Ohio History Journal

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"Tribute of Ex-Gov. Myron T. Herrick (Ohio Battle Flags)," Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 249-250.
... Battle Flags of Ohio Battle Flags of Ohio 249 If you will incorporate this letter I will be much obliged It will explain why I was not there and will also show that I appreciated the patriotic and significant character of the occasion Trusting that this will meet with your approval and again thanking you for the kindness you have shown me in this matter which I assure you is highly appreciated I remain Very truly your etc Signed J B FORAKER HON D A LIGGITT Rushsylvania Ohio TRIBUTE OF EX-GOV ...

"Address of Judson Harmon" (Jamestown Exposition) Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 180-185.
... 180 Ohio Arch 180 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dience wherein were many of our martyred President's intimate friends the full significance of the rendition of his loved hymn The orator of the day was the Hon Judson Harmon of Cincinnati whose address is herewith given ADDRESS OF JUDSON HARMON There are no States at whose celebrations Ohio is not a fitting guest From those older than herself came the men and women who opened her soil to the sunshine and replaced the shifting wigwams ...

"America's First Red Scare-The Cincinnati Reds of 1869," Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 13-24, notes 68-69.
... The Reds of 1869 by DAVID QUENTIN VOIGT We are a band of baseball players From Cincinnati City We come to toss the ball around And sing to you our ditty And if you listen to the song We are about to sing We'll tell you all about baseball And make the welkin ring The ladies want to know Who are those gallant men in Stockings red they'd like to know When the victorious 1869 Red Stockings were on tour they introduced themselves by singing the team's official song set to the tune of Bonnie Blue ...

"The Libraries of Paddy's Run," by S. R. Williams. Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 462-465.
... THE LIBRARIES OF PADDY'S RUN THE LIBRARIES OF PADDY'S RUN BY S R WILLIAMS The first State School Commissioner of Common Schools of Ohio called attention to a library founded in a community in the state by the contributions of its pioneer settlers To the inspirations from this library to quote the Commissioner some of the first names in our annals owe the impulse to a distinguished career The history of this library and its successors follows At the opening of the country west of the Great ...

"The Rubber Industry in Ohio," by William D. Overman. Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 278-289.
... The Rubber Industry in Ohio The Rubber Industry in Ohio By WILLIAM D OVERMAN Many of us think of the rubber industry in terms of tire sizes and a system of retail distribution centers It is this But for the past half century or longer it has also been one of the moving factors in the life not only of the United States but of the entire world Also when many of us think of rubber we think in terms of a few large companies and a few well-known products which they manufacture But the rubber ...

"Peter Navarre Day," Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 86.
... 86 Ohio Arch 86 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Governor Campbell the recipient of the special honor of this occasion was present and in a very happy address expressed his appreciation in this living testimonial of the regard in which he is held With the singing of the tree planting song by the Trinity Choir and benediction the delightful and impressive program of the afternoon was concluded PETER NAVARRE DAY On Saturday afternoon October 6 1923 Peter Navarre Day was appropriately ...

"The Process of Voluntary Association: Organizing the Ravenna Temperance Society, 1830," by Marc L. Harris. Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 158-170.
... MARC L MARC L HARRIS The Process of Voluntary Association Organizing the Ravenna Temperance Society 1830 With attention beginning now to focus on voluntary association as a characteristic feature of pre-Civil War American life it is important not to lose sight of the phenomenon of voluntary organization as itself a historical problem One aspect of this problem that particularly needs discussion is a complex of issues arising from the extraparliamentary nature of voluntary groups This aspect ...

"The Western Reserve and the Frontier Thesis," by Kenneth V. Lottick. Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 45-57.
... The Western Reserve and The Western Reserve and The Frontier Thesis By K ENNETH V LOTTICK IT IS GENERALLY CONCEDED that Frederick Jackson Turner's frontier thesis was predicated upon a kind of geographical determinism--that somehow in crossing the Appalachian barrier old habits of thought and older customs and institutions suddenly withered away in the purer air of the new country1 Whether this thesis applied generally may be debated but it surely did not apply in western New York and in ...

"The Early French Settlements on the Great Lakes," by John M. Bulkley. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 341-348.
... THE EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMENTS ON THE GREAT THE EARLY FRENCH SETTLEMENTS ON THE GREAT LAKES JOHN M BULKLEY The French emigrants scattered along the northwestern frontier previous to the year 176 0 were chiefly from the provinces of Picardy and Normandy in France Without aspiring to the aristocratic rank of the noblesse who had congregated in the region of Quebec and Montreal they were accustomed to reverence the authority which had before been exercised over them under the French monarchy in ...

"A Paradox of Prohibition: Election of Robert J. Bulkley as Senator from Ohio, 1930," Volume 83, Number 3, Summer, 1974, pp. 170-182.
... LESLIE J LESLIE J STEGH A Paradox of Prohibition Election of Robert J Bulkley as Senator from Ohio 1930 Hail Hallowed Ohio Rich and beautiful state Rivers and roads and railways And queenly cities and great Fertile fields and factories Happy homes and healthM-O-T-H-E-R of Prohibition And a s-o-b-e-r Commonwealth1 The issue of prohibition of the liquor traffic was one that had kept Ohio in turmoil prior to the enactment of state prohibition and the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment to the ...

