Ohio History Journal

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Volume 59, Number 2, April, 1950, pp. 196-203.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Brecksville Ernest M Green President Present officers of the society are Ernest M Green president Alice Green Lewis vice president and Mrs Minnie Bartlett Jones historian secretary and treasurer Trustees are Betty Teter Barrett Susie McCreery Birdsall Benjamin P Forbes Raymond J Thayer Raymond B Perry and Harriet A Wright CLARK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Springfield Orton G Rust President The ...

Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 302-308.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Papers of Ulysses S Grant Volume III October 1 1861-January 7 1862 Edited by JO HN Y SIMON Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press 1971 xxv 479p chronology maps illustrations calendar and index 1500 The Papers of Ulysses S Grant Volume IV January 8-March 31 1862 Edited by JOHN Y SIMON Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press 1972 xxv 520p chronology maps illustrations calendar and index 1500 Like their subject these volumes of Ulysses S Grant's personal ...

"An Economic Aspect of the Spanish-American War," Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 73-75, notes 100.
... AN ECONOMIC ASPECT OF THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR by TOM EDWARD TERRILL In the early months of 1898 the McKinley administration confronted a mounting crisis with Spain over the Cuban revolution Domestic pressures exerted by the press and politicians especially in the month of March placed heavy demands upon President McKinley to intervene to pacify Cuba One of the President's closest advisers thought war was possible in February By March 28 he believed it was probable1 The report on the sinking ...

"Ohio's Madonna of the Trail," by Lida Keck-Wiggins. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 161-166.
... OHIO'S MADONNA OF THE TRAIL OHIO'S MADONNA OF THE TRAIL BY MRS LIDA KECK-WIGGINS Ohio's Pioneer Mother Statue-- the Madonna of the Trail is located three miles west of Springfield on the grounds of the State Masonic Home The statue is a warm pink in color and is moulded of Missouri granite as the main aggregate in the poured mass of algonite stone The foundation upon which it stands is two feet above ground and the monument is 18 feet tall The design is of a pioneer mother clad in garb ...

"Response and President's Address," by H. W. Elson. Volume 25, Number 2, April, 1916, pp. 161-166.
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 16 1 commemorated in our own beautiful memorial building holding his library and numerous family relics while his remains with those of his wife lie beneath the family monument on the beautiful knoll in Spiegel Grove which is approached only by traversing the original Harrison trail of the war of 1812 As coworkers in this field of historic investigation we welcome you to our capital and lay open ...

Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 91-95.
... Book Notes Book Notes Little Cities of Black Diamonds Urban Development in the Hocking Coal Region 1870-1900 By Ivan M Tribe Athens Athens County Historical Society and Museum 1988 vii 130p tables notes index and Sprinkled with Coal Dust Life and Work in the Hocking Coal Region 1870-1900 By Ivan M Tribe Athens Athens County Historical Society and Museum 1989 viii 168p tables notes index Tribe's two books constitute a history of the Hocking Valley coal mining towns in the corners of Perry ...

"The First Circumnavigation of the Earth," Volume 1, Number 2, September, 1887, pp. 164-169.
... THE FIRST CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF THE THE FIRST CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF THE EARTH THE three stages of geographical knowledge are these 1 The observation of facts 2 The deduction of a theory of the earth from these facts 3 The adjustment of facts discovered later to this theory The early difficulties in the way of establishing a true theory of the earth were 1 Men's limited knowledge of the earth 2 Their lack of scientific discipline and habit 3 The misleading character of geographical appearances It ...

"Western Reserve Historical Society, The," by Meredith B. Colket, Jr.. Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 140-149.
... COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS THE WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY by MEREDITH B COLKET JR IN THE DAY S before the Civil War when Cleveland was emerging as a city a group of dedicated young men banded together to form an organization known as the Ark The members were from founding families and had a deep interest in cultural matters Their activities are memorialized in a famous oil painting by Julius Gollman dated 1858 Although the group has since passed out of existence its members inspired the ...

"The Charity School of Kendal," edited by Harlow Lindley. Volume 55, Number 2, April-June, 1946, pp. 183-188.
... THE CHARITY SCHOOL OF KENDAL THE CHARITY SCHOOL OF KENDAL Edited by HARLOW LINDLEY The discovery of an Agreement between Adam W Heldenbrand and the Charity School of Kendal dated November 27 1863 has aroused interest to learn more about this Ohio educational institution and the unique contract enacted there In the winter of 1810-11 one Thomas Rotch left Hartford Connecticut and explored Ohio as far south and west as Cincinnati Springfield and Urbana On this trip Rotch made notes about the ...

"A Report on the First Ohio Institute on Local and State History," Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 82-88.
... A Report on the First Ohio Institute A Report on the First Ohio Institute on Local and State History By ROBERT C WHEELER Imagine turning people away from a meeting on history Yet it actually happened at Newark this fall on October 30 at the first Ohio Institute on Local and State History One hundred fifty persons from forty-two Ohio communities representing thirty-five local and county historical societies and museums squeezed and elbowed their way into the Newark Mound Builders Country Club ...

