Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Ohio, the First Child of the Northwest" (Pan-American Exposition) by Charles W. Baker. Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 128-132.
... 128 Ohio Arch 128 Ohio Arch and His Society Pub li cations the citizens of all the states and the republics to the south of us may spend many pleasant hours and may find rest and comfort It is my duty to turn our building over to the Pan-American and in doing so I express the sincere hope that your exposition may have the great success which always should accompany efforts so earnest so able and so magnificent and wonderful in results as are those made by the officials of the exposition and ...

"Ohio's German-Language Press and the Peace Negotiations," by Carl Wittke. Volume 29, Number 1, January, 1920, pp. 49-79.
... OHIO'S GERMAN-LANGUAGE PRESS AND THE PEACE OHIO'S GERMAN-LANGUAGE PRESS AND THE PEACE NEGOTIATIONS BY CARL WITTKE Instructor in American History Ohio State University Long before the conclusion of the armistice all of Ohio's German-language newspapers that had survived the trials and stress of the first years of the war had completed their strategic retreat from a position of open pro-Germanism to one of unswerving loyalty to the cause of America At the beginning of the war it was perhaps to ...

"Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Tiffin, October 12, 1956," Volume 66, Number 1, January, 1957, pp. 87-89.
... Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting Minutes of the Fall Business Meeting Of the Ohio Academy of History Tiffin October 12 1956 The fall meeting of the Ohio Academy of History was held at Heidelberg College The president of the Academy Dr Grover C Platt called the business meeting to order and requested Dr Robert W Twyman of Bowling Green to act as temporary secretary for the purpose of taking minutes Thirty persons were present The president called the attention of those assembled to the fact ...

"The Rise and Decline of the Cheese Industry in Lorain County," Volume 69, Number 1, January, 1960, pp. 32-57.
... The Rise and Decline of The Rise and Decline of The Cheese Industry In Lorain County By FRANK C VAN CLEEF THE SECTION OF OHIO NOW KNOWN AS LORAIN COUNTY was first settled about 1820 The ensuing three decades saw the southerly and westerly portion of the Western Reserve being cleared of forests and the land put into pastures and meadows The soil the topography and the climate proved to be quite ideally adapted to dairy farming And so this entire section in a period of thirty to forty years was ...

"Notes and Acknowledgment," Volume 39, Number 1, January, 1930, pp. 36-37.
... 36 Ohio Arch 36 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications NOTES HONORABLE JAMES W GOOD Honorable James W Good Secretary of War in the cabinet of President Hoover was the most distinguished official who attended the unveiling of the monument in honor of General Anthony Wayne and he delivered the principal address at the banquet in the evening in the Commodore Perry Hotel No one who heard him would have predicted that this would be the last distinguished service of this character he would perform ...

"Immigrant Institutions in Cleveland," by Wellington G. Fordyce. Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 87-103.
... IMMIGRANT INSTITUTIONS IN CLEVELAND IMMIGRANT INSTITUTIONS IN CLEVELAND By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE The immigrant's church has been the strongest single force in preserving his racial solidarity Like the Pilgrim fathers the immigrants brought with them their Bibles hymn books clergy and churches These churches were strongly attached to the homeland depending upon it for literature and clergy Political and social antagonisms have been aroused among native Americans and the immigrant's religious ...

Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 269-271.
... Historical News Historical News THE RUTHERFORD B HAYES L IBRA RY has acquired in the past few months a file of the weekly Clyde Enterprise from the first issue on March 21 1878 through December 1900 The issues for 1958 are being received as published and the file for the intervening years will be completed at a later date Two original letters written by Rutherford B Hayes have been added to the Hayes collections One dated October 31 1884 was addressed to Colonel H J Johnson of Cumberland ...

"The Feud Renewed: Martin Davey, John Bricker and the Ohio Campaign of 1940," Volume 105, , Winter-Spring, 1996, pp. 5-24.
... FRANK P FRANK P VAZZANO The Feud Renewed Martin Davey John Bricker and the Ohio Campaign of 1940 They were old enemies Democrat Martin L Davey and Republican John W Bricker two fierce rivals posed against each other for the second time in a contest for Ohio's governorship Their first race in 1936 degenerated into a barrage of accusations and mudslinging Their second in 1940 promised more of the same If anything as Davey's local newspaper the Ravenna Evening Record and Daily Courier-Tribune ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 175-178.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Fall Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be October 13-14 1989 at Ohio University The Missouri Valley History Conference sponsored by the University of Nebraska at Omaha's History Department will be held March 8-10 1990 Those interested in further information concerning the conference should contact Jerold Simmons Program Coordinator MVHC Department of History University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha Nebraska 68182 The Pennsylvania Historical and ...

"Rarey, The Horse's Master and Friend," by Sara Lowe Brown. Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 487-539.
... RAREY THE HORSE'S MASTER AND FRIEND RAREY THE HORSE'S MASTER AND FRIEND BY SARA LOWE BROWN It is one of the honors of Franklin county Ohio that early in the second quarter of the Nineteenth century it produced in the person of John Solomon Rarey a man who bore to all the world the message that in kindness there is power Ralph Waldo Emerson said of him that he had turned a new leaf in civilization while William Lloyd Garrison testified to his fitness to teach the world a great and everywhere ...

