Ohio History Journal

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"The Debt of the West to Washington," by Archer Butler Hulbert. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 205-213.
... THE DEBT OF THE WEST TO WASHINGTON THE DEBT OF THE WEST TO WASHINGTON BY ARCHER BUTLER HULBERT To us of the central west the memory of Washington and his dearest ambitions must be precious beyond that of any other American whether statesman general or seer Under strange providential guidance the mind and heart of that first American was turned toward the territories lying between the Alleghenies and the Mississippi and it is to be doubted if any other portion of his country received so much of ...

"Hudson Centennial Appendix: David Hudson and Heman Oviatt," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 366-371.
... 366 Ohio Arch 366 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications HUDSON CENTENNIAL APPENDIX DAVID HUDSON AND HEMAN OVIATT Hudson is town four Range ten and was purchased of the Connecticut Land Company by David Hudson Birdseye Norton Nathaniel Norton Stephen Baldwin Benjamin Oviatt and Theodore Parmele for fifty-two cents an acre In the original survey it was laid down as a swamp township and in order to make it equal to the average townships there was annexed to it from the equalizing townships 10000 ...

"Notes on the Ohio History Day Association Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Meeting," Volume 47, Number 1, January, 1938, pp. 74-77.
... NOTES ON THE OHIO HISTORY DAY ASSOCIATION NOTES ON THE OHIO HISTORY DAY ASSOCIATION TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY MEETING The Twenty-fifth Anniversary Meeting of the Ohio History Day Association was held at Park Place the home of Dr and Mrs Howard Jones Circleville Ohio Sunday October 3 1937 Ohio History Day is usually held at Logan Elm State Park but because of rain the first in the history of the celebration the 1937 meeting was moved into Circleville The feature of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary ...

"St. Clair's Defeat," Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 30-43.
... ST ST CLAIR'S DEFEAT FRAZER ELLS WILSON GREENVILLE OHIO Author of the valuable little volume entitled The Treaty of Greenville published 1894-E 0 R Probably the most disastrous defeat ever suffered by the Americans at the hands of the Red Men was that of the army of Gen Arthur St Clair on the east branch of the Wabash near the present western boundary of Ohio November 4th 1 791 Both for the number of men killed and the blighting effect on the frontier settlements was this disaster noted and ...

"Vanishing Race, A," by Jennie C. Morton. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 48-56.
... A VANISHING RACE A VANISHING RACE MRS JENNIE C MORTON Frankfort Ky Read by the author before the Ohio Valley Historical Association at their meeting with the Kentucky State Historical Society in the New Capitol October 16th 1909 Whether we call the Indian North American or South American we know the Indian race historically as a peculiar and distinctly marked people-disappearing gradually into oblivion An authentic history of the race has not been written but the traditions concerning it ...

"Proctor's Report of the Battle of Fort Stephenson" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 75-80.
... The Croghan Celebration The Croghan Celebration 75 I greet thee Thou art just in time To tell of victory most sublime Though told in unconnected rhyme Thou art welcome in Ohio But since thou canst thyself speak well Now let thy thundering voice tell What bloody carnage then befell The foes of great Ohio And then she thundered loud PROCTOR'S REPORT OF THE BATTLE OF FORT STEPHENSON The following letter recently unearthed by Col Webb C Hayes in the Canadian Archives at Ottawa is most interesting ...

"Four Cycles: A Centennial Ode," by May Lowe. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 109-117.
... FOUR CYCLES A CENTENNIAL ODE FOUR CYCLES A CENTENNIAL ODE Prepared in commemoration of the centennial anniversary of Pickaway County The Poem is descriptive of Circleville the county seat MAY LOWE PRELUDE The grape vine and the sycamore Cast shadows long and deep On the surface of the river Near whose banks the thousands sleepMen of mystery who from silence Of the dim past settled here Wrought their mighty deeds of valor Left a record written clear Of their learning and their prowess In the ...

"Fremont in History," Volume 10, Number 1, July, 1901, pp. 49-66.
... Fremont in History Fremont in History 49 FREMONT IN HISTORY BY JULIA M HAYNES The Sandusky country in aboriginal history possesses a peculiar charm and fascinating interest During that period of years which fills western annals with the story of intrigue and bloody conflict the plains and prairies of the Sandusky valley were the home of the most powerful and most generous of the savage nations Less than a century ago these plains now covered by a thriving city presented an interesting variety ...

"Journal of Ensign William Schillinger: A Soldier of the War of 1812," introduced by James A. Green. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 51-85.
... Journal of Ensign William Schillinger 51 Journal of Ensign William Schillinger 51 EDITOR'S NOTE The original manuscript of this Journal was brought to the attention of the Editor by Mr James A Green a life member of the Society whose contributions have appeared in previous issues of the Quarterly Mr Green has for years been deeply interested in the history of Ohio and the Northwest Territory He has made a special study of the career of William Henry Harrison who was born in Virginia but who ...

"A Letter from Colonel John Allen," Volume 36, Number 3, July, 1927, pp. 332-339.
... A LETTER FROM COLONEL JOHN ALLEN A LETTER FROM COLONEL JOHN ALLEN BY EDGAR B WESLEY John Allen author of the following letter was the son of James Allen and was born in Rockbridge County Virginia on December 30 17721 The family moved to Kentucky in 1787 and settled near the present Hustonville Lincoln County John experienced the usual excitements of the frontier and on one occasion pursued a band of Indians down Rolling Fork into what is now Casey County2 About 1790 the family moved to ...

