Ohio History Journal

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"Fish-Hooks Found at the Baum Village Site. A Comparison With Those Found at Madisonville and Other Parts of the State," by W. C. Mills. Volume 9, Number 4, April, 1901, pp. 520-524.
... FISH-HOOKS FOUND AT THE BAUM VILLAGE SITE FISH-HOOKS FOUND AT THE BAUM VILLAGE SITE A COMPARISON WITH THOSE FOUND AT MADISONVILLE AND OTHER PARTS OF THE STATE BY W C MILLS The Baum Prehistoric Village Site is situated in the western part of Ross County Ohio near the small village of Bournville and is located upon one of the gravel terraces in the valley of Paint Creek For two years during the months of July and August the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society has been exploring in ...

"Opening Address Delivered by William F. Burdell, President Ohio Commission" (Louisiana Purchase Exposition) Volume 14, Number 2, April, 1905, pp. 102-104.
... 102 Ohio Arch 102 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications was introduced by Mr Burdell and asked to invoke the Divine blessing REVEREND NAPHTALI LUCCOCK Our Father's God from out whose hand The centuries fall like grains of sand We stand in this sunlit hour of privilege with grateful hearts for the splendid inheritance thou hast given us in the midst of the years We thank thee for the happy memories which crowd our hearts and for the great opportunities which open before us Put thy blessing ...

"An Early Proposal for a State Polytechnic School," by Roscoe H. Eckelberry. Volume 39, Number 2, April, 1930, pp. 400-410.
... AN EARLY PROPOSAL FOR A STATE AN EARLY PROPOSAL FOR A STATE POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL BY ROSCOE H ECKELBERRY Assistant Professor Dept of History of Education Ohio State University The proposal by Governor Ethan Allen Brown of Ohio on January 8 1819 for the establishment of a state polytechnic school must have been one of the earliest in this country The early governors of Ohio like those of many of the other states were far ahead of the legislatures in their educational vision and their conviction of ...

"Ohio Agriculture in History," by Robert Leslie Jones. Volume 65, Number 3, July, 1956, pp. 229-258.
... Ohio Agriculture in History Ohio Agriculture in History By ROBERT LESLIE JONES The history of agriculture in Ohio is on the surface a subject prosaic enough Indeed only once and that long ago did it ever possess anything of the implausibly romantic Timothy Flint tells us that the New England settlers who came in the beginning to the lands of the Ohio Company were attracted not only by the unparalleled fertility of the soil but according to the wags of the day by springs of brandy and flax that ...

"Patriotic Ohio and Patriotic Marion," by James E. Campbell. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 404-407.
... 404 Ohio Arch 404 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications the crowds cheered and waved their hats and handkerchiefs until the automobiles bearing the president and his party passed out of the grounds The evening of the Fourth was observed by a dazzling display of fireworks witnessed by thousands The likenesses of President Harding Eber Baker and General Pershing were reproduced in fireworks display The morning program of the Fifth of July was presided over by George B Christian Sr The first ...

"Another Look at George Armstrong Custer," Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 73-77.
... BRUCE A BRUCE A ROSENBERG Another Look at George Armstrong Custer Cu st er in the Civil War His Unfinished Memoirs Compiled and edited by John M Carroll San Rafael CA Presidio Press 1977 233p illustrations bibliographic checklist index 2750 Centennial Campaign The Sioux War of 1876 By John S Gray Fort Collins CO The Old Army Press 1976 392p bibliography maps index 2000 Lie in Custer's Ca valr Diaries and Letters of Albert and Jennie Barnitz 1867-1868 Edited by Robert M Utley New Haven Yale ...

"Finnish Newspapers in Ohio," Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 123-128.
... FINNISH NEWSPAPERS IN OHIO FINNISH NEWSPAPERS IN OHIO By JOHN I KOLEHMAINEN The possibilities which Ohio offered for Finnish journalistic enterprise attracted shortly before the year 1884 the attention of two ambitious typesetters Fred Karinen and Alex Wirtamo of the New York Mills Minnesota Uusi Kotimaa In the spring of 1884 the pair arrived in Ashtabula Harbor the largest Finnish settlement in the State and shortly afterward they launched with the assistance of Charles Stenroos Sr and Asser ...

"'A Baptism of Power and Liberty': The Women's Crusade of 1873-1874," by Ruth Bordin. Volume 87, Number 4, Autumn, 1978, pp. 393-404.
... RUTH BORDIN RUTH BORDIN A Baptism of Power and Liberty The Women's Crusade of 1873-1874 Throughout the winter of 1873 and 1874 a grass roots women's temperance crusade swept through Ohio the Midwest and parts of the East Thousands of women marched in the streets prayed in saloons and organized their own temperance societies in hundreds of towns and cities of the American heartland The Crusade had an immense impact on these women Cut loose from the quiescence and public timidity that was their ...

Volume 68, Number 3, July, 1959, pp. 303-306.
... Historical News Historical News TH E FIRST ANNUAL American history award of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association went to Donald F Warner professor of history at Wisconsin State College The presentation of the one thousand dollar prize was made on April 23 at the annual meeting of the association in Denver Colorado Dr Warner's winning entry entitled The Idea of Continental Union Agitation for Annexation of Canada to the United States 1849-1893 will be published in early 1960 by the ...

"McCook Field, 1917-1927," Volume 67, Number 1, January, 1958, pp. 21-34.
... McCook Field 1917-1927 McCook Field 1917-1927 By MAURER MAURER IT IS FITTING that Dayton the birthplace of aviation should be the site of one of the great air fields of the United States Air Force And it is appropriate that the field which for many years has played a major role in the development of aircraft and equipment for the air force should bear the name of Wright The history of that air force activity in the Dayton area however goes back to a field that was not named for the Wright ...