"Report of the Secretary to the Ohio Historical Commission," Volume 28, Number 4, October, 1919, pp. 407-408.
... Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting 407 Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting 407 various mounds and parks He congratulated the Society on its work and stated this meeting will give him renewed enthusiasm Mr Randall stated that the Historical Commission of Ohio was appointed without legal authority a year ago last January or February by Governor Cox it is simply a committee acting voluntarily The purpose is to gather at once the material and data of the activities of Ohio in connection with the Great War This ...

"Housing the Women Who Toiled: Planned Residences for Single Women, Cincinnati 1860-1960," by Patricia A. Carter. Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 46-71.
... PATRICIA A PATRICIA A CARTER Housing the Women Who Toiled Planned Residences for Single Women Cincinnati 1860-1960 The Lawrence Home stands as a barrier to sickness and evil she opens her doors and invites the young unprotected girl to come in and make her home here-not that she may be rescued as a brand from the burning but that she may not even get near enough to the fire to be scorched She does not consider herself nor is she considered a charity inmate Her independence and self-respect are ...

"Ohio History Day at Logan Elm Park," Volume 33, Number 3 & 4, July-October, 1924, pp. 530-533.
... 530 Ohio Arch 530 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications accompanied him on all his travels and he died the father of grown-up children He is described as a wisp of a man lank red-haired with a reddish mustache His hobby was a large peach orchard which his busy life gave him little time to enjoy Not only was he a great correspondent but he was a voluminous writer of books Here is a list said to be approximately complete Carpenter's Geographical Readers -- Asia 1897 North America 1898 South ...

"Lake Erie," (A Poem) Volume 72, Number 3, July, 1963, pp. 228-229.
... 228 OHIO HISTORY 228 OHIO HISTORY LAKE ERIE Deep shallow becalmed turbulent Restless undulant constantly nascent Shingled by feathers and aerated spray Its mobile surface rarely quiescent Glacier-born and glacier-scoured Time-clock of steady terrestrial action Unfolding to eager sensate ears Nature's story in constant redaction Symbol of restless liquidity Nursery of storms and tumultuous roaring Playground of sail and fin and man Magnet of wing's resistant soaring By day its dome uplifted ...

Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 91-95.
... Book Notes Book Notes Little Cities of Black Diamonds Urban Development in the Hocking Coal Region 1870-1900 By Ivan M Tribe Athens Athens County Historical Society and Museum 1988 vii 130p tables notes index and Sprinkled with Coal Dust Life and Work in the Hocking Coal Region 1870-1900 By Ivan M Tribe Athens Athens County Historical Society and Museum 1989 viii 168p tables notes index Tribe's two books constitute a history of the Hocking Valley coal mining towns in the corners of Perry ...

"Protective Legislation in Ohio: The Inter-war Years," by Patricia Brito. Volume 88, Number 2, Spring, 1979, pp. 173-197.
... PATRICIA BRITO PATRICIA BRITO Protective Legislation in Ohio The Inter-war Years During the 1920s protective legislation-legislation that applied only to women and was intended to preserve the health and safety of the female worker-made obvious the conflict between orthodox trade union theory and the expeditious achievement of economic goals The American Federation of Labor and its Ohio affiliate the Ohio State Federation of Labor subscribed to the doctrine of voluntarism the idea that labor's ...

Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 440-448.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Colonel Dick Thompson the Persistent Whig By Charles Roll Indiana Historical Collections XXX Indianapolis Indiana Historical Bureau 1948 xvi 315p illustrations and index 250 Richard Wigginton Thompson the grand old man of Indiana politics was 22 years of age when he migrated to Bedford Indiana from his birthplace in Culpeper County Virginia where he was born June 9 1809 In Bedford he taught school briefly worked in a store studied law in his spare time founded with ...

"William Medill's War with the Indian Traders, 1847," by Robert A. Trennert, Jr.. Volume 82, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1973, pp. 46-62.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A TRENNERT JR William Medill's War with the Indian Traders 1847 William Medill's tenure as Commissioner of Indian Affairs in the Polk administration came at the critical time of continental expansion which resulted in forceful removal of the Indian from lands desired by white settlers Soon after he took office Medill attempted to make some basic reforms in policy governing relations with the Indians One of the most controversial aspects of his reforming activities as ...

Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 93-124.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Alexandra Gripenberg's A Half Year in the New World Miscellaneous Sketches of Travel in the United States 1 888 Translated and edited by Ernest J Moyne Newark University of Delaware Press 1954 xv225p frontispiece and index This volume recounts the observations of Baroness Alexandra Gripenberg distinguished Finnish journalist author feminist and temperance advocate during a six months' visit to the United States in 1888 The baroness came to America as a delegate to an ...

"Provincial Basis of Patriotism, The," by Archer Butler Hulbert. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 664-676.
... 664 Ohio Arch 664 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications AFTERNOON SESSION AUDITORIUM OF THE MUSEUM AND LIBRARY BUILDING 130 O'CLOCK The addresses delivered at the afternoon session of the meeting were of an unusually high order Members of the Society and their friends came in large numbers to hear the two noted speakers on the program They soon filled the auditorium to the limit of its capacity and a number were turned away for lack of room The high anticipations of the audience were not ...