Ohio History Journal

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"William McKinley and the Tariff," by H. Wayne Morgan. Volume 74, Number 4, Autumn, 1965, pp. 215-231, notes 277-279.
... William McKinley and the Tariff William McKinley and the Tariff by H WAYNE MORGAN Two issues the currency and the tariff dominated national party politics in the years after the election of 1876 had eased the major conflicts of Reconstruction Historians generally tend to dismiss the tariff issue or to argue that politicians used it to divert public attention from more important problems It was far from irrelevant however since it involved the two most basic problems of the time the nature of ...

"Writing of History in Ohio, 1935-1945, The," by Francis P. Weisenberger. Volume 54, Number 3, July-September, 1945, pp. 230-246.
... THE WRITING OF HISTORY IN OHIO 1935-1945 THE WRITING OF HISTORY IN OHIO 1935-1945 By FRANCIS P WEISENBURGER Ten years ago in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the organization of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society an endeavor was made by the present writer to summarize what had been accomplished in Ohio in the field of historical writing during that half century of the life of the Society 188519351 Now at the end of another decade it seems fitting to carry through the ...

"Samuel M. Smith, 'Dr. Cure-Awl's' Assistant at the Ohio Lunatic Asylum: His 1841 Case-Reports on Insanity," by Emil R. Pinta. Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 58-75.
... EMIL R EMIL R PINTA Samuel M Smith Dr Cure-Awl's Assistant at the Ohio Lunatic Asylum His 1841 Case-Reports on Insanity The first half of the nineteenth century was an enlightened era for understanding and treating mental illness One prevailing theory was that insanity was a physical disease This replaced beliefs that considered the mind to be an emanation from the Creator and therefore not subject to physical laws and interventions In 1812 Benjamin Rush 1745-1813 the Father of American ...

"Additions to the Library," Volume 40, Number 3, July, 1931, pp. 539-542.
... Report of the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting 539 Report of the Forty-fifth Annual Meeting 539 probably purchase these volumes at that price if they had the opportunity to do so It is suggested that two years hence a request should be made for the republication of the volumes to be distributed at cost to those desiring to purchase ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY Within the past year progress has been made in additions to the library Books and bound pamphlets to the number of 882 have been accessioned ...

Volume 1, Number 4, March, 1888, pp. 404.
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES L IFE JOURNALS AND CORRESPONDENCE OF REV MANASSEH CUTLER LLD By his Grandchildren William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler Two volumes Cincinnati Robert Clarke amp Co 1888 The diary correspondence and papers of Dr Cutler ought to throw a flood of light upon many events in the early history of the Northwest and upon the policy of the old Congress in organizing and providing for the settlement of the region beyond the Ohio river Portions of his journals were published ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 37, Number 4, October, 1928, pp. 618-624.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR THE NATION'S HISTORY A new edition of The Nation's History by two Ohio authors Arthur R Leonard head of the Department of History in the Central High School and Bertha E Jacobs of the North High School of Columbus Ohio has just been issued by Henry Holt and Company of New York City The content of the volume of 648 pages with addenda including 37 pages of biography a list of important dates in 1789 and a copy of the ...

"Harpers Monthly and Serpent Mound," Volume 10, Number 3, January, 1902, pp. 393-394.
... Editorialana Editorialana 393 following device A shield in form a circle On it in the foreground on the right a sheaf of wheat on the left a bundle of seventeen arrows both standing erect in the background and rising above the sheaf and arrows a mountain range over which shall appear a rising sun SEC 2 The great seal of the state shall be two and one-half inches in diameter on which shall be engraved the device as described in the preceding section and it shall be surrounded with these words ...

"Cincinnati as a Publishing and Book Trade Center, 1796-1830," Volume 56, Number 2, April, 1947, pp. 117-143.
... CINCINNATI AS A FRONTIER PUBLISHING CINCINNATI AS A FRONTIER PUBLISHING AND BOOK TRADE CENTER 1796-1830 by WALTER SUTTON Department of English University of Rochester Cincinnati was a frontier village with one newspaper and a population of 500 when the first book published in the territory lying north and west of the Ohio River came from the press of William Maxwell in 1796 The log-cabin settlement on a north bend of the Ohio River was only six years old Six more years were to pass before it ...

Volume 81, Number 4, Autumn, 1972, pp. 302-308.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Papers of Ulysses S Grant Volume III October 1 1861-January 7 1862 Edited by JO HN Y SIMON Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press 1971 xxv 479p chronology maps illustrations calendar and index 1500 The Papers of Ulysses S Grant Volume IV January 8-March 31 1862 Edited by JOHN Y SIMON Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press 1972 xxv 520p chronology maps illustrations calendar and index 1500 Like their subject these volumes of Ulysses S Grant's personal ...

"Historical Society Buildings," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 546-555.
... HISTORICAL SOCIETY BUILDINGS HISTORICAL SOCIETY BUILDINGS COMPILED BY THE EDITOR On the following pages are presented brief statements of what Illinois Wisconsin and Minnesota all younger states than Ohio have done for their historical societies Half-tone cuts of the New Hampshire and Ohio buildings are also shown Other states and a number of cities have erected buildings not less notable The Historical Society of Buffalo has a building of which any state might be proud The work of this ...

