Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Taking the Breaks and Working the Boats: An English Family's Impressions of Ohio in the 1830s," by Brian P. Birch. Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 101-118.
... BRIAN P BRIAN P BIRCH Taking the Breaks and Working the Boats An English Family's Impressions of Ohio in the 1830s While the frontier was a great leveler of people in putting them back into log cabins and deerskins it was also a zone of increasingly varied economic opportunities as the new settlements created a demand for services and communications Not only was there a need as the frontier moved across an area for farmfolk to occupy land to clear the forests and to till the soil Opportunities ...

Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 123-124.
... Book Notes Book Notes Ohio Pottery and Glass Marks and Manufacturers By Lois Lehner Des Moines Iowa Wallace-Homestead Books 1978 113p illustrations notes bibliography A useful updating of John Ramsay's 1947 check list of Ohio potteries with additional material on Ohio glass manufacturers this work contains brief company histories arranged alphabetically by town or city and accompanied by reproductions of known ware marks The bibliography indicates an uneven utilization of available material ...

"Ancient Indian Giants," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 283-285.
... Editorialana Editorialana 283 and calls out 'Let them go' and the superb roan leaders that have been prancing waiting for the word dash off But after all Kirkersville attained to something more than local fame It was in the summer of 1865 just after the end of the Great Rebellion when I was stationed at Watertown arsenal near Boston Colonel Kingsbury our commanding officer was a classmate of General Sherman and when the latter came to Boston he hurried out to the arsenal to see his old cadet ...

Volume 67, Number 1, January, 1958, pp. 68-94.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Financing Unemployment Compensation Ohio's Experience By Edison L Bowers Paul G Craig and William Papier Bureau of Business Research Monograph Number 89 Columbus Ohio State University College of Commerce and Administration 1957 xx 314p bibliography 400 An important function of state government in the industrialized society of our day is the organization and administration of an effective system of unemployment compensation Ohio which is well on the way to becoming the ...

"Azariah Smith Root," Volume 37, Number 1, January, 1928, pp. 198-200.
... 198 198 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications learned and was a life member of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Joseph Green Butler Jr married Harriet Voorhes Ingersoll of Honesdale Pennsylvania January 10 1866 Of this union were born Mrs Blanche Butler Ford Mrs Grace Ingersoll Butler McGraw and Mr Henry A Butler The latter two survive Mrs Butler died in 1921 Mr Butler was familiarly known as Uncle Joe and his wide circle of acquaintances and friends felt a personal loss ...

"Relic Department of the Centennial" (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 245-252.
... RELIC DEPARTMENT OF THE CENTENNIAL RELIC DEPARTMENT OF THE CENTENNIAL ONE of the interesting and attractive features of the celebration was the display of historical relics It was a matter of great regret to the Committee that a list and catalogue of the articles with the names of owners and exhibitors could not be prepared before the celebration The following is a complete list of articles displayed The value of the list would be greatly enhanced could the name of the owner of each of the ...

"Character Sketch of General Ulysses S. Grant," Volume 31, Number 2, April, 1922, pp. 163-171.
... CHARACTER SKETCH OF GENERAL ULYSSES S CHARACTER SKETCH OF GENERAL ULYSSES S GRANT BY JUDGE HUGH L NICHOLS Chairman of the U S Grant Memorial Centenary Association My earlier life was spent at New Richmond Clermont County Ohio on the banks of the Ohio River five miles west of Point Pleasant where Ohio's greatest son first saw the light of day As a youth I was greatly interestd in General Grant always having regarded him - and it would seem rightlyas Ohio's most famous citizen and since he was ...

"The Ballad of 'James Bird': Its Authorship," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 52-57.
... THE BALLAD OF 'JAMES BIRD THE BALLAD OF 'JAMES BIRD ITS AUTHORSHIP BY C B GALBREATH In a contribution entitled The Battle of Lake Erie in Ballad and History the writer of this article in 1911 related the story of James Bird and reproduced the old ballad commemorating his heroic service on board the Lawrence and his tragic death a year later for desertion on the Niagara In commenting on this quaint pathetic ballad it was assumed to have been written by a bard unlearned and unknown but not ...

"The Battle of Picardy: Heroic Service of Three Ohio Soldiers," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 6-12.
... THEBATTLE OF PICARDY THEBATTLE OF PICARDY HEROIC SERVICE OF THREE OHIO SOLDIERS In an article of absorbing interest Frank H Simonds in the Review of Reviews for March 1920 describes the great German offensive which began March 21 1918 The Germans called this the Kaiser's Battle the English have named it the Second Battle of the Somme but it will probably be more generally and permanently known as the Battle of Picardy In the number of men engaged and the losses it was the greatest battle in ...

"A Daughter of the McGuffeys: Fragments from the Early Life of Anna McGuffey Morrill (1845-1924)," Volume 42, Number 3, July, 1933, pp. 245-340.
... A DAUGHTER OF THE McGUFFEYS A DAUGHTER OF THE McGUFFEYS FRAGMENTS FROM THE EARLY LIFE OF ANNA MC GUFFEY MORRILL 1845-1924 EDITED BY HER DAUGHTER ALICE MORRILL RUGGLES Copyrighted 1933 By ALICE MORRILL RUGGLES All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this monograph or portions thereof in any form FOREWORD FOREWORD In 1921 when my mother was living in Cambridge Massachusetts I suggested that she write out her recollections of early life in the Middle West She demurred But I have ...

