Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"Disappointments and Distresses: The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War," by William M. Donnelly. Volume 109, , Winter-Spring, 2000, pp. 47-70.
... WILLIAM M WILLIAM M DONNELLY Disappointments and Distresses The 37th Infantry Division During the Korean War The Ohio National Guard's 37th Buckeye Infantry Division had a short and unhappy Korean War A division with a proud record in two world wars it did not enter Federal service until early 1952 and it never deployed overseas Indeed by the end of the war in July 1953 the 37th had ceased to exist both as an Ohio National Guard division and as a tactical unit To provide individual ...

Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 302-307.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Papers of Ulysses S Grant Volume II April-September 1861 Edited by JOHN Y SIMON Carbondale Southern Illinois University Press 1969 xxix 399p foreword preface chronology maps illustrations calendar and index 1500 In his own lifetime Ulysses S Grant was an enigma to most politicians and generals who knew him The Grant revealed in his memoirs was either an overly modest or uncommonly fortunate general The shape of his character and the secrets of his success are not ...

Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 204-218.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Union amp Emancipation Essays on Politics and Race in the Civil War Era Edited by David W Blight and Brooks D Simpson Kent Ohio The Kent State University Press 1997 x 231p illustrations notes selected bibliography index 3500 Examining the impact of slavery and race on American politics and culture during the decades surrounding the Civil War this collection of essays is especially useful for scholars of northern party politics in the 1850s In the first of three essays ...

"Address of Rev. Edward Everett Hale" (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 94-98.
... ADDRESS OF REV ADDRESS OF REV EDWARD EVERETT HALE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE ILLINOIS COUNTY FELLOW-CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES I certainly shall detain you but a very few minutes I am speaking only because I am commissioned by the Governor of Massachusetts We think our State has spoken very well here to-day already Massachusetts sends her hearty congratulations to you and as Dr Loring says Massachusetts does not forget her children her grandchildren and the children of her grandchildren ...

See Book Reviews. Volume 112, Book Notes pp. 111-112, Summer-Autumn, 2003, pp. 93.
... BookReviews Summer-Autumn 2003 pp 93-112 PDF of Book Reveiws CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved and Book Notes Alphabetical List of Titles All for the Regiment The Army of the Ohio 1861-1865 By Gerald J Prokopowicz Reviewed by Brian D McKnight Architecture in the United States By W Barksdale Maynard Reviewed by Richard Francaviglia Birchbark Canoes of the Fur Trade Volumes I and II By Timothy J Kent Reviewed by David A Simmons A Brilliant ...

Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 158-187.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Adena People No 2 By William S Webb and Raymond S Baby with chapters by Charles E Snow and Robert M Goslin Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1957 xi123p illustrations map chart tables bibliography and index Paper 300 This attractive well organized and well executed volume summarizes the current views of the authors concerning the Adena people and their culture in the Ohio Valley Data from forty-nine new Adena sites for the most ...

"A Note on Mrs. Trollope," by John Francis McDermott. Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 369-370.
... A NOTE ON MRS A NOTE ON MRS TROLLOPE By JOHN FRANCIS MCDERMOTT When Charles Joseph Latrobe made his tour of the West with Washington Irving in 1832 they passed through Cincinnati at a very interesting moment The citizens were big with indignation over Mrs Frances Trollope Latrobe related that they found the good citizens of that rising and flourishing city busily ruminating over the first edition of a well-known picture of their domestic manners which the English press had just sent forth for ...

"Development of the Teaching of Physiology in Ohio," Volume 60, Number 4, October, 1951, pp. 355-368.
... DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF PHYSIOLOGY DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEACHING OF PHYSIOLOGY IN OHIO by C I REED Professor of Physiology University of Illinois Chicago Professional Colleges In order to bring the subject into perspective it is necessary to go back to the year 1726 when the first curricular representation of physiology was accorded by the University of Edinburgh in appointing Andrew Sinclair professor of the institutes of medicine As applied later this title very often covered much more ...

"Annie Wittenmyer and the Women's Crusade," edited by Jack S. Blocker, Jr.. Volume 88, Number 4, Autumn, 1979, pp. 419-422.
... edited by edited by JACK S BLOCKER JR Annie Wittenmyer and the Women's Crusade The Women's Temperance Crusade a spontaneous non-violent movement against the saloon involved at least 56000 women in 912 places in 26 states 5 territories and the District of Columbia It came to a focus in the creation of the National Woman's Christian Temperance Union in Cleveland Ohio 18-20 November 1874 At that convention Annie Turner Wittenmyer also spelled Wittenmeyer of Philadelphia was elected the ...

"Where Did Eliza Cross the Ohio?," by Felix J. Koch. Volume 24, Number 4, October, 1915, pp. 588-590.
... WHERE DID ELIZA CROSS THE OHIO WHERE DID ELIZA CROSS THE OHIO BY FELIX J KOCH Obviously each side in the controversy has good grounds upon which to rest its claim Cincinnati and Ripley both claim the site With the one--it cannot be denied that a fugitive slave woman did cross the stream on the ice at the very heart of the city's water-front At the other - the place was a village at the time when Mrs Stowe wrote her book as it states and there lived a man who made a point of helping run-away ...

