... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Refugees of Revolution The German Forty-Eighters in America By Carl Wittke Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press 1952 x385p index 600 At any time Carl Wittke's Refugees of Revolution would at once take its place as an important contribution to our knowledge of the national history But its appearance now is especially timely both because the centennial of the Revolutions of 1848 has been recently observed and because the United States has again received many ...
... 428 Ohio Arch 428 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications wigwam dared to be raised upon its soil on account of danger of some enemy A little later the Algonquin as well as the Iroquois returned to this country in small tribes and grew but there was another enemy rising up against them the English and the French particularly the English For about twenty years they struggled for the occupation of this territory and the English finally succeeded but the Indian was determined to hold it and ...
... OHIO IN NATIONAL POLITICS 1865-1896 OHIO IN NATIONAL POLITICS 1865-1896 By CLIFFORD H MOORE PH D Professor of History in Ripon College Ripon Wisconsin CHAPTER I SOME DETERMINING FACTORS The sectional conflict which ended in 1865 contributed a number of conflicting elements to the new era of national life Prominent was the suspicion engendered by four years of struggle and it persisted throughout the period of the next generation as a barrier to a true sense of national unity Men easily ...
... 632 Ohio Arch 632 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Quarterly but all numbers are promised from the printer before the close of the calendar year From this brief report it will be seen that the publications of the Society are increasing in volume and value Signed JOSE PH C GOODMAN Chairman SCHOENBRUNN Your committee has been steadily at work throughout the year in seeking to make the Schoenbrunn Memorial Park one of the outstanding historic spots of Ohio An appropriation of 7500 by the ...
... Liedel Summer-Autumn 2003 pp 68-86 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Property and Power Women Religious Defend Their Rights in Nineteenth-Century Cleveland By Leslie Liedel During the first half of the nineteenth century Catholics fought over concerns of power and authority in the local church that often appeared in debates addressing the ownership of church property In the early history of American Catholicism church ...
... BARBARA GROSECLOSE BARBARA GROSECLOSE Itinerant Painting In Ohio Origins and Implications Among the most intriguing features of Ohio's art history is the role of itinerant painting in the development of the region's arthow and why itinerant painting occurred what implications the itinerant experience had for the career of the individual artist and in what manner Ohio itinerant painting might have contributed to or be related to the growth of mainstream American painting Itinerant painting is ...
... Historical News Historical News THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATIO N for State and Local History has established an annual prize and a grant-in-aid program to encourage the publication of sound interpretive localized history A prize of one thousand dollars will be awarded each year for the book-length manuscript in localized history which in the opinion of the research and publications committee makes the most distinguished contribution to American or Canadian historiography The grants-in-aid which are ...
... BRIAN P BRIAN P BIRCH Taking the Breaks and Working the Boats An English Family's Impressions of Ohio in the 1830s While the frontier was a great leveler of people in putting them back into log cabins and deerskins it was also a zone of increasingly varied economic opportunities as the new settlements created a demand for services and communications Not only was there a need as the frontier moved across an area for farmfolk to occupy land to clear the forests and to till the soil Opportunities ...
... RAREY THE HORSE'S MASTER AND FRIEND RAREY THE HORSE'S MASTER AND FRIEND BY SARA LOWE BROWN It is one of the honors of Franklin county Ohio that early in the second quarter of the Nineteenth century it produced in the person of John Solomon Rarey a man who bore to all the world the message that in kindness there is power Ralph Waldo Emerson said of him that he had turned a new leaf in civilization while William Lloyd Garrison testified to his fitness to teach the world a great and everywhere ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The French in the Mississippi Valley 17 401750 By Norman Ward Caldwell Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences Vol XXVI No 3 Urbana University of Illinois Press 1941 113p Map bibliography The author has used for this study the rich photostatic collection of documents relating to French and Indian affairs in the Illinois country made by the Illinois Historical Survey Most notable perhaps is his use of the expense bills of the western posts from the colonial records in ...
