... FRANK P FRANK P VAZZANO The Feud Renewed Martin Davey John Bricker and the Ohio Campaign of 1940 They were old enemies Democrat Martin L Davey and Republican John W Bricker two fierce rivals posed against each other for the second time in a contest for Ohio's governorship Their first race in 1936 degenerated into a barrage of accusations and mudslinging Their second in 1940 promised more of the same If anything as Davey's local newspaper the Ravenna Evening Record and Daily Courier-Tribune ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Between Indian and White Worlds The Cultural Broker Edited by Margaret Connell Szasz Norman University of Oklahoma Press 1994 xii 386p illustrations maps notes bibliography index 4500 Frontier history has been redefined within the last fifteen years Between Indian and White Worlds The Cultural Broker is a reflection both of emerging interests and shifting perspectives within the field In 1893 Frederick Jackson Turner described the American frontier as the westward ...
... DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF PHYSIOLOGY DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF PHYSIOLOGY IN OHIO by C I REED Professor of Physiology University of Illinois Chicago Professional Colleges In order to bring the subject into perspective it is necessary to go back to the year 1726 when the first curricular representation of physiology was accorded by the University of Edinburgh in appointing Andrew Sinclair professor of the institutes of medicine As applied later this title very often covered much more ...
... IMMIGRANT COLONIES IN CLEVELAND IMMIGRANT COLONIES IN CLEVELAND By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE In any discussion of the social political religious and economic problems of the United States as related to its immigrant population the cities of New York Chicago and Detroit are usually the principal cities mentioned Little Italy The Ghetto or Chinatown are more apt to provoke visions of the settlements in New York and Chicago than those of any other city The foreign districts of New York are generally ...
... The Rise and Decline of The Rise and Decline of The Cheese Industry In Lorain County By FRANK C VAN CLEEF THE SECTION OF OHIO NOW KNOWN AS LORAIN COUNTY was first settled about 1820 The ensuing three decades saw the southerly and westerly portion of the Western Reserve being cleared of forests and the land put into pastures and meadows The soil the topography and the climate proved to be quite ideally adapted to dairy farming And so this entire section in a period of thirty to forty years was ...
... PHILLIP R PHILLIP R SHRIVER A Hoover Vignette Fifty years after his defeat for reelection by Franklin D Roosevelt Herbert Hoover remains one of America's most tragic presidents For many if not most his name continues to conjure up an aura of depression of frustration of failure Arthur M Schlesinger Jr historian of The Age of Roosevelt recalls one of the myriad jokes that fixed a nation's scorn upon FDR's unhappy predecessor in the early 1930s It has Hoover asking Andrew Mellon for the loan of ...
... Book Notes Book Notes The Liberty Line The Legend of the Underground Railroad By Larry Gara Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 1996 xiv 201p index Appropriately titled when originally published in 1961 this seminal work on one of America's most enduring legends is finally available in paperback edition Having researched written and lectured on this topic for nearly 50 years Professor Gara skillfully distinguishes fact and faction while chronicling the colorful and frequently misstated ...
... AN EXAMPLE OF POLITICAL ORATORY IN AN EXAMPLE OF POLITICAL ORATORY IN 1855 BY MRS ARTHUR G BEACH Mr Albert Beveridge has painted a vivid picture of the decade 1850-1860 as a background to his study of Abraham Lincoln There have been preserved at Marietta Ohio a border town some letters and papers written during those years by a student at Marietta College Search through them brought to light an account of one of the stump speeches of Mr Henry A Wise of Virginia which furnishes evidence that ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Miracle at Kittyhawk The Letters of Wilbur and Orville Wright Edited by Fred C Kelly New York Farrar Straus and Young 1951 ix482p frontispiece illustrations and index 600 The publisher of this volume of letters has chosen to call Wilbur and Orville Wright two of the greatest and most fabulous figures of modern times Those who have been closest to the lives and the work of these men will probably approve that characterization for history can identify few notable ...
... AUGUSTUS NEWTON WHITING AUGUSTUS NEWTON WHITING FRANK THEODORE COLE Mr Whiting was of the Massachusetts family of that name his grandfather's home being in Westford near Lowell Only two children of this grandfather William Whiting had families These were Augustus Whiting who married a daughter of Judge Gustavus Swan of Columbus 0 and lived in New York City and Isaac Newton Whiting who was a book-seller and publisher in Columbus for many years He married September 7 1835 Orrel daughter of Col ...
