Ohio History Journal

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"John Brown's Last Letter," by Clarence S. Gee. Volume 40, Number 2, April, 1931, pp. 185-189.
... JOHN BROWN'S LAST LETTER JOHN BROWN'S LAST LETTER BY CLARENCE S GEE John Brown of Harper's Ferry fame sat in his prison cell in Charlestown Virginia now West Virginia on the morning of December 2nd 1859 well aware that he had not long to live His trial had resulted in a verdict against him and he was sentenced to die on this date In papers recently restored to the files of the Circuit Court in Charlestown we find the original verdict We the Jury find the defendant John Brown the prisoner at ...

"Governor Willis' Address (Dedication of Hayes Memorial)," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 412-419.
... 412 Ohio Arch 412 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications GOVERNOR WILLIS' ADDRESS Governor Willis spoke as follows Ladies and Gentlemen It is indeed a rare privilege to be present and take a part in these interesting exercises on a day set apart in honor of our patriotic dead to be invited to join in this commemoration of one whose private life was an inspiration and whose public service was a benediction On this historic ground you have today united in this splendid celebration which has its ...

"Fort Laurens," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 648-649.
... 648 Ohio Arch 648 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications It is planned to visit the industrial plants of Dayton and the wonderful flood-prevention work If Mr Wright accompanies the visitors on their tour it may be a profitable day for the Society -- we may secure the first successful airship of the Wright brothers This plane while not in Dayton has not been sent to England If the Society secures the airplane and the mastodon skeleton a place to exhibit them must be provided and the Society ...

"Governor Othniel Looker and His Descendants," Volume 42, Number 4, October, 1933, pp. 446-451.
... GOVERNOR OTHNIEL LOOKER AND HIS GOVERNOR OTHNIEL LOOKER AND HIS DESCENDANTS In the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly volume 31 pages 215-217 there is a sketch of Governor Othniel Looker In it is copied a previous sketch in which the statement was made that Governor Looker left no records relative to his life succeeding his service in the governorship and that he died unmarried The sketch at that time furnished from reliable sources by the present writer gave additional information ...

"Committee on Necrology," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 533-535.
... Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting 533 Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting 533 with the history of Fort Laurens Therefore a brief synopsis along historical lines may be of interest to many citizens The fort was erected by command of General Washington and is located in Tuscarawas county Ohio about one mile below the village of Bolivar on the west bank of the Tuscarawas river and was erected in November and December 1778 General McIntosh superintended the construction and had under his command 1 200 troops of ...

Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 192-223.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Saving the Waifs Reformers and Dependent Children 1890-1917 By LeRoy Ashby Philadelphia Temple University Press 1984 xiii 336p notes bibliographical notes index 3795 This fine book reflects the current interest in dependent children private philanthropy and public policy and shares the hypothesis of other recent works that since child welfare is somehow at the heart of Progressive reformism understanding the child savers is key to understanding Progressivism In these ...

Volume 104, , Winter-Spring, 1995, pp. 88-118.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Losing Our Souls The American Experience in the Cold War By Edward Pessen Chicago Ivan R Dee 1993 255p notes index 2495 Assigning responsibility for the Cold War has long been one of the indoor sports of American scholars Led by those favorably inclined toward American motives in general and those of the Truman administration in particular the majority of historians one can safely say have placed major blame on the Soviet Union and Joe Stalin Fueled by its World War ...

Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 70-94.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Early Maps of the Ohio Valley A Selection of Maps Plans and Views Made by Indians and Colonials from 1673 to 1783 By Lloyd Arnold Brown Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Press 1959 xiv 132p illustrations maps plans and bibliography 1200 This handsome volume edited by Lloyd A Brown for the Eavenson Cartography Fund is an attractive picture book which summarizes the cartographic history of the Ohio River region from 1673 to 1783 It features a brief introductory ...

Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 204-218.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Union amp Emancipation Essays on Politics and Race in the Civil War Era Edited by David W Blight and Brooks D Simpson Kent Ohio The Kent State University Press 1997 x 231p illustrations notes selected bibliography index 3500 Examining the impact of slavery and race on American politics and culture during the decades surrounding the Civil War this collection of essays is especially useful for scholars of northern party politics in the 1850s In the first of three essays ...

"Pharmaceutical Education in Nineteenth-Century Ohio," by Robert A. Buerki. Volume 104, , Winter-Spring, 1995, pp. 42-84.
... ROBERT A ROBERT A BUERKI Pharmaceutical Education in Nineteenth-Century Ohio The development of pharmacy as a profession in America had its roots in English customs and traditions the colonial practice of pharmacy differing from that of its mother country only in being more lax and unrestricted and standing on a somewhat lower level Only a small minority of its practitioners was educated beyond an apprenticeship that lacked both the system and standards that strong English guilds had once ...

