Ohio History Journal

Full Text Results For shakers

"The 1951 Speaker's Rule at Ohio State," by Steven P. Gietschier. Volume 87, Number 3, Summer, 1978, pp. 294-309.
... STEVEN P STEVEN P GIETSCHIER The 1951 Speaker's Rule at Ohio State Like many public institutions of higher learning The Ohio State University's support for the principles of academic freedom has often been limited by the political and social views of those who have shaped its destiny Because of the university's location in the state capital and certainly because of its dependence upon a penurious General Assembly for funding Ohio State has over the years generally reflected its origins as a ...

"Party Politics in Ohio, 1840-1850 (continued)," by Edgar Allan Holt. Volume 38, Number 2, April, 1929, pp. 260-402.
... PARTY POLITICS IN OHIO 1840-1850 PARTY POLITICS IN OHIO 1840-1850 BY EDGAR ALLAN HOLT B A M A PH D Continued from the January 1929 Quarterly CHAPTER V THE ELECTION OF 1848 IN OHIO The clash of sectional and personal interests in Ohio did not end with the pronouncements of the State conventions The bitter anti-southern wing of the Whig party encouraged by the lavish praise bestowed on Corwin by the Whig State Convention thought that he might after all become the leader of the Whigs of the ...

"Mark Twain in Oberlin," by Russel B. Nye. Volume 47, Number 1, January, 1938, pp. 69-73.
... MARK TWAIN IN OBERLIN MARK TWAIN IN OBERLIN By RUSSEL B NYE On the night of February II 1885 the Union Library Association of Oberlin Ohio presented readings by Samuel L Clemens and George W Cable as the third number of its annual lecture series The Twain-Cable lecture took place in the First Congregational Church of Oberlin where Clemens according to a program of the entertainment now in the Oberlin College Library gave as his part of the evening readings of King Sollermun The Tragic Tale of ...

"Speech of Richard Douglas, Esq., of Chillicothe: Delivered before the Whig Convention, Held in Columbus, February 22 and 23, 1836," Volume 22, Number 3, July, 1913, pp. 381-408.
... SPEECH OF RICHARD DOUGLAS ESQ SPEECH OF RICHARD DOUGLAS ESQ OF CHILLICOTHE DELIVERED BEFORE THE WHIG CONVENTION HELD IN COLUMBUS FEBRUARY 22 AND 23 1836 Richard Douglas who describes himself in the letter herewith as in birth a Yankee in habit a Sailor in adoption a Buckeye in profession an Old CourtCircuitizer in occasional circumstance a Blovian in principal a Whig etc was born in New London Connecticut September 10th 1785 From early youth like many other New London boys he followed the sea ...

"A Survey of Publications on the History and Archaeology of Ohio, 1967-1968," Volume 77, Number 4, Autumn, 1968, pp. 149a-163a.
... Race Principles and Policy of Rutherford B Hayes by GEORGE SINKLER When Rutherofrd B Hayes came to the presidency the race problem was waiting in all its urgency The subject was by no means new to him As an Ohio Congressman at the very beginning of his political career he endorsed the Radical program of reconstruction In unemotional terms this meant having a penchant for Negro rights and the preservation of the political power of the Republican party though not necessarily in that order1 A ...

"William McKinley and the Expansion of Presidential Power," by Lewis L. Gould. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 5-20.
... LEWIS L LEWIS L GOULD William McKinley and the Expansion of Presidential Power In the wake of the Vietnam War and Watergate much attention both scholarly and popular has been devoted to the rise of the Imperial Presidency in this century1 Those who have traced the evolution of this concept of presidential power appear to date its modern emergence from the accession of Theodore Roosevelt to the office in September 1901 Writing in the mid-1950s in his influential The American Presidency Clinton ...

"Politico-Economic Considerations in the Western Reserve's Early Slavery Controversy," by Edward C. Reilley. Volume 52, Number 2, April-June, 1943, pp. 141-157.
... POLITICO-ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS IN THE POLITICO-ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS IN THE WESTERN RESERVE'S EARLY SLAVERY CONTROVERSY By EDWARD C REILLEY With the advent of the Panic of 1837 the people of that northeastern section of Ohio known as the Western Reserve seemed for the first time to have suspected that the southern labor system was in some degree responsible for producing their economic woes This viewpoint was but slowly accepted and was not emphasized by its proponents until after the ...

"Visit from Benjamin Lundy, A," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 494-496.
... OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A VISIT FROM BENJAMIN LUNDY A letter of Ruth Galbreath wife of Nathan Galbreath dated New Garden Ohio 2nd mo 3rd 1833 contains among other things a description of a visit from Benjamin Lundy which may be of interest to readers of this issue of the QUARTERLY as it expresses the regard of Columbiana County Quakers for this reformer and bears testimony to the fact that ...

"Problems in Peacekeeping: The 1924 Niles Riot," by Robert L. Daugherty. Volume 85, Number 4, Autumn, 1976, pp. 280-292.
... ROBERT L ROBERT L DAUGHERTY Problems in Peacekeeping The 1924 Niles Riot On November 1 1924 Niles Ohio was the scene of one of the state's most famous riots Replete with violence the riot was characterized by beatings overturned automobiles and even shootings Bands of armed men freely roamed the streets of Niles meeting with little or no opposition from law enforcement agencies Local civil authority in the Niles area-both municipal and county-had all but evaporated in the face of violence and ...

"Colonel S. K. Donavan," Volume 30, Number 3, July, 1921, pp. 346-347.
... 346 Ohio Arch 346 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications became captain of Company C of that regiment He served with distinction through the Civil War and attained the rank of lieutenant colonel He was again in the Legislature in 1867-1868 and was Speaker in the latter year In 1876 he was elected United States senator and twice afterward re-elected He died in 1891 before the close of his third term His life history as presented by Connelley in this volume is an inspiration to every healthy ...