... IMMIGRANT INSTITUTIONS IN CLEVELAND IMMIGRANT INSTITUTIONS IN CLEVELAND By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE The immigrant's church has been the strongest single force in preserving his racial solidarity Like the Pilgrim fathers the immigrants brought with them their Bibles hymn books clergy and churches These churches were strongly attached to the homeland depending upon it for literature and clergy Political and social antagonisms have been aroused among native Americans and the immigrant's religious ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held April 4th and 5th 1997 at Malone College in Canton Ohio The historical Encyclopedia of African American Associations is seeking scholars interested in contributing assigned entries This single-volume reference work will include associations established by African Americans and interracial groups working in the interest of African Americans For a list of entries and further information please ...
... THE BALLAD OF 'JAMES BIRD THE BALLAD OF 'JAMES BIRD ITS AUTHORSHIP BY C B GALBREATH In a contribution entitled The Battle of Lake Erie in Ballad and History the writer of this article in 1911 related the story of James Bird and reproduced the old ballad commemorating his heroic service on board the Lawrence and his tragic death a year later for desertion on the Niagara In commenting on this quaint pathetic ballad it was assumed to have been written by a bard unlearned and unknown but not ...
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-NINTH INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-NINTH MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Allen William Life of 585 Dawes Beman G term expires is reAsh Cave report on 585-586 elected 589-590 Atwood J F 587 Dennis Jerry 579-580 Director report of 548-563 Baker R C 538 Dryer Mrs Orson D 538 Bareis George F 538 569 572 report on Dunham John M 538 Museum Committee 583-584 term expires is re-elected 589-590 elected Eaton S L 549-550 ...
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY APRIL 24 1942 The Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met at 1 00 PM Friday April 24 1942 in the Trustees' room of the Ohio State Museum President Johnson presided over the meeting which was attended by the following Trustees Messrs Johnson Eagleson Florence Miller Norton Rightmire and Spetnagel Director ...
... Mr Mr Republican Turns SOCIALIST ROBERT A TAFT and Public Housing by RICHARD O DAVIES To the great majority of his contemporaries Senator Robert A Taft embodied the traditional values of self-help private enterprise and dislike for governmental welfare programs Most Americans believed that Taft had as his major purpose the root and branch eradication of all New Deal welfare and regulatory programs His adamant opposition to the proliferation of such governmental activities supposedly led to a ...
... BIRTH PLACES OF THREE OHIO PRESIDENTS BIRTH PLACES OF THREE OHIO PRESIDENTS BY FELIX J KOCH Ohio has been well-named The Mother of Presidentsand while to give the list of all the Chief Executives who were either born or who grew up -for some years at least - within her confines were tedious -it is an interesting play of the Fates worthy the noting that three Presidential birthplaces are so closely located one to another that a day's motor jaunt out from Cincinnati permits of one visiting them ...
... GRANT TABLET DEDICATION GRANT TABLET DEDICATION ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR ANDREW L HARRIS At Point Pleasant Ohio the birth place of Ulysses S Grant there was dedicated on Wednesday October 2d 1907 a tablet to the memory of the great general and president Many distinguished citizens participated and of the several speeches that of Governor Harris was especially in sympathy with the occasion-EDITOR On this occasion I am doubly honored It is my privilege to respond to an inspiring address of welcome ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Frontier Republic Ideology and Politics in the Ohio Country 1780-1825 By Andrew RL Cayton Kent Kent State University Press 1986 xii 197p map notes essay on sources index 2700 The intellectual history of the early republic has undergone considerable revival in recent years Led by Bernard Bailyn at Harvard whose The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution 1967 was a classic when published and continued by his pupil Gordon Wood of Brown University in the ...
... BEHIND LINCOLN'S VISIT TO OHIO IN 1859 BEHIND LINCOLN'S VISIT TO OHIO IN 1859 by EARL W WILEY Professor of Speech Ohio State University The wheels of Buckeye politics were set spinning on September 1 1859 That was the day when the Ohio Statesman published in Columbus tardily and reluctantly released the announcement that Senator Stephen A Douglas would barnstorm in Ohio during the Ranney-Dennison campaign then off to a running start Its editor George W Manypenny was chairman of the Democratic ...