Ohio History Journal

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Volume 83, Number 2, Spring, 1974, pp. 147-150.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Impeachment and Trial of Andrew Johnson By MICHAEL LES BENEDICT New York W W Norton amp Company Inc 1973 x 212p notes appendix bibliographical essay and index Cloth 695 paper 245 Among the countless studies of American political institutions few have dealt with impeachment Historians and political scientists writing about Reconstruction or President Andrew Johnson have avoided treating his impeachment in depth Although few scholars any longer accept the once ...

"Speech of Richard Douglas, Esq., of Chillicothe: Delivered before the Whig Convention, Held in Columbus, February 22 and 23, 1836," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 381-408.
... SPEECH OF RICHARD DOUGLAS ESQ SPEECH OF RICHARD DOUGLAS ESQ OF CHILLICOTHE DELIVERED BEFORE THE WHIG CONVENTION HELD IN COLUMBUS FEBRUARY 22 AND 23 1836 Richard Douglas who describes himself in the letter herewith as in birth a Yankee in habit a Sailor in adoption a Buckeye in profession an Old CourtCircuitizer in occasional circumstance a Blovian in principal a Whig etc was born in New London Connecticut September 10th 1785 From early youth like many other New London boys he followed the sea ...

"James E. Campbell Honored," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 634-637.
... JAMES E JAMES E CAMPBELL HONORED On July 7 1923 Honorable James E Campbell by general consent was hailed as the first citizen of Columbus on the occasion of the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of his birth Throughout the day he was the recipient in his office of many congratulatory greetings and messages from other states and nations In the evening a banquet was given in his honor at the Scioto Country Club by about 250 of his friends Honorable Claude Meeker of Columbus formerly ...

"'Bluff Ben' Wade in Lawrence, Kansas: The Issue of Class Conflict," Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 44-52.
... Bluff Ben Wade in Lawrence Kansas Bluff Ben Wade in Lawrence Kansas The Issue of Class Conflict By WILLIAM FRANK ZORNOW Most historians know of Theodore Roosevelt's famous speech at Osawatomie Kansas on August 31 1910 in which he outlined the policies later advocated during the campaign of 1912 but few have considered the equally important Lawrence speech of Senator Benjamin F Wade of Ohio on June 10 1867 The latter might have had considerable effect upon the outcome of the Johnson impeachment ...

"Ohio Population Trends, 1920-1940," by Randolph C. Downes. Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 219-232.
... OHIO POPULATION TRENDS 1920-1940 OHIO POP U LATION TRENDS 1920-1940 BY RANDOLPH C DOWN ES From the point of view of population figures Ohio has almost stopped growing The following table1 taken from the 1940 census report shows that the increase of 260915 in the 1930's is the smallest 10-year growth since the first decade of the eighteenth century and the smallest percentage of growth in Ohio's entire history Census 10-yr Increase 10-yr Increase Year Population In Numbers In Percentages 1940 ...

"Excavations of the Adena Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 10, Number 4, April, 1902, pp. 452-479.
... 452 Ohio Arch 45 2 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications EXCAVATIONS OF THE ADENA MOUND BY WILLIAM C MILLS B SC Curator Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society The Adena mound so named by Governor Worthington and owned by his estate until a few years ago was thoroughly examined by the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society under the direction of its curator during the summer of 1901 The mound is located 112 miles from the northwestern part of the city of Chillicothe in the ...

"Frances Jennings Casement and the Equal Rights Association of Painesville, Ohio: The Fight for Women's Suffrage, 1883-1889," by Samuel J. Tamburro. Volume 108, , Summer-Autumn, 1999, pp. 162-176.
... SAMUEL J SAMUEL J TAMBURRO Frances Jennings Casement and the Equal Rights Association of Painesville Ohio The Fight for Women's Suffrage 1883-1889 The history of the national struggle for women's suffrage is well chronicled1 While the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 is generally accepted as the starting point of the campaign for women's voting rights women's civil and political rights advanced slowly Although several states granted women the right to vote in municipal and school elections only ...

"William McKinley and the Expansion of Presidential Power," by Lewis L. Gould. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 5-20.
... LEWIS L LEWIS L GOULD William McKinley and the Expansion of Presidential Power In the wake of the Vietnam War and Watergate much attention both scholarly and popular has been devoted to the rise of the Imperial Presidency in this century1 Those who have traced the evolution of this concept of presidential power appear to date its modern emergence from the accession of Theodore Roosevelt to the office in September 1901 Writing in the mid-1950s in his influential The American Presidency Clinton ...

"Cleveland's Johnson: Elected Mayor," Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 28-43.
... Cleveland's Johnson Elected Mayor Cleveland's Johnson Elected Mayor By EUGENE C MURDOCK One day in the early fall of 1897 thirty friends of Henry George closeted themselves with the great single-taxer in Tom L Johnson's New York offices The question before them was Should George be a candidate in the approaching New York mayoralty election Some of those present observed that their leader's health was not good and that an exhausing campaign could render permanent damage to him An eminent doctor ...

"Early Ohio Painters: The Prewar Years," (Collections and Exhibits) Volume 73, Number 4, Autumn, 1964, pp. 254-262, notes 272.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS EARLY OHIO PAINTERS THE PREWAR YEARS by DONALD R MacKENZIE HIGHER standards in painting characterized the pre-Civil War period of art in Ohio Improved transportation encouraged artists to travel and almost every painter visited New York frequently touring Boston and Philadelphia as well There they had the opportunity to see a limited number of imported European paintings and a variety of notable American works Most established painters who desired it were ...

