Ohio History Journal

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"Constitution of the Ohio Valley Historical Association," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 463-464.
... Annual Meeting Ohio alley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio alley Historical Association 463 until along in the eighties This was made possible just as the completion of the turnpike roads had been rendered possible by means of county subscriptions and for a long time the railroad was operated in the interest of the counties through which it passed and which had contributed to its construction A new chapter in the development of transportation and intercourse between the two towns ...

"Politics and Pedagogy: The 1892 Cleveland School Reform," by Ronald M. Johnson. Volume 84, Number 4, Autumn, 1975, pp. 196-206.
... RONALD M RONALD M JOHNSON Politics and Pedagogy The 1892 Cleveland School Reform On May 25 1892 a large crowd gathered at Cleveland's Stillman Hotel The occasion was the announcement of Andrew S Draper as the city's new school superintendent The assembled group listened attentively as H Q Sargent the school director introduced Draper a prominent New York educator Sargent dwelt momentarily on the recently reformed school system which had led to the creation of his own office Draper followed ...

"The Northwest," by N. B. C. Love. Volume 11, Number 1, July, 1902, pp. 155-156.
... GIRTY'S ISLAND GIRTY'S ISLAND BY N B C LOVE DESHLER O Girty's Island in the Maumee River a hundred years ago was the headquarters of the Indians and was the home for a time of Simon Girty Rich in verdant foliage of varied green And many kindred growth of stately trees Plants flowers and vines with nectar for bees Blended in a quivering summer sheen And around the waters ebbying tide Bending low long boughs with vines interlace And reflect in the liquid mirror's face Scintillating like moving ...

"Ohio, the First Child of the Northwest" (Pan-American Exposition) by Charles W. Baker. Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 128-132.
... 128 Ohio Arch 128 Ohio Arch and His Society Pub li cations the citizens of all the states and the republics to the south of us may spend many pleasant hours and may find rest and comfort It is my duty to turn our building over to the Pan-American and in doing so I express the sincere hope that your exposition may have the great success which always should accompany efforts so earnest so able and so magnificent and wonderful in results as are those made by the officials of the exposition and ...

"Report of the Building Committee for the World War Memorial Building," Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 619-623.
... Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 619 Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting 619 upright so as to add moisture and supply fertilizer to the unexposed and growing roots is also recommended For all the purposes stated we ask an appropriation of 400 40 only now being available Respectfully submitted Signed FRANK TALLMADGE Mr Booth drew attention to the fact that previous recommendations of the committee on the Logan Elm had not been acted upon President Campbell stated that before the desired improvements ...

Volume 111, pp. 202-228, Summer-Autumn, 2002, pp. 202.
... BookReviews Summer-Autumn 2002 pp 202-228 PDF of Book Reveiws CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved The American Midwest Essays on Regional History Edited by Andrew R L Cayton and Susan E Gray Reviewed by Terry A Barnhart Henry Ford and the Jews the Mass Production of Hate By Neil Baldwin Reviewed by Terry A Cooney The Goodyear Story An Inventors Obsession and the Struggle for a Rubber Monopoly By Richard Korman Reviewed by K Austin Kerr Still ...

"Excavation of the Coon Mound and an Analysis of the Adena Culture," Volume 41, Number 3, July, 1932, pp. 366-523.
... EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE ADENA CULTURE E F GREENMAN CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN EXCAVATION OF THE COON MOUND AND AN ANALYSIS OF THE ADENA CULTURE TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introductory Note 369 General Features of the Coon Mound 370 Contents of the Mound 375 The Burial 375 The Tomb 379 The Gravel Circle 387 The Horizontal Log-Molds 392 The Passage 397 Reconstruction 4 00 Conclusion 408 The Adena ...

"Subsistence Homesteading in Dayton, Ohio, 1933-1935," by Jacob H. Dorn. Volume 78, Number 2, Spring, 1969, pp. 75-93, notes 146-149.
... Subsistence Homesteading Subsistence Homesteading in Dayton Ohio 1933-1935 by Jacob H Dorn T he United States was born in the country and has moved to the city wrote Richard Hofstadter in a provocative study of modern American reform movements1 The tide of migration from rural areas to urban centers has been with few exceptions continuous and irresistible since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution Driven along by a host of economic social and psychological forces it reached a symbolic ...

"Contested Terrain: The Struggle Over Gender Norms for Black Working-Class Women in Cleveland's Phillis Wheatley Association, 1920-1950," by Virginia R. Boynton. Volume 103, , Winter-Spring, 1994, pp. 5-22.
... VIRGINIA R VIRGINIA R BOYNTON Contested Terrain The Struggle Over Gender Norms for Black Working-Class Women in Cleveland's Phillis Wheatley Association 1920-1950 When Adrien Jean Smith came to live at the Phillis Wheatley Association PWA of Cleveland Ohio in 1947 the young unemployed black woman was hired as a domestic servant by the home for black working women Although her work satisfied her employers for a time Smith's off-hours behavior constantly irritated and concerned the black ...

Volume 83, Number 3, Autumn, 1974, pp. 283-286.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Papers of Ulysses S Grant Volume V April 1-August 31 1862 Edited by JOHN Y SIM ON Carbondale Southern Illinois Press 1973 xxv 458 p introduction chronology maps illustrations calendar index 15 Like its predecessors Volume V of the Grant Papers is skillfully edited and artfully produced by John Y Simon and his editorial team The packaging is increasingly essential since Grant's correspondence is thin and given to silences on issues which intrigued his ...

