Ohio History Journal

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Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 202-222.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Best Intentions The Triumph and Failure of the Great Society Under Kennedy Johnson and Nixon By Irwin Unger New York Doubleday 1996 399p notes index 2795 Guns or Butter The Presidency of Lyndon Johnson By Irving Bernstein New York The Oxford University Press 1996 x 606p illustrations notes index 3500 Irwin Unger's The Best of Intentions and Irving Bernstein's Guns or Butter offer timely accounts of the Johnson years tracing the ideas programs and agencies that ...

Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 206-226.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Nursing in Ohio A History By James H Rodabaugh and Mary Jane Rodabaugh Columbus The Ohio State Nurses' Association 1951 xiv 2 73p illustrations appendices source notes and index 400 Ohio for many years has shown unusual interest in the history of medicine Stimulated by the eager enthusiasm of Dr Jonathan Forman a group of researchers has met annually for more than a decade to add immeasurably to the knowledge of nineteenth-century science in the Middle West A steadily ...

"Friedrich Hassaurek: Cincinnati's Leading Forty-Eighter," Volume 68, Number 1, January, 1959, pp. 1-17.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 68 NUMBER 1 JANUA R Y 1 959 Friedrich Hassaurek Cincinnati's Leading Forty-Eighter By CARL WITTKE THE ABORTIVE GERMAN REVOLUTIONS OF 1848 and 1849 led to an exodus of political refugees from Europe to the United States which was unique in the history of American immigration Among the German immigrants who crossed the Atlantic in the 1850's in quest of greater economic opportunities and political liberty there were a significant ...

"Ohio," by J. J. Bliss. Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 115-117.
... OHIO OHIO BY J J BLISS BUCYRUS Lo next the Union stars and stripes Ohio's pennant streaming Lo in the field of brightest blue The Buckeye emblem gleaming Come muses then in chorus join To voice Ohio's praises Aright your sweetest notes attune And choose your fairest phrases CHORUS Ohio our Ohio most favored by the fates Hurrah for dear Ohio and our great United States Sing forests vast of stately trees Choice orchards ranked in order Sweet silver streams and lakelet gems That fertile fields ...

"Brooks and Burlingame," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 614-615.
... 614 Ohio Arch 614 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HISTORY OF AKRON A Centennial History of Akron 1825-1925 published under the auspices of the General Committee of the City's First Centennial Celebration July 19-23 1925 and the editorial direction of the Historical Committee Oscar E Olin LL D Mr J M Ada E Allen and Edwin W Brouse Managing Editor James A Braden This book presents the remarkable progress of the city of Akron from its humble beginning one hundred years ago to the present ...

"Death of Senator Frank Bartlette Willis," Volume 37, Number 2, April, 1928, pp. 433-434.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 433 Reviews Notes and Comments 433 DEATH OF SENATOR FRANK BARTLETTE WILLIS On the evening of March 28 1928 when he was about to deliver an address in his campaign for the nomination of President of the United States at a home-coming celebration in his honor at Gray Chapel Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware Ohio United States Senator Frank B Willis was stricken and died while 2500 of his friends and neighbors were waiting to hear him Senator Willis was born in Delaware ...

Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 219-238.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA A RUSSELL AAAS See American Association for the Advancement of Science Abbott Charles Conrad 133-134 135 Works by and Frederick Ward Putnam Paleolithic Remains in new Jersey 136 Abolition Movement The Two Lives of Frances Dana Gage by Carol Steinhagen 22-38 Acker Betty W and Nettie G Watson Stonemasons o f Muskingum County Ohio in the I00's bk note 118 Adair James 164 Adena Indians 125-170 Adena tables 150-157 Aiming at Targets The Autobiography of Robert C ...

Volume 110, , Summer-Autumn, 2001, pp. 193-217.
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 193-217 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page BOOK REVIEWS Joyous Greetings The First International Women's Movement 1830-1860 By Bonnie S Anderson New York Oxford University Press 2000 xii 288p illustrations notes bibliography index 3000 Anyone interested in history ...

"Senator Willis Adds to Society Library," Volume 31, Number 1, January, 1922, pp. 101-102.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 101 Reviews Notes and Comments 101 who figured in the stories and afterward led to an appreciative study of life on the plains with scarcely any depreciation in his estimate of the spectacular character of Buffalo Bill A famous Iowa writer has declared that nothing lies like history and expresses the opinion that we must go to the imagination for realities This is a part of his apology for writing a romance of the famous Johnny Appleseed While we are not prepared at ...

"'Contest MY seat sir!': Lewis D. Campbell, Clement L. Vallandigham, and the Election of 1856," Volume 106, , Winter-Spring, 1997, pp. 5-30.
... ROBERT J ROBERT J ZALIMAS JR Contest MY seat sir Lewis D Campbell Clement L Vallandigham and the Election of 1856 After the October 1856 elections a heated political controversy arose in Ohio's Third Congressional District which mirrored the regional and factional turmoil dividing the nation The District lay in the southwestern part of the state and included three politically diverse counties Butler Montgomery and Preble In the election Democrat candidate Clement L Vallandigham lost to ...

