... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies AMERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati Jacob Marcus Director The growing collections of congregational minute books genealogies and personal papers of notable Jewish personalities are being cataloged and made available for researchers Dr Stern-Taeubler's book The Court Jew has recently been published BRECKSVILLE EARLY SETTLERS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Brecksville Ernest Green President The association is at present furnishing a room at the museum ...
... array of thoughtprovoking material and statistics and this volume clearly deserves attention not only as agricultural history but as an analysis of what has become of our modern society Texas AampM University David E Schob Cleveland Confused City on a Seesaw By Philip W Porter Columbus The Ohio State University Press 1976 xiii 314p illustrations index 1250 The publication of Philip W Porter's Cleveland Confused City on a Seesaw by The Ohio ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held April 4th and 5th 1997 at Malone College in Canton Ohio The historical Encyclopedia of African American Associations is seeking scholars interested in contributing assigned entries This single-volume reference work will include associations established by African Americans and interracial groups working in the interest of African Americans For a list of entries and further information please ...
... 346 Ohio Arch 346 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications became captain of Company C of that regiment He served with distinction through the Civil War and attained the rank of lieutenant colonel He was again in the Legislature in 1867-1868 and was Speaker in the latter year In 1876 he was elected United States senator and twice afterward re-elected He died in 1891 before the close of his third term His life history as presented by Connelley in this volume is an inspiration to every healthy ...
... RICHARD M RICHARD M BUDD Ohio Army Chaplains and the Professionalization of Military Chaplaincy in the Civil War While the study of military chaplains is fascinating if only because of the apparent incongruity of peacemakers serving in an institution of warmakers military chaplaincy during the American Civil War is of particular interest because of the insight it offers into the development of the office of chaplain While chaplains had been appointed by Congress as far back as 1775 their role ...
... THE CHARCOAL IRON INDUSTRY OF THE THE CHARCOAL IRON INDUSTRY OF THE HANGING ROCK IRON DISTRICT--ITS INFLUENCE ON THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE OHIO VALLEY BY WILBUR STOUT INTRODUCTION The Hanging Rock Iron District as defined by the iron masters embraced the furnaces and furnace lands and also the adjacent properties over which iron ores limestones and charcoal were gathered It included parts of Carter Boyd and Greenup Counties Kentucky and parts of Lawrence Scioto Gallia Jackson Vinton and ...
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY AUGUST 1963 -- JULY 1964 compiled by s WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE DURAND Loyal Jr The Major Milksheds of the Northeastern Quarter of the United States Economic Geography XL 1964 9-33 Ohio areas shown in twenty milksheds STOVER Stephen L Ohio's Sheep Year 1868 Agricultural History XXXVIII 1964 102-107 ANTISLAVERY MOVEMENT McPHERSON James M The Fight Against the Gag Rule Joshua Leavitt and Antislavery Insurgency in the Whig Party 1839-1842 ...
... edited by edited by JOHN B GABEL Medical Education in the 1890s An Ohio Woman's Memories The material presented here is drawn from the unpublished papers of a long-time Columbus physician the late Ida May Wilson Written in 1941 when she was in her seventy-seventh year this excerpt records Dr Wilson's memories of her medical education during the years 1894-1896 at the Ohio Medical University1 Her description of the primitive training provided as late as the 1890s by an accredited medical school ...
... THE The collection of manuscripts letters books and other items of literary and historical interest listed in this catalog was presented to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society in memory of Dolores Cameron Venable by her husband Emerson Venable and her daughter Evelyn Venable THE DOLORES CAMERON VENABLE MEMORIAL COLLECTION Correspondence Boxes 2-16 Letters from William Henry Venable1 to Coates Kinney2 and from Coates Kinney to William Henry Venable 238 letters covering the ...
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Organizations AMERICAN JEWISH ARCHIVES Cincinnati Jacob R Marcus Director The Ohio Sesquicentennial Judaica Exhibit prepared by the archives is available for loan to institutions synagogues societies and schools in Ohio and neighboring states The exhibit comprises thirty items photographs portraits and photostats of documents relating to the history of the Jews in Ohio A list of the items and information regarding the loan of the materials may be ...