"Burke Aaron Hinsdale," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 378-379.
... 378 Ohio Arch 378 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications friend and ardent admirer of and deep sympathizer with John Brown He wrote her a letter the night before his execution expressing his appreciation of her long friendship and his perfect resignation to his fate Well do we remember though at that time but a child of eight how on the morning of December 2 after the breakfast meal that mother at the morning invocation broke forth in a fervent prayer that Divine Providence would sustain John ...

"An Example of Political Oratory in 1855," by Mrs. Arthur G. Beach. Volume 39, Number 4, October, 1930, pp. 673-682.
... AN EXAMPLE OF POLITICAL ORATORY IN AN EXAMPLE OF POLITICAL ORATORY IN 1855 BY MRS ARTHUR G BEACH Mr Albert Beveridge has painted a vivid picture of the decade 1850-1860 as a background to his study of Abraham Lincoln There have been preserved at Marietta Ohio a border town some letters and papers written during those years by a student at Marietta College Search through them brought to light an account of one of the stump speeches of Mr Henry A Wise of Virginia which furnishes evidence that ...

"Mythical Exposition of a 'Myth,'" Volume 33, Number 1, January, 1924, pp. 218-224.
... 218 Ohio Arch 218 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications beyond the common average and level of trivial earthliness No matter how inconsistent impossible and desperate a thing might appear to others if John Brown said he would do it he was sure to be believed His words were never taken for empty bravado wrote Frederick Douglass That enthusiasts like Gerrit Smith should be carried away was perhaps natural But Emerson was not an enthusiast Thoreau was not Theodore Parker was not All these men ...

"James Ford Rhodes and the Negro: A Study in the Problem of Objectivity," by Robert Cruden. Volume 71, Number 2, July, 1962, pp. 129-137, notes 198-199.
... James Ford Rhodes And the Negro A STUDY IN THE PROBLEM OF OBJECTIVITY by ROBERT CRUDEN The continuing debate among historians as to the scientific nature of their discipline involves as a basic element the problem of objectivity Is it possible for history to be objective in the sense that the physical and biological sciences are objective namely that its findings do not depend in any important sense on the personal idiosyncrasies or private feelings of those who reach them but are marked by a ...

"Marking the Old 'Abolition Holes,'" by Felix J. Koch. Volume 22, Number 2, April, 1913, pp. 308-318.
... MARKING THE OLD ABOLITION HOLES MARKING THE OLD ABOLITION HOLES BY FELIX J KOCH CINCINNATI A quadroon girl in Sunday best strolled down the quiet little main street of Ripley in southern Ohio not long since and coming to the crest of the bluff whence the long descent begins to the river she rested her arms on an immaculately white monument set to the famous old abolitionists of Ripley-the place where Eliza crossed the ice in the story-and waved a handkerchief in signal to some dusky paramour ...

"Last Ohio Canal Boat, The," by Albert N. Doerschuk. Volume 34, Number 1, January, 1925, pp. 109-116.
... THE LAST OHIO CANAL BOAT THE LAST OHIO CANAL BOAT BY ALBERT N DOERSCHUK Amid mammoth sweet corn and prosaic cabbage near the now peaceful and dead port of Bolivar once a great trading and manufacturing town noted for its life and the dash of its inhabitants nestles the last canal boat now a poor squatter's shelter Long years ago forced over the banks of the canal during a flood this boat was abandoned where it lies and now is the last1 remaining specimen of the all important inland water ...

"REVIEWS, NOTES AND COMMENTS," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 556-560.
... OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY OHIO ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR KENTUCKY-MOTHER OF UNITED STATES SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES This is the title of valuable compilation by A C Quisenberry published in The Register of the Kentucky State Historical Society for January 192 0 It appears from this that Kentucky has given to other states sixty-one United States senators and one hundred fifty-one represensatives in Congress making a total ...

"Grant Tablet Dedication: Address of Governor Andrew L. Harris," Volume 18, Number 3, July, 1909, pp. 380-384.
... GRANT TABLET DEDICATION GRANT TABLET DEDICATION ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR ANDREW L HARRIS At Point Pleasant Ohio the birth place of Ulysses S Grant there was dedicated on Wednesday October 2d 1907 a tablet to the memory of the great general and president Many distinguished citizens participated and of the several speeches that of Governor Harris was especially in sympathy with the occasion-EDITOR On this occasion I am doubly honored It is my privilege to respond to an inspiring address of welcome ...

"Immigrant Colonies in Cleveland," by Wellington G. Fordyce. Volume 45, Number 4, October, 1936, pp. 320-340.
... IMMIGRANT COLONIES IN CLEVELAND IMMIGRANT COLONIES IN CLEVELAND By WELLINGTON G FORDYCE In any discussion of the social political religious and economic problems of the United States as related to its immigrant population the cities of New York Chicago and Detroit are usually the principal cities mentioned Little Italy The Ghetto or Chinatown are more apt to provoke visions of the settlements in New York and Chicago than those of any other city The foreign districts of New York are generally ...

"The 'Little Steel' Strike: Conflict for Control," by Michael Speer. Volume 78, Number 4, Autumn, 1969, pp. 273-287.
... MICHAEL SPEER MICHAEL SPEER The Little Steel Strike Conflict for Control Historically strikes in the American iron and steel industry have been bloody affairs The 1892 Homestead strike and the 1919 steel strike stand as outstanding examples of industry's militant refusal to share the power of decision-making with labor representatives for steel management such strikes provided what amounted to an opportunity for crushing an incipient union movement By the mid-1930's however the conflict ...