Ohio History Journal

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"James Fairchild Baldwin, M. D., 1850-1936," by George M. Curtis. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 374-378.
... JAMES FAIRCHILD BALDWIN M JAMES FAIRCHILD BALDWIN MD 1850-1936 by GEORGE M CURTIS MD James Fairchild Baldwin surgeon extraordinary was born in the little village of Orangeville New York on February 12 1850 He died at Columbus Ohio on January 20 1936 approximately 86 years of age He had practiced almost sixty years and nearly forty of these as a surgeon A master of his craft this rugged individualist was finally conquered by one of the surgical diseases of which the least was then known i e ...

"The Political Career of Harry M. Daugherty, 1889-1919," by James N. Giglio. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 152-177.
... JAMES N JAMES N GIGLIO The Political Career of Harry M Daugherty 1889-1919 Historians have written about Harry Micajah Daugherty only within the context of the Warren G Harding era His association with the 1920 campaign and the Harding presidency has received extensive coverage Works on the 1920's have amply covered his involvement in the administration scandals Daugherty's pre1912 career however has been virtually ignored only a scant outline of early political adventures has come from the ...

"Newspapers and History," by Raymond F. Fletcher. Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 212-226.
... NEWSPAPERS AND HISTORY NEWSPAPERS AND HISTORY By RAYMOND F FLETCHE R Time's out of joint when a newspaper man ventures to speak at an annual gathering of a great state historical society Whenever a member of the Fourth Estate appraises history he must agree with the sages that it is at the root of all science the first distinct product of man's spiritual nature the unrolled scroll of prophecy the record of man in quest of complete living What possible connection can there be between proud ...

Volume 85, Number 1, Winter, 1976, pp. 86-96.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Leadership in the American Revolution Papers Presented at the Third Symposium May 9 and 10 1974 Edited by the Library of Congress Washington D C Library of Congress 1974 ix 135p notes 450 The five papers presented at the Third Symposium on the American Revolution sponsored by the Library of Congress each prefaced by a brief gracious introduction by L H Butterfield comprise this attractive book It is much more successful than most collections of papers each author is a ...

Volume 47, Number 3, July, 1938, pp. 260-272.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS And Then the Storm By Sister M Monica New York Longm ans Green amp Co 1937 231 p 250 Few foreigners have been privileged to study Spain from so many and widely different viewpoints as the author of And Then the Storm and little escaped her discerning and compassionate eyes Chaperoned by the two charming sisters of Don Juan de Cardenas the then Spanish ambassador at Washington Sister Monica had intimate contact with the old aristocracy and found the Spanish women kind ...

"Baseball's First Professional Manager," by Harold Seymour. Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 406-423.
... Baseball's First Professional Manager Baseball's First Professional Manager By HAROLD SEYMOUR It is fairly common knowledge that Ohio holds the distinction of fielding the first admittedly professional team in baseball history the Cincinnati Red Stockings1 It is less well known that the manager of that famous team was perhaps the outstanding baseball figure of his time Harry Wright's career spanned the amateur and early professional periods of baseball and provided a link between the two He ...

"Annual Meeting of the Trustees," Volume 16, Number 2, April, 1907, pp. 255-256.
... Twenty-second Annual Meeting Twenty-second Annual Meeting 255 above named gentlemen as Trustees The Secretary cast the ballot as instructed and the five men designated were declared elected as Trustees of the Society to serve for the ensuing three years ending at the Annual Meeting in 1910 Mr Wood in making the report of the Nominating Committee stated that the committee further desired to recommend that General R Brinkerhoff be elected by the Society President Emeritus for life Such action he ...

"Address of Loren E. Sowers," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 28-30.
... 28 Ohio Arch 28 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications master introduced Mrs Herbert Backus Vice-President General of the Daughters of the American Revolution RESPONSE OF MRS HERBERT BACKUS Mr Toastmaster Distinguished Guests and Friends A story was told me the other day of a farmer who took unto himself his second wife He brought her to the home of her predecessor After some time had elapsed she told him that she needed some new shoes that all her shoes were worn out He said Well Samantha ...

"Ohio's Madonna of the Trail," by Lida Keck-Wiggins. Volume 41, Number 2, April, 1932, pp. 161-166.
... OHIO'S MADONNA OF THE TRAIL OHIO'S MADONNA OF THE TRAIL BY MRS LIDA KECK-WIGGINS Ohio's Pioneer Mother Statue-- the Madonna of the Trail is located three miles west of Springfield on the grounds of the State Masonic Home The statue is a warm pink in color and is moulded of Missouri granite as the main aggregate in the poured mass of algonite stone The foundation upon which it stands is two feet above ground and the monument is 18 feet tall The design is of a pioneer mother clad in garb ...

"In His Veins Coursed No Bootlicking Blood: The Career of Peter H. Clark," by Lawrence Grossman. Volume 86, Number 2, Spring, 1977, pp. 79-95.
... LAWRENCE GROSSMAN LAWRENCE GROSSMAN In His Veins Coursed No Bootlicking Blood The Career of Peter H Clark Peter H Clark was one of the most prominent black leaders of the nineteenth century Working as a schoolteacher he emerged as a champion of the antebellum Negro community in Cincinnati achieved recognition after the Civil War as one of the leading black men of Ohio and became a figure of national importance in racial matters by the 1880s Though Clark's fame proved ephemeral an understanding ...

