Ohio History Journal

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"Historical Address" (Croghan Celebration) by Basil Meek. Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 35-52.
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 35 HISTORICAL ADDRESS BY BASIL MEEK ESQ FREMONT OHIO We have met today on this ground famous in history because of the victorious defence of Fort Stephenson then standing on this spot by Major George Croghan and the band of heroes under his command ninety-three years ago--not only to commemorate that brilliant achievement but also to further consecrate and make sacred the spot by the re-interment of the remains of its gallant defender To Col Webb ...

"Holmes County Rebellion-Fort Fizzle," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 30-43.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications HOLMES COUNTY REBELLIONFORT FIZZLE J R VANCE I was born in a log cabin situated in Knox Township Holmes County Ohio almost three-quarters of a century ago and have lived here on the farm ever since My information in regard to the events I am about to narrate comes from various sources I heard my father and mother discuss events as they had happened As I grew older I began to ponder on these discussions and to ask questions Many times I ...

"Origin of the Ohio Company. Petition of Officers in the Continental Line of the Army," Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 37-46.
... The Ordinance of July 13th 1787 The Ordinance of July 13th 1 787 37 pioneer fathers that in all the slow and tedious processes of building up in cherishing organic ideas and giving them vitality in supporting their Nation and moulding its character in defending its life in time of extremest dangers they have borne their full share of patriotic service and may now pass that nation over with a clean record to posterity sending its ideas and principles onward in their mighty mission of dominion ...

"War in the Streets of Athens," by Marvin Fletcher. Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 405-418.
... MARVIN FLETCHER MARVIN FLETCHER War in the Streets of Athens On an August evening in 1904 terror struck the citizens of the small southeastern Ohio town of Athens Thousands of Ohio National Guard and regular army troops were on joint maneuvers in the area On the evening of August 19 some of the regulars marched into town with the aim of freeing one of their comrades who had been arrested by some national guardsmen and locked in the county jail When the military police tried to stop them the ...

Volume 68, Number 1, January, 1959, pp. 84-88.
... Historical News Historical News THE SIXTH ANNUAL SUMMER Institute on Historical and Archival Management will be offered by Radcliffe College with the co-sponsorship of the department of history of Harvard University during the six weeks June 29 through August 7 1959 Lawrence W Towner editor of the William and Mary Quarterly and director of graduate studies at the College of William and Mary will direct the course The staff will consist of eighteen or more experts in the fields covered by the ...

"California Letters of Major General James McPherson, 1858-1860," Volume 81, Number 1, Winter, 1972, pp. 38-50.
... edited by edited by WILLIAM F STROBRIDGE California Letters of Major General James McPherson 1858-1860 Alcatraz Island in the middle of San Francisco Bay was two thousand miles from Sandusky County the Ohio home of James Birdseye McPherson Second Lieutenant Army Engineers The West Point-educated Lieutenant arrived in California late in 1857 on the wooden side-wheeler Golden Gate His assignment was to supervise construction of fortifications on rocky windy Alcatraz None foresaw then that in ...

"Maumee Valley Travel Tour," Volume 50, Number 1, January-March, 1941, pp. 91-98.
... MAUMEE VALLEY TRAVEL TOUR MAUMEE VALLEY TRAVEL TOUR By MAUMEE VALLEY INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL CONVENTION From From Toledo Fort Wayne Miles Miles 000 Commodore Perry Hotel Toledo 1069 Superior Street entrance South 12 block to Monroe Street Turn right W 2 blocks to Erie Street Turn left S on Erie Street 5 blocks across Swan Creek to Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail 09 Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail 1060 Turn right on Anthony Wayne Memorial Trail which is a new super-highway constructed upon the bed ...

"Winthrop Sargent VII," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 531-535.
... WINTHROP SARGENT VII WINTHROP SARGENT VII By the death of Winthrop Sargent VII of Haverford Pennsylvania on March 29 1932 this Society sustained the loss of a generous friend and life member It was chiefly through his aid that the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society came into the possession of the valuable historical papers of Winthrop Sargent Secretary of the Northwest Territory from its organization until 1798 In the year 1904 the writer learned that a relative of his who was a ...

"Address of Governor McKinley" (Treaty of Greenville Centennial) Volume 7, Number 2, January, 1899, pp. 207-217.
... Address of Governor McKinley Address of Governor McKinley 207 ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR McKINLEY DELIVERED AT GREENVILLE OHIO AUGUST 8 1895 INTRODUCTION BY J R KNOX - The people of Ohio like to see their Governor the soldiers of the army like to see their old comrade everybody wants to see McKinley and I have the pleasure now fellow citizens of presenting to you Governor McKinley of Ohio who will now address you Mr President Ladies and Gentlemen Your president has said that the people of Ohio want ...

"'News from the Ohio!,'" Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 371-373.
... NEWS FROM THE OHIO NEWS FROM THE OHIO Extract of a letter from a Gentleman at the Muskingum to the Printer of the MASSACHUSE T TS SPY written on the spot where the first city of that territory is to be built1 ADELPHI May 16th 1788 MR THOMAS I embrace the earliest opportunity of communicating to you such information as I am capable of giving respecting the Western Country in general and in particular of that part purchased by the Ohio Company With respect to the country in general and even of ...

