... 528 Ohio Arch 528 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications time program through study of conditions and methods utilized by other organizations and to crystallize these in definite form for presentation to the Legislature in 1933 Special emphasis is being given the requirements of the public and of tourists in the matter of developing historical archaeological and other outdoor attractions and to providing that they may be properly marked so that they may be readily intelligible On motion of Mr ...
... 360 Ohio Arch 360 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dresses followed by Hon Geo E Pomeroy of Toledo Past Governor of Society Colonial Wars Prof G F Frederick Wright Hon James M Richardson of Cleveland President General Sons of the American Revolution and Colonel Webb C Hayes To all who attended the exerices were of great interest and made the day memorable while the hospitality of Port Clinton's patriotic people to all the visiting delegates will long be gratefully remembered Prof Wright ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 487 archaeological interest including the two serpent effigies of southern Ohio Mr Mills extended the society an invitation to attend the second annual conference of the Society of American Indians held in Columbus THE INDIAN CONFERENCE The historic Indian of Ohio in the days of his contest against the invasion of the Whites often dreamed of organization for the protection of his race and confederations were formed by Pontiac Cornstalk Little Turtle and the last and ...
... Socialist Party of Ohio-- War and Free Speech by Richard A Folk D uring World War I Ohio Socialists faced the dilemma of what action to take when two imperialistic-capitalistic economies come into conflict According to theoretical Marxism Socialists could not support a struggle the purpose of which was to expand the capitalist system In the United States the Socialist party's National Executive Committee followed this doctrine in August 1914 when it proclaimed the party's opposition to the ...
... 392 Ohio Arch 392 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications and honor is not deserving of praise The historical data are heavily conclusively against Burr Burr was a man with the inordinate ambition of Bonaparte and equally unscrupulous cold blooded and selfish There was no sacrifice of friends or country or honor or truth or morality he would not make for self-gratification and self-glorification Burr was a born intriguer and was associated with Lee and Gates in their schemes against Washington ...
... GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER BY C B GALBREATH Grant Sherman and Sheridan This is the group of Civil War generals which is usually put forward as Ohio's unrivalled contribution to leadership in the great struggle between the North and the South These three have been honored with statues on the famous monument Ohio's Jewels at the northwest corner of the Capitol building of that State in Columbus Grant and Sherman were each born in Ohio and received their appointment to ...
... Report of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting 301 Report of the Forty-eighth Annual Meeting 301 JOINT COMMITTEE PLANS FOR ARCHIVAL SURVEYS By T R SCHELLENBERG It is quite obvious to research students that in the past thirty years the amount of printed matter has increased in geometric ratio Today students are literally engulfed with a mass of materials many of which are printed on a cheap wood-pulp paper which crumbles to dust after a few decades but which reflect quite accurately the passing ...
... Robert C Schenck and Robert C Schenck and The Emma Mine Affair By CLARK C SPENCE THE PLAYER WITH A WORTHLESS HAND had generally better begin by 'raising' when he goes in or else nobody will be likely to believe in his pretended strong hand Thus wrote Robert C Schenck celebrated author of Draw-poker in 18801 Schenck was of course referring to the game on which he was the country's foremost expert but this statement might also have been applied to another area within the field of his ...
... THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND FUTURE PROGRAM THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND FUTURE PROGRAM OF THE OHIO HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY PROJECT By JAMES H RODABAUG H Beginnings The Ohio Historical Records Survey Project began operations in February 1936 It was organized and operated by the supervisors of the Writers' Project until November 1936 when it became an independent part of Federal Project No 1 In September 1939 Congress abolished the Federal projects after which the Ohio survey was established as a State ...
... ORIGIN OF SOME EARLY BELMONT COUNTY ORIGIN OF SOME EARLY BELMONT COUNTY NEWSPAPERS By FRANCIS C HIBBARD The history of the early newspapers of Belmont County Ohio is to some extent confused and contradictory Much that has been written on the subject is based apparently upon tradition and second-hand information An attempt will herewith be made to clear up some of the confusion and rectify at least some of the errors Two of the present-day papers of the county--the St Clairsville Gazette and ...
