Ohio History Journal

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"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 108, , Summer-Autumn, 1999, pp. 193-195.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Ohio Academy of History Spring Meeting will be held April 28-29 2000 at Otterbein College in Westerville Ohio For further information contact Richard Spall Ohio Wesleyan University Department of History Delaware Ohio 43015 The Academy now has a Home Page at lthttpoahhistoryohiostateedugt Nominations for the Ohio Academy of History Public History Award are sought for the award to be presented at the annual spring meeting of the OAH Public history projects ...

"Ohio Artist in Australia: Livingston Hopkins," by Frederick D. Kershner, Jr.. Volume 63, Number 2, April, 1954, pp. 113-134.
... OHIO ARTIST IN AUSTRALIA LIVINGSTON HOPKINS OHIO ARTIST IN AUSTRALIA LIVINGSTON HOPKINS by FREDERICK D KERSHNER JR In times present and past Americans have complained bitterly about the lack of knowledge of the United States revealed by foreigners Commonly they have attributed this ignorance to nationalistic myopia upper-class snobbery intellectual narcissism or a combination of the three One hundred percent Yankees like to supplement their critiques with gratuitous prophecies of impending ...

"Radical Responses to Capitalism in Ohio Before 1913," by Lysle E. Meyer. Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 193-208.
... LYSLE E LYSLE E MEYER Radical Responses to Capitalism in Ohio Before 1913 By the time Ohio entered the last two decades of the nineteenth century various forms of radicalism had already emerged which challenged the basic tenets of the prevailing style of life A number of communitarian settlements had been established in the state beginning with the first Shaker experiments Union Village in 1805 and Shakertown in 1806 The Wurttemberg Separatists soon after founded the Zoar community in 1817 ...

Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 452-468.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS James Wickes Taylor A Choice Nook of Memory The Diary of a Cincinnati Law Clerk 1842-1844 Edited by James Taylor Dunn Columbus Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1950 xi 85p Paper 150 James Wickes Taylor lawyer author journalist librarian consular officer was an interesting figure in the early history of Ohio Minnesota and the Canadian Northwest For fourteen years Taylor lived in Ohio then he moved to Minnesota where he resided a similar length of time ...

"Caleb Atwater: Versatile Pioneer," Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 79-88.
... CALEB ATWATER VERSATILE PIONEER CALEB ATWATER VERSATILE PIONEER A RE-APPRAISAL By HENRY C SHETRONE BACK EAST Educator minister lawyer and antiquarian advocate of internal improvements co-founder of Ohio's school system Ohio's first historian intellectual and social pioneer of the Middle West Such was Caleb Atwater of Massachusetts New York--and Ohio Without an understanding of the times in which Caleb Atwater lived particularly of his years in the East before coming to Ohio one might well ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 106, , Summer-Autumn, 1997, pp. 200-201.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries David E Kyvig history professor at The University of Akron recently received the Bancroft Prize for the best book in American history published in 1996 for his Explicit amp Authentic Acts Amending the US Constitution 1776-1995 The book acclaimed as a major contribution to the history of American legal constitutional and political development was published by the University Press of Kansas The Ohio Academy of History will hold its annual spring meeting 24-25 ...

Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 343-355.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Ohio in Homespun and Calico By I T Frary Richmond Virginia Garrett and Massie 1 942 1 48 p 200 This is a saga of common people says the author of Ohio in Homespun and Calico in presenting his latest literary product to the reader I T Frary does not sing of arms and the hero but of the sturdy pioneering Ohioans who bore the burden of building a commonwealth and of whom as a bearer of their tradition he is justly proud I like those simple people who were mine a few ...

"Local History-Foundation of Our Faith in Democracy," Volume 60, Number 3, July, 1951, pp. 221-232.
... LOCAL HISTORY-FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH IN LOCAL HISTORY-FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH IN DEMOCRACY by S K STEVENS State Historian Commonwealth of Pennsylvania It is not merely a pleasure but a genuine honor to be with you this evening at the capital of the first great state to be carved out of the Northwest Territory with its government framed in accordance with the principles of that outstanding charter of liberties-the Northwest Ordinance Ohio has come a long way since 1803 when its state ...

"The Manufacture and Use of Aboriginal Stone Implements" by Gerard Fowke. Volume 2, Number 4, March, 1889, pp. 514-533.
... THE MANUFACTURE AND USE OF ABORIGINAL THE MANUFACTURE AND USE OF ABORIGINAL STONE IMPLEMENTS PROBABLY no other equal area in the Union has furnished so great a number and variety of the so-called Indian Relics as has been found within the southern half of Ohio and the adjacent portions of Kentucky and West Virginia Although few persons have made any particular study of them curiosity in regard to them is active among all classes and the successful collector often finds life made a burden by ...

Volume 60, Number 2, April, 1951, pp. 208-220.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Ohio Newspapers A Living Record By Robert C Wheeler Columbus Ohio History Press Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1950 257p 650 Ohio Newspapers A Living Record is a fascinating new approach to the history of Ohio By facsimile reproduction of newspapers dating from 1690 to 1946 we are given an intimate view of history in the makingday by day impressions of common life and of the reactions of the people to social and political phenomena One hundred and ...

