Ohio History Journal

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"A History of Public Archaeology in Ohio," Volume 98, , Summer-Autumn, 1989, pp. 101-130.
... P P NICK KARDULIAS A History of Public Archaeology in Ohio Introduction The Ohio Historical Society OHS marked its 100th anniversary in 1985 During the century of its existence this organization has served as the steward of public archaeology in the state Therefore now is an appropriate time to review the development of archaeological concerns in Ohio by outlining the major accomplishments and deficiencies of the OHS and other institutions in carrying out their role as caretakers of Ohio's ...

"Burke Aaron Hinsdale," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 378-379.
... 378 Ohio Arch 378 Ohio Arch and His Society Publications friend and ardent admirer of and deep sympathizer with John Brown He wrote her a letter the night before his execution expressing his appreciation of her long friendship and his perfect resignation to his fate Well do we remember though at that time but a child of eight how on the morning of December 2 after the breakfast meal that mother at the morning invocation broke forth in a fervent prayer that Divine Providence would sustain John ...

"John Bingham and Reconstruction: The Delimma of a Moderate," Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 76-94, notes 192-194.
... John A John A Bingham and Reconstruction The Dilemma of a Moderate by DONALD C SWIFT Congressman John A Bingham of Ohio was one of the foremost Republican politicians in the period following the Civil War Yet he is almost unknown to historians and students not primarily concerned with the Reconstruction era The names of Thaddeus Stevens Benjamin Butler Charles Sumner or Benjamin Wade more readily come to mind As a spokesman for moderation Bingham occupied a place of equal importance to that of ...

Volume 96, , Winter-Spring, 1987, pp. 60-92.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews First Lady The Life of Lucy Webb Hayes By Emily Apt Geer Kent The Kent State University Press 1984 ix 330p illustrations notes sources cited index 1995 The goal which Emily Apt Geer has set for herself in this book is to evaluate the true character of Lucy Webb Hayes Was she the intolerant Lemonade Lucy that her husband's political opponents labeled her or was she the saint-like creature her friends believed her to be The conclusion rests somewhere between these two ...

"Three Aspects of the Economic Life of Cincinnati from 1815 to 1840," by Maurice F. Neufeld. Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1935, pp. 65-80.
... THREE ASPECTS OF THE ECONOMIC LIFE OF THREE ASPECTS OF THE ECONOMIC LIFE OF CINCINNATI FROM 1815 TO 1840 By MAURICE F NEUFELD In contemporary America when the principles of capitalism are being challenged negatively by prolonged unemployment and positively through the social-planning projects of Russia the experience of an American metropolis during the early maturity of capitalism in the United States has peculiar significance to the historian Although the life of the United States centers so ...

Volume 64, Number 4, October, 1955, pp. 456-479.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Forgotten Hero General James B McPherson the Biography of a Civil War General By Elizabeth J Whaley New York Exposition Press 1955 203p appendix bibliography and index 350 In view of the avid continuing absorption of Americans in their own Civil War and its leading figures it is indeed curious that James Birdseye McPherson has not attracted a substantial biographer before now Certainly he had many attractions about him and much to admire--a brilliant mind standing ...

"In His Veins Coursed No Bootlicking Blood: The Career of Peter H. Clark," by Lawrence Grossman. Volume 86, Number 2, Spring, 1977, pp. 79-95.
... LAWRENCE GROSSMAN LAWRENCE GROSSMAN In His Veins Coursed No Bootlicking Blood The Career of Peter H Clark Peter H Clark was one of the most prominent black leaders of the nineteenth century Working as a schoolteacher he emerged as a champion of the antebellum Negro community in Cincinnati achieved recognition after the Civil War as one of the leading black men of Ohio and became a figure of national importance in racial matters by the 1880s Though Clark's fame proved ephemeral an understanding ...

Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 159-179.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Frontier Republic Ideology and Politics in the Ohio Country 1780-1825 By Andrew RL Cayton Kent Kent State University Press 1986 xii 197p map notes essay on sources index 2700 The intellectual history of the early republic has undergone considerable revival in recent years Led by Bernard Bailyn at Harvard whose The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution 1967 was a classic when published and continued by his pupil Gordon Wood of Brown University in the ...

Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 219-230.
... HISTORICAL NEWS HISTORICAL NEWS Historical Societies ALLEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Lima James A MacDonell President The society has recently received two additions to its file of historical and genealogical materials the bill book of Hollister Bliss and Lytle a general store at Delphos from September 1850 to August 1854 and a five-volume compilation of Ohio gravestone inscriptions made by Charles Wagner of Columbus Mr Wagner's work contains thirty thousand inscriptions from grave markers in ...

"Registrar's Report and List of Accessions," Volume 42, Number 3, July, 1933, pp. 353-357.
... Report of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting 353 Report of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting 353 and expectancy the action of the Legislature and the administration on the forthcoming permanent budget REGISTRAR'S REPORT During the past year a number of accessions have been made to museum collections as per attached list In each case the proper acknowledgment has been made and the various items catalogued placed on exhibition or stored as seemed advisable As Staff Artist I take pleasure in ...

"'Sunset' Cox, Ohio's Champion of Compromise in the Secession Crisis of 1860-1861," by David Lindsey. Volume 62, Number 4, October, 1953, pp. 348-367.
... SUNSET COX OHIO'S CHAMPION OF COMPROMISE IN SUNSET COX OHIO'S CHAMPION OF COMPROMISE IN THE SECESSION CRISIS OF 1860-1861 by DAVID LINDSEY Associate Professor of History Baldwin-Wallace College Among the political leaders of the blundering generation of 1860-61 no one deplored the tragic drift of events toward armed conflict more than Samuel Sullivan Cox of Ohio Son of a pioneer printer from New Jersey Cox had been born and reared in Zanesville and schooled at Ohio University and Brown ...

"Party Politics in Ohio, 1840-1850 (continued)," by Edgar Allan Holt. Volume 38, Number 2, April, 1929, pp. 260-402.
... PARTY POLITICS IN OHIO 1840-1850 PARTY POLITICS IN OHIO 1840-1850 BY EDGAR ALLAN HOLT B A M A PH D Continued from the January 1929 Quarterly CHAPTER V THE ELECTION OF 1848 IN OHIO The clash of sectional and personal interests in Ohio did not end with the pronouncements of the State conventions The bitter anti-southern wing of the Whig party encouraged by the lavish praise bestowed on Corwin by the Whig State Convention thought that he might after all become the leader of the Whigs of the ...

"The Influence of New England in Denominational Colleges in the Northwest, 1830-1860," by E. Kidd Lockard. Volume 53, Number 1, January-March, 1944, pp. 1-13.
... THE INFLUENCE OF NEW ENGLAND IN DETHE INFLUENCE OF NEW ENGLAND IN DENOMINATIONAL COLLEGES IN THE NORTHWEST 1830-1860 BY E KIDD LOCKARD By the third decade of the nineteenth century New England had come to regard the Northwest as a boundless meadow spiritually whitening for harvest The West itself cognizant of its latent possibilities in secular as well as in ecclesiastical affairs felt the increasing necessity for college-bred churchmen1 The need rose to such proportions that both parties felt ...

"Putting Aircraft to Work: The First Air Freight," by Roger E. Bilstein. Volume 76, Number 4, Autumn, 1967, pp. 247-258, notes 277-279.
... Putting Aircraft to Work The First Air Freight by ROGER E BILSTEIN Orville and Katherine went to Simms to see Mr Phil o Parmelee sic start to Columbus with several bolts of silk in an aeroplane He flew there in 61 minutes and delivered the goods From BISHOP MILTON WRIGHT'S Diary November 7 1910 NOTES ON PAGE 277 248 OHIO HISTORY 248 OHIO HISTORY Milton Wright a bishop of the United Brethren in Christ church in Dayton Ohio maintained a keen interest in the activities of his lively family ...

"Joseph S. Benham," Volume 29, Binding Supplement, , , pp. 558-559.
... 558 Ohio Arch 558 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications and counter-charges on issues growing out of this subject Those interested are referred to this literature and the newspapers for the attitude of men and parties toward workmen's compensation No good purpose can be subserved by the publication in the QUARTERLY of the views of representatives of political parties on this subject It should be sufficient to record here the fact that a protest has been made The Society desires the interest ...

"SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY, ARCHAEOLOGY, AND NATURAL HISTORY, A," "August 1953-July 1954," compiled by S. Winifred Smith. Volume 63, Number 4, October, 1954, pp. 388-406.
... A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY A SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS IN OHIO HISTORY ARCHAEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY AUGUST 1953-JULY 1954 compiled by S WINIFRED SMITH AGRICULTURE KAATZ Martin R The Settlement of the Black Swamp of Northwestern Ohio Pioneer Days Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXV 1953 134-156 KAATZ Martin R The Settlement of the Black Swamp of Northwestern Ohio Later Days Northwest Ohio Quarterly XXV 1953 201-217 LIPP Frederick J The Home Place Being 150 Years of Ohio Farming Inside ...

"Emilius Oviatt Randall: A Biographical Sketch," Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 117-123.
... Emilius Oviatt Randall Emilius Oviatt Randall 117 tion from his voice--he needed no pen--the subject-matter being wide and comprehensive He gave us the benefit of his thought and wit upon such topics as The Boston Tea Party Washington in the West Our First Inhabitants The Original Ohio Land Company etc etc but the crowning favor was bestowed just one year ago on Washington's birthday when his subject was Americanization at Home and Abroad We marveled as we sat enthralled by his eloquence how ...

"Special Crops in Ohio before 1850," by Robert L. Jones. Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 127-142.
... SPECIAL CROPS IN OHIO BEFORE 1850 SPECIAL CROPS IN OHIO BEFORE 1850 BY ROBERT LESLIE JONES A noteworthy aspect of agriculture in Ohio before 1850 was the attention paid to a number of minor crops--rice cotton hemp flax clover seed white beans castor beans hops madder mustard broom corn cow cabbage sugar beets Rohan potatoes and tobacco The farmers were actually carrying on an American tradition for their colonial ancestors had experimented with most of these special crops and with others ...

"The Cincinnati Post and Municipal Reform, 1914-1941," Volume 79, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1970, pp. 231-242.
... GEORGE E GEORGE E STEVENS THE CINCINNA TI POST AND MUNICIPAL REFORM 1914-1941 City government in Cincinnati underwent a drastic overhaul in the 1920's Once called the worst governed city in the United States by Lincoln Steffens1 Cincinnati became a model of good government so quickly that the transformation amazed even the most idealistic reformers The new regime showed so complete a reversal of form from the old that it left observers dazed wrote Alvin F Harlow2 This reversal of form was made ...

Volume 69, Number 3, July, 1960, pp. 298-325.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews In the Name of the People Speeches and Writings of Lincoln and Douglas in the Ohio Campaign of 1859 Edited by Harry V Jaffa and Robert W Johannsen Columbus Ohio State University Press for the Ohio Historical Society 1959 xii307p 500 The historically minded are having a field day in these years of the 1950's and 1960's in constant centennial celebration of the events connected with the Civil War Real contributions to the literature of history are emerging which will be ...