Ohio History Journal

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Volume 60, Number 4, October, 1951, pp. 407-413.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLIANCE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Alliance Dorothy S Donaldson President Six scrapbooks on the Alliance Centennial of 1950 compiled by members of the society have been completed and turned over to the Alliance Chamber of Commerce the Alliance Review the Carnegie Library Mount Union College Library and the Alliance Historical Society The project of placing bronze markers at historic sites is being continued The society holds its meetings three ...

Volume 85, Number 2, Spring, 1976, pp. 160-179.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Manuscript Sources in the Library of Congress for Research on the American Revolution Compiled by John R Sellers Gerard W Gawalt Paul H Smith and Patricia Molen van Ee Washington DC Library of Congress 1975 iii 372 p indexes 870 The Library of Congress is many things to many people a legislative library a leader in the introduction of new library techniques the world's largest depository of written materials and the custodian of internationally significant collections ...

"Homes of Ohio Governors," Volume 12, Number 3, July, 1903, pp. 330-331.
... 330 Ohio Arch 330 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications Wayne's Expedition against the Indians The awards were made to Irma Shupe Robert Cowden and Wilbur Conover as first second and third respectively The one by Miss Shupe was published in the Dayton Daily Journal of May 5th It is a most scholarly and comprehensive account of that dramatic dashing campaign by the intrepid Wayne No campaign in early American history is more thrilling in its character or more potent in its results It was ...

"Address of Governor Donahey," Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 501-508.
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 501 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 501 It is particularly appropriate that the address of welcome with which the program proper is to begin should be delivered by His Excellency the Governor of Ohio that staunch friend of the Society neighbor and fellow-citizen Vic Donahey May I present the Governor of Ohio The audience rose and extended a very cordial greeting to Governor Donahey When the applause concluded he spoke as follows Mr Chairman ...

"The Future of Navigation on Our Western Rivers," by Albert Bettinger. Volume 22, Number 1, January, 1913, pp. 79-91.
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 79 main opponents Clark to President Reed August 4 1781 post p Marshall advised the people to pay no attention to the drafts ordered for Clark and offered protection to those who refused He had told Clark that while he could do nothing for the expedition as an official that as a private person he would give every assistance within his power Penna Archives 1781-1783 p 318 71 See post p 72 See post p 73 See post p 74 Mich Pioneer and ...

"Address of General Andrew L. Harris" (Croghan Celebration) Volume 16, Number 1, January, 1907, pp. 30-31.
... 30 Ohio Arch 30 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications not to enslave men but to make men free to enlarge in a vast degree the zone of Republican government All honor to George Croghan and his heroic band All honor to the soldiers of the revolution All honor to the soldiers of the Mexican war All honor to the soldiers of the Union All honor to the soldiers of the Spanish-American war The American people honor them They honor them each and all They hold them forever within the embrace of their ...

"The Influence of New England in Denominational Colleges in the Northwest, 1830-1860," by E. Kidd Lockard. Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 1-13.
... THE INFLUENCE OF NEW ENGLAND IN DETHE INFLUENCE OF NEW ENGLAND IN DENOMINATIONAL COLLEGES IN THE NORTHWEST 1830-1860 BY E KIDD LOCKARD By the third decade of the nineteenth century New England had come to regard the Northwest as a boundless meadow spiritually whitening for harvest The West itself cognizant of its latent possibilities in secular as well as in ecclesiastical affairs felt the increasing necessity for college-bred churchmen1 The need rose to such proportions that both parties felt ...

"Literary Bequests in Early Ohio Wills," by Gerald S. Greenberg. Volume 102, , Winter-Spring, 1993, pp. 20-34.
... GERALD S GERALD S GREENBERG Literary Bequests in Early Ohio Wills Introduction It is not surprising that besides the family Bible few books or libraries are mentioned in early Ohio wills for life on the frontier demanded that one devote full attention to life's essentials For most this meant the acquisition of a piece of land and the construction of a home It is such proprietary bequests therefore that dominate early Ohio wills One does discover however that the early doctors and lawyers of ...

"Recent Donations to the Library and Museum," Volume 24, Number 2, April, 1915, pp. 231-233.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA VOL XXIV No 2 APRIL 1915 RECENT DONATIONS TO THE LIBRARY AND MUSEUM Doctor Edward C Mills Columbus Ohio presented to the library a number of volumes pertaining to Ethnology Mr D H Gard presented to the library his private library consisting upwards of 3000 volumes on Americana This library will be cared for in a separate alcove known as the Gard Alcove The heirs of the late General Roeliff Brinkerhoff President Emeritus of the Society presented to the Library a large ...

Volume 79, Number 1, Winter, 1970, pp. 68-71.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Harding Era Warren G Harding and His Administration B y ROBERT K MURRAY Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press 1969 ix 626p illustrations bibliographical essay and index 1350 In the dialectic of history the hitherto almost unanimous judgment against Warren Harding--as expressed for instance by William Allen White Frederick Lewis Allen Alice Roosevelt Longworth Arthur Schlesinger Jr and Allan Nevins--had to generate sooner or later a rebuttal The opening of the ...