... FRANK P FRANK P VAZZANO Martin Davey John Bricker and the Ohio Election of 1936 There's something wrong in Columbus With those words John W Bricker the Republican nominee for governor of Ohio opened the 1936 campaign against his Democratic opponent Martin L Davey Bricker's declaration more an accusation than a challenge initiated a contest destined to become one of the meanest in the history of Ohio But the campaign did more than that it generated a bitter personal feud between two of the ...
... CARY D CARY D WINTZ Race and Realism in the Fiction of Charles WChesnutt In this day of increased awareness of the role blacks have played in American history and culture it is somewhat surprising that Charles W Chesnutt is only recently being recognized by students of history and literature He played an important part in the development of black American literature during the last decade of the nineteenth century and also helped to lay the foundation for the Negro Renaissance of the 1920's ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Jonathan Stealey an adjunct assistant professor of art at The University of Findlay has been named to the Bicentennial Planning Committee of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Inc The Foundation based in Washington DC encompasses a wide spectrum of government officials historians and enthusiasts dedicated to preserving national interest in the historical worth of the nation's best-documented exploration of the American west Commissioned by ...
...array A typhoid epidemic array the prisoners in purple and fine linens or feed them on chicken pies52 On February 27 1884 debate on the Myers bill packed the hall with visitors brought out strong speeches and caused a general field day of excitement Although the name of the penitentiary and the method of selecting the new governing board were not changed amendments to weaken the bill were ...
... LEWIS L LEWIS L GOULD Chocolate Eclair or Mandarin Manipulator William McKinley the Spanish-American War and the Philippines A Review Essay The Spanish War An American Epic-1898 By GJA O'Toole New York W W Norton 1984 447p photographs notes bibliography index 1995 Sitting in Darkness Americans in the Philippines By David Haward Bain Boston Houghton Mifflin 1984 464p notes bibliography index photographs 2495 The Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection that followed were significant ...
... PATRICIA BRITO PATRICIA BRITO Protective Legislation in Ohio The Inter-war Years During the 1920s protective legislation-legislation that applied only to women and was intended to preserve the health and safety of the female worker-made obvious the conflict between orthodox trade union theory and the expeditious achievement of economic goals The American Federation of Labor and its Ohio affiliate the Ohio State Federation of Labor subscribed to the doctrine of voluntarism the idea that labor's ...
... RITA S RITA S SASLAW Student Societies in Nineteenth Century Ohio Misconceptions and Realities Student societies flourished in American colleges in the first half of the nineteenth century Historians of higher education have viewed this development as a student attempt to bring about substantive change in the curriculum and extracurricular life1 This idea follows logically from the fact that these societies grew in a period of numerous reform movements movements dedicated to deliberate ...
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Historical Society is reprinting Scoouwa James Smith's Indian Captivity Narrative 595 the eighth edition of Colonel Smith's 1799 journal and the first annotated reprint in seventy years The journal Smith kept is an important document reflecting Indian-white relations in the late eighteenth century as well as struggles between colonists and representatives of the king William M Darlington's annotations from the 1870 edition are included with ...
... THE DEBT OF THE STATE OF OHIO FROM THE DEBT OF THE STATE OF OHIO FROM 1900 TO 1938 INCLUSIVE By HENRY F WALRADT One method of raising money with which to make governmental expenditures is to issue bonds or certificates of indebtedness The record of the State Government of Ohio during the twentieth century as to debt may well be studied in this day when so many political units too recklessly meet their present desire or need for revenue by the easy expedient of going into debt At the beginning ...
... THE CHARITY SCHOOL OF KENDAL THE CHARITY SCHOOL OF KENDAL Edited by HARLOW LINDLEY The discovery of an Agreement between Adam W Heldenbrand and the Charity School of Kendal dated November 27 1863 has aroused interest to learn more about this Ohio educational institution and the unique contract enacted there In the winter of 1810-11 one Thomas Rotch left Hartford Connecticut and explored Ohio as far south and west as Cincinnati Springfield and Urbana On this trip Rotch made notes about the ...