Volume 103, , Winter-Spring, 1994, pp. 75-117.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Four Hours in My Lai By Michael Bilton and Kevin Sim New York Viking 1992 ix 430p maps illustrations notes on sources notes on text bibliography index 2500 On March 16 1968 Charlie Company of Americal Division's 11th Light Infantry Brigade attacked the Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai expecting to encounter Viet Cong forces which Army intelligence had reported as operating in the area Finding no Viet Cong and meeting no military opposition whatsoever US troops proceeded to ...

"The Ohio National Guard and Its Police Duties, 1894," Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 51-67.
... CHARLES A CHARLES A PECKHAM The Ohio National Guard and Its Police Duties 1894 During the depression year of 1894 Ohio like other states experienced a number of severe labor disturbances caused by unemployed or striking workers the most serious being the coal miners strike during April May and June In addition to these disturbances there were severe fires in Springfield and Toledo and three times lynch mobs attempted to short cut the system of justice These crises made demands upon city and ...

"Perry's Willow," Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 248-250.
... 248 Ohio Arch 248 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications not far off Indeed is not the time ripe at the present moment for the erection of such a building on the part of the legislature as a memorial edifice to mark the centennial anniversary of the establishment of our state This would come now with all the more opportune appropriateness as the centennial celebration which was to have been held at Toledo has been abandoned PERRY'S WILLOW It is our duty to record that the Ohio Archaeological ...

"Central Ohio Valley History Conference," Volume 16, Number 3, July, 1907, pp. 415-417.
... Editorialana Editorialana 415 1838 President Van Buren appointed Mr Lucas governor of the Territory of Iowa In this position he exhibited great capabilities in the organization of the territory into the state The election of William H Harrison as Whig President in 1840 caused Mr Lucas' removal from the office of Iowa governor when he returned to Ohio and was nominated by the people of his home district for membership in United States Congress In the election he was unsuccessful He then sold ...

"The Finns in Ohio," Volume 43, Number 4, October, 1934, pp. 452-460.
... THE FINNS IN OHIO THE FINNS IN OHIO BY EUGENE VAN CLEEF The United States has been developed by motley groups of peoples from numerous divergent lands principally from European countries Among the representatives from these foreign nations are stalwart migrants from fascinating Finland In the course of a century or more the Finns have settled largely in our northern tier of states Their numbers today including those born in this country but of foreign or mixed parentage total 320536 Slightly ...

"Greatness of Ohio," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 310-316.
... GREATNESS OF OHIO GREATNESS OF OHIO Address delivered at the Centennial Celebration of the Admission of Ohio into the Federal Union held under the Auspices of the Ohio Republican Association of Washington City May 23 1903 BY HON D K WATSON PRESIDENT OF THE ASSOCIATION One hundred years ago a portion of what was known as the Northwest Territory was admitted as a State into the Federal Union By an act of Congress the people of the future state were to give it a name Subsequently the name Ohio ...

"Morgan Raid in Ohio, The," by R. W. McFarland. Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 243-246.
... THE MORGAN RAID IN OHIO THE MORGAN RAID IN OHIO R W MCFARLAND In the article under the above heading published in the January number there are several errors which ought not to pass unnoticed The paragraph to which reference is made is as follows viz The Ohio Raid practically ended at Buffington Island although Morgan himself was not captured there but with a small portion of his men escaped and fled to Lake Erie being captured at New Lisbon in Columbiana county Ohio within one day's ride of ...

"Thomas Corwin and the Conservative Republican Reaction, 1858-1861," by Daryl Pendergraft. Volume 57, Number 1, January, 1948, pp. 1-23.
... THOMAS CORWIN AND THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN THOMAS CORWIN AND THE CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN REACTION 1858-1861 by DARYL PENDERGRAFT Assistant Professor of History Iowa State Teachers College By the year 1858 it had become apparent to many of the leaders of the young Republican party that the party's future success required a stronger appeal to the conservative elements of the North The taint of radicalism that was attached to the new party was plainly frightening many of the property-owning ...

"General Joseph Kerr," by William E. Gilmore. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 164-166.
... GENERAL JOSEPH KERR GENERAL JOSEPH KERR BY WM E GILMORE CHILLICOTHE OHIO The following article from the pen of Mr Gilmore appeared in the columns of The Daily Scioto Gazette of March 21 1903 As this article presents the history of Senator Kerr no where else to be found it is thought sufficiently valuable to deserve permanent preservation and is therefore herewith republishedE O R At length my inquiries and correspondence begun in 1886 for the purpose of recovering something of the personal ...

Volume 97, , Summer-Autumn, 1988, pp. 149-169.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Life Journals and Correspondence of Rev Manasseh Cutler LLD Volume I By William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler Athens Ohio University Press 1987 xii 524p notes 4000set Volume II By William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler Athens Ohio University Press 1987 iv 495p notes appendices index 4000set Manasseh Cutler was a community builder of the first rank during a very formative era in our nation's history To mark the Centennial of the Northwest Ordinance his ...