Ohio History Journal

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"Inequality Amidst Abundance: Land Ownership in Early Nineteenth Century Ohio," Volume 88, Number 2, Spring, 1979, pp. 133-151.
... LEE SOLTOW LEE SOLTOW Inequality Amidst Abundance Land Ownership in Early Nineteenth Century Ohio As the great trans-Appalachian West opened to settlement in the years after the founding of the Republic Americans saw in the virtually unlimited lands of the interior the promise of a prosperous citizenry and a healthy body politic Most believed that those rights declared self-evident in the ringing words of the Declaration of Independence must be firmly grounded in a social fabric characterized ...

"The Liberty Party Leaders of Ohio: Exponents of Anti-Slavery Coalition," Volume 57, Number 2, April, 1948, pp. 165-178.
... THE LIBERTY PARTY LEADERS OF OHIO EXPONENTS THE LIBERTY PARTY LEADERS OF OHIO EXPONENTS OF ANTISLAVERY COALITION by JOSEPH G RAYBAC K Assistant Professor of American History The Pennsylvania State College If there is one aspect of American history that has received the attention that is its due it is the role of the abolitionist in the antislavery movement The main outlines of the part played by that small semifanatical body of men and women have long been revealed the eternal history of the ...

"The Collapse of the Peculiar Institution Through Military and Legal Action," by W. Sherman Jackson. Volume 83, Number 3, Summer, 1974, pp. 183-191.
... W W SHERMAN JACKSON The Collapse of the Peculiar Institution Through Military and Legal Action Before May 1861 the right of slavery to exist as an institution in the states and territories was an axiom of American constitutional law This resulted in part from the highly controversial Dred Scott decision of 1857 Speaking for a divided court Chief Justice Roger B Taney ruled that Scott an African slave could not sue in a federal court to obtain his freedom on grounds that Blacks were not ...

"The World War Memorial," Volume 35, Number 3, July, 1926, pp. 524-542.
... THE WORLD WAR MEMORIAL THE WORLD WAR MEMORIAL Soon after the close of the World War it was realized that the growth of the Museum and the Library of the Society had reached the limits of available space and that additional room would be needed not only for the exhibits that were coming in larger measure from the archaeological field of work but for newspaper files and for the trophies documents pamphlets books papers and manuscripts relating to the World War In the years 1919 and 1920 the need ...

"Joseph B. Foraker and the Standard Oil Charges," by Earl R. Beck. Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 154-178.
... JOSEPH B JOSEPH B FORAKER AND THE STANDARD OIL CHARGES1 by EARL R BECK Instructor in History Ohio State University In 1908 Joseph Benson Foraker then serving his second term in the United States Senate was one of the outstanding figures in politics in the nation Foraker had won national notice for his aggressive uncompromising fight against the Hepburn Rate Bill of 1906 and for his strident attacks upon the executive action of President Theodore Roosevelt which led to the discharge without ...

Volume 54, Number 1, January-March, 1945, pp. 64-77.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Territorial Papers of the United States Compiled and edited by Clarence Edwin Carter Vol X The Territory of Michig an 180 51 820 Vol XI T h e Territory of M ic h iga n 1 820182 9 Washington Government Printing Office 1 94 2 1943 Vol X xii948p 200 Vol XI viii1372p 325 Here are two more volumes in the splendid Territorial Series Volume I is still to be printed Volumes II and III embodied the official records of the Northwest Territory Volume IV contained the papers ...

"The Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic," Volume 57, Number 4, October, 1948, pp. 387-392.
... THE CINCINNATI LANCET-CLINIC THE CINCINNATI LANCET-CLINIC by DAVID A TUCKER JR MD Professor of the History of Medicine University of Cincinnati The Cincinnati Lancet-Clinic was formed in 1878 by the merger of the Lancet and Observer 1842 with the Clinic 1871 It was known as the Lancet and Clinic until 1888 when the hyphenated title was assumed The Lancet and Observer was founded by L M Lawson in 1842 as the Western Lancet a monthly journal It was issued in Cincinnati under his direction for ...

"The Founding of Franklinton: Its Significance Today," Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 323-330.
... THE FOUNDING OF FRANKLINTON THE FOUNDING OF FRANKLINTON ITS SIGNIFICANCE TODAY1 by HAROLD J GRIMM Associate Professor of History Ohio State University The citizens of Columbus owe a debt of gratitude to the Honorable James A Rhodes mayor of Columbus and his Franklinton Sesquicentennial Committee under the chairmanship of Mr Erwin C Zepp for setting aside these two days in commemoration of the founding of the village of Franklinton By inviting us to pause in our busy work-a-day lives to give ...

Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 415-418.
... Historical News Historical News The Steubenville Herald-Star celebrated its 150th birthday on June 7 Founded as the Western Herald by William Lowry and John Miller it was operated for thirty years--from 1815 to 1845--by James Wilson the paternal grandfather of President Woodrow Wilson and by his son Robert who succeeded him It is the second oldest newspaper in continuous existence in Ohio the oldest being the Chillicothe Gazette It is a member of the BrushMoore chain Earle W Newton former ...

Volume 102, , Summer-Autumn, 1993, pp. 137-159.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Bougainville The Forgotten Campaign 1943-1945 By Harry A Gailey Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 1991 vii 237p maps illustrations notes glossary bibliography index 2700 On November 1 1943 US Marines landed on the west coast of Bougainville the largest and most northerly of the Solomon Islands Following successes on Guadalcanal and New Guinea this assault opened the last phase of the campaign to reduce Japan's base at Rabaul and oust Japan from the southwest ...

