Ohio History Journal

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"Research in State History: Its Problems and Opportunities," by Asa Earl Martin. Volume 40, Number 4, October, 1931, pp. 565-589.
... RESEARCH IN STATE HISTORY ITS RESEARCH IN STATE HISTORY ITS PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES By DR ASA EARL MAR TIN INTRODUCTORY REMARKS The purpose of my paper is to discuss some of the problems connected with state history I assume that my audience is composed of those who have more than a passing interest in this topic and that they are primarily concerned with the questions which history teachers historical writers and the local historical societies face every day For that reason I have made no ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 110, , Summer-Autumn, 2001, pp. 190-192.
... Book Reviews Summer-Autumn 2001 pp 190-192 Copyright 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page NOTES AND QUERIES Ohio History is pleased to announce the launch of its new online archive wwwohiohistoryorgpublicationsohiohistory Researchers can browse the complete text of the journal including footnotes and images from the ...

"The Political Judge: Justice John McLean's Pursuit of the Presidency" by Thomas E. Carney. Volume 111, pp.121-144, Summer-Autumn, 2002, pp. 121.
... Carney Summer-Autumn 2002 pp 121-144 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The Political Judge Justice John McLeans Pursuit of the Presidency By Thomas E Carney John McLean SC 3565 Ohio Historical Society Collections Introduction John McLean stands out as a singular figure in American legal history He was appointed to the United States Supreme Court by President Andrew Jackson in 1829 and served until his death in 1861 as ...

"Necrology," Volume 26, Number 1, January, 1917, pp. 109-110.
... Thirty-First Annual Meeting Thirty-First Annual Meeting 109 Mound These are to be sold at the park by the custodian at 25c cloth bound and 10c paper bound The revenue derived from this sale will be turned over to the Treasurer of the Society Mr Wood In October we had the steel observation tower at the mound repainted We also had the barn and the fences on the property whitewashed and in October under the direction of a landscape gardener and through his courtesy we planted seventy ornamental ...

"Muskingum River Improvement: The McConnelsville Lock-Old and New," Volume 19, Number 3, July, 1910, pp. 269-277.
... MUSKINGUM RIVER IMPROVEMENT MUSKINGUM RIVER IMPROVEMENT THE McCONNELSVILLE LOCK-OLD AND NEW IRVEN TRAVIS The beginning of the improvement of the Muskingum dates back to 1827 when on January 17th the following resolution was passed by the General Assembly Resolved That the Board of Canal Commissioners deem it expedient and authorize an examination and survey of the Muskingum River from Marietta to a point most convenient for a connection with the Ohio Canal to ascertain the practicability of ...

"Conference of Historical Agencies in the Upper Mississippi Valley: Minutes of a Meeting at Rochester, New York, on December 29, 1926," Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1927, pp. 148-149.
... 148 Ohio Arch 148 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Mr Meeker is the author of a number of books The list according to information at hand is as follows Washington Territory West of the Cascade Mountains 1870 Hop Growing in the United States 1883 Pioneer Reminiscences of Puget Sound 1905 The Tragedy of Leschi 1906 The Oregon Trail 1907 Uncle Ezra's Pioneer Stories for Children 1916 Eighty-five Years of a Busy Life 1916 Seventy Years of Progress in Washington 1921 Ox-Team Days on the ...

"Address of President Roosevelt" (McKinley Monument Dedication) Volume 17, Number 3, July, 1908, pp. 229-234.
... The McKinley Monument The McKinley Monument 229 ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT We have gathered together to-day to pay our meed of respect and affection to the memory of William McKinley who as President won a place in the hearts of the American people such as but three or four of all the Presidents of this country have ever won He was of singular uprightness and purity of character alike in public and in private life a citizen who loved peace he did his duty faithfully and well for four years ...

"Grant Tablet Dedication: Address of Governor Andrew L. Harris," Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 380-384.
... GRANT TABLET DEDICATION GRANT TABLET DEDICATION ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR ANDREW L HARRIS At Point Pleasant Ohio the birth place of Ulysses S Grant there was dedicated on Wednesday October 2d 1907 a tablet to the memory of the great general and president Many distinguished citizens participated and of the several speeches that of Governor Harris was especially in sympathy with the occasion-EDITOR On this occasion I am doubly honored It is my privilege to respond to an inspiring address of welcome ...

See Book Reviews. Volume 113, Book Notes pp. 49-51, Winter-Spring, 2004, pp. 31.
... BookReviews Winter-Spring 2004 pp 31-51 PDF of Book Reveiws CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2004 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved See also Book Notes and Books Received ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS Builders of Ohio A Biographical History Edited by Warren Van Tine and Michael Pierce Reviewed by David C Hammack The Collected Works of William Howard Taft Vols 5 and 6 Reviewed by Clarence E Wunderlin Jr Vol 5 Popular Government amp The Anti-trust Act and the Supreme Court Edited ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 100, , Winter-Spring, 1991, pp. 68-69.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History annual meeting will be held on Friday and Saturday April 26-27 1991 at Capital University in Columbus Ohio For details concerning the meeting contact Clayton R Koppes OAH Program Committee Oberlin College Department of History Oberlin Ohio 440741095 The Second Annual University of Cincinnati Social History Conference invites interested scholars to submit papers in social history broadly defined as any aspect of the history of ...