Volume 97, , Summer-Autumn, 1988, pp. 149-169.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Life Journals and Correspondence of Rev Manasseh Cutler LLD Volume I By William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler Athens Ohio University Press 1987 xii 524p notes 4000set Volume II By William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler Athens Ohio University Press 1987 iv 495p notes appendices index 4000set Manasseh Cutler was a community builder of the first rank during a very formative era in our nation's history To mark the Centennial of the Northwest Ordinance his ...

"Early Internships in St. Francis Hospital-A Reminisence," by H. M. Platter. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 399-403.
... EARLY INTERNSHIPS IN ST EARLY INTERNSHIPS IN ST FRANCIS HOSPITAL-- A REMINISCENCE by H M PLATTER MD In September 1889 I enrolled in Starling Medical College with Dr Thomas C Hoover as my preceptor I had already completed three years of preliminary education at Ohio Wesleyan University Dr Hoover was professor of surgery at the college and the visiting surgeon to St Francis Hospital At the conclusion of my freshman year the first house physician or intern was appointed for St Francis and the ...

"Fort Ancient," by A. A. Graham. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 312.
... 312 Ohio Arch 3 12 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications VOL 3 FORT ANCIENT The General Assembly at the last session passed an act to purchase this remarkable earth-work on the bluffs on the left bank of the Little Miami river in Warren county By some oversight the number of acres authorized to be purchased did not include the entire fortification and there still remains a portion of the south or old fort and little of the north end unpurchased A bill was afterward introduced by Senator Jesse ...

"The Century and Its Lessons," by N. J. Morrison. Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 27-39.
... The Century and Its Lessons The Century and Its Lessons 27 of the distinguished gentlemen whom we have assembled here to greet This city of ours has in time sent forth her sons and daughters who with willing hands and strong hearts have engaged in founding other cities and States thus following the noble example set by their ancestors Many of these sons and daughters have returned in response to invitations cordially extended and I desire to say to them as well as the strangers within our ...

"John Fitch, Inventor of Steamboats," by Mira Clarke Parsons. Volume 9, Number 2, October, 1900, pp. 238-242.
... JOHN FITCH INVENTOR OF STEAMBOATS JOHN FITCH INVENTOR OF STEAMBOATS BY MIRA CLARKE PARSONS By a coincidence of which the writer was not then aware while the article on the Steamboat was in type the name of Robert Fulton was brought to public notice for the purpose of bestowing further honors upon the memory of a great inventor The object of this paper is to offer additional proof of the validity of the prior claim of John Fitch as the inventor and originator of steam navigation While all due ...

"A History of Public Archaeology in Ohio," Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 101-130.
... P P NICK KARDULIAS A History of Public Archaeology in Ohio Introduction The Ohio Historical Society OHS marked its 100th anniversary in 1985 During the century of its existence this organization has served as the steward of public archaeology in the state Therefore now is an appropriate time to review the development of archaeological concerns in Ohio by outlining the major accomplishments and deficiencies of the OHS and other institutions in carrying out their role as caretakers of Ohio's ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 585-592.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR OHIO HISTORY IN THE SCHOOLS History and Geography of Ohio by William M Gregory Head of the Geography Department Cleveland School of Education and William B Guitteau Director of Schools Toledo Ohio Ginn and Company Publishers New York and Columbus 1922 It is to be regretted that in the educational system of our State there is no legal mandate to teach Ohio history ...

Volume 55, Number 3, July-September, 1946, pp. 297-309.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Newspaper -- Its Making and Its Meaning By members of the Staff of the New York Times New York Charles Scribner's Sons 1945 207p 200 During the spring of 1945 twelve members of the New York Times staff contributed to a series of lectures which was given to a group of selected New York public school teachers under the auspices of the Board of Education of New York City Staff members participating were selected on the basis of their field of specialization and ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 38, Number 2, April, 1929, pp. 403-408.
... REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR OLENTANGY RIVER The name Olentangy applied to an important tributary of the Scioto River has been a puzzler to the etymologists It is said to be of Indian origin but its root significance has never been determined The statement is made in the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society Publications Vol 6 page 93 that this name was legalized through the interest of Colonel Kilbourne We are told that in the year 1833 Colonel ...

"From Cincinnati's Western Museum to Cleveland's Health Museum," by Bruno Gebhard. Volume 59, Number 4, October, 1950, pp. 371-384.
... FROM CINCINNATI'S WESTERN MUSEUM TO FROM CINCINNATI'S WESTERN MUSEUM TO CLEVELAND'S HEALTH MUSEUM by BRUNO GEBHARD MD Director Cleveland Health Museum Cleveland prides itself in having the first health museum in the United States opened November 13 1940 But in 1820 Cincinnati established the first public science museum west of the Alleghenies the Western Museum Both were started by physicians who seem to have a natural affinity for museums Perhaps this is because a good physician must be a ...