Ohio History Journal

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"The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting, April 6, 1945," Volume 54, Number 3, July-September, 1945, pp. 189-193.
... THE OHIO STATE THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING April 6 1945 The annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society convened in the auditorium of the Ohio State Museum at 103 0 AM April 6 1 9 45 The meeting was called to order by Mr Arthur C Johnson President of the Society Other members of the Board of Trustees present were Mr Wolfe Mr Amos Mr Eagleson and Mr Florence Considering present day difficulties in ...

"Rise of the Youth Class, The," by Donald E. Pitzer. Volume 78, Number 3, Summer, 1969, pp. 211-213.
... ESSAY AND COMMENT ESSAY AND COMMENT The Rise of the Youth Class Historical reflection may well reveal a significant relationship between the unrest of the 1960's and the birth of a new social class Even from this limited vantage point it is increasingly apparent that young people for the first time have identified themselves as a separate class in society Congregated in large numbers on college and university campuses young people have come to the self-realization that they have common needs ...

"Address of Hon. Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War" (Hayes Dedication) Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 451-455.
... Dedication of the Hayes Memorial Dedication of the Hayes Memorial 451 Rich in saving common-sense And as the greatest only are In his simplicity sublime Surely we shall be dull indeed of apprehension if we catch no inspiration from his ardor for humanity if we feel no impulse to emulate the virtues which made his service to the world so great I at least thing of him always as of One who never turned his back but marched breast forward Never doubted clouds would break Never dreamed though right ...

"Ohio and the Panama Canal," by Charles D. Ameringer. Volume 74, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 3-12, notes 69-70.
... OHIO OHIO and the PANAMA CANAL by CHARLES D AMERINGER Uncle Sam digging under the influence of the Sons of Ohio at the right place So ran a toast proposed at the twenty-second annual banquet of the Cincinnati Commercial Club at the Queen City Club on November 13 1902 The reference was to the role Ohioans had played in the decision of the United States to construct an interoceanic canal in Panama and the man who offered the toast was in a position to know whereof he spoke He was Philippe ...

"Romance Rides the Circuit," by Paul H. Boase. Volume 65, Number 2, April, 1956, pp. 167-178.
... Romance Rides the Circuit Romance Rides the Circuit By PAUL H BOASE Romantic love--unpredictable capricious and mercurial at its best--survived precariously for the mounted Methodist parson on the American frontier His salary when paid provided scarcely a living wage for one person limiting his bride's prospective dowry to little more than a horse saddle bags and blanket His ecclesiastical superior often cast an unfriendly even malignant eye toward his romantic endeavors His parish often ...

"Address of Hon. D. K. Watson (Laying Corner Stone of The Society's Building)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 428-431.
... 428 Ohio Arch 428 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications wigwam dared to be raised upon its soil on account of danger of some enemy A little later the Algonquin as well as the Iroquois returned to this country in small tribes and grew but there was another enemy rising up against them the English and the French particularly the English For about twenty years they struggled for the occupation of this territory and the English finally succeeded but the Indian was determined to hold it and ...

"Birth Places of Three Ohio Presidents," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 117-122.
... BIRTH PLACES OF THREE OHIO PRESIDENTS BIRTH PLACES OF THREE OHIO PRESIDENTS BY FELIX J KOCH Ohio has been well-named The Mother of Presidentsand while to give the list of all the Chief Executives who were either born or who grew up -for some years at least - within her confines were tedious -it is an interesting play of the Fates worthy the noting that three Presidential birthplaces are so closely located one to another that a day's motor jaunt out from Cincinnati permits of one visiting them ...

Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 374-377.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Solon Robinson Pioneer and Agriculturist Selected Writings Edited by Herbert Anthony Kellar Indiana Historical Collections XXI Indianapolis Indiana Historical Bureau 1936 Vol I 582p 200 Solon Robinson 1803-1880 inaugurated his adult career by founding a town and serving as an auctioneer in southern Indiana Subsequently as a pioneer in northern Indiana he formed a Squatters' Union ran a country store sold real estate engaged actively in politics established a ...

Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 72.
... THE CHARCOAL IRON INDUSTRY OF THE THE CHARCOAL IRON INDUSTRY OF THE HANGING ROCK IRON DISTRICT--ITS INFLUENCE ON THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE OHIO VALLEY BY WILBUR STOUT INTRODUCTION The Hanging Rock Iron District as defined by the iron masters embraced the furnaces and furnace lands and also the adjacent properties over which iron ores limestones and charcoal were gathered It included parts of Carter Boyd and Greenup Counties Kentucky and parts of Lawrence Scioto Gallia Jackson Vinton and ...

"The Centennial Ode," by J. M. Harding. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 182-184.
... THE CENTENNIAL ODE THE CENTENNIAL ODE BY J M HARDING Columbia's pride Ohio grand and fair Where wealth and beauty are beyond compare Where labor truth and knowledge have control Thy name is peer upon the honor roll Ohio first-born of the great Northwest Nursed to thy statehood at the Nation's breast And taught wisdom of the Ordinance RuleNo slav'ry chain but e'er the public school Ohio name for what is good and grand With pride we hail thee as our native land With jealous pride we sing our ...