"Sandusky, Pioneer Link Between Sail and Rail," Volume 57, Number 3, July, 1948, pp. 227-236.
... SANDUSKY PIONEER LINK BETWEEN SAIL AND RAIL SANDUSKY PIONEER LINK BETWEEN SAIL AND RAIL by LEOLA M STEWART Lakewood High School Lakewood Ohio Sandusky Ohio located on a large bay indenting the shore line of Lake Erie and possessing one of the finest natural harbors on the Great Lakes was the first port west of the Appalachians to profit from the advantages afforded by the combination of two means of transportation sail and rail It became the lake terminus of two railroads the Mad River and ...

"The Cleveland Public Library and the WPA: A Study in Creative Partnership," by Daniel F. Ring. Volume 84, Number 3, Summer, 1975, pp. 158-164.
... DANIEL F DANIEL F RING The Cleveland Public Library and the WPA A Study in Creative Partnership The dole is a narcotic a subtle destroyer of the human spirit I am not willing that the vitality of our people be sapped by the giving of cash1 In a large way this statement of President Franklin D Roosevelt summarizes the philosophy and emphasis of the New Deal which was a desire to substitute work for relief2 Expressions of this philosophy were the proliferation of federal agencies and the ...

"Muskingum College Student Rebels in the 'Jazz Age,'" by A. William Hoglund. Volume 76, Number 3, Summer, 1967, pp. 146-158, notes 178-179.
... Musking um C ol le g e S tudent Rebels in the Jazz Age by A WILLIAM HOGLUND During the 1920's Muskingum College of New Concord Ohio experienced student unrest similar to that which engulfed many campuses Never before had the student body challenged so threateningly the school's traditional code of behavior which embodied certain prescribed social moral and spiritual values known as the Muskingum Spirit Originally founded by Presbyterians as a small liberal arts college without formal church ...

"Carl Frederick Wittke: Versatile Humanist," by Roberta Mendel. Volume 84, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter-Spring, 1975, pp. 78-95.
... ROBERTA MENDEL ROBERTA MENDEL Carl Frederick Wittke Versatile Humanist There're too many do-gooders and organizers and not enough quiet humanitarians among us Cleveland Sun Press November 18 1971 Native Ohioan Carl Frederick Wittke distinguished himself in many areas of academe At such Ohio institutions of higher learning as Ohio State University Oberlin and Western Reserve University he is recognized as an outstanding teacher administrator and mediator Nationally he is remembered as an ...

Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 456-479.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Forgotten Hero General James B McPherson the Biography of a Civil War General By Elizabeth J Whaley New York Exposition Press 1955 203p appendix bibliography and index 350 In view of the avid continuing absorption of Americans in their own Civil War and its leading figures it is indeed curious that James Birdseye McPherson has not attracted a substantial biographer before now Certainly he had many attractions about him and much to admire--a brilliant mind standing ...

"Memorial to Thomas Wilson," by W. C. Mills. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 157-159.
... MEMORIAL TO THOMAS WILSON MEMORIAL TO THOMAS WILSON W C MILLS This memorial was submitted by the writer at the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society June 6 1902EDITOR It is my sad duty to record for the annals of our Society the decease of our esteemed friend Dr Thomas Wilson late curator of Archaeology in the Smithsonian Institution Washington D C whose death occurred early Sunday morning May 4th 1 90 2 Dr Wilson was a great friend of our Society and was also ...

"Ohio's Religious Organizations and the War," by Martha L. Edwards. Volume 28, Number 2, April, 1919, pp. 208-224.
... OHIO'S RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS AND THE WAR OHIO'S RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS AND THE WAR MARTHA L EDWARDS 'LAKE ERIE COLLEGE What have the churches of Ohio had to do with the war The answer to this question must of necessity await investigation since the source material upon which final judgments are to be based cannot now be assembled There is however evidence already at hand in the collections of the Historical Commission of Ohio which permits a tentative sketch of what the churches of the ...

"Fort Meigs, Fort Miami and Fallen Timbers," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 639-640.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 639 Forty-First Annual Meeting 639 be given to the portion dealing with Fallen Timbers The State and Federal Governments fell short in their appropriation for that park Mr Sherman and I conferred and I suggested that as Fallen Timbers is practially at Toledo's threshold the people of Toledo should join in carrying out the plan Mr Sherman agreed to undertake to raise 25000 It has been a long drawn out fight would have discouraged anybody except Mr Sherman I think he ...

"Editorialana," Volume 13, Number 4, October, 1904, pp. 558-567.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY On August 19 1904 a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society was held in the conference room of the Public Library with the following members present Mr Geo F Bareis Col John W Harper Prof B F Prince Hon D J Ryan Secretary E O Randall and Mr E F Wood representing Mr S S Rickly Letters of regret on account of inability to attend were received from Mr W H Hunter Chillicothe Hon ...

"Urban Rivalry and Internal Improvements in the Old Northwest, 1820-1960," by Harry N. Scheiber. Volume 71, Number 3, October, 1962, pp. 227-239, notes 289-292.
... URBAN RIVALRY URBAN RIVALRY AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE OLD NORTHWEST 1820-1860 by HARRY N SCHEIBER At the very beginning of settlement in the Old Northwest urban communities developed in response to the commercial needs of the surrounding country And almost as soon as they appeared there was urban rivalry that is competition among them for advantages that would promote their growth and enhance their attractiveness to emigrants and investors1 The earliest rivalries usually involved ...