... Book Reviews Book Reviews Four Hours in My Lai By Michael Bilton and Kevin Sim New York Viking 1992 ix 430p maps illustrations notes on sources notes on text bibliography index 2500 On March 16 1968 Charlie Company of Americal Division's 11th Light Infantry Brigade attacked the Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai expecting to encounter Viet Cong forces which Army intelligence had reported as operating in the area Finding no Viet Cong and meeting no military opposition whatsoever US troops proceeded to ...
... Editorialana Editorialana 95 ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA The latest and one of the best encyclopedias to appear is that known as the Encyclopedia Americana published under the auspices of the Scientific American Company and edited by Frederick Converse Beach and a corps of competent assistants It comprises sixteen large volumes and is produced in the best mechanical and typographical form with copious illustrations maps tables etc One of its excellent features is that the articles on leading ...
... 362 Ohio Arch 362 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications dedicatory exercises in honor of the battle which occurred near this spot on July 30 1813 when Major Ball's squadron Second Light Dragoons U S Army while escorting Colonel Wells of the Seventeenth U S Infantry from Major General Harrison's headquarters at Fort Seneca to relieve Major Croghan of the command of Fort Stephenson for alleged insubordination in refusing to evacuate the fort was ambushed by Indians but gallantly charged them ...
... THOMAS T THOMAS T SPENCER Auxiliary and Non-Party Politics The 1936 Democratic Presidential Campaign in Ohio Presidential candidates and political observers have long viewed Ohio as a key state In the 1936 presidential election both parties made an intense effort to capture the state's twenty-six electoral votes The Democrats were successful because of their candidate the popular incumbent Franklin D Roosevelt and their campaign strategy which was to go outside of the Democratic party to ...
... The Soldier's Creed The Soldier's Creed By LESTER J CAPPON Patriotism is an essential factor in waging war and shaping its outcome Since the causes of a war as fixed in the minds of the participants affect both the deeper and shallower feelings of patriotism and are in turn influenced by it loyalty and the will to fight are closely interrelated The concern of the military in recent years with the soldier's ideas of war aims has aroused interest in his attitudes during previous conflicts Among ...
... Bluff Ben Wade in Lawrence Kansas Bluff Ben Wade in Lawrence Kansas The Issue of Class Conflict By WILLIAM FRANK ZORNOW Most historians know of Theodore Roosevelt's famous speech at Osawatomie Kansas on August 31 1910 in which he outlined the policies later advocated during the campaign of 1912 but few have considered the equally important Lawrence speech of Senator Benjamin F Wade of Ohio on June 10 1867 The latter might have had considerable effect upon the outcome of the Johnson impeachment ...
... The Century and Its Lessons The Century and Its Lessons 27 of the distinguished gentlemen whom we have assembled here to greet This city of ours has in time sent forth her sons and daughters who with willing hands and strong hearts have engaged in founding other cities and States thus following the noble example set by their ancestors Many of these sons and daughters have returned in response to invitations cordially extended and I desire to say to them as well as the strangers within our ...
... ANDREW BIRTLE ANDREW BIRTLE Governor George Hoadly's Use of the Ohio National Guard in the Hocking Valley Coal Strike of 1884 During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the United State experienced a large number of labor strikes that involved outbreaks of violence While the causes of this violence are both numerous and varied some students of labor history cite the intervention of police forces as a major catalyst1 Indeed the list of clashes between police and labor during this ...
... OLD OHIO RIVER STEAMBOAT DAYS OLD OHIO RIVER STEAMBOAT DAYS MEMORIES OF UPPER OHIO RIVER ACTIVITIES BETWEEN 1860 AN D 1890 BY W G SIBLEY A great river is a powerful influence over the lives of all who dwell on its banks just as lofty hills or mountains seen day after day finally come to have meaning in a man's life as does any other striking natural environment When a river is intimately associated with the affairs of a small community its whole population becomes conscious of it So it was ...
... 676 Ohio Arch 676 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications tiers of imperishable renown such as our Millikans Eliots Burbanks Fords Shapleys and Grenfells have given the world Professor Hulbert was generously applauded at the conclusion of his address Dr Thompson then introduced the second speaker of the afternoon Dr G Clyde Fisher Curator of Visual Instruction in the American Museum of Natural History New York City Dr Fisher is a native Ohioan whose scholarly attainments and enviable record ...