"Address of Hon. Henry J. Booth (Cresap Tablet)," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 128-140.
... 128 Ohio Arch 128 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Hurrah for our Country May she ever be free Hurrah for our Patriots On land or on sea Who gave this Liberty to you and to me We will hold their deeds and memory bright While the Sun and the Moon give us this light To their principles we boys will be true And we will live and die for the Red White and Blue The speaker of the day was Hon Henry J Booth who delivered the following address ADDRESS OF HON HENRY J BOOTH In the midst of the ...

"A Visit in 1929 to the Sites, in Western Ohio, of Forts Built by Generals Arthur St. Clair, Anthony Wayne and William Henry Harrison," by James A. Green. Volume 38, Number 4, October, 1929, pp. 601-626.
... A VISIT IN 1929 A VISIT IN 1929 TO THE SITES IN WESTERN OHIO OF FORTS BUILT BY GENERALS ARTHUR ST CLAIR ANTHONY WAYNE AND WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON BY JAMES A GREEN CHAPTER I On the Fourth of July 1929 I made a patriotic pilgrimage visiting the sites of some of the forts erected in western Ohio in St Clair's and Wayne's Indian Campaigns and by Harrison in the War of 1812 As showing the immeasurable difference between the slow and laborious progress of our early armies and the speed of the modern ...

"Israel Putnam," by Mrs. H. G. Edgerton. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 528-548.
... ISRAEL PUTNAM ISRAEL PUTNAM READ BY MRS II G EDGERTON BEFORE THE COLONEL GEORGE CROGHAN CHAPTER D A R In the days when forests covered most of New England when the Indian war-whoop still echoed on its borders when children ate corn-meal porridge from pewter porringers and their elders stirred their hot drinks with a poker heated in the fireplace -- in those good old days two centuries ago there was born one of the great heroes of our Nation To be more exact on January 7 1718 in an old ...

"First Battle of the American Revolution," by W. H. Hunter. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 93-102.
... FIRST BATTLE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION FIRST BATTLE OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION BY W H HUNTER CHILLICOTHE This article was prepared for and read by author at the Banquet of the Ohio Society of the Sons of the American Revolution held at the Neil House Columbus April 19 1902 It is herewith published at the request of the editor of the Quarterly-E 0 R At the time the dreadful battle of Point Pleasant was fought at the mouth of the Kanawha river on October 10 1774 the American colonies were in ...

"Washington's 'Tour to the Ohio' and Articles of 'The Mississippi Company,'" by Archer Butler Hulbert. Volume 17, Number 4, October, 1908, pp. 431-488.
... WASHINGTON'S TOUR TO THE OHIO AND ARTICLES WASHINGTON'S TOUR TO THE OHIO AND ARTICLES OF THE MISSISSIPPI COMPANY Introduction and Notes by Archer Butler Hulbert Author of Washington and the West Historic Highways Etc It is always interesting to recall that the earliest accurate account of the Ohio Valley is from the pen of Washington This account is found in two manuscripts now preserved in the Library of Congress one of which is entitled Remarks amp Occurrs in October when November came it is ...

"Francisca Bauer, the Sister of the Woods," by Edmund L. Binsfeld. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 353-366.
... Francisca Bauer the Sister of the Woods Francisca Bauer the Sister of the Woods By EDMUND L BINSFELD OLD THEODORE WILLIAMS of Norwalk Ohio liked to reminisce and when the Rev Frederick Rupert pastor at St Paul's Roman Catholic parish there was preparing what he called an outline history of the Catholic churches in that area Williams told the priest about the early days Among other things Williams said that when he was a boy of eight he saw at sunset one September evening in 1828 two ...

"Address of Rev. F. A. Gilmore" (The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910) Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 352-357.
... 352 Ohio Arch 352 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications EAGLE EFFIGY Largest Indian mound of its type in Wisconsin Body 131 feet Wing spread 624 feet Marked by the Wisconsin Archaeological Society July 30 1910 ADDRESS OF REV F A GILMORE Archaeology and theology have sometimes been grouped together since both are said to deal with subjects of no interest to modern men As a theologian I should be glad to refute this idea but though I know you are all eager to hear me discourse on theology you ...

"General Simon Kenton," (with introduction by Orton G. Rust) Volume 45, Number 1, January, 1936, pp. 46-67.
... GENERAL SIMON KENTON GENERAL SIMON KENTON By ALBERT L SLAGER Introduction By ORTON G RUST There are Homeric men in every age men filled with the spring of life superabundant a perpetually flowing fountain of youth men whose every action attracts the attention of their fellow men and whose lives count for human progress Simon Kenton was such a man Tradition as well as history has placed him among the strong the swift the brave an explorer of hitherto unexplored regions and a pathfinder for the ...

"Mobbing the Shakers of Union Village," by J. P. MacLean. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 108-131.
... MOBBING THE SHAKERS OF UNION VILLAGE MOBBING THE SHAKERS OF UNION VILLAGE J P MACLEAN PH D It may be affirmed that of all the Christian sects of America not one is less aggressive or lives more within itself than that known as The Shakers or more properly speaking The Millennial Church It is true that in its early history it possessed a little missionary zeal but this was not of the offensive kind In common with all the sects it placed its own doctrines to the front proclaiming them to be the ...

"Military Posts, Forts and Battlefields within the State of Ohio, The," by A. A. Graham. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 300-311.
... 300 Ohio Arch 300 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 TRUDE CHRISTINA ANNA CHRISTINA ANNA SALOME and ANNA ELIZABETH Besides these there were five adults one man S CHAPPIHILLEN the husband of Helen together with four women and thirteen babes not yet baptized and the following members of the Mission at Schoenbrun who happened to be at Gnadenhutten to-wit NICHOLAS and his wife JOANNA SABINA ABEL HENRY ANNA and BATHSHEBA the last two daughters of Joshua the founder of Gnadenhutten in all ...