"Politicians, Issues, and Voter Preference in Jacksonian Ohio: A Critique of an Interpretation," by Stephen C. Fox. Volume 86, Number 3, Summer, 1977, pp. 155-170.
... STEPHEN C STEPHEN C FOX Politicians Issues and Voter Preference in Jacksonian Ohio A Critique of an Interpretation Two recent studies of the Jacksonian era which devote either substantive or exclusive attention to Ohio James R Sharp The Jacksonians versus the Banks Politics in the States after the Panic of 1837 and Donald J Ratcliffe The Role of Voters and Issues in Party Formation Ohio 1824 have been welcomed as valuable additions to our understanding of political activity in an important but ...

"Origin of the Cleveland Clinic, The," by Howard Dittrick. Volume 56, Number 4, October, 1947, pp. 331-348.
... THE ORIGIN OF THE CLEVELAND CLINIC THE ORIGIN OF THE CLEVELAND CLINIC by HOWARD DITTRICK MD Editorial Director the Cleveland Clinic Cleveland At the request of Dr Jonathan Forman I have prepared an historical resume of the origin of the Cleveland Clinic beginning with the time when the founders began to work together professionally and ending with the opening of the institution which they created Much will be said about a figure that drew the first founders together and after that events will ...

"John Bingham and Reconstruction: The Delimma of a Moderate," Volume 77, Numbers 1, 2, & 3, Winter, Spring, Summer, 1968, pp. 76-94, notes 192-194.
... John A John A Bingham and Reconstruction The Dilemma of a Moderate by DONALD C SWIFT Congressman John A Bingham of Ohio was one of the foremost Republican politicians in the period following the Civil War Yet he is almost unknown to historians and students not primarily concerned with the Reconstruction era The names of Thaddeus Stevens Benjamin Butler Charles Sumner or Benjamin Wade more readily come to mind As a spokesman for moderation Bingham occupied a place of equal importance to that of ...

Volume 66, Number 2, April, 1957, pp. 196-199.
... Historical News Historical News A Service Center for Teachers of History has recently been established by the American Historical Association It is located at 400 A Street SE Washington 3 DC Dr George Barr Carson Jr is the director The service center was created for the purpose of providing scholarly leadership in meeting the problems of history teachers The center offers direct assistance to teachers and to schools in strengthening history courses and increasing the effectiveness of teachers ...

"Address of Gen. R. Brinkerhoff" (Big Bottom Monument) Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 26-27.
... 26 Ohio Arch 26 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications three hundred thousand soldiers in the great Civil War that was to cement and weld into one indissoluble federation the nation the forefathers made independent With filial reverence we erect monuments of marble and tablets of brass upon the sites most memorable in the storm and stress of the early pioneer days But greater than all the memorials of art to noble founders are the products of industry progress prosperity and humanity which ...

"Governor Willis' Address (Dedication of Hayes Memorial)," Volume 25, Number 4, October, 1916, pp. 412-419.
... 412 Ohio Arch 412 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications GOVERNOR WILLIS' ADDRESS Governor Willis spoke as follows Ladies and Gentlemen It is indeed a rare privilege to be present and take a part in these interesting exercises on a day set apart in honor of our patriotic dead to be invited to join in this commemoration of one whose private life was an inspiration and whose public service was a benediction On this historic ground you have today united in this splendid celebration which has its ...

"Annual Address of President F. C. Sessions" (Marietta Centennial) Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1888, pp. 145-149.
... ADDRESSES BEFORE THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEADDRESSES BEFORE THE OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY AT MARIETTA APRIL 5 AND 6 IN CONNECTION WITH THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION ANNUAL ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT F C SESSIONS THE invitation to hold the third annual meeting of this Society in Marietta came with singular appropriateness It is certainly gratifying to those of us who have seen the movement to celebrate this occasion properly to be permitted to participate in these exercises The few ...

"Echoes Out of the Past," Volume 54, Number 2, April-June, 1945, pp. 143-148.
... ECHOES OUT OF THE PAST ECHOES OUT OF THE PAST BY CAROLINE M ZIMMERMAN The museum of the Clark County Ohio Historical Society houses many objects worthy of song or story many objects around which cluster a wealth of romantic lore fit to inspire a modern saga of great worth and beauty Of all these objets d'art there is doubtless none that carries a greater feminine appeal than a quaint little piano more than a century old the first in fact to have been brought into the county There it stands ...

"Letters of Thomas Buchanan Read," Volume 46, Number 1, January, 1937, pp. 68-80.
... LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ LETTERS OF THOMAS BUCHANAN READ Edited by ALICE E SMITH Thomas Buchanan Read was less than twenty years old when he wrote the letters printed below yet he had experienced many and strange adventures At the age of fourteen he had rebelled at the life of a tailor's apprentice and escaped to Philadelphia Here for a time he had clerked in a cellar grocery then served as apprentice to a cigar maker and finally made his way on a flatboat to Cincinnati For three years ...

"Charles Dickens in Ohio," Volume 59, Number 1, January, 1950, pp. 14-25.
... CHARLES DICKENS IN OHIO CHARLES DICKENS IN OHIO by ALFRED R FERGUSON Assistant Professor of English Ohio Wesleyan University Soon after his arrival in the United States in January 1842 Dickens wrote to an English friend There is a great deal afloat here in the way of subjects for description I keep my eyes open pretty wide and hope to have done so to some purpose by the time I come home1 That he kept his eyes open is evidenced by his vivid letters to Forster2 his friend and biographer and by ...