Ohio History Journal

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"American Interests in the Pacific," by Homer B. Hulbert. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 91-101.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 91 on its passenger list to preserve the equilibrium of its cash account A fine line of side-wheel boats has always been maintained between Cincinnati and Louisville and who has not heard of those magnificent double-deckers the United States and America that nightly carried great cabins full of happy travellers between those two cities until one night a disastrous collision brought a brilliant career to a tragic ending But a ...

"Bryan's Benefactor: Coin Harvey and His World," Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 299-325.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 67 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1958 Bryan's Benefactor Coin Harvey and His World By JEANNE TT E P NICHOLS THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES are temperamentally given to experiments to impatient and Utopian solutions according to a distinguished British historian of the present day1 following a line of thought traversed by many other analysts domestic and foreign past and present Few Americans would deny that the nation has shown a lively ...

"Explorations of the Gartner Mound and Village Site," by William C. Mills. Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 129-189.
... EXPLORATIONS OF THE GARTNER MOUND AND EXPLORATIONS OF THE GARTNER MOUND AND VILLAGE SITE WM C MILLS CURATOR OF THE STATE ARCH AND HIST SOCIETY The Gartner mound located partly upon the land of Mr Adam Gartner and partly upon that of Miss Elizabeth Lievy is situated about six miles north of Chillicothe on the east side of the Scioto river The river bank at this point is quite high upward of 70 feet above low water mark and is very irregular with here and there spurs running up to the river ...

"Presentation of McGuffey Readers," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 157-180.
... PRESENTATION OF McGUFFEY READERS PRESENTATION OF McGUFFEY READERS On Tuesday evening February 15 1927 a meeting of unusual interest was held in the audience room of the Museum and Library Building on the Ohio State University Campus The program announced a joint session of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society and the McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio The purpose of the meeting is indicated in the following announcement The McGuffey Society of Columbus Ohio presents to the Ohio ...

Volume 108, , Winter-Spring, 1999, pp. 117-120.
... Book Notes Book Notes Covered Wooden Truss Bridges of Greene County Ohio A collection of photos and data of a vanishing era By James H Shell Xenia Ohio Greene County Historical Society 1998 76p illustrations bibliography At first glance this slender volume appears to be just another covered bridge picture book Many of this genre emphasize numbingly repetitive photos of bridge exteriors and indeed the lead section of this book includes the expected photo gallery But this publication actually ...

"Report of the Committee on Speical Legislation for D. A. R.," by Mrs. Lewis C. Laylin. Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 253-254.
... Editorialana Editorialana 2 53 'Your house is going up on Tuesday If Wadsworth can't raise it Norton will We will meet at Norton Center for a game of base-ball prepared with wagons and horses if warned by one o'clock that we will be wanted Then when we come every Wadsworth man must stand back and see Norton men put up the frame' The same messenger then slyly told the leading men of the whisky party the plan being to bring all Wadsworth to see Norton's triumph The day came Being myself the ...

Volume 67, Number 1, January, 1958, pp. 63-67.
... Historical News Historical News THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY of Missouri recently inaugurated a survey of historic sites in Missouri as the initial step in the preservation of the state's historic sites according to Floyd C Shoemaker secretary of the society The survey will utilize National Park Service standards and procedures Local historical organizations in nearly half of Missouri's counties will be asked to cooperate in the coordination of data The Michigan Historical Commission has ...

"Characteristics and Achievements of David Zeisberger," by William N. Schwarze. Volume 18, Number 2, April, 1909, pp. 182-188.
... CHARACTERISTICS AND ACHIEVEMENTS CHARACTERISTICS AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF DAVID ZEISBERGER REV WILLIAM N SCHWARZE M A Professor of Historical Theology Moravian College and Theological Seminary Bethlehem Pa In the middle of the eighteenth century Nathaniel Seidel and David Zeisberger were deputed by the Board controlling Moravian activity in America to report to Count Zinzendorf and his coadjutors in Europe the character which the mission among the Indians was assuming as well as to explain its ...

"Ohio Day at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition," Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 101-120.
... OHIO DAY AT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE OHIO DAY AT THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION On October 6 1 90 4 the Buckeyes from all parts of the United States celebrated Ohio Day upon the grounds of the Exposition St Louis Missouri The exercises were held in the afternoon and evening in the beautiful Ohio Building The Ohio Commission appointed by Governor Nash under authority of an act passed by the 75th General Assembly consisted of Hon William F Burdell President Columbus life member of the Ohio ...

"Minutes of the Ohio Academy of History, Deshler-Wallick Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, April 21, 1950," Volume 59, Number 3, July, 1950, pp. 310-312.
... MINUTES OF MINUTES OF THE OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY Deshler-Wallick Hotel Columbus Ohio April 21 1950 The Ohio Academy of History met in Columbus April 21 in connection with the Ohio College Association The morning session at 1000 A M was attended by nearly one hundred persons This session was devoted to a panel discussion conducted by the members of the committee on the teaching of history in Ohio colleges of which Frank L Esterquest of Western College is the chairman Robert L Jones of Marietta ...

