Ohio History Journal

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"Commencement on the Ohio Canal at the Licking Summit," Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 66-99.
... COMMENCEMENT ON THE OHIO CANAL COMMENCEMENT ON THE OHIO CANAL AT THE LICKING SUMMIT This great work was commenced on Monday the 4th inst under circumstances the most favorable and auspicious On the day previous all the roads leading to the point selected for the celebration were crowded with people on foot on horseback and in every description of vehicle hastening to witness the scene Almost every house within a distance of five miles was occupied but on the evening of that day by far the ...

Volume 45, Number 2, April, 1936, pp. 194-195.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Guarding the Frontier A Study of Frontier Defense from 1815 to 1825 By Edgar Bruce Wesley Minneapolis Minnesota University of Minnesota Press 1935 217p 250 The author who is head of the history department of the University High School and associate professor of education in the University of Minnesota gives in this volume a study of the frontier defenses from 1815 to 1825 He treats particularly of the defensive military measures adopted against various Indian tribes ...

"Early Internships in St. Francis Hospital-A Reminisence," by H. M. Platter. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 399-403.
... EARLY INTERNSHIPS IN ST EARLY INTERNSHIPS IN ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL-- A REMINISCENCE by H M PLATTER MD In September 1889 I enrolled in Starling Medical College with Dr Thomas C Hoover as my preceptor I had already completed three years of preliminary education at Ohio Wesleyan University Dr Hoover was professor of surgery at the college and the visiting surgeon to St Francis Hospital At the conclusion of my freshman year the first house physician or intern was appointed for St Francis and the ...

"Worlds in Collision," by Immanuel Velikovsky - "An 1850 Preview of 'Worlds in Collision,'" by Carl Wittke. Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1951, pp. 1-9.
... AN 1850 PREVIEW OF WORLDS IN COLLISION AN 1850 PREVIEW OF WORLDS IN COLLISION by CARL WITTKE Professor of History and Dean of the Graduate School Western Reserve University Worlds in Collision by Immanuel Velikovsky is still on the best seller lists The book written by a Russian-born physician and Bible student who explored the sciences from medicine and law to psychoanalysis in many European centers of learning continues to be the storm center of one of the liveliest controversies that has ...

Volume 99, , Summer-Autumn, 1990, pp. 168-200.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Proslavery A History of the Defense of Slavery in America 1701-1840 By Larry E Tise Athens The University of Georgia Press 1987 xix 510p illustrations tables notes index 4000 It is evident that we must at some point have a meeting of minds regarding the old anti-slavery war not at all so that we can agree on details or even issues but in order to rephrase them for a new era It is a long time since specialists argued over the roles of New England abolitionists as ...

"The Battle of Picardy: Heroic Service of Three Ohio Soldiers," Volume 30, Number 1, January, 1921, pp. 6-12.
... THEBATTLE OF PICARDY THEBATTLE OF PICARDY HEROIC SERVICE OF THREE OHIO SOLDIERS In an article of absorbing interest Frank H Simonds in the Review of Reviews for March 1920 describes the great German offensive which began March 21 1918 The Germans called this the Kaiser's Battle the English have named it the Second Battle of the Somme but it will probably be more generally and permanently known as the Battle of Picardy In the number of men engaged and the losses it was the greatest battle in ...

"Dr. T. C. Mendenhall Entertains First Class to Enter Ohio State University," Volume 32, Number 4, October, 1923, pp. 645-646.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 645 Reviews Notes and Comments 645 agriculture Secretary Hoover of commerce Secretary Davis of labor and fifteen residents of Marion Plans have already been perfected for raising the funds for the Harding Memorial and before this issue of the QUARTERLY reaches our readers the necessary contributions will have been subscribed DR T C MENDENHALL ENTERTAINS FIRST CLASS TO ENTER OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Dr T C Mendenhall who delivered the annual address published in this ...

"Auto-Sketch of Charles Williams," Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 372-379.
... AUTO-SKETCH OF CHARLES WILLIAMS AUTO-SKETCH OF CHARLES WILLIAMS Charles Williams was the first white settler - so claimed - in what is now the city of Coshocton Mr Williams settled there in the spring of 1800 the town being laid out the next year For a season or two prior to his locating at Coshocton Mr Williams had grown a crop of corn on the prairie four miles up the Walhonding River Mr Williams was a typical pioneer and his sketch written by himself is of special interest because giving not ...

"Cleveland's New Stock Lawmakers and Progressive Reform," by John D. Buenker. Volume 78, Number 2, Spring, 1969, pp. 116-137, notes 154-156.
... Cleveland's New Stock Lawmakers and Progressive Reform by John D Buenker During the highly productive progressive era of the early 1900's Ohioans enacted a myriad of reforms designed to cope with the serious political economic and social problems of the day Included in their efforts was the updating of the state constitution more attuned to the complexities of twentieth century life The contributions made to this record by such eminent reformers as Tom L Johnson Samuel Golden Rule Jones Brand ...

"Early Ohio School Books," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 266-269.
... 266 Ohio Arch 266 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications sentiment has not been aroused to the point of appreciation and to a large degree self-support is too frequently committed Respectfully submitted Signed H R MCPHERSON The report was ordered received and placed on file REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EARLY OHIO SCHOOL BOOKS The Chairman of the Committee Mr John R Horst read the following report Your committee on Ohio Early School Books respectfully reports that it has completed a fair ...