"Women in an Evangelical Community: Oberlin, 1835-1850," by Lori D. Ginzberg. Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 78-88.
... LORI D LORI D GINZBERG Women in an Evangelical Community Oberlin 1835-1850 Women and men joined the first coeducational college in order to create both a model Christian community and trained missionaries for the world's enlightenment and regeneration' Oberlin College was not a feminist experiment for the concept of feminism did not truly exist It was an evangelical project in which women were an integral part An understanding of why certain women came to Oberlin and what they found there may ...

"Paleolithic Man in the Western Reserve," by P. P. Cherry. Volume 18, Number 1, January, 1909, pp. 109-111.
... Editorialana Editorialana 109 Marietta could not have been surpassed The place and time of the next annual meeting was left in the hands of the Executive Committee The proceedings in full of the meetings above including addresses etc will be published either in a later number of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Quarterly or in a separate publication by the same Society PALEOLITHIC MAN IN THE WESTERN RESERVE The following article was written by P P Cherry and published in ...

"Ohio in National Politics, 1865-1896," by Clifford H. Moore. Volume 37, Number 2, April, 1928, pp. 220-427.
... OHIO IN NATIONAL POLITICS 1865-1896 OHIO IN NATIONAL POLITICS 1865-1896 By CLIFFORD H MOORE PH D Professor of History in Ripon College Ripon Wisconsin CHAPTER I SOME DETERMINING FACTORS The sectional conflict which ended in 1865 contributed a number of conflicting elements to the new era of national life Prominent was the suspicion engendered by four years of struggle and it persisted throughout the period of the next generation as a barrier to a true sense of national unity Men easily ...

Volume 70, Number 1, January, 1961, pp. 64-69.
... Historical News Historical News THE RUTHERFORD B HAYES LIBRARY has recently published in mimeograph form a twenty-page annual report of the director of research Watt P Marchman He reports the addition of more than a thousand books in the library's field of interest and several hundred manuscript items Included in the latter are a veto message of President Hayes with notations in his own hand a collection of articles about Hayes by Frank G Carpenter and a William Cullen Bryant letter A ...

"Claude Meeker (1861-1929). IN MEMORIAM: Addresses Delivered at a Special Meeting of the Kit-Kat Club of Columbus, Ohio, December 2, 1930," Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 590-614.
... CLAUDE MEEKER CLAUDE MEEKER 1861-1929 IN MEMORIAM Addresses Delivered at a Special Meeting of the Kit-Kat Club of Columbus Ohio December 2 1930 Interesting remarks were also made on this occasion by Mr Osman C Hooper who brought a message from Professor French and with it a copy of Mr Meeker's book-plate which Professor French had made for him Mr Arthur C Johnson Sr spoke of Mr Meeker's never failing interest in newspaper work and stated that he had prepared a number of articles the last year ...

Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 159-179.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Frontier Republic Ideology and Politics in the Ohio Country 1780-1825 By Andrew RL Cayton Kent Kent State University Press 1986 xii 197p map notes essay on sources index 2700 The intellectual history of the early republic has undergone considerable revival in recent years Led by Bernard Bailyn at Harvard whose The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution 1967 was a classic when published and continued by his pupil Gordon Wood of Brown University in the ...

"A History of Public Archaeology in Ohio," Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 101-130.
... P P NICK KARDULIAS A History of Public Archaeology in Ohio Introduction The Ohio Historical Society OHS marked its 100th anniversary in 1985 During the century of its existence this organization has served as the steward of public archaeology in the state Therefore now is an appropriate time to review the development of archaeological concerns in Ohio by outlining the major accomplishments and deficiencies of the OHS and other institutions in carrying out their role as caretakers of Ohio's ...

"Americans Before Columbus," by Gerard Fowke. Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 689-711.
... AMERICANS BEFORE COLUMBUS AMERICANS BEFORE COLUMBUS BY GERARD FOWKE We have become so accustomed to thinking of Columbus as the original and only discoverer of America the western continent that we quite overlook several important points which should be considered in this connection The principal item is one which we know so well that we often fail to remember it at all and this is that when Columbus made his landing he found not a desert not a wilderness but a well-inhabited country Then as ...

"The Evangelist as Theological Disputant: Charles Grandison Finney and Some Others," by Charles C. Cole, Jr.. Volume 62, Number 3, July, 1953, pp. 219-233.
... THE EVANGELIST AS THEOLOGICAL DISPUTANT THE EVANGELIST AS THEOLOGICAL DISPUTANT CHARLES GRANDISON FINNEY AND SOME OTHERS by CHARLES C COLE JR Assistant Dean Columbia College Columbia University Interpreting the word of God defining dogma and disputing against heretical views have been primary tasks of religious leaders for many centuries A glance at the countless succession of theological battles from Augustine's condemnation of Pelagius through Wycliffe Hus Luther and Savonarola suggests that ...

Volume 70, Number 2, April, 1961, pp. 161-187.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Charles Summer and the Coming of the Civil War By David Donald New York Alfred A Knopf 1960 xvii392xxiv p illustrations bibliography and index 675 The War for the Union By Allan Nevins Volume II War Becomes Revolution New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1960 xiv557p illustrations maps bibliography appendices and index 750 Charles Sumner played a prominent role in the Civil War era as an abolitionist senator from Massachusetts before the war as chairman of the committee ...