"The Formation of the Eclectic School in Cincinnati," Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 279-288.
... THE FORMATION OF THE ECLECTIC SCHOOL THE FORMATION OF THE ECLECTIC SCHOOL IN CINCINNATI By RALPH TAYLOR MD It is now more than a century since the first Eclectic College was organized in Ohio and the century mark for the Eclectic Medical Institute will soon be reached It is difficult to visualize the social domestic and commercial life of the country when these schools were founded The writer doubts if one can thoroughly visualize Ohio without a single college of any appreciable size instead ...

Volume 48, Number 4, October, 1939, pp. 351-372.
... GENERAL INDEX TO VOL GENERAL INDEX TO VOL XLVIII Abarca y Bolea Pedro Pablo287 American Catholic Historical Society of Abbot Nehemiah 26 Philadelphia Records 284 Abbot Samuel 26 American Dental Convention248 253 255 Abbot Thomas 22 American Federation of Labor175 Abbot Abbott family of160 American Historical Association 99 108 Abbott Charles S257 153 163 Annual Reports 110 Pacific Abbott Louise 112 Coast Branch 153 Aberdeen Ohio 182 American Historical Review 154 159 160 Abingdon Press 269 163 ...

Volume 38, Binding Supplement, , 1929, pp. 727-737.
... INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII INDEX TO VOLUME XXXVIII Adams Adaline G 721 Badger Rev Joseph 478 482-486 Adams Belle Phillip 721 Bailey Gamaliel 87 126 127 Adams Jacob-Diary 1861-1865 627Baker Reverend Joel 479 719 biographical sketch 719-721 Ball Flamen 161 Adams John Q 78 Barker L A 123 Adams Margaret D 721 Barlow Joel 224 Adams Paul 719-721 Barney Hiram H 410 427 436 Adams Sarah L 721 Barrett Joseph H 13 Ake H Ross 575 Address at Dedication Bartley Governor Mordecai defeats Tod of Monument to ...

"Index to Minutes of Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the Society and the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees," Volume 36, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 702-707.
... INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL INDEX TO MINUTES OF THE FORTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Accessions to Museum 600-605 Braden James A 584 599 Allyn M Q 645 Braun Herman Sr 599 Amos Frank C 584 Brundage Dr H M 645 Archaeological and Historical Society Buchwalter Captain E L 636 holds Annual Meeting 584-683 new Burr Karl E 645 policies 647-651 change in fiscal year Burroughs John Address on by G amendments to Constitution ...

Volume 47, Number 4, October, 1938, pp. 377-380.
... SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL SUBJECT AND TITLE INDEX TO VOL XLVII For Index of Authors see Contents ABILITY DISTRIBUTION OF Stevens H R A Study of Notable Ohioans 159-167 Abstract of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society April 1 1938 215-217 Advancing the Ohio Frontier by Frazer Ells Wilson--Book review by J O M 188-191 American Frontier by Elisabeth Peck--Book review by Lois R Hiestand 374 AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS--FOREIGN ...

"From Free-Love to Catholicism: Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Nichols at Yellow Springs," by Philip Gleason. Volume 70, Number 4, October, 1961, pp. 283-307.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 70 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 19 61 From Free-Love to Catholicism Dr and Mrs Thomas L Nichols At Yellow Springs By PHILIP GLEASON AS THE SLAVERY controversy grew more intense in the mid1850's many of the reform movements which had preoccupied large numbers of Americans in the previous decade were submerged in the mainstream of the antislavery movement Yet currents of reform not connected with antislavery did persist and one of the most ...

"Explorations of the Seip Mound," by William C. Mills. Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 269-321.
... EXPLORATIONS OF THE SEIP MOUND EXPLORATIONS OF THE SEIP MOUND WILLIAM C MILLS The Seip Mound is located within the largest prehistoric earthworks of the Paint Creek Valley known as the Seip Group1 One very large mound and another half its size enclosed with earthworks which form a combination of two circles and a square and five mounds situated outside the earthworks but in close proximity to them constitute the Seip Group This group is located in Paxton Township Ross County about 3 miles east ...

"The Origin of the Giddings Resolutions," by W. Sherman Savage. Volume 47, Number 1, January, 1938, pp. 20-39.
... THE ORIGIN OF THE GIDDINGS RESOLUTIONS THE ORIGIN OF THE GIDDINGS RESOLUTIONS By W SHERMAN SAVAGE The British Government abolished slavery in its West Indies possessions as early as 1833 The nearness of the slave states of the American Union to those islands made this a question of great concern and caused much confusion in the diplomatic relations of the two countries When ships from the Southern States with slaves on board were driven by stress of weather into these ports the slaves claimed ...

"Early Ohio Painters: The Prewar Years," (Collections and Exhibits) Volume 73, Number 4, Autumn, 1964, pp. 254-262, notes 272.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS EARLY OHIO PAINTERS THE PREWAR YEARS by DONALD R MacKENZIE HIGHER standards in painting characterized the pre-Civil War period of art in Ohio Improved transportation encouraged artists to travel and almost every painter visited New York frequently touring Boston and Philadelphia as well There they had the opportunity to see a limited number of imported European paintings and a variety of notable American works Most established painters who desired it were ...

Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 192-223.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Saving the Waifs Reformers and Dependent Children 1890-1917 By LeRoy Ashby Philadelphia Temple University Press 1984 xiii 336p notes bibliographical notes index 3795 This fine book reflects the current interest in dependent children private philanthropy and public policy and shares the hypothesis of other recent works that since child welfare is somehow at the heart of Progressive reformism understanding the child savers is key to understanding Progressivism In these ...