"What An Historical Building Should Do For Pittsburgh," by Clarence S. Brigham. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 111-119.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 1 11 believe unique in receiving an annual appropriation 5000 from the city government to aid in its educational propaganda In truth there is no reason whatever why this example should not generally be followed by large American cities Exactly the same argument used in behalf of the school system can and should be urged for the historical society But such a society state or local can lay slight claim to official aid if it be not ...

"The Great Lakes Historical Society," Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 179-187.
... THE GREAT LAKES HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE GREAT LAKES HISTORICAL SOCIETY by DONNA L ROOT Managing Editor INLAND SEAS and Head History Biography and Travel Di v ision Cleveland Public Library To the librarian and book dealer and possibly to the historian and analyst of human nature too trends in authorship and in reading are a subject for interested examination not without the lure of the inexplicable These trends although related in their most obvious expression to the whole pattern of current ...

"Recent Writings on Midwestern Economic History," Volume 69, Number 1, January, 1960, pp. 1-31.
... 1 1 The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 69 NUMBER 1 J ANUARY 1 960 Recent Writings on Midwestern Economic History By HARRY R STEVENS ACADEMIC HISTORIANS OF MIDWESTERN ECONOMY have studied their subject long and productively but having established at an early date certain approaches to their material and forms in which to present it that were quite satisfactory they have continued to make use of them with surprising tenacity1 Soon after they began to work in the 1880's they developed three ...

Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 145-150.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews American Business and Foreign Policy 1920-1933 By JOAN HOFF WILSON Lexington University Press of Kentucky 1971 xvii 339p notes bibliography and index 1250 Since 1929 the preoccupation of historians with the role and ideology of business in American life has been intense Studies of the Gilded Age such as those by Matthew Josephson and Charles Beard looked upon businessmen as robber barons in domestic affairs During the isolationist decade capitalists became those ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 97, , Winter-Spring, 1988, pp. 72-74.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Museums Association OMA a nonprofit statewide organization of nature centers zoos art science history and natural history museums has located its headquarters at the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus Ohio Although separate from the Ohio Historical Society the OMA provides workshops conferences annual meetings and a monthly newsletter to OHS and other organizations throughout the state in an effort to provide educational opportunities for staff ...

"Young Howells Drafts a 'Life' for Lincoln," by Robert Price. Volume 76, Number 4, Autumn, 1967, pp. 232-246, notes 275-277.
... Seemingly within moments after the nomination of Abraham Lincoln on Seemingly within moments after the nomination of Abraham Lincoln on May 18 1860 a representative of the Columbus publishing firm of Follett Foster and Company from the Tremont House in Chicago telegraphed the president-to-be in Springfield saying In connection with your debates with Douglas we have announced your biography Please designate your pleasure if any as to who the writer shall be The same day the Chicago Journal's ...

Volume 97, , Summer-Autumn, 1988, pp. 170-173.
... CARL W CARL W ALBRECHT Book Notes The Papers of Henry Bouquet Volume 5 September 1 1760-October 31 1761 Edited by Louis M Waddell John L Tottenham and Donald H Kent Harrisburg The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission 1984 xxx 875p illustrations bibliography chronology index Henry Bouquet born in Switzerland in 1719 passed his early military training and experience in the service of several European states In 1756 he was recruited to serve as a lieutenant colonel in the Royal American ...

"Albion W. Tourgee: Propagandist and Critic of Reconstruction," Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 27-44.
... Albion W Albion W Tourgee Propagandist And Critic of Reconstruction By TED N WEISSBUCH LESS THAN FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Ohioan Al b ion W Tourgee was referred to as the most neglected figure in American literature Increasing interest in the writers of the Civil War and Reconstruction era has caused a swing in the pendulum and now his name crops up often in the growing literature dealing with this period in our history Tourgee's work has always interested a small but devoted group of literary ...

"Walter Charles Metz," Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 250-251.
... 250 Ohio Arch 250 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications 1878 chairman of its trustees since 1878 and also its treasurer since 1901 a life member of the Firelands Historical Society since 1876 a member of its board of trustees librarian and editor of its publications since 1888 member of the National Geographical Society member of Huron County Children's Home Association member of its board of trustees since 1889 and its treasurer since 1902 member of the Young Men's Library and Reading Room ...

"Original Bridges on the National Road in Eastern Ohio," by Harley J. McKee. Volume 81, Number 2, Spring, 1972, pp. 131-144.
... HARLEY J HARLEY J McKEE Original Bridges on the National Road in Eastern Ohio The approach to this subject is purely descriptive and is based on observations made during 1971 while the author was inspecting structures which had been recorded by the Historic American Buildings Survey1 Among the records in question were a number of photographs of bridges on the old National Road taken late in 1933 for which the locations had not been as clearly given as HABS standards require A part of the ...