"False Beacon: Regional Planning and the Location of Dayton's Municipal Airport," by Janet R. Daly Bednarek. Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 125-145.
... JANET R JANET R DALY BEDNAREK False Beacon Regional Planning and the Location of Dayton's Municipal Airport Introduction At first glance one might logically conclude that the location of Dayton's municipal airport represented a case of deliberate regional planning Approximately eleven miles north of the city's central business district its placement near the city of Vandalia Ohio suggests that those who chose that location had an image or vision of the city of Dayton which extended beyond the ...

Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 265-276.
... 265 265 Book Reviews The Loyalist Americans A Focus on Greater New York Edited by Robert A East and Jacob Judd Tarrytown Sleepy Hollow Restorations 1975 xiv 176p illustrations notes appendix index 1200 Few aspects of life during the colonial era have failed to be singled out and judged in terms of their importance to the American Revolution yet important phases of that event remain inadequately explored Although the subject of several recent investigations Loyalism is a case in point For this ...

"Land to the Freedmen: A Vision of Reconstruction," by Robert F. Horowitz. Volume 86, Number 3, Summer, 1977, pp. 187-199.
... ROBERT F ROBERT F HOROWITZ Land to the Freedmen A Vision of Reconstruction The Reconstruction Acts of March 1867 were much closer to the ideas of the moderate and conservative elements of the Republican party than to the views of the radicals Influential Republicans such as George Julian Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner had originally hoped for a more thorough reconstruction policy which they were never able to obtain In fact the phrase Radical Reconstruction is in part unjustified since ...

"Address at Fort Meigs," by W. J. Cameron. Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 84-88.
... ADDRESS AT FORT MEIGS ADDRESS AT FORT MEIGS By W J CAMERON The best proof a nation can give that it is gro w ing up is a lively interest in its history From the records of what they have done a people can form an estimate of what they are and from that they may draw an augury of their future Not only does history recall the past it also explains the present This pilgrimage to scenes immortalized in early northwestern history arranged by the historical societies in Ohio Indiana Michigan and ...

"These Are My Jewels" (Pan-American Exposition) Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 132-141.
... 132 Ohio Arch 132 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications Mrs Bishop sang again Her glorious voice was heard first in Handel's I Know That My Redeemer Liveth and then in Comin' Thro' the Rye THESE ARE MY JEWELS Hon Emmett Thompkins Congressman-elect from the 12th Ohio District Columbus delivered an address replete with most interesting historical and statistical information Out of the days devoted to the exposition of the arts and the products of the two Americas this one is dedicated to Ohio ...

"Ohio in the Republican National Conventions," by Charles A. Jones. Volume 38, Number 1, January, 1929, pp. 1-46.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS OHIO IN THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTIONS BY CHARLES A JONES Since the organization of the Republican party in 1854 there have been nineteen national conventions of the party Only two of these have been held within the borders of Ohio but in their proceedings taken as a whole no other state has even approximately played the prominent part that has been given to sons of the Buckeye State The nineteen volumes which officially record ...

"John Sherman and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson," by Roger D. Bridges. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 176-191.
... ROGER D ROGER D BRIDGES John Sherman and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson In Irving Brant's recent study of the impeachment process by the United States Congress he characterized the Radical Republican attempt to remove Andrew Johnson from the presidency in 1868 as the most insidious assault on constitutional government in the nation's history It was Brant charged carried on in direct violation of the limitations deliberately placed in the Constitution to prevent such a happening If it had ...

"Daniel Drake and the Origin of Medicine in the Ohio Valley," Volume 44, Number 4, October, 1935, pp. 451-468.
... DANIEL DRAKE AND THE ORIGIN OF MEDICINE IN DANIEL DRAKE AND THE ORIGIN OF MEDICINE IN THE OHIO VALLEY1 By DAVID A TUCKER JR Biographical Sketch This is the story of a man of whom few of you have heard Such is fame For Daniel Drake was in his day the greatest physician of the West the founder of sound medical education in the Ohio Valley and one of the most unique and picturesque figures in the history of American medicine He was born on a farm in New Jersey October 20 1785 His parents were ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society: Report of the Executive Committee for the Year Ending February 19, 1888," Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 384-394.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTOROHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEBRUARY 19 1888 To the Members The annual reports of the Treasurer and the Secretary have been by them submitted to this Committee which in the absence of a meeting of the Trustees is authorized to act upon them We have examined them find them correct and approve and recommend them to your careful attention From the Treasurer's report you will learn that ...

"Old Ohio River Steamboat Days: Memories of Upper Ohio River Activities Between 1860 and 1890," by W. G. Sibley. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 86-97.
... OLD OHIO RIVER STEAMBOAT DAYS OLD OHIO RIVER STEAMBOAT DAYS MEMORIES OF UPPER OHIO RIVER ACTIVITIES BETWEEN 1860 AN D 1890 BY W G SIBLEY A great river is a powerful influence over the lives of all who dwell on its banks just as lofty hills or mountains seen day after day finally come to have meaning in a man's life as does any other striking natural environment When a river is intimately associated with the affairs of a small community its whole population becomes conscious of it So it was ...