"Radical Responses to Capitalism in Ohio Before 1913," by Lysle E. Meyer. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 193-208.
... LYSLE E LYSLE E MEYER Radical Responses to Capitalism in Ohio Before 1913 By the time Ohio entered the last two decades of the nineteenth century various forms of radicalism had already emerged which challenged the basic tenets of the prevailing style of life A number of communitarian settlements had been established in the state beginning with the first Shaker experiments Union Village in 1805 and Shakertown in 1806 The Wurttemberg Separatists soon after founded the Zoar community in 1817 ...

"Joshua Giddings and the Ohio Abolitionists: a Study in Radical Politics," by Douglas A. Gamble. Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 37-56.
... DOUGLAS A DOUGLAS A GAMBLE Joshua Giddings and the Ohio Abolitionists a Study in Radical Politics Much recent scholarship on American abolitionism emphasizes its role as part of a general antebellum reform movement' Perceptive and valuable though this work is its broad focus necessarily blurs important distinctions within and among different factions of abolitionism In spite of recent contrary opinion there is still much to learn by studying the diversity of abolitionism Identifying the social ...

"Edgar Stillman-Kelley, Ohio Composer," by Ophia D. Smith. Volume 49, Number 1, January, 1940, pp. 68-77.
... EDGAR STILLMAN-KELLEY OHIO COMPOSER EDGAR STILLMAN-KELLEY OHIO COMPOSER By OPHIA D SMITH Among the outstanding men of Ohio is Edgar StillmanKelley the dean of American composers For sixty years he has enriched the musical literature of the world Contemporaneous with Edward McDowell Horatio Parker George Chadwick and Arthur Foote he struggled as they did for recognition in a day when only Europeans could win applause Edgar Kelley was born in Sparta Wisconsin on April 14 1857 the first child ...

"Elizur Wright, Jr., and the Emergence of Anti-Colonization Sentiments on the Connecticut Western Reserve," by David French. Volume 85, Number 1, Winter, 1976, pp. 49-66.
... DAVID FRENCH DAVID FRENCH Elizur Wright Jr and the Emergence of Anti-Colonization Sentiments on the Connecticut Western Reserve Probing the origins of reform sentiment is the sort of sleuthing particularly attractive to students of social history The Connecticut Western Reserve has evoked considerable scholarly discussion much of which vastly over-simplified the interaction of reformers with their environment The origins of sentiments in the Western Reserve in opposition to schemes for ...

"State Sovereignty in Ohio," by Jean Dick Cheetham. Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 290-302.
... STATE SOVEREIGNTY IN OHIO STATE SOVEREIGNTY IN OHIO BY JEAN DICK CHEETHAM The doctrine of state sovereignty was the natural outgrowth of conditions which existed in the American colonies1 in the Articles of Confederation the doctrine assumed definite form each state was to retain its sovereignty freedom and independence and this was the element of weakness that undermined the Confederation it hindered the acceptance of the Constitution by the States and delayed their union it was made the ...

"Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History, Columbus, April 14, 1956," Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 302-305.
... Minutes of the Meeting Minutes of the Meeting Of the Ohio Academy of History Columbus April 14 1956 The Ohio Academy of History held its spring meeting at the Ohio State Museum on Saturday April 14 1956 The morning session devoted to American history was conducted by Clarence P Gould of Youngstown College George W Knepper of the University of Akron presented a paper entitled Policemen or Protectors The British Standing Army in America 1760-1768 and Virginia B Platt of Bowling Green State ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 37, Number 2, April, 1928, pp. 428-438.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES HENRY CLYDE SHETRONE Henry Clyde Shetrone was born in Millersport Fairfield County Ohio August 10 1876 He was edu cated in the public schools and attended Denison University At an early age he became interested in archaeology and museums and soon began gathering the literature relating to these In 1913 the opportunity came to ...

"Teaching of Pharmacy in Ohio, The," by B. V. Christensen. Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 352-364.
... THE TEACHING OF PHARMACY IN OHIO THE TEACHING OF PHARMACY IN OHIO by B V CHRISTENSEN Dean of the College of Pharmacy Ohio State University The early development of pharmacy in the United States went hand in hand with the development of medical practice As a matter of fact up until about 1800 there was no appreciable separation between medicine and pharmacy and in many instances both medicine and pharmacy were practiced by the same individuals Not infrequently neither medicine nor pharmacy was ...

"Mark Twain in Oberlin," by Russel B. Nye. Volume 47, Number 1, January, 1938, pp. 69-73.
... MARK TWAIN IN OBERLIN MARK TWAIN IN OBERLIN By RUSSEL B NYE On the night of February II 1885 the Union Library Association of Oberlin Ohio presented readings by Samuel L Clemens and George W Cable as the third number of its annual lecture series The Twain-Cable lecture took place in the First Congregational Church of Oberlin where Clemens according to a program of the entertainment now in the Oberlin College Library gave as his part of the evening readings of King Sollermun The Tragic Tale of ...

"National Negro Convention, 1848, The," by Howard H. Bell. Volume 67, Number 4, October, 1958, pp. 357-368.
... The National Negro Convention 1848 The National Negro Convention 1848 By HOWARD H BELL ON SEPTEMBER 6 1848 a small but determined group of men gathered at Cleveland Ohio to discuss the peculiar problems facing them and to lay plans for improving their position in the land of their birth They were mainly men of the Old Northwest but there were also representatives from Canada where the escaped slave was finding a haven of refuge in ever increasing numbers1 They were carpenters editors barbers ...