"Harrison-Tarhe Peace Conference," by E. L. Taylor. Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 121-131.
... HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE HARRISON-TARHE PEACE CONFERENCE COL E L TAYLOR COLUMBUS On the 28th of June 1 90 4 the Columbus Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution did themselves and their organization great honor by placing in Martin Park in the western part of the City of Columbus a large bowlder of igneous origin bearing a very handsome designed tablet in commemoration of the important council or conference which General William Henry Harrison had with the chiefs of certain ...

"Reuben Clement" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 86-87.
... 86 Ohio Arch 86 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications one officer and myself went to New York on recruiting service That was in 1814 I remained in New York about two years When we left New York we marched with recruits to fill up the companies stationed on the northern frontier I had re-enlisted on the 23d of November 1816 for five years We marched to Sackett's Harbor and I was there assigned to Company D Second Infantry The other recruits were distributed at the different stations I was ...

"A Flight Across Ohio: The Escape of William Wells Brown from Slavery," by W. Edward Farrison. Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 272-282.
... A FLIGHT ACROSS OHIO THE ESCAPE OF A FLIGHT ACROSS OHIO THE ESCAPE OF WILLIAM WELLS BROWN FROM SLAVERY by W EDWARD FARRISON Chairman Department of English North Carolina College at Durham It was January 1 1834 On the previous night Captain Enoch Price a commission merchant and steamboat owner of St Louis Missouri had arrived on his steamer The Chester in Cincinnati This was a pleasure as well as a business trip and on it the captain had brought his family and also several of his house slaves ...

"The Hero of the Sandy Valley: James A. Garfield's Kentucky Campaign of 1861-1862-II," Volume 72, Number 2, April, 1963, pp. 129-139, notes 171-172.
... THE HERO THE HERO OF THE SANDY VALLEY JAMES A GARFIELD'S KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN OF 1861-1862 -- -- -- -- II by ALLAN PESKIN In the closing weeks of 1861 the customary quiet of the isolated Sandy Valley in eastern Kentucky was disturbed by a ragged column of Confederate soldiers which marched into the state from Virginia headed by an obese general with a famous Kentucky name Humphrey Marshall who vowed to free his state from the grip of northern tyranny Don Carlos Buell the Union commander in the ...

"Fairfield on the River Thames," Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1939, pp. 1-19.
... FAIRFIELD ON THE RIVER THAMES1 FAIRFIELD ON THE RIVER THAMES1 By FREDERICK COYNE HAMIL The name Moraviantown is well known to students of the War of 1812 for it was near this place that General William Henry Harrison defeated Colonel Henry A Procter and the famous Indian Chief Tecumseh was killed The Battle of the Thames is also known as the Battle of Moraviantown American histories of the war following official accounts usually omit to mention the sequel to the battle the plundering and ...

"Address of General J. Warren Keifer (Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument)," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 435-453.
... Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument Unveiling of Fort Recovery Monument 435 we see emblazoned daring and unselfish deeds of heroes who have scaled the walls of duty and gained the parapets of the City beyond And too what a lesson it conveys Its white teaches purity of purpose its red typifies the blood which has been so freely shed in its defense and its blue with its constellations reminds us of fidelity fidelity to our God fidelity to ourselves fidelity to The Star Spangled Banner Oh long ...

"Assassination of Abraham Lincoln," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 1-5.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN BY HONORABLE JAMES R MORRIS Some years ago Judge James R Morris at the request of Honorable M B Archer now serving his second term in the Ohio State Senate wrote on parchment his recollections of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln This manuscript appropriately framed Senator Archer later presented to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in whose museum and library building it is now on ...

"William Henry Rice-In Memoriam," Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 133-135.
... Editorialana Editorialana 1 33 scription of the Western Country given by Generals Putnam and Tupper amp others it appearing expedient to form a settlement there a Motion was made for chusing a Committee to prepare the Draught or Plan of an Association into a Company for the said Purpose for the Inspection and Appropriation of this Convention - Resolved in the Affirmative--Also Resolved that this Committee shall consist of five-General Putnam Mr Cutler-Col Brooks Major Sargent amp Capt Cushing ...

"An Ohio Army Officer of World War I: Major General Joseph T. Dickman," by Sister Mary Clement Stueve. Volume 63, Number 1, January, 1954, pp. 34-66.
... AN OHIO ARMY OFFICER OF WORLD WAR I AN OHIO ARMY OFFICER OF WORLD WAR I MAJOR GENERAL JOSEPH T DICKMAN by SISTER MARY CLEMENT STUEVE CPPS The various political and economic upheavals which invariably follow major wars often tend to obscure the history of the men who were personally engaged in the conflicts And men who gave their entire life to a military career and who are necessarily absent from boyhood surroundings are sometimes quickly forgotten by their native localities Joseph Theodore ...

"Hudson Centennial Appendix: David Hudson and Heman Oviatt," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 366-371.
... 366 Ohio Arch 366 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications HUDSON CENTENNIAL APPENDIX DAVID HUDSON AND HEMAN OVIATT Hudson is town four Range ten and was purchased of the Connecticut Land Company by David Hudson Birdseye Norton Nathaniel Norton Stephen Baldwin Benjamin Oviatt and Theodore Parmele for fifty-two cents an acre In the original survey it was laid down as a swamp township and in order to make it equal to the average townships there was annexed to it from the equalizing townships 10000 ...