"Early Ohio Painters: Cincinnati, 1830-1850," (Collections and Exhibits) Volume 73, Number 2, Spring, 1964, pp. 111-118, notes 131-132.
... COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS AND EXHIBITS EARLY OHIO PAINTERS CINCINNATI 1830-1850 by DONALD R MacKENZIE WHEN AN 1840 editor of the New York Star wrote Cincinnati What is there in the atmosphere of Cincinnati that has so thoroughly awakened the arts of sculpture and painting he was expressing an outsider's appraisal of the Queen City The famous Mrs Trollope after three years in Cincinnati had come nearer the truth with her observation on the indigenous American artist With regard to the fine arts ...

"Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, April 24, 1942," Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 233-235.
... MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY APRIL 24 1942 The Board of Trustees of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society met at 1 00 PM Friday April 24 1942 in the Trustees' room of the Ohio State Museum President Johnson presided over the meeting which was attended by the following Trustees Messrs Johnson Eagleson Florence Miller Norton Rightmire and Spetnagel Director ...

Volume 103, , Winter-Spring, 1994, pp. 75-117.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Four Hours in My Lai By Michael Bilton and Kevin Sim New York Viking 1992 ix 430p maps illustrations notes on sources notes on text bibliography index 2500 On March 16 1968 Charlie Company of Americal Division's 11th Light Infantry Brigade attacked the Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai expecting to encounter Viet Cong forces which Army intelligence had reported as operating in the area Finding no Viet Cong and meeting no military opposition whatsoever US troops proceeded to ...

"History of Education Legislation in Ohio, 1851-1925," by Nelson L. Bossing. Volume 39, Number 2, April, 1930, pp. 223-399.
... HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATION HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL LEGISLATION IN OHIO 1851-1925 BY NELSON L BOSSING PH D CHAPTER IV HIGHER EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Higher education held a conspicuous place in Ohio's early legislation Approximately one-half of the educational legislation passed during the first three years of Ohio's statehood was formulated in the interests of colleges and universities1 From 1803 to 1850 there was a mass of legislation passed which dealt with various phases ...

"Prehistoric Earthworks in Wisconsin," by A. B. Stout. Volume 20, Number 1, January, 1911, pp. 1-31.
... OHIO OHIO Archaeological and Historical PUBLICATIONS PREHISTORIC EARTHWORKS IN WISCONSIN A B STOUT University of Wisconsin In presenting this subject it seems best to the writer to treat somewhat in detail the various classes of earthworks and then to give a summary for the state as a whole with a brief discussion of the archaeological area to which it belongs With this plan in view the various artificial earthen structures in Wisconsin of prehistoric origin at least the greater number are ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 326-327.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Society members might be interested in adding this information to their list of little known facts During 1895 this Society did not publish Ohio History's predecessor The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly but instead subsidized a two-year-old journal published in Waterloo Indiana The Archaeologist The publication moved to Columbus Ohio and for the next nine monthly issues it became the official organ of the Ohio Archaeological and Historical ...

"Geology as a Factor in Human Life and Character," Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1931, pp. 52-85.
... GEOLOGY AS A FACTOR IN HUMAN GEOLOGY AS A FACTOR IN HUMAN LIFE AND CHARACTER GERARD FOWKE Human history is a by-product of geology The earliest men fished in the rivers and the seas hunted in the mountains and the forests Shelter was as necessary as food and they had to live where they could find protection from inclement weather Where caves existed they were utilized where there was no such natural refuge an artificial one had to be provided This must be made of wood at first perhaps only of ...

"Restless Americans: The Geographic Mobility of Farm Laborers in the Old Midwest, 1850-1870," Volume 89, Number 1, Winter, 1980, pp. 25-45.
... REBECCA A REBECCA A SHEPHERD Restless Americans The Geographic Mobility of Farm Laborers in the Old Midwest 1850-1870 Groups of people moving westward with their families and belongings were a common sight for residents of the Midwest in the nineteenth century Observers and diarists commented on the westward movement at the time and it later became an important consideration in historians' study of the frontier There were many motives for people joining the westward-moving stream increased ...

"Cleveland's New Stock Lawmakers and Progressive Reform," by John D. Buenker. Volume 78, Number 2, Spring, 1969, pp. 116-137, notes 154-156.
... Cleveland's New Stock Lawmakers and Progressive Reform by John D Buenker During the highly productive progressive era of the early 1900's Ohioans enacted a myriad of reforms designed to cope with the serious political economic and social problems of the day Included in their efforts was the updating of the state constitution more attuned to the complexities of twentieth century life The contributions made to this record by such eminent reformers as Tom L Johnson Samuel Golden Rule Jones Brand ...

"Indian vs. Aborigine," Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 473-474.
... Editorialana Editorialana 473 terest which was greatly heightened by the information gained of the geological and historical features of the section as related by Mr A J Baughman than whom few in the state are better qualified to speak upon matters pertaining to its geology and history INDIAN VS ABORIGINE The following communication is self explanatory It is from the pen of Prof R W McFarland Oxford Ohio who has contributed many articles of value to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical ...