Ohio History Journal

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Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 302-307.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Papers of Ulysses S Grant Volume II April-September 1861 Edited by JOHN Y SIMON Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press 1969 xxix 399p foreword preface chronology maps illustrations calendar and index 1500 In his own lifetime Ulysses S Grant was an enigma to most politicians and generals who knew him The Grant revealed in his memoirs was either an overly modest or uncommonly fortunate general The shape of his character and the secrets of his success are not ...

"Thomas Corwin and the Conservative Republican Reaction, 1858-1861," by Daryl Pendergraft. Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 1-23.
... THOMAS CORWIN AND THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN THOMAS CORWIN AND THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN REACTION 1858-1861 by DARYL PENDERGRAFT Assistant Professor of History Iowa State Teachers College By the year 1858 it had become apparent to many of the leaders of the young Republican party that the party's future success required a stronger appeal to the conservative elements of the North The taint of radicalism that was attached to the new party was plainly frightening many of the property-owning ...

"Introduction," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 32, Number 1, January, 1923, pp. 1-6.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS INTRODUCTION A wide interest attaches to everything that is said or written of Abraham Lincoln Ohioans will be pleased to review the authentic historic record that links his name and fame with the Buckeye state The monograph on the following pages presents for the first time in chronological order Lincoln's contact with Ohio and the relation of our state and its prominent public men to the crisis through which our Nation passed in the Civil ...

Volume 97, , Winter-Spring, 1988, pp. 75-95.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Peace Heroes in Twentieth-Century America Edited and with an Introduction by Charles DeBenedetti Bloomington Indiana University Press 1986 276p illustrations notes index 2250 The publication of this book serves to remind us of the great loss the historical profession suffered in the death of Charles DeBenedetti at so young an age An edited work with eight chapters written by various authors it is a book that should have a large readership both inside and outside the ...

"Great Seal of Ohio," Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 392-393.
... 392 Ohio Arch 392 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications and honor is not deserving of praise The historical data are heavily conclusively against Burr Burr was a man with the inordinate ambition of Bonaparte and equally unscrupulous cold blooded and selfish There was no sacrifice of friends or country or honor or truth or morality he would not make for self-gratification and self-glorification Burr was a born intriguer and was associated with Lee and Gates in their schemes against Washington ...

"Frances Jennings Casement and the Equal Rights Association of Painesville, Ohio: The Fight for Women's Suffrage, 1883-1889," by Samuel J. Tamburro. Volume 108, , Summer-Autumn, 1999, pp. 162-176.
... SAMUEL J SAMUEL J TAMBURRO Frances Jennings Casement and the Equal Rights Association of Painesville Ohio The Fight for Women's Suffrage 1883-1889 The history of the national struggle for women's suffrage is well chronicled1 While the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 is generally accepted as the starting point of the campaign for women's voting rights women's civil and political rights advanced slowly Although several states granted women the right to vote in municipal and school elections only ...

"Twenty Years at Hiram House," by Judith A. Trolander. Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 25-37, notes 69-71.
... Twenty Years at Hiram House by JUDITH A T RO LANDER Toward the end of the nineteenth century the settlement movement reached the United States Hull House the most outstanding and second oldest settlement was established in Chicago in 1889 The first social settlement in Cleveland to actually do settlement work as such was Hiram House founded in 18961 Today however Hiram House has been largely forgotten partly because George Bellamy the founder and director throughout its existence published ...

Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 91-116.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Historic Contact Indian People and Colonists in Today's Northeastern United States in the Sixteen Through Eighteenth Centuries By Robert S Grumet Norman amp London University of Oklahoma Press 1995 xxx 514p illustrations maps appendix conspectus bibliography index 4750 cloth The process of cultural contact between Europeans and North America's native peoples has become the focus of a growing body of recent historical and anthropological scholarship The publication of ...

Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 289-313.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Territorial Papers of the United States Compiled and edited by Clarence Edwin Carter Volumes VII-VIII Indiana Territory 1800-1816 U S Dept of State Publications Nos 1383-1384 Washington D C Government Printing Office 1939 2v 784 p 496 p 200 150 The Library of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society has received volumes VII and VIII of the Territorial Papers of the United States compiled and edited by Dr Clarence Edwin Carter of the Department of State ...

"General Joseph Kerr," by William E. Gilmore. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 164-166.
... GENERAL JOSEPH KERR GENERAL JOSEPH KERR BY WM E GILMORE CHILLICOTHE OHIO The following article from the pen of Mr Gilmore appeared in the columns of The Daily Scioto Gazette of March 21 1903 As this article presents the history of Senator Kerr no where else to be found it is thought sufficiently valuable to deserve permanent preservation and is therefore herewith republishedE O R At length my inquiries and correspondence begun in 1886 for the purpose of recovering something of the personal ...

"The Feud Renewed: Martin Davey, John Bricker and the Ohio Campaign of 1940," Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 5-24.
... FRANK P FRANK P VAZZANO The Feud Renewed Martin Davey John Bricker and the Ohio Campaign of 1940 They were old enemies Democrat Martin L Davey and Republican John W Bricker two fierce rivals posed against each other for the second time in a contest for Ohio's governorship Their first race in 1936 degenerated into a barrage of accusations and mudslinging Their second in 1940 promised more of the same If anything as Davey's local newspaper the Ravenna Evening Record and Daily Courier-Tribune ...

"Commerce and Culture, The Pattern in Ohio: An Address," Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 269-277.
... Commerce and Culture Commerce and Culture The Pattern in Ohio An Address By HARLAN HATCHER I extend my most cordial personal greetings to my fellow members of the Ohio Historical Society with which I had the pleasure of working for so many years and which has done me honor in the past and which has especially honored me today by inviting me to come once more and share in this annual meeting of our Society I am pleased indeed to do so In fact any reasonable excuse that brings me back to a place ...

"Dr. Gladden's Centenary Poem " (Ohio-Columbus Centennial) Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 447-452.
... The Ohio-Columbus Centennial The Ohio-Columbus Centennial 447 to their homes without a serious accident There was abundant entertainment for all and there was no extortion anywhere Every feature of the celebration over which the commission had control was absolutely free yet when the books were closed every expense had been provided for The great Sunday afternoon meeting at the park seemed to indicate that the tumult and the shouting had not driven out of mind the more serious considerations ...

"Birth Places of Three Ohio Presidents," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 117-122.
... BIRTH PLACES OF THREE OHIO PRESIDENTS BIRTH PLACES OF THREE OHIO PRESIDENTS BY FELIX J KOCH Ohio has been well-named The Mother of Presidentsand while to give the list of all the Chief Executives who were either born or who grew up -for some years at least - within her confines were tedious -it is an interesting play of the Fates worthy the noting that three Presidential birthplaces are so closely located one to another that a day's motor jaunt out from Cincinnati permits of one visiting them ...

"Free Love in Ohio: Jacob Beilhart and the Spirit Fruit Colony," by Robert S. Fogarty and H. Roger Grant. Volume 89, Number 2, Spring, 1980, pp. 206-221.
... ROBERT S ROBERT S FOGARTY AND H ROGER GRANT Free Love in Ohio Jacob Beilhart and the Spirit Fruit Colony During the closing years of the nineteenth century Americans frequently read newspaper and magazine reports of a new wave of communitarianism Just as individuals of good hope united in the antebellum period to create the Bethels Zoars Fruitlands and other utopias colony building likewise flourished after the Civil War particularly during the cataclysmic depression of the mid1890s While ...

Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 68-77.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Johnny Appleseed Source Book By Robert C Harris Old Fort News Vol IX Nos 1 -2 The Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society Fort Wayne Ind March-June 1945 31p Secretary of the Johnny Appleseed Memorial Commission of Fort Wayne vice-president of the Allen County Historical Society principal of the James H Smart School author inventor and civic leader Robert C Harris of Fort Wayne has for nearly fifteen years been doing a major service to Middle Western folklore by ...

"Address of Hon. Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War" (Hayes Dedication) Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 451-455.
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 451 Rich in saving common-sense And as the greatest only are In his simplicity sublime Surely we shall be dull indeed of apprehension if we catch no inspiration from his ardor for humanity if we feel no impulse to emulate the virtues which made his service to the world so great I at least thing of him always as of One who never turned his back but marched breast forward Never doubted clouds would break Never dreamed though right ...

"List of Accessions," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 558-563.
... 558 Ohio Arch 558 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications County Several additional parks shortly will be placed in our custody In connection with two or three of the park properties there has been some lack of agreement as to methods of administration The Director accompanied by Trustee J C Goodman Chairman of the Committee on State Parks recently visited these properties conferred with local committees and provided means for correcting the situations It may seem superfluous to consume the ...

Volume 108, , Winter-Spring, 1999, pp. 62-116.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Rise of the National Guard The Evolution of the American Militia 18651920 By Jerry Cooper Lincoln University of Nebraska Press 1997 xviii 246 pages illustrations notes appendices selected bibliography index 4500 First line of defense or strikebreakers-politicians or professionals-social butterflies or warriors In this well-written and documented book Jerry Cooper traces the statutory history of the National Guard as it evolves from the volunteer soldiery to the ...

"Crawford Massacre Anniversary," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 417-418.
... Editorialana Editorialana 417 who are interested in this work The undersigned committee will be glad to receive suggestions concerning speakers lists of names and addresses of history workers details concerning local history organizations and patriotic societies and any other sources of information that will assist in rendering the conference a success Address communications to Frank P Goodwin 3435 Observatory Place Cincinnati Ohio HOW GOVERNOR MEIGS GOT HIS NAME Where did the parents of ...