Ohio History Journal

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"Martin Davey, John Bricker and the Ohio Election of 1936," Volume 104, , Winter-Spring, 1995, pp. 5-23.
... FRANK P FRANK P VAZZANO Martin Davey John Bricker and the Ohio Election of 1936 There's something wrong in Columbus With those words John W Bricker the Republican nominee for governor of Ohio opened the 1936 campaign against his Democratic opponent Martin L Davey Bricker's declaration more an accusation than a challenge initiated a contest destined to become one of the meanest in the history of Ohio But the campaign did more than that it generated a bitter personal feud between two of the ...

Volume 49, Number 1, January, 1940, pp. 84-109.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Indian Arts in North America By George C Vaillant New York and London Harper amp Brothers 1939 63p 96pl 500 This book is essentially a volume of plates illustrating the arts of the North American Indians Each of the ninety-six plates is a photograph of an actual specimen from either a prehistoric or historic Indian group The illustrations were selected with three factors in mind the tribal style the potential interest to a modern audience and the susceptibility of the ...

"Ben Wade and the Negro," by Hans L. Trefousse. Volume 68, Number 2, April, 1959, pp. 161-176.
... Ben Wade and the Negro Ben Wade and the Negro By HANS L TREFOUSSE IT HAS LONG BEEN A MATTER OF DISPUTE whether the radical Republicans of one hundred years ago were really sincere in their professions of friendship for the Negro Were they merely interested in economic gains for their followers and political preferment for themselves making use of the Negro question simply to hide their true objectives or were they genuinely concerned with uplifting the downtrodden race This question of ...

"Address of Welcome" (Taylor-Livingston Centenary) Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 489-492.
... The Taylor-Livingston Centenary Etc The Taylor-Livingston Centenary Etc 489 Jr of a paper prepared by his father Edward L Taylor Sr address by ex-Governor George K Nash address by Col James Kilbourne address by Hon Phil H Bruck recitation of poem by Mrs William Sprague address by Hon Thomas E Powell The program as carried out was from first to last impressive instructive and entertaining characterized by sentiment wit and humor Immediately upon the conclusion of the exercises supper was served ...

"A Buckeye Tree for the Lawn of the Executive Mansion," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 271-274.
... Executive Mansion Executive Mansion 271 such recommendation into effect had been taken or attempted by the general assembly On February 16 1917 a resolution was adopted authorizing the appointment of a committee to investigate the cost of purchasing a residence already erected and also the cost of purchasing a site and causing a proper residence to be erected thereon in Columbus to be used as a home for future governors of the state 107 0 L 7 60 On March 30 1917 the governor approved an act ...

"James House Anderson (In Memoriam)," Volume 21, Number 4, October, 1912, pp. 489-491.
... Editorialana Editorialana 489 the Conference probably could not have been held last year Miss Cornelius as secretary invited the Executive Committee to meet late in June at her home in northern Wisconsin and under the generous hospitality of herself and her family the program for the Conference was drafted The letters asking for active and associate memberships were also drawn up there and on the train which brought the committee back to Chicago Now the campaign was on and the work and the ...

"Frank Lloyd Wright's Westcott House in Springfield," by Stephen Siek. Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 276-293.
... STEPHEN SIEK STEPHEN SIEK Frank Lloyd Wright's Westcott House in Springfield To investigate the career of Frank Lloyd Wright from 1893 to 1910 is to examine a period of architectural thought so rich that later historians would term this era Wright's First Golden Age1 The automobile and the airplane were two inventions that became synonymous with the advent of the twentieth century but no less innovative were the attempts of Frank Lloyd Wright to develop an architecture indigenous to American ...

Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 272-298.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Jacksonian Persuasion Politics and Belief By Marvin Meyers Stanford Calif Stanford University Press 1957 vii234p appendices bibliography and index 500 This slim volume is the latest in the recent series of attempts to discern the elusive meaning behind that deceptive textbook phrase Jacksonian democracy Professor Meyers' monograph will not win a Pulitzer prize be chosen as a book-club selection or reappear in paper-bound dress as a layman's treat It will for years ...

"Medical Societies in Cleveland From 1890 to 1945," by Clyde L. Cummer. Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 344-377.
... MEDICAL SOCIETIES IN CLEVELAND FROM 1890 TO 1945 MEDICAL SOCIETIES IN CLEVELAND FROM 1890 TO 1945 by CLYDE L CUMMER MD Part I THE REVOLUTIONARY NINETIES Since 1810 when Dr David Long moved to Cleveland from Hebron New York and became Cleveland's first physician there was no decade in its medical history so fraught with change as that extending from 1893 to 1903 This development in medicine was but a part of the times Although preparing to celebrate its centennial in 1896 Cleveland as a city ...

Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 78-115.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews First Generations Women in Colonial America By Carol Berkin New York Hill and Wang 1996 xiv 234p bibliographical essay index 2300 cloth 1200 paper In First Generations Carol Berkin has written a marvelous synthesis of the existing literature on women in the colonial era It will likely become a classroom standard Clearly the area of colonial women's history has been one in need of synthesis Imaginative and meticulous scholars have been creating histories out of the ...

Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 341-345.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Tree of Liberty By Elizabeth Page Farrar amp Rinehart Inc 1939 985p 300 On the best seller list since its publication in the spring this historic novel offers an unusual combination of entertainment and enlightenment The story is that of Matthew Howard and Jane Peyton the former a frontiersman from the Shenandoah Valley the latter the daughter of a tidewater planter In their married life is dramatized the bitter conflict of the two main traditions which underlie ...

"Honors Awarded to Ohio State University Men," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 559.
... Reviews Notes and Comments Reviews Notes and Comments 559 He was a Kentuckian by birth and his daughter became the wife of George D Prentice the gifted editor and writer of Louisville Kentucky HONORS AWARDED TO OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY MEN The following announcement in a local paper is of general interest We are pleased to note that our state archaeologist is included in the honor roll Membership in the Ohio State University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa honorary scholastic fraternity has been ...

"Dental Education in Ohio, 1838-1858," Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 294-312.
... DENTAL EDUCATION IN OHIO DENTAL EDUCATION IN OHIO 1838-1858 By EDWARD C MI LLS DDS With the unprecedented tide of immigration to Ohio during the early decades of the nineteenth century came the physician as a necessary adjunct to the widely scattered communities for the preservation of health and the consequent prosperity of those sturdy pioneers His praises have been largely unsung because in addition to his administrations to the medical needs of the community his attention was necessarily ...

"William H. West," by William Z. Davis. Volume 20, Number 4, October, 1911, pp. 404-414.
... WILLIAM H WILLIAM H WEST BY WILLIAM Z DAVIS The following is an address in memory of Judge William H West delivered by Hon William Z Davis of the Ohio Supreme Court at the meeting of the Ohio Bar Association Cedar Point July 12 1911 This writing is not a biography but an appreciation of one of the most notable members of the Ohio Bar in his generation As a counsellor as a trial lawyer and advocate in the halls of 404 William H William H West 405 legislation as attorney general as judge of ...

"Henry B. Curtis. A Memorial Address," Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1887, pp. 47-54.
... HENRY B HENRY B CURTIS A MEMORIAL ADDRESS1 AT the re-organization of this Society in March 1885 Hon Henry B Curtis of Mt Vernon was elected as its First Vice President It is now our sad duty formally to announce the death of Mr Curtis which occurred on the fifth day of last November at the residence of his grand-daughter Mrs Charles D Seeberger in the City of Chicago Ill where he was stopping for a few days on his way home from a business trip farther West Upon this occasion it is eminently ...

"Address of Governor Donahey," Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 501-508.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 501 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 501 It is particularly appropriate that the address of welcome with which the program proper is to begin should be delivered by His Excellency the Governor of Ohio that staunch friend of the Society neighbor and fellow-citizen Vic Donahey May I present the Governor of Ohio The audience rose and extended a very cordial greeting to Governor Donahey When the applause concluded he spoke as follows Mr Chairman ...

Volume 46, Number 3, July, 1937, pp. 293-303.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Old Favorites from the McGuffey Readers Ed by Harvey C Minnich With Illustrations from the McGuffey Readers New York American Book Company 1936 482p 350 William Holmes McGuffey and His Readers By Harvey C Minnich With Photographs and Old Drawings New York American Book Company 1936 203p 225 The set boxed 500 One hundred years ago the first McGuffey Readers made their appearance in Cincinnati Ohio They found immediate popularity in the West In the course of a few years ...

"John Sherman and the Silver Drive of 1877-78: The Origins of the Gigantic Subsidy," by Jeannette P. Nichols. Volume 46, Number 2, April, 1937, pp. 148-165.
... JOHN SHERMAN AND THE SILVER DRIVE OF 1877-78 JOHN SHERMAN AND THE SILVER DRIVE OF 1877-78 THE ORIGINS OF THE GIGANTIC SUBSIDY By JEANNETTE P NICHOLS That tour de force the Silver Purchase Act of 1934 is too close to the present to be judged fairly1 While some critics claim that it simply signifies a cowardly unpatriotic surrender to a small group of wealthy mine-owners others suspect that the faithful servitors of those interests--the fourteen senators from the seven silver states--had the ...

"Library of an Early Ohio Farmer, The," by Robert H. Irrmann. Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 185-193.
... THE LIBRARY OF AN EARLY OHIO FARMER THE LIBRARY OF AN EARLY OHIO FARMER by ROBERT H IRRMANN Assistant Professor of History and Government Denison University Though not among the founding fathers of Blendon Township in Franklin County Gideon W Hart is noted by William Martin one of the county's early historians as among those who subsequently settled there after the initial waves of migration in 1806 and 1808 Born in Hartford Connecticut on July 16 1785 Hart first came to Franklin County in ...

"Charles Burleigh Galbreath," by John F. Carlisle. Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 115-122.
... CHARLES BURLEIGH GALBREATH1 CHARLES BURLEIGH GALBREATH1 BY JOHN F CARLISLE Charles Burleigh Galbreath was born on a farm near Leetonia Columbiana County Ohio February 25 1858 and died February 23 1934 just two days before his birthday date He was the son of Edward Paxson Galbreath and Jane Minerva Shaw Galbreath and was a birthright member of the Society of Friends In the closing days of the Civil War he began his elementary education He learned to read from the McGuffey Readers and to figure ...