... ROBERT E ROBERT E CAZDEN The German Book Trade In Ohio Before 1848 In the summer of 1796 Jonathan Zane and his brothers as part payment for lands received from the United States Government began to hew a pack trail from the Ohio River at Wheeling to the later site of New Lancaster Ohio through to Chillicothe and on to a point opposite Maysville Kentucky on the Ohio River For a long while this trail called Zane's Trace was the only route connecting Kentucky with the East along it trod many ...
... The International Institute The International Institute First Organized Opposition To the Metric System By EDWARD F Cox SWEEPING AROUND THE GLOBE in the nineteenth century was a new reform bidding for universal acceptance the metric system of weights and measures Coming into a world burdened with a fantastic metrological diversity it arose in answer to the articulate needs of an emerging modern science an expanding world economy of commerce and industry and a growing trend of international ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 16 1 commemorated in our own beautiful memorial building holding his library and numerous family relics while his remains with those of his wife lie beneath the family monument on the beautiful knoll in Spiegel Grove which is approached only by traversing the original Harrison trail of the war of 1812 As coworkers in this field of historic investigation we welcome you to our capital and lay open ...
... ARNOLD HENRY DOHRMAN ARNOLD HENRY DOHRMAN BY A J MORRISON TOLEDO The following extracts1 will explain themselves and will serve to throw light upon the circumstances of the grant by the Old Congress to Arnold Henry Dohrman of a township in the southeastern part of Tuscarawas County 1780 I Report of Committee of Foreign Affairs June 21 1780 to whom was referred a letter of 23rd May from Mr P Henry late governor of Virginia to-wit Arnold Henry Dohrman hath expended large sums of money in ...
... John A John A Bingham and Reconstruction The Dilemma of a Moderate by DONALD C SWIFT Congressman John A Bingham of Ohio was one of the foremost Republican politicians in the period following the Civil War Yet he is almost unknown to historians and students not primarily concerned with the Reconstruction era The names of Thaddeus Stevens Benjamin Butler Charles Sumner or Benjamin Wade more readily come to mind As a spokesman for moderation Bingham occupied a place of equal importance to that of ...
... A ROCK WITH A HISTORY A ROCK WITH A HISTORY BASIL MEEK FREMONT The accompanying cut represents a large granitic boulder believed to be the largest in Sandusky County and which possesses local historic associations worthy to be published for preservation with other interesting facts connected with the early history of the Sandusky river region It is located in the north and south road on the line dividing Sections 14 and 15 between the farms of W J Havens and Hugh Havens in Jackson township 7 ...
... GOOD WILL IN FIELDS OF PEACE GOOD WILL IN FIELDS OF PEACE By Louis BLAKE DUFF We hear in these September days the clock of destiny click the clock of your destiny the clock of Canadian destiny the clock of world destiny A momentous month draws to a close In it your role and ours has been changed By one stroke there has been made a new relationship and may no evil fate ever disturb it There sprang up overnight almost a new doctrine that the defense of the North American continent is one single ...
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Free Soil The Election of 1848 By JOSEPH G RAYBACK Lexington University Press of Kentucky 1971 ix 326p notes and index 1250 Rayback's purpose is to analyze the campaign of 1848 from its origin in the early days of Polk's administration to the election of the Whig Zachary Taylor over Martin Van Buren for the Free Soilers and Lewis Cass for the Democrats The author finds that the presidential election of 1848 marked the emergence of antislavery sentiment as a ...
... THE GREAT LAKES HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE GREAT LAKES HISTORICAL SOCIETY by DONNA L ROOT Managing Editor INLAND SEAS and Head History Biography and Travel Di v ision Cleveland Public Library To the librarian and book dealer and possibly to the historian and analyst of human nature too trends in authorship and in reading are a subject for interested examination not without the lure of the inexplicable These trends although related in their most obvious expression to the whole pattern of current ...
... THE OHIO DELEGATION AT THE THE OHIO DELEGATION AT THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION OF 1888 by EVERETT WALTERS Instructor Department of History Ohio State University When Governor Joseph Benson Foraker of Ohio arrived at Chicago on June 16 1888 to attend the National Republican Convention he found his fellow delegates in confusion Despite the Ohio delegation's commitment to Senator John Sherman by the state convention of 1887 there was evidence that certain delegates might break their pledge ...