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The United States 1830-1850 The Nation and Its Sections By Frederick Jackson Turner New York Peter Smith 1950 xiv602p maps and index 500 This book was originally published by Henry Holt in 1935 For several years it has been difficult to obtain and scholars and librarians have reason to be grateful both to Henry Holt for releasing the book and to Peter Smith for the reissue Technically this photo-offset edition is excellent and it is doubtful if any but an expert in ...
... DISHARMONY IN THE HARDING CABINET HOOVER-WALLACE CONFLICT by EDWARD L SCHAPSMEIER and FREDERICK H SCHAPSMEIER The campaign of 1920 was a twofold success for the Republican Party Warren G Harding brought the Grand Old Party back into national power and he succeeded in reuniting the party The rupture of 1912 had been healed The cabinet represented all factions During Harding's presidency party harmony was sustained by balancing the desires of the Progressive and conservative wings -- neither ...
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications not to enslave men but to make men free to enlarge in a vast degree the zone of Republican government All honor to George Croghan and his heroic band All honor to the soldiers of the revolution All honor to the soldiers of the Mexican war All honor to the soldiers of the Union All honor to the soldiers of the Spanish-American war The American people honor them They honor them each and all They hold them forever within the embrace of their ...
... OHIO SURVEYS FROM THE AIR OHIO SURVEYS FROM THE AIR By ALFRED J WRIGHT Many Ohioans have been interested in studying the evolutionary aspects of today's landscapes Very likely many more will think along these lines during the year marked as it is by the sesquicentennial celebration of the founding of Ohio There have recently come into the possession of the State Archaeological and Historical Society some air photographs of one aspect of this evolutionary thought Through the good offices of the ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 401 that I know of in Columbus still resting in the old desk where its owner a distinguished scientific man of Ohio left it over thirty years ago still undisturbed unless it be by the prying fingers of curious little grandchildren The men who settled this region preserved the letters received by them and in cases of importance copies of their own letters These should be found published or copied ...
... INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-SEVENTH INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY Baker C B 620 Society 595-596 recommends purBaker R C 593 chase of photostat equipment 598Bareis George F 593 620 report as 599 620 621 motion by 627 629 chairman of museum committee 627offers resolution to amend constitu628 634 elected first vice-president tion 630-632 634 elected secretary of Society 634 motion by 634 librarian and editor of Society 634 Battelle Gordon 620 Gard D H 593 ...
... LESLIE J LESLIE J STEGH A Paradox of Prohibition Election of Robert J Bulkley as Senator from Ohio 1930 Hail Hallowed Ohio Rich and beautiful state Rivers and roads and railways And queenly cities and great Fertile fields and factories Happy homes and healthM-O-T-H-E-R of Prohibition And a s-o-b-e-r Commonwealth1 The issue of prohibition of the liquor traffic was one that had kept Ohio in turmoil prior to the enactment of state prohibition and the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment to the ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent promotions appointments and awards within the professional community of Ohio historians include Dr Allan Peskin of Cleveland State University has been promoted to Professor Peter Rutkoff of Kenyon College has received an NEH Fellowship Department Chairman for more than 30 years Dr Robert E Bader of Mount Union College has retired at the end of the 1980-81 academic year Professor Richard Doyle of Mount Union College spent Spring 1981 on sabbatical to ...
... AN ECONOMIC ASPECT OF THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR by TOM EDWARD TERRILL In the early months of 1898 the McKinley administration confronted a mounting crisis with Spain over the Cuban revolution Domestic pressures exerted by the press and politicians especially in the month of March placed heavy demands upon President McKinley to intervene to pacify Cuba One of the President's closest advisers thought war was possible in February By March 28 he believed it was probable1 The report on the sinking ...
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 37 Steel Queen Lee H Brooks Slackwater Frank Tyler Margaret Return Frank Fowler Troubador Sunshine and Emily Jung The fleet was in command of Capt James A Henderson The New Orleans was in command of Melville O Irwin mate Thomas Walker engineer and T Orville Noel steward Fortunately for those in attendance at the Fifth Annual Meeting the Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce took the opportunity of President Taft's presence to hold Tuesday ...