692 Ball Sarah 668 Adams Fort See Fort Adams Banks General Nathaniel P 571 578 Ake H Ross 21 31 Barbee General --- --- 48 50 Akron Ohio 504 Barefoot Charles R 21 32 Akron Law 97-98 176-186 384 Barnes Rev Charles E 611 Allen Governor Cyrus M 792 Barney Hiram supports Chase 521 527 Alum Creek Friends' Settlement 479-502 575 urges Chase for Cabinet ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1964-July 1965," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 74, Number 4, Autumn, 1965, pp. 253-269.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY AUGUST 1964 - JULY 1965 compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT Antislavery Movement Began in 1817 Ohio Genealogical Society Report V No 3 June 1965 2 On Jefferson County and the free-labor store at Mount Pleasant BAUER Katherine S Abolition and the Purdys Summit County Historical Society Bulletin XVIII No 6 June 1965 2 A family living at North Springfield ARCHAEOLOGY Artifacts from Collection of Tom Hall Ohio Archaeologist XV ...