"Man and Nature in Modern Ohio," Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 144-153.
... MAN AND NATURE IN MODERN OHIO1 MAN AND NATURE IN MODERN OHIO1 by PAUL B SEARS Professor of Botany Oberlin College My theme is law It is a curious paradox that science whose practitioners proudly boast that they take nothing for granted rests upon faith Science is in fact what our theological friends would call an act of faith The faith to which I refer is a profound belief that the universe of our experience is a universe of law and order2 Without a conviction that the world of experience must ...

"Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925: A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response," Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 5-23.
... SHIRLEY SUI LING TAM SHIRLEY SUI LING TAM Police Roundup of Chinese in Cleveland in 1925 A Case Study of a Racist Measure and the Chinese Response On September 22 1925 a Chinese waiter named Yee Chock was found dead with his head chopped off in the Chinatown section of Cleveland Ohio Identifying such a hatchet murder as being connected with rivalry among tongs a kind of Chinese association in America the Safety Director of Cleveland Edwin D Barry ordered a wholesale arrest of all the Chinese ...

Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 311-337.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Refugees of Revolution The German Forty-Eighters in America By Carl Wittke Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press 1952 x385p index 600 At any time Carl Wittke's Refugees of Revolution would at once take its place as an important contribution to our knowledge of the national history But its appearance now is especially timely both because the centennial of the Revolutions of 1848 has been recently observed and because the United States has again received many ...

Volume 52, Number 2, April-June, 1943, pp. 188-203.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The French in the Mississippi Valley 17 401750 By Norman Ward Caldwell Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences Vol XXVI No 3 Urbana University of Illinois Press 1941 113p Map bibliography The author has used for this study the rich photostatic collection of documents relating to French and Indian affairs in the Illinois country made by the Illinois Historical Survey Most notable perhaps is his use of the expense bills of the western posts from the colonial records in ...

Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 296-318.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Howells amp Italy By James L Woodress Jr Durham N C Duke Uni versity Press 1952 xiv223p frontispiece portrait bibliography and index 350 Of late years there appears to be a trend toward a strong revival of interest in the life and writings of William Dean Howells an Ohio boy whose first years were rooted in journalistic experience on various Ohio newspapers including his father's and particularly with the Ohio State Journal in Columbus In this first book-length study ...

"The McGuffey Society at Fort Hill," by John R. Horst. Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 605-610.
... THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT FORT HILL THE McGUFFEY SOCIETY AT FORT HILL BY JOHN R HORST The McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio met at Fort Hill in Highland county on Saturday September 12th 1925 as previously announced in the newspapers Fort Hill is the name of a hill located about three miles north of Sinking Spring Surrounding the crest of the hill is an ancient fortification apparently for defense the building of which is credited to the Mound Builders It contains about forty acres within the ...

Volume 73, Number 2, Spring, 1964, pp. 119-125.
... BOOK REVIEWS FREEDOM'S FORUM THE CITY CLUB 1912-1962 By Thomas F Campbell Cleveland The City Club 1963 128p frontispiece and index 350 The occasion for this book was the celebration of the golden anniversary of the City Club of Cleveland in 1962 The phrase Freedom's Forum incorporated in the title underscores the spirit and purpose of the club Its dedicated adherence to free speech has been the key to its vigorous life and survival It was founded during the progressive era when city clubs ...

"Minutes of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, Ohio, April 7, 1951," Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 308-311.
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Columbus Ohio April 7 1951 The Ohio Academy of History met in Columbus April 7 at 1000 A M with Dr Raymond W Bixler of Ashland College in the chair Grover C Platt of Bowling Green State University opened the morning session with a discussion of The Civilization Course in the Ohio College History Curriculum and Frederick B Joyner of Miami University spoke on The Basic American History Course in Ohio Colleges Donald R Tuttle of Fenn College ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 90, Number 4, Autumn, 1981, pp. 332-336.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent promotions appointments and awards within the professional community of Ohio historians include Dr Allan Peskin of Cleveland State University has been promoted to Professor Peter Rutkoff of Kenyon College has received an NEH Fellowship Department Chairman for more than 30 years Dr Robert E Bader of Mount Union College has retired at the end of the 1980-81 academic year Professor Richard Doyle of Mount Union College spent Spring 1981 on sabbatical to ...

"Baseball in its Adolescence," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 111-127.
... BASEBALL IN ITS ADOLESCENCE BASEBALL IN ITS ADOLESCENCE by CARL WITTKE Chairman o f the Department o f History and Dean of the Graduate School Western Reserve University In 1939 Americans celebrated the centenary of their national pastime because a baseball commission created in 1907 to settle the hotly disputed question of who originated the modern game awarded the honor to Abner Doubleday A number of writers continue to insist that Alexander Cartwright of New York City drew up the first ...