"Asa S. Bushnell," by J. W. Atwood. Volume 13, Number 2, April, 1904, pp. 282-286.
... ASA S ASA S BUSHNELL REV J W ATWOOD Asa S Bushnell was born in Rome New York September 16 1834 and died in Columbus Ohio January 15 1 90 4 He came of a family long and honorably identified with the history and life of New England which included in its membership Horace Bushnell of Hartford one of the most forceful and original thinkers that America has produced its greatest theologian with the exception of Jonathan Edwards a great citizen and a profound scholar The family settled in ...

"Painted Skeletons," by William C. Mills. Volume 11, Number 2, October, 1902, pp. 246-248.
... PAINTED SKELETONS PAINTED SKELETONS BY WM C MILLS Curator Ohio State Archaeological Historical Society Very peculiar burials have been reported from the western part of Concord Township Ross County Ohio The burials were first brought to my notice by Mr A B Coover of Roxabell Ohio who removed several skeletons from a gravel pit in the western part of Concord Township and these were covered with red ocre One year later Mr Almer Hegler of Washington C H notified me that a number of skeletons ...

"The Experience of Revolution and the Beginnings of Party Politics in Ohio, 1776-1816," Volume 85, Number 3, Summer, 1976, pp. 186-230.
... DONALD J DONALD J RATCLIFFE The Experience of Revolution and the Beginnings of Party Politics in Ohio 1776-1816 The American Revolution would scarcely be worth the name if it signified nothing more than separation from Great Britain In fact it was the beginning of an experiment to create a republic in which a free people could be governed justly without resort to the traditional sources of state power hereditary right and ancient prescription The new republic however did not take shape ...

"Religion and the Public Schools of Ohio," by Bernard Mandel. Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 185-206.
... RELIGION AND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF OHIO RELIGION AND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF OHIO by BERNARD MANDEL Fenn College Cleveland Ohio Foremost in the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution was the guarantee that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibit the free exercise thereof This amendment however was not a conclusive establishment of religious freedom for three reasons First it was a statement of principle which was accepted in theory but often ...

"Antecedent Experience of William Maxwell, Ohio's First Printer," by Douglas C. McMurtrie. Volume 41, Number 1, January, 1932, pp. 98-103.
... ANTECEDENT EXPERIENCE OF WILLIAM ANTECEDENT EXPERIENCE OF WILLIAM MAXWELL OHIO'S FIRST PRINTER BY DOUGLAS C McMURTRIE The facts regarding the first printing in Ohio are well known and clearly established William Maxwell set up a printing office in Cincinnati and published the first issue of the Centinel of the North-Western Territory on November 9 17931 But where Maxwell came from and what his previous experience was are points of information which have never been dealt with in any of the ...

"The Ninth Ohio Volunteers (A Page from the Civil War Record of the Ohio German Turners of Ohio)," by Carl Wittke. Volume 35, Number 2, April, 1926, pp. 402-417.
... THE NINTH OHIO VOLUNTEERS THE NINTH OHIO VOLUNTEERS A PAGE FROM THE CIVIL WAR RECORD OF THE OHIO GERMAN TURNERS OF OHIO BY CARL WITTKE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY The contributions of the German Turner organizations to American cultural history are among the most important of the many results of the extensive German immigration of the nineteenth century That Ohio had received its full share of these new additions to the American population was evident from the numerous social ...

"A Hoover Vignette," Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 74-82.
... PHILLIP R PHILLIP R SHRIVER A Hoover Vignette Fifty years after his defeat for reelection by Franklin D Roosevelt Herbert Hoover remains one of America's most tragic presidents For many if not most his name continues to conjure up an aura of depression of frustration of failure Arthur M Schlesinger Jr historian of The Age of Roosevelt recalls one of the myriad jokes that fixed a nation's scorn upon FDR's unhappy predecessor in the early 1930s It has Hoover asking Andrew Mellon for the loan of ...

"The Ohio Free Soilers and Problems of Factionalism," by Frederick J. Blue. Volume 76, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring, 1967, pp. 17-32, notes 89-93.
... THE OHIO FREE SOILERS AND PROBLEMS OF FACTIONALISM by FREDERICK J BLUE The history of the Free Soil party in Ohio from 1849 until it was dissolved in 1854 was one of incessant factional conflict One source of controversy was the question whether the party should form a coalition with one of the major parties or should continue as a separate party This controversy over the organization of the party was finally successfully resolved when Free Soil leaders helped form the new Republican party and ...

"General Joseph Kerr," by William E. Gilmore. Volume 12, Number 2, April, 1903, pp. 164-166.
... GENERAL JOSEPH KERR GENERAL JOSEPH KERR BY WM E GILMORE CHILLICOTHE OHIO The following article from the pen of Mr Gilmore appeared in the columns of The Daily Scioto Gazette of March 21 1903 As this article presents the history of Senator Kerr no where else to be found it is thought sufficiently valuable to deserve permanent preservation and is therefore herewith republishedE O R At length my inquiries and correspondence begun in 1886 for the purpose of recovering something of the personal ...

"Whig Convention, Columbus, Ohio, 1840: Letter of John M. Woodbridge," edited by M. M. Quaife. Volume 50, Number 2, April-June, 1941, pp. 135-136.
... WHIG CONVENTION COLUMBUS OHIO 1840 WHIG CONVENTION COLUMBUS OHIO 1840 Letter of JOHN M W OODBRIDGE COLUMBUS Feb 21 1840 DEAR UNCLE The object of this communication is to inform you of the movements in this city at the present time I do wish you were here to participate with us in the festivities of the occasion Columbus is already filled to overflowing It is computed that there will be between fifteen and twenty thousand Whigs in the city before the close of the week Truly this is a movement ...