Ohio History Journal

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"Dr. Naylor's Poem-'The Hardy Pioneer'" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 36-38.
... 36 Ohio 36 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications This state was the thoroughfare for all the races and all the people in their struggle to reach the west Its foundations were laid by the very best brains of this country when that great American stream of settlers founded this composite Ohio Wherever you look you will find the Ohio man and as long as we have The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society to perpetuate the greatness of the Ohioan and mark the places where they have ...

Volume 67, Number 1, January, 1958, pp. 68-94.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Financing Unemployment Compensation Ohio's Experience By Edison L Bowers Paul G Craig and William Papier Bureau of Business Research Monograph Number 89 Columbus Ohio State University College of Commerce and Administration 1957 xx 314p bibliography 400 An important function of state government in the industrialized society of our day is the organization and administration of an effective system of unemployment compensation Ohio which is well on the way to becoming the ...

Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 251-259.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States Lyndon B Johnson Two Volumes Washington DC Office of the Federal Register National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration 1970 Vol I January 1 to June 30 1968 lxix 761p A-93p index 1050 Vol II July 1 1968 to January 20 1969 Ixiii p763-1404 A-93p index 950 Most students of the United States are by now familiar with this continuing series Launched in 1957 it now covers in full the Truman ...

"America's First Woman Mayor," by Alfred Hewetson Mitchell. Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 52-54.
... AMERICA'S FIRST WOMAN MAYOR AMERICA'S FIRST WOMAN MAYOR BY ALFRED HEWETSON MITCHELL A native of Ohio who became America's first woman mayor has been honored at Argonia Kansas by a plaque which was erected through the efforts of Kansas club women and dedicated on November 10 1933 Kansas believes in flowers for the living so this plaque was unveiled in the presence of Mrs Susanna M Salter the Ohio-born woman who had made history at the age of twenty-seven when she was elected mayor of Argonia in ...

"Cincinnati Through English Spectacles: A British Diplomat's Confidential View in 1945," Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 279-291.
... edited by edited by THOMAS E HACHEY Cincinnati Through English Spectacles A British Diplomat's Confidential View in 1945 In the months immediately following the Second World War British consuls stationed throughout the United States forwarded to the London Foreign Office a substantial number of telegrams memoranda and dispatches regarding the climate of American opinion toward England What Winston Churchill had called the Grand Alliance seemed in the judgment of many of these diplomats to be ...

"'The Family System of Common Farmers': The Origins of Ohio's Reform Farm," by Robert M. Mennel. Volume 89, Number 2, Spring, 1980, pp. 125-156.
... ROBERT M ROBERT M MENNEL The Family System of Common Farmers The Origins of Ohio's Reform Farm 1840-1858 The early history of the Ohio Reform School for Boys1 which opened in 1858 provides a unique opportunity to analyze the development of attitudes and policies toward juvenile delinquency and related problems such as dependency and neglect-all major concerns of nineteenth century society As the first American institution to combine a decentralized family or cottage building plan with an ...

"Governor Rutherford B. Hayes," Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 58-75, notes 191-192.
... Governor Rutherford B Hayes NOTES ON PAGE 191 GOVERNOR RUTHERFORD B GOVERNOR RUTHERFORD B HAYES 59 by DANIEL R PO R TER The spirits of a discontented Congressman from Cincinnati were decidedly lifted late in January 1867 by a letter from William Henry Smith Ohio's Secretary of State The letter sounded out Representative Rutherford B Hayes as a possible gubernatorial candidate This was the first indication Hayes received that he was being considered instead of incumbent Governor Jacob D Cox ...

"The Negro in Early Ohio," Volume 39, Number 3, July, 1930, pp. 717-768.
... THE NEGRO IN EARLY OHIO THE NEGRO IN EARLY OHIO BY CHARLES JAY WILSON If men were angels wrote John Jay in the fifth of the Federalist papers no government would be necessary Few people of today who live the richer intellectual life which follows naturally upon an endeavor to sound out modern social phenomena and strike something deeper than the superficial aspects will find much in this principle with which to quarrel In fact a majority more likely would contend that the New York barrister ...

Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 95-117.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Letters of Delegates to Congress 1774-1789 Volume 25 March 1 1788-July 25 1789 with Supplement 1774-87 Edited by Paul H Smith and Ronald M Gephart Washington DC Library of Congress 1998 xxx 843p editorial method and apparatus acknowledgments chronology of Congress list of delegates illustrations appendix notes index 5600 It is a great thing to finish a great work And the Letters of Delegates to Congress series is a great work one of the greatest editorial projects of ...

"Travel to Cincinnati in 1853," by William D. Hoyt, Jr.. Volume 51, Number 1, January-March, 1942, pp. 62-64.
... TRAVEL TO CINCINNATI IN 1853 TRAVEL TO CINCINNATI IN 1853 EDITED BY WILLIAM D HOYT JR Writers have described the hardships of travel in the middle of the nineteenth century when railroads were in their infancy but few accounts are as expressive or as vivid as that penned by the Honorable Peter Vivian Daniel Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States while on his way to the Mississippi Valley to hold judicial sessions in his circuit A letter written to his daughter from the ...