Volume 93, , Summer-Autumn, 1984, pp. 185-205.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Dangerous Relations The Soviet Union in World Politics 1970-1982 By Adam B Ulam New York Oxford University Press 1983 vi 325p notes index 2500 In a recent study of American diplomatic historiography Jerald Combs had some difficulty deciding if Adam Ulam had revisionist leanings or belonged firmly to the orthodox camp No such doubts could follow from Ulam's most recent study a continuation chronologically of his Expansion and Coexistence and the Rivals Ulam sees a ...

Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 85-93.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Prehistoric Antiquities of Indiana By Eli Lilly Indianapolis Indiana Historical Society 1937 293p illus Within the past few years there has been a renewed and intensified interest in the study of archaeology in the United States As a result much new evidence has been brought to light and new methods and techniques have been evolved for securing and interpreting archaeological facts In the Middle West the Indiana Historical Society has played a leading part in the ...

"Marietta College and the Ohio Company: A Review of Professor Arthur G. Beach's History," by Wayne Jordan. Volume 44, Number 2, April, 1935, pp. 290-300.
... MARIETTA COLLEGE AND THE OHIO COMPANY MARIETTA COLLEGE AND THE OHIO COMPANY A Review of Professor Arthur G Beach's History BY WAYNE JORDAN A college history that is also an outstanding contribution to the general historical literature of Ohio has been published in connection with the 100th anniversary of the present charter of Marietta College and the 138th of the founding of Muskingum Academy The book is entitled A Pioneer College--The Story of Marietta1 and was written by Arthur G Beach ...

"Annual Report of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, 1945," Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 263-282.
... ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1945 To THE OFFICERS TRUSTEES AND MEMBERS OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Herewith is submitted the Annual Report of the Society for the year 1945 The cooperation and the many courtesies which you have shown to the staff personnel during the year are greatly appreciated Respectfully submitted April 1 2 19 46 HENRY C SHETRONE Director REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR The year 1945 was a ...

"DOCUMENTARY DATA," Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 61-63.
... DOCUMENTARY DATA DOCUMENTARY DATA By BERTHA E JOSEPHSON During recent months the Department of Documents which includes under its jurisdiction state archives manuscripts maps posters photostats and broadsides has catalogued and arranged in a vertical file about one hundred small and pamphlet-folder maps Some of the more important of these are ANDREWS REPORT FOR 1854 MAPS ACCOMPANYING THE ISRAEL D One showing railroads in U S in operation and progress in the fifties two of the St Lawrence ...

"Address of Rev. A. L. Chapin, D. D." (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 126-131.
... ADDRESSES OF SUNDAY EVENING APRIL ADDRESSES OF SUNDAY EVENING APRIL EIGHTH ADDRESS OF REV A L CHAPIN DD MY CHRISTIAN FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS -My connection with this celebration is so peculiar that I shall crave a moment simply to explain it This occasion has been looked forward to by many of your people and not by the people of Marietta or the people of Ohio alone Many months ago Dr Andrews whom I chanced to meet spoke to me of the occasion to come in the course of a couple of years It ...

Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 413-422.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Amphibians of Ohio Part I The Frogs and Toads Order Salientia By Charles F Walker Ohio State Museum Science Bulletin Vol I No 3 Columbus Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1946 109p 100 Teachers students naturalists and herpetologists will be glad to know that this much needed paper on the frogs and toads of Ohio has at last made its appearance Although the numbers of kinds of this Order of tailless amphibians Salientia native to Ohio are very limited ...

Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 413-419.
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL XLIX For Index of Authors see Contents page iii PAGE ALLEE M H--Runaway Linda Book review by L R Hiestand 217-218 ALLEN CO O--GENEALOGY Gratz Delbert L Historical and Genealogical Sketch of the Swiss Mennonites of Allen and Putnam Counties Ohio 282-288 ALTROCCHI J C--Wolves Against the Moon Book review by E S Ballis 408-409 America in Midpassage by C A Beard and M R Beard--Book review by John O Marsh 307-308 American Industrial ...

"McKinley Monument: Dedicated September 30, 1907," Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 225-237.
... McKINLEY MONUMENT McKINLEY MONUMENT DEDICATED SEPTEMBER 30 1907 Soon after the tragic death of President William McKinley many leading citizens of the nation such as Senator Hanna Justice Day Governor Herrick Hon George B Cortelyou and other prominent state and national officials united in the organization of The McKinley National Memorial Association The purpose was the erection at Canton Ohio of a monument suitable to the memory of the beloved and noble President Subscriptions poured in from ...

"Annual Meeting of the Trustees," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 111-113.
... Thirty-First Annual Meeting Thirty-First Annual Meeting 111 meeting shall be mailed by the Secretary to all members of the Society at least ten days before such annual meeting is held The following were duly elected to life membership Mr Clay Barnes Waverley Dr H E Twitchell Hamilton Mr A J Rayner Piqua Prof A M Schlesinger Columbus Mr H C Shetrone Columbus Hon Harry L Goodbread Nevada Ohio Dr Wm D Tremper Portsmouth Mr W O Feurt Portsmouth Mr Geo H Heinisch Portsmouth Mr Wilbur Stout ...