Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For crawford

"'Bluff Ben' Wade in Lawrence, Kansas: The Issue of Class Conflict," Volume 65, Number 1, January, 1956, pp. 44-52.
... Bluff Ben Wade in Lawrence Kansas Bluff Ben Wade in Lawrence Kansas The Issue of Class Conflict By WILLIAM FRANK ZORNOW Most historians know of Theodore Roosevelt's famous speech at Osawatomie Kansas on August 31 1910 in which he outlined the policies later advocated during the campaign of 1912 but few have considered the equally important Lawrence speech of Senator Benjamin F Wade of Ohio on June 10 1867 The latter might have had considerable effect upon the outcome of the Johnson impeachment ...

Volume 61, Number 4, October, 1952, pp. 440-459.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Preliminary Inventory Record Group 10 Indian Affairs Compiled by Manuscript Division Public Archives of Canada Ottawa King's Printer and Controller of Stationery 1951 14xiiip appendices and index The manuscript division of the Public Archives of Canada has launched a series of inventories to describe in some detail all its collections Each of the publications will be concerned with a particular section of the manuscripts in the public archives Record Groups are ...

"The Personal Element in History," Volume 48, Number 2, April, 1939, pp. 153-163.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 153 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 153 ing with the connections I must leave behind me but the society of our friends but poorly compensates for the want of a subsistence We have a large circle of little ones dependent on us and I know of no persuit that would give me more pleasure than that of providing an easy Liveing for them Emigration has ever played its part in the making of history and in every land since Moses led his trusting band to the land ...

"Diversity and Woman Suffrage: A Case Study of the Dayton Woman Suffrage Association in the 1912 Referendum Campaign" by Cynthia Wilkey. Volume 112, pp. 27-37, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 27.
... Wilkey Winter-Spring 2003 pp 27-37 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Diversity and Woman Suffrage A Case Study of the Dayton Woman Suffrage Association in the 1912 Referendum Campaign By Cynthia Wilkey That it is the duty of the women of this country to secure unto themselves their sacred right to the elective franchise When Elizabeth Cady Stanton penned these famous words in 1848 little did she imagine that she would ...

"From Progressive to Patrician: George Bellamy and Hiram House Social Settlement, 1896-1914," by John J. Grabowski. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 37-52.
... JOHN J JOHN J GRABOWSKI From Progressive to Patrician George Bellamy and Hiram House Social Settlement 1896-1914 The institution most closely associated with the birth and early development of turn of the century Progressivism was the social settlement house which best symbolized the movement's drive for reform and order in urban America As aptly described by Allen Davis the settlement houses were spearheads for reform whose partisans were among the first to recognize and attack problems of ...

"Ohio's German-Language Press and the War," by Carl Wittke. Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1919, pp. 82-95.
... OHIO'S GERMAN-LANGUAGE PRESS AND THE WAR OHIO'S GERMAN-LANGUAGE PRESS AND THE WAR BY CARL WITTKE Instructor in American History Ohio State University In April 1917 when the war cloud settled over America most of the German-language publications in this country found themselves in an extremely embarrassing position To the very last they had opposed America's entry into the war To them it seemed that Germany's cause had been grossly misrepresented by an Anglicised press and the German contention ...

"Sidelights on the Last Days of General U.S. Grant," Volume 33, Number 2, April, 1924, pp. 321-323.
... Reviews Notes and Comments 321 Reviews Notes and Comments 321 setts He has a national and international reputation for his contributions to botany and horticulture From 1888 to 1897 he was editor of Garden and Forest He has contributed extensively to publications of the Smithsonian Institution and is author of numerous monographs Winthrop Sargent VII is complimented on page 91 of the volume as follows Winthrop Sargent of the seventh generation the eleventh of that name will always be ...

Volume 97, , Summer-Autumn, 1988, pp. 149-169.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Life Journals and Correspondence of Rev Manasseh Cutler LLD Volume I By William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler Athens Ohio University Press 1987 xii 524p notes 4000set Volume II By William Parker Cutler and Julia Perkins Cutler Athens Ohio University Press 1987 iv 495p notes appendices index 4000set Manasseh Cutler was a community builder of the first rank during a very formative era in our nation's history To mark the Centennial of the Northwest Ordinance his ...

Volume 76, Number 4, Autumn, 1967, pp. 259-266.
... BOOK BOOK REVIEWS CHARLES EVANS HUGHES AND THE ILLUSIONS OF INNOCENCE A STUDY IN AMERICAN DIPLOMACY By Betty Glad Urbana University of Illinois Press 1966 365p bibliography and index 595 Charles Evans Hughes Secretary of State under Presidents Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge 1921-1925 is considered important because he carried major responsibility for the definition of the foreign policy followed by the United States up to the eve of World War II p 1 Miss Glad divides her study into three ...

Volume 66, Number 3, July, 1957, pp. 314-337.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Men of the Western Waters The Taking of Americas First West 17811794 By Dale Van Every Boston Houghton Mifflin Company 1956 x244p maps illustrations appendices bibliography and index 400 This volume will be of great interest both to that portion of the general public which enjoys reading history and also to the student who pursues history as a vocation It is based upon a wide reading of the best works of scholars in the field and makes no pretense of having delved ...