"Ash Cave," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 271-272.
... Fortieth Annual Meeting 271 Fortieth Annual Meeting 271 have charge of arrangements for the proposed trip and suggested that members desiring to make the tour communicate with him ASH CAVE Mr Bright stated that Ash Cave has been turned over to the State Forestry Department the state purchased about 1200 acres of land and has made a state park of it Mr Wood for the Committee on Nominations stated that the committee desires to make its report in two sections We have with us today a man who has ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY, A," "August 1957-July 1958," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 369-379.
... A Survey of Publications A Survey of Publications In Ohio History and Archaeology August 1957 - July 1958 Compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT BUCKMASTER Henrietta Flight to Freedom The Story of the Underground Railroad New York Thomas Y Crowell Company 1958 217p For ages twelve and older JELLISON Charles A The Martyrdom of John Brown West Virginia History XVIII 1957 243-255 LOTTICK Kenneth V The Connecticut Reserve and the Civil War History of Education Journal VIII No 3 Spring ...

"Report of the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 45, Number 3, July, 1936, pp. 273-296.
... REPORT OF THE FIFTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF REPORT OF THE FIFTIETH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY Forenoon Session--10 A M In the absence of the president and first vice-president the Fiftieth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was called to order by its second vice-president Wilber Stout on April 21 1936 in the auditorium of the Museum The attendance at this session was smaller than usual but was quite representative The ...

Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 454-470.
... Index Index COMPILED BY LAURA RUSSELL ABOLITION 37-56 Abortion in America The Origins and Evolution of National Policy by James C Mohr rev 218-220 Achenbaum W Andrew Old Age in the New Land The American Experience Since 1790 rev 427-429 Act of February 26 1816 poor house authorization 84 Adams John 133 Adams John Quincy 12 13 16 17 18 1920 22 23 24 26 29 46 Adams-Clay party 13 17 Addams Jane 62 Adelphic Society of Western Reserve College 201 204 206 Adkins vs Children's Hospital 190 ...

"Preglacial Man in Ohio," Volume 1, Number 3, December, 1887, pp. 257-259.
... PREGLACIAL MAN IN OHIO PREGLACIAL MAN IN OHIO AT the meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History2 for November 4 1885 Mr Putnam showed an implement chipped from a pebble of black flint found by Dr C L Metz in gravel eight feet below the surface in Madisonville Ohio This rude implement is about the same size and shape of one made of the same material found by Dr Abbott in the Trenton N J gravel and is of special interest as the first one known from the gravels of Ohio This announcement ...

Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 384-408.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews PR Politics in Cincinnati Thirty-Two Years of City Government Through Proportional Representation By Ralph A Straetz New York New York University Press 1958 xvii312p bibliography and appendix 500 From an early day the political history of Cincinnati has been a study in contrasts The home of such notable national figures as Edward McLean Joseph B Foraker William Howard Taft Nicholas Longworth Judson Harmon and Robert A Taft it also numbers among its sons such divergent ...

Volume 111, pp. 202-228, Summer-Autumn, 2002, pp. 202.
... BookReviews Summer-Autumn 2002 pp 202-228 PDF of Book Reveiws CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The American Midwest Essays on Regional History Edited by Andrew R L Cayton and Susan E Gray Reviewed by Terry A Barnhart Henry Ford and the Jews the Mass Production of Hate By Neil Baldwin Reviewed by Terry A Cooney The Goodyear Story An Inventors Obsession and the Struggle for a Rubber Monopoly By Richard Korman Reviewed by K Austin Kerr Still ...

"Colonel Frederick W. Galbraith, Jr.: Newly Elected National Commander of the American Legion," Volume 29, Number 4, October, 1920, pp. 469-472.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 469 COLONEL FREDERICK W GALBRAITH JR NEWLY ELECTED NATIONAL COMMANDER OF THE AMERICAN LEGION Colonel Galbraith enjoys the distinction of having been both sailor and soldier in the course of his career He was born at Watertown Massachusetts May 6 1874 and later attended grammar school in Springfield that state He was graduated from a nautical training school at Boston in 1893 and served in various positions aboard American sailing ships ...

"Canton and the Great Steel Strike of 1919: A Marriage of Nativism and Politics," by William E. Scheuerman. Volume 93, , Winter-Spring, 1984, pp. 68-87.
... WILLIAM E WILLIAM E SCHEUERMAN Canton and the Great Steel Strike of 1919 A Marriage of Nativism and Politics Prior to 1900 the production of iron and steel in the United States was primarily the domain of the skilled English-speaking worker1 By the turn of the century however the skilled worker was becoming extraneous Technological innovations in the production of steel deskilled the labor force and immigrants from southern and eastern Europe flocked to America's steelmills to assume the bulk ...

Volume 46, Number 4, October, 1937, pp. 368-370.
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL XLVI PAGE For Index of Authors see Contents PAGE Abstract of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Held April 20 1937 290-292 Annual Report of the Secretary of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society April 21 1936--April 20 1937 271-278 ARCHAEOLOGY Greenman Emerson F Two Prehistoric Villages near Cleveland Ohio 305-366 ART--ANECDOTES FACETIAE ...