"The Historical Paintings of William Henry Powell," by Michael J. Devine. Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 65-77.
... MICHAEL J MICHAEL J DEVINE The Historical Paintings of William Henry Powell In 1865 the Ohio General Assembly commissioned William Henry Powell to paint a large historic picture depicting the heroic naval victory of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry and his men over the British in the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813 A former resident of Cincinnati Powell had won fame in the eastern urban centers of the United States as well as European capitals and his majestic Perry's Victory hung in Ohio's capitol ...

"George Hunt Pendleton, The Ohio Idea and Political Continuity in Reconstruction America," by Thomas S. Mach. Volume 108, , Summer-Autumn, 1999, pp. 125-144.
... THOMAS S THOMAS S MACH George Hunt Pendleton The Ohio Idea and Political Continuity in Reconstruction America The severe defeat of the Democrats in the 1866 election in Ohio and across the country left some of the party's political positions meaningless With a Republican majority in Congress and Reconstruction issues under its control the Democratic Party pinned its future on the ideas of a politician in the throes of resurrecting a political career George Hunt Pendleton a leading Democrat ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 326-327.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Society members might be interested in adding this information to their list of little known facts During 1895 this Society did not publish Ohio History's predecessor The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly but instead subsidized a two-year-old journal published in Waterloo Indiana The Archaeologist The publication moved to Columbus Ohio and for the next nine monthly issues it became the official organ of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical ...

"Mark Hanna's Goal: American Harmony," by Gerald W. Wolff. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 138-151.
... GERALD W GERALD W WOLFF Mark Hanna's Goal American Harmony 'A man who won't meet his men half-way is a G d fool' declared Mark Hanna one day in 1894 He was referring to the Pullman strike and the fact that troops had been sent to end it That terse profane comment tells a great deal about Hanna He was above all else a pragmatist with a canny ability to successfully adjust to changing conditions Twenty years previously when his coal mines were struck troops had been brought in--with disastrous ...

"Some Ohio Bowlders," Volume 15, Number 2, April, 1906, pp. 155-162.
... SOME OHIO BOWLDERS SOME OHIO BOWLDERS E L TAYLOR In the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly July 1905 Mr Basil Meek gave an interesting sketch of A Rock With a History This bowlder is found in Sandusky county seven miles southwest of the city of Fremont The article referred to has induced me to give a short account of three large granite bowlders found in Franklin county and near the city of Columbus The first of these is located in the bottom of a ravine or rather the bed of a ...

"Newspapers and History," by Raymond F. Fletcher. Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 212-226.
... NEWSPAPERS AND HISTORY NEWSPAPERS AND HISTORY By RAYMOND F FLETCHE R Time's out of joint when a newspaper man ventures to speak at an annual gathering of a great state historical society Whenever a member of the Fourth Estate appraises history he must agree with the sages that it is at the root of all science the first distinct product of man's spiritual nature the unrolled scroll of prophecy the record of man in quest of complete living What possible connection can there be between proud ...

"Internal-Improvement Projects in Southwestern Ohio, 1815-1834," by Richard T. Farrell. Volume 80, Number 1, Winter, 1971, pp. 4-23.
... RICHARD T RICHARD T FARRELL Internal-Improvement Projects in Southwestern Ohio 1815-1834 During the first three decades of the nineteenth century merchants farmers and manufacturers successfully established Cincinnati's economic prominence in the West Taking advantage of the city's strategic location pioneer merchants supplied the increasing number of immigrants from Europe and the eastern states with the goods they needed before they moved up the valleys of the Great Miami and Little Miami ...

"Address of W. H. Hunter" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 29-30.
... Big Bottom and Its History Big Bottom and Its History 29 we consider that but for this custom and the preservation of these monuments and tablets much that we now recognize and accept as historic truths would have been lost to us and all future generations it is matter of earnest congratulation upon our part that this monument which we are met here to-day to dedicate has been donated to and has been formally accepted by the Archaeological and Historical Society of Ohio For we feel and know ...

"Cholera in Cincinnati," Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 289-293.
... CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI By E W MITCHELL MD A worldwide epidemic of cholera beginning in far-off India in 1826 reached Russia in 1829 England in 1831 and was brought to this country in 1832 by immigrants landing in Quebec Dr Daniel Drake with characteristic foresight published early in 1832 a paper on cholera its causes symptomology and its treatment The first case in Cincinnati was that of a passenger on a steamboat from Portsmouth He had left Kingston Canada nine days ...

"Party Politics in Ohio, 1840-1850," by Edgar Allan Holt. Volume 37, Number 3, July, 1928, pp. 439-591.
... PARTY POLITICS IN OHIO 1840-1850 PARTY POLITICS IN OHIO 184 0-1 85 0 BY EDGAR ALLAN HOLT B A M A PH D PREFACE It has been my purpose in this study to trace the political history of Ohio during the 'forties in relation to state and national problems The period under investigation affords an interesting cross section of American political history revealing appeals to party prejudice conflicting economic and social interests political manipulations and log-rollings and the emergence of the ...