"Classes and Company Towns: Legends of the 1937 Little Steel Strike," by James L. Baughman. Volume 87, Number 2, Spring, 1978, pp. 175-192.
... JAMES L JAMES L BAUGHMAN Classes and Company Towns Legends of the 1937 Little Steel Strike Much of the scholarship on organized labor in the 1930s remains burdened by the polemics of the decade Historians have often only refined what writers for the union had composed for mass consumption a few decades earlier A complex history full of intricate relationships David Brody writes has almost uniformly been presented as a simple struggle between workers and managers1 In doing so labor scholars ...

"The 'Naive Liberal' and the 'Devious Communist' and the Johnson Case," Volume 78, Number 2, Spring, 1969, pp. 94-103, notes 149-152.
... The Naive Liberal the Devious Communist and the Johnson Case by David L Sterling Particularly during the decade of the 1950's but by no means unheard today the allegation has been made that in any cause where liberals and Communists join either fortuitously or by design the former are inevitably manipulated by the latter for propagandist and even more sinister purposes The accusation has emanated from congressional committees newspapers and other publications veterans and patriotic ...

"Israel Williams," Volume 10, Number 2, October, 1901, pp. 249-250.
... Editorialana Editorialana 249 where we shall regard him with worshipful admiration and reverence Though decorated with all the honors a nation-a world-could bestow there shines through all the man-the noble spotless man There is no incident in history to our mind like that journey from Washington to Canton of the funeral train The catafalque upon which rested the body of the illustrious dead occupied the center of a spacious car-the sides of which were glass It was brilliantly lighted at night ...

"'Johnny Appleseed' Addendum," Volume 9, Number 3, January, 1901, pp. 313-317.
... Johnny Appleseed Johnny Appleseed 313 To-day the events which stirred the souls and tried the courage of the pioneers seem to come out of the dim past and glide as panoramic views before me A number of the actors in those scenes were of my kith and kin who have long since crossed over the river in their journey to the land where Enoch and Elijah are pioneers while I am left to exclaim Oh for the touch of a vanished hand And the sound of a voice that is still While the scenes of those pioneer ...

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Annual Business Session, April 24, 1942, Ohio State Museum," Volume 51, Number 3, July-September, 1942, pp. 204-205.
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL BUSINESS SESSION 1000 AM APRIL 24 1942 OHIO STATE MUSEUM The Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society convened in the auditorium of the Museum at 1000 AM on April 24 1 942 Mr Arthur C Johnson President of the Society called the meeting to order President Johnson in his brief introductory remarks referred to the small attendance caused no doubt by the fact ...

"Tod B. Galloway: Buckeye Jongleur, Composer of 'The Whiffenpoof Song,'" by Richard Theodore Boehm. Volume 83, Number 4, Autumn, 1974, pp. 256-282.
... RICHARD THEODORE BOEHM RICHARD THEODORE BOEHM Tod B Galloway Buckeye Jongleur Composer of The Whiffenpoof Song How did the music for Yale's famous Whiffenpoof Song come to be composed by an Amherst College grad in Central Ohio And how did the Columbus tune come to be matched to a New Haven college verse thence grow to become a part of the common heritage of the world of American music The answers emerge from a varied skein starting with homesick British soldiers serving in Victoria's India ...

"George Rogers Clark Monument," report by H. R. McPherson. Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 628-629.
... 628 Ohio Arch 628 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Preble County Historical Society due to his removal from Preble County but predicts continued growth and development of Fort St Clair Park in the days to come H R MCPHERSON Columbus Ohio September 26 1927 GEORGE ROGERS CLARK MONUMENT During the year the committee has sought to care for and improve the grounds The monument is located on high ground overlooking the Mad River Valley with a rather steep slope to the south and west Before ...

"Cholera in Cincinnati," Volume 51, Number 4, October-December, 1942, pp. 289-293.
... CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI CHOLERA IN CINCINNATI By E W MITCHELL MD A worldwide epidemic of cholera beginning in far-off India in 1826 reached Russia in 1829 England in 1831 and was brought to this country in 1832 by immigrants landing in Quebec Dr Daniel Drake with characteristic foresight published early in 1832 a paper on cholera its causes symptomology and its treatment The first case in Cincinnati was that of a passenger on a steamboat from Portsmouth He had left Kingston Canada nine days ...

"Soldier's Creed, The," by Lester J. Cappon. Volume 64, Number 3, July, 1955, pp. 320-327.
... The Soldier's Creed The Soldier's Creed By LESTER J CAPPON Patriotism is an essential factor in waging war and shaping its outcome Since the causes of a war as fixed in the minds of the participants affect both the deeper and shallower feelings of patriotism and are in turn influenced by it loyalty and the will to fight are closely interrelated The concern of the military in recent years with the soldier's ideas of war aims has aroused interest in his attitudes during previous conflicts Among ...

"Publisher's Information and Table of Contents" Volume 113, pp. 1-3, Winter-Spring, 2004, pp. 1.
... About WS 2004 Winter-Spring 2004 Contents Staff and Advisory Board OHS Board of Trustees Instructions for Authors PDF of these pages Click page numbers to view articles PDF links are also provided for printing articles Can't read PDFs Get Adobe Acrobat Reader ARTICLES 4 Communication Technology Transforms the Marketplace The Effect of the Telegraph Telephone and Ticker on the Cincinnati Merchants' Exchange by Bradford W Scharlott PDF of this article 18 Steubenville Ohio and the ...