"Logan Elm Park," by Mrs. Orson D. Dryer. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 629-630.
... Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 629 Minutes of Forty-second Annual Meeting 629 can devote his attention to matters of the sort and such has been finally accomplished Matters should now soon be adjusted which will permit some activity on the part of the agent and the purpose for which he was employed and for which the Historical Societies Committee was organized should now in the not distant future become apparent Officers and members of this Society and members of this committee should ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 94, , Summer-Autumn, 1985, pp. 189-191.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Recent promotions appointments and retirements within the academic community of Ohio historians include Lester Lee appointed as an Assistant Professor at Antioch College Gary R Hess will succeed Edmund J Danzinger as Department Chair at Bowling Green State University William R Rock has been named as a Graduate Advisor and Michael Moore as an Undergraduate Advisor at Bowling Green State University Virginia B Platt Professor Emeritus was recently appointed to ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 97, , Winter-Spring, 1988, pp. 72-74.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Museums Association OMA a nonprofit statewide organization of nature centers zoos art science history and natural history museums has located its headquarters at the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus Ohio Although separate from the Ohio Historical Society the OMA provides workshops conferences annual meetings and a monthly newsletter to OHS and other organizations throughout the state in an effort to provide educational opportunities for staff ...

Volume 81, Number 3, Summer, 1972, pp. 228-230.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews From Hayes to McKinley National Party Politics 1877-1896 By H WAYNE MORGAN Syracuse Syracuse University Press 1969 x 618p illustrations bibliographical essay notes and index 1295 Professor Morgan is widely recognized as a leader in the revisionist interpretation of the Gilded Age which began to appear in the work of younger scholars about a decade ago Author of several valuable books particularly William McKinley and His America 1963 and Unity and Culture 1971 and the ...

Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 116-120.
... Book Notes Book Notes Connected Thoughts A Reinterpretation of the Reorganization of Antioch College in the 1920's By Stephen R Herr Lanham Maryland University Press of America 1997 xii 282 p tables endnotes bibliographic essay index In the long history of Antioch College two presidents have been revered Horace Mann for his liberal educational policies in the 1850s which introduced females and minorities and Arthur E Morgan for his work-study concept in the 1920s The work-study co-op program ...

"NOTES" Volume 47, Number 1, January, 1938, pp. 85-86.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue ROB ERT S FLETCHER is associate professor of history at Oberlin College Oberlin Ohio W SHERMAN SAVAGE PhD Ohio State University 1934 is head of the Department of History at Lincoln University Jefferson City Missouri ALTA HARVEY HEISER who has done work at the University of Cincinnati writes nature and historical articles for the Hamilton Ohio Journal-News and does genealogical research JOSEPHINE E PHILLIPS of Marietta Ohio is a research worker in early ...

"John Gray, Washington's Last Soldier" (Marietta Centennial) by Private Dalzell. Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 219-221.
... JOHN GRAY WASHINGTON'S LAST SOLDIER JOHN GRAY WASHINGTON'S LAST SOLDIER BORN NEAR MT VERNON VA JANUARY 6TH 1764 DIED NEAR HIRAMSBURG O MARCH 29TH 1868 BY PRIVATE DALZELL Read at the Marietta Centennial Celebration One by one the severed links have started Bonds that bound us to the sacred past One by one our patriot sires departed Time hath brought us to behold the last Last of all who won our early glory Lonely traveler of the weary way Poor unknown unnamed in song or story In his western ...

"A Report on the First Ohio Institute on Local and State History," Volume 64, Number 1, January, 1955, pp. 82-88.
... A Report on the First Ohio Institute A Report on the First Ohio Institute on Local and State History By ROBERT C WHEELER Imagine turning people away from a meeting on history Yet it actually happened at Newark this fall on October 30 at the first Ohio Institute on Local and State History One hundred fifty persons from forty-two Ohio communities representing thirty-five local and county historical societies and museums squeezed and elbowed their way into the Newark Mound Builders Country Club ...

"Second Party System Collapses: The 1853 Maine Law Campaign in Ohio, The," by Anthony Gene Carey. Volume 100, , Summer-Autumn, 1991, pp. 129-153.
... ANTHONY GENE CAREY ANTHONY GENE CAREY The Second Party System Collapses The 1853 Maine Law Campaign in Ohio As he sat at his desk in Cincinnati in late September 1852 Rutherford B Hayes recorded his thoughts on the apparent disintegration of a party system that had held the loyalties of Americans for a generation Government no longer has its ancient importance he wrote Its duties and its powers no longer reach to the happiness of the people The people's progress progress of every sort no ...

"Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges, 1865-1900," by Sherman B. Barnes. Volume 69, Number 4, October, 1960, pp. 327-352.
... The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly The OHIO HISTORICAL Quarterly VOLUME 69 NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1960 Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges 1865-1900 By SHERMAN B BARNES BECAUSE IN THE Gilded Age a flood of new knowledge was received into the collegiate curriculum the question often arises whether traditional Protestant piety impeded or hastened the adoption of new curricular offerings in science history psychology philosophy fine arts and modern languages Excellent histories of a number of Ohio colleges ...