"The Two Lives of Frances Dana Gage," by Carol Steinhagen. Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 22-38.
... CAROL STEINHAGEN CAROL STEINHAGEN The Two Lives of Frances Dana Gage In the year before her death Frances Dana Gage 1808-1884 wrote an autobiographical sketch for Woman's Journal the organ of the American Woman Suffrage Association1 It seems appropriate that the infirm and isolated veteran of so many antebellum woman's rights campaigns would want to create a link to the younger generation of reformers and to mark her place in the history of nineteenth-century reform movements Gage might have ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1967-1968," Volume 77, Number 4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 149a-163a.
... Race Principles and Policy of Rutherford B Hayes by GEORGE SINKLER When Rutherofrd B Hayes came to the presidency the race problem was waiting in all its urgency The subject was by no means new to him As an Ohio Congressman at the very beginning of his political career he endorsed the Radical program of reconstruction In unemotional terms this meant having a penchant for Negro rights and the preservation of the political power of the Republican party though not necessarily in that order1 A ...

"The Historical Commission of Ohio," Volume 27, Numbers 1 & 2, January-April, 1918, pp. 272.
... 272 Ohio Arch 272 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THE HISTORICAL COMMISSION OF OHIO One of the most interesting developments in connection with Ohio's preparations for carrying on a successful war has been the appointment of the Historical Commission by Governor James M Cox It is the function of the Historical Commission to collect and preserve the records from which a history of Ohio in the Great War may eventually be compiled The appointment is a recognition of the fact that a people ...

"The Admission of Ohio to the Union," by Benjamin H. Pershing. Volume 63, Number 3, July, 1954, pp. 240-253.
... THE ADMISSION OF OHIO TO THE UNION THE ADMISSION OF OHIO TO THE UNION by BENJAMIN H PERSHING BRUTAL TRUTH DISCOVERED NEAR 150TH BIRTHDAY OHIO ASKS STATEHOOD With this alarming headline a metropolitan Ohio newspaper on January 14 1953 announced the most unique episode in the history of the admission of territories into the federal Union The article stated that congress had taken no action on the constitution prepared at Chillicothe in 1802 Consequently Ohio had legally been a territory and ...

"The Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society, Organized March 13, 1885. Articles of Incorporation, Synopsis of By-Laws and List of Members, From Date of Organization until February 19, 1891," Volume 3, , Annual, 1891, pp. 317-328.
... THE OHIO THE OHIO Archaeological and Historical Society ORGANIZED MARCH 13 1885 Articles of Incorporation Synopsis of By-Laws and List of Members FROM DATE OF ORGANIZATION UNTIL FEBRUARY 19 1891 317 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION The undersigned citizens of Ohio having associated themselves together and desiring to form a corporation not for profit under the laws of said State of Ohio do hereby subscribe and acknowledge the following articles of incorporation 1 The ...

"Report of the Committee on Logan Elm Park," Volume 35, Number 1, January, 1926, pp. 262-263.
... 262 Ohio Arch 262 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Fort Miami -- We regret to report that this property is still in the hands of owners who do not seem much interested in its historic value Fallen Timbers-- At this writing the State Architect is engaged in landscaping the site chosen for the future monument to honor the memory of a great soldier and mark an historic spot It will be recalled that two years ago the Legislature appropriated 2000 for this purpose We had asked for 40000 for ...

Volume 66, Number 1, January, 1957, pp. 90-94.
... Historical News Historical News The Sarah Mellon Scaife Foundation of Pittsburgh has made a grant of fifteen thousand dollars to the Harmonie Associates Inc for their use in a program of aid to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission in the restoration of Old Economy at Ambridge Pennsylvania a commission property The money will be used to refurbish the document room and four administrative research rooms and to install proper microfilm equipment files and stacks Provisions in the ...

Volume 64, Number 2, April, 1955, pp. 210-213.
... Historical News Historical News The Hayes Memorial Library has recently acquired some small but important additions to its manuscript collections They include papers of H H Morton and Dr George R Morton Sandusky 7 items 1855-77 papers on the election of 1876 5 items letters of Rutherford B Hayes to the Rev L W Bacon 5 letters 1881-82 photostatic copies from Yale University Library additions to the William and Mary B Claflin papers 22 items 1866-89 a letterbook of General H W Benham 1877-82 ...

"Hannah Fancher's Notes on Ohio Speech in 1824," Volume 73, Number 1, Winter, 1964, pp. 34-38, notes 59-60.
... Hannah Fancher's Notes Hannah Fancher's Notes On Ohio Speech in 1824 edited by JOHN Y SIMON Hannah Fancher of Brown County Ohio was a tireless uplifter of her neighbors In long letters prepared for the newspapers she offered advice on many topics the length of sermons behavior in church how to sing properly the importance of keeping promises even the best method for killing bedbugs1 In 1833 she made a public appeal for forty dollars to have her Rules of Politeness printed an appeal necessary ...

"Sergeant Stanley Nagorka," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 294-297.
... 294 Ohio Arch 294 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications The Captain has given his native town and state wide and honorable publicity His book is a lively modest straightforward statement of his services in the World War as full of thrills as his daring exploits It is written in attractive form and excellent spirit and deserves a place in every American library-especially those of Ohio Captain Rickenbacker's native state In this connection it may be proper to say a number of Captain ...