"Address of Captain Alexis Cope" (Hayes Dedication) Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 462-469.
... 462 Ohio Arch 462 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications will stand as the testimonial of a grateful people to the life and services of a truly beloved man To this building and the beautiful grove surrounding it will come generations of American citizens our children grandchildren and their descendants and draw an inspiration to a life of unselfishness and honor as they become more and more familiar with the life and character of Rutherford Birchard Hayes that crowned and glorious life ...

"Rio Grande College-Rev. J. M. Davis, President," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 164-167.
... 164 Ohio Arch 164 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 RIO GRANDE COLLEGE-REV J M DAVIS PRESIDENT When asked but a few hours ago to take part in the exercises of this forenoon I gladly consented for in my opinion no interest that has been developed in Gallia county in the first century of its settlement is more worthy of being brought to remembrance and notice than its educational interests and my connection for a number of years with Rio Grande college enables me to set forth briefly ...

"John W. Bear, 'The Buckeye Blacksmith,'" by Robert Gray Gunderson. Volume 61, Number 3, July, 1952, pp. 262-271.
... JOHN W JOHN W BEAR THE BUCKEYE BLACKSMITH1 by ROBERT GRAY GUNDERSON Associate Professor of Speech Oberlin College On the week end of February 21 1840 twenty-three thousand enthusiastic Whigs crowded into Columbus for the Ohio Whig convention2 A heavy rain drenched the delegates as they milled about seeking quarters in the thriving capital city which that year proudly reported six thousand inhabitants to the bureau of the census The arrangements committee announced that every Whig house in ...

"The Great Lakes Historical Society," Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 179-187.
... THE GREAT LAKES HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE GREAT LAKES HISTORICAL SOCIETY by DONNA L ROOT Managing Editor INLAND SEAS and Head History Biography and Travel Di v ision Cleveland Public Library To the librarian and book dealer and possibly to the historian and analyst of human nature too trends in authorship and in reading are a subject for interested examination not without the lure of the inexplicable These trends although related in their most obvious expression to the whole pattern of current ...

"Governor George Hoadly's Use of the Ohio Natioinal Guard in the Hocking Valley Coal Strike of 1884," by Andrew Birtle. Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 37-57.
... ANDREW BIRTLE ANDREW BIRTLE Governor George Hoadly's Use of the Ohio National Guard in the Hocking Valley Coal Strike of 1884 During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the United State experienced a large number of labor strikes that involved outbreaks of violence While the causes of this violence are both numerous and varied some students of labor history cite the intervention of police forces as a major catalyst1 Indeed the list of clashes between police and labor during this ...

"Thomas Boyd and F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Brief Literary Friendship" by Brian Bruce. Volume 109, 125-143, Summer–Autumn, 2000, pp. 125.
... Thomas Boyd and F Scott Fitzgerarld Summer-Autumn 2000 pp 125-143 This article is presented page by page and footnoted according to the original print version If a sentence appears to be incomplete scroll down to continue with the next page Copyright 2000 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Thomas Boyd and F Scott Fitzgerald A Brief Literary Friendship By Brian Bruce click to view full image In June 1925 F Scott Fitzgerald wrote a spiteful letter to his editor Max Perkins about ...

Volume 74, Number 4, Autumn, 1965, pp. 270-276.
... BOOK REVIEWS FRONTIER AMERICAN LITERATURE AND THE AMERICAN WEST By Edwin Fussell Princeton N J Princeton University Press 1965 xvi450p introduction and index 850 This is a stimulating though highly speculative book In the preface Fussell explains he offers it as an example of imaginative historiography a method of writing history in which facts are used merely as emblems to illustrate the theme His procedure seems somewhat similar to that employed in Increase Mather's Divine Providences in ...

"An Experiment in Education," Volume 55, Number 1, January-March, 1946, pp. 30-43.
... AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION AN EXPERIMENT IN EDUCATION BY ALFRED J WRIGHT Miami Valley College For both sexes near Springboro Warren County Ohio Under the care of Friends term opens Ninth Month 4th 1877 Term fees for the year 230 from which will be deducted amounts earned at suitable industries two hours daily for boys on the farm and in Mechanics Hall and girls in household duties also cost of railroad fares once each way from the fees of the first and the last terms respectively For ...

"The Early Historical Writings of James Ford Rhodes, 1885-1886," by Robert Cruden. Volume 69, Number 2, April, 1960, pp. 171-178.
... The Early Historical Writings of The Early Historical Writings of James Ford Rhodes 1885-1886 By ROBERT CRUDEN JAMES FORD RHODES the Cleveland-born historian of the Civil War and Reconstruction periods is perhaps Ohio's most significant contribution to American historiography His seven-volume History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 to the Final Restoration of Home Rule at the South in 1877 New York 1892-1906 written in a spirit of sectional reconciliation remains an impressive ...

"The World War and Its Lesson," by Theodore R. Burton. Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 508-517.
... 508 Ohio Arch 508 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications It will not be disturbed by wars and revolutions but it will tower sublime while monarchies totter and fall it will stand majestic immutable the American Republic Applause ADDRESS OF THEODORE E BURTON Following the address of Colonel Cole President Johnson said I wish I might possess some of this inspiring oratory of the last speaker in making these introductions However my limitations leave me only the power to say in simple way that ...