"The Ohio Election of 1838: A Study in the Historical Method?," Volume 95, , Summer-Autumn, 1986, pp. 85-100.
... VERNON L VERNON L VOLPE The Ohio Election of 1838 A Study in the Historical Method Historians are not immune from occasionally making minor errors such as misreading the results of a state election Unfortunately due to the nature of the craft one historian's lapse may assume the status of historical fact once it finds its way into the secondary literature where the original slip suddenly takes on a life of its own Through sheer repetition by other scholars a historical myth is created that is ...

"Grant Memorial Highway," Volume 31, Number 3, July, 1922, pp. 352-353.
... 352 Ohio Arch 352 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications a demand that would have overcome his indifference to display and publicity Three of his sons were prominent in their day Rev B F Morris the author of his life Jonathan D Morris who served two terms as congressman from Ohio Isaac N Morris who served two terms as congressman from Illinois and was appointed by President Grant commissioner for the Union Pacific Railway in 1869 If a daguerreotype or painting of the Senator is in the ...

Volume 105, , Summer-Autumn, 1996, pp. 195-220.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Abolitionists amp the South 1831-1861 By Stanley Harrold Lexington The University of Kentucky Press 1995 x 245p illustrations notes bibliography index 2995 Did the struggle to end slavery cause the Civil War Twentieth-century theories of the war from Charles Beard's economic interpretation to the currently fashionable cultural split between North and South have relegated abolitionist radicals to the sidelines as a causative factor in the war and by implication ...

"Unkown Grave in Ohio, An," "An Unknown Grave," by John James Piatt. Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 555-557.
... AN UNKNOWN GRAVE AN UNKNOWN GRAVE JOHN JAMES PIATT The following poem with preface was read by Mr Piatt at the Annual Banquet of the Ohio Society S A R held at the Columbus Club on the evening of April 19 1904 On the title page of an interesting volume of family history recently published at Columbus I read two sentencesthe first from Edmund Burke Those who do not treasure up the memory of their ancestors do not deserve to be remembered by posterity The other is from the Bible Children's ...

"Pretty Scaly Times: The Ohio National Guard and the Railroad Strike of 1877," by Brian M. Linn. Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 171-181.
... BRIAN M BRIAN M LINN Pretty Scaly Times The Ohio National Guard and the Railroad Strike of 1877 The employment of the Ohio National Guard at Newark during the railroad strike of 1877 represents an effective use of military force during a potentially explosive labor dispute In contrast to West Virginia Maryland Pennsylvania Illinois Missouri and Indiana the state authorities of Ohio did not have to call on federal troops to enforce civil authority During the strike relations between the militia ...

"No Haymarket for Cincinnati," by James M. Morris. Volume 83, Number 1, Winter, 1974, pp. 17-32.
... JAMES M JAMES M MORRIS No Haymarketfor Cincinnati As the news spread from Chicago of the events of May 4 1886 a new word came to be emblazoned into the hearts and minds of the American people That wordconnoting fear revolution anarchism and terror-was Haymarket Every man reading the newspapers or talking with his friends and neighbors of the events of that day could not but be aware of the fact that the anarchists who had wormed their way into the bloodstream of American life had finally let ...

"Annie Wittenmyer and the Women's Crusade," edited by Jack S. Blocker, Jr.. Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 419-422.
... edited by edited by JACK S BLOCKER JR Annie Wittenmyer and the Women's Crusade The Women's Temperance Crusade a spontaneous non-violent movement against the saloon involved at least 56000 women in 912 places in 26 states 5 territories and the District of Columbia It came to a focus in the creation of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union in Cleveland Ohio 18-20 November 1874 At that convention Annie Turner Wittenmyer also spelled Wittenmeyer of Philadelphia was elected the ...

Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 210-213.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy By William Wade Hinshaw Richmond Ind Friends Book and Supply House distributors 1937 Vol I 1185p 2000 with discount to libraries and Meetings Genealogy which is an auxiliary of historical science has been defined as the systematic account of the origin descent and relations of families Genealogical knowledge becomes of great importance in many ways both as to individual interests and as an aid in interpreting historical ...

Volume 99, , Winter-Spring, 1990, pp. 74-94.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Politics of Community Migration and Politics in Antebellum Ohio By Kenneth J Winkle New York Cambridge University Press 1988 xiii 239p notes tables bibliography index 3250 This interesting but ultimately unsatisfying book probes an apparent contradiction in the findings of modern political and social historians of the mid-nineteenth century Studies of electoral behavior in various constituencies in Ohio and elsewhere show an amazing stability in the proportion of ...

"Sumner-Brooks-Burlingame: or, The Last of the Great Challenges," by James E. Campbell. Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 435-473.
... SUMNER -- BROOKS -- BURLINGAME SUMNER -- BROOKS -- BURLINGAME --or-- THE LAST OF THE GREAT CHALLENGES BY JAMES E CAMPBELL The purpose of this paper is to throw light upon one of the most famous of the many thrilling episodes which preceded the Civil War -- thereby reversing some accepted history to mark the finish of the long congressional quarrel between Massachusetts and South Carolina and incidentally to note the collapse of the Duello When the thirty-fourth Congress met on the third day of ...