... CHARACTER SKETCH OF GENERAL ULYSSES S CHARACTER SKETCH OF GENERAL ULYSSES S GRANT BY JUDGE HUGH L NICHOLS Chairman of the U S Grant Memorial Centenary Association My earlier life was spent at New Richmond Clermont County Ohio on the banks of the Ohio River five miles west of Point Pleasant where Ohio's greatest son first saw the light of day As a youth I was greatly interestd in General Grant always having regarded him - and it would seem rightlyas Ohio's most famous citizen and since he was ...
... CARL W CARL W ALBRECHT Book Notes The Papers of Henry Bouquet Volume 5 September 1 1760-October 31 1761 Edited by Louis M Waddell John L Tottenham and Donald H Kent Harrisburg The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission 1984 xxx 875p illustrations bibliography chronology index Henry Bouquet born in Switzerland in 1719 passed his early military training and experience in the service of several European states In 1756 he was recruited to serve as a lieutenant colonel in the Royal American ...
... THE SEMI-COLON CLUB THE SEMI-COLON CLUB OF CINCINNATI by LOUIS L TUCKER Among the holdings of the Cincinnati Historical Society1 is a box of manuscripts containing 126 documents and a single volume of a shortlived magazine titled The Semi-Colon which consists of three numbers2 These two source materials represent the sole remains of the Semi-Colon Club a literary society that flourished in Cincinnati during the 1830's and 1840's 3 The activities of this club constitute a significant chapter in ...
... Reviews Notes and Comments 323 Reviews Notes and Comments 323 The question Are any of the Griffiths there yet Mr Gessner answered in the affirmative The General then humorously observes The town of Batavia must now be very much dried up with all the facilities the people have to get away I used to take much delight in visiting there and through Clermont And then he added with a touch of pathos But I have made my last visit In this connection the author makes some statements that will be news ...
... ESSAY AND COMMENT ESSAY AND COMMENT The Rise of the Youth Class Historical reflection may well reveal a significant relationship between the unrest of the 1960's and the birth of a new social class Even from this limited vantage point it is increasingly apparent that young people for the first time have identified themselves as a separate class in society Congregated in large numbers on college and university campuses young people have come to the self-realization that they have common needs ...
... The Wisconsin Archaeological Society The Wisconsin Archaeological Society 3 37 PROFESSOR H B LATHROP'S ADDRESS The mound of earth at our feet is the work of hands long quiet a memorial the meaning of which by the time our race came to this region had been forgotten by the very aborigines themselves whose ancestors it is believed here built it On some summer's day how many ages ago we know not there labored here a band of dark-skinned men and women bearing with them in sacks and baskets the ...
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 1 11 believe unique in receiving an annual appropriation 5000 from the city government to aid in its educational propaganda In truth there is no reason whatever why this example should not generally be followed by large American cities Exactly the same argument used in behalf of the school system can and should be urged for the historical society But such a society state or local can lay slight claim to official aid if it be not ...
... LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ Edited by ALICE E SMITH Thomas Buchanan Read was less than twenty years old when he wrote the letters printed below yet he had experienced many and strange adventures At the age of fourteen he had rebelled at the life of a tailor's apprentice and escaped to Philadelphia Here for a time he had clerked in a cellar grocery then served as apprentice to a cigar maker and finally made his way on a flatboat to Cincinnati For three years ...
... 26 Ohio Arch 26 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications three hundred thousand soldiers in the great Civil War that was to cement and weld into one indissoluble federation the nation the forefathers made independent With filial reverence we erect monuments of marble and tablets of brass upon the sites most memorable in the storm and stress of the early pioneer days But greater than all the memorials of art to noble founders are the products of industry progress prosperity and humanity which ...
... OHIO OHIO and the PANAMA CANAL by CHARLES D AMERINGER Uncle Sam digging under the influence of the Sons of Ohio at the right place So ran a toast proposed at the twenty-second annual banquet of the Cincinnati Commercial Club at the Queen City Club on November 13 1902 The reference was to the role Ohioans had played in the decision of the United States to construct an interoceanic canal in Panama and the man who offered the toast was in a position to know whereof he spoke He was Philippe ...