Ohio History Journal

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"A Buckeye Tree for the Lawn of the Executive Mansion," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 271-274.
... Executive Mansion Executive Mansion 271 such recommendation into effect had been taken or attempted by the general assembly On February 16 1917 a resolution was adopted authorizing the appointment of a committee to investigate the cost of purchasing a residence already erected and also the cost of purchasing a site and causing a proper residence to be erected thereon in Columbus to be used as a home for future governors of the state 107 0 L 7 60 On March 30 1917 the governor approved an act ...

Volume 88, Number 1, Winter, 1979, pp. 91-122.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Ohio Its People and Culture By George C Crout and W E Rosenfelt Minneapolis T S Denison amp Co 1977 281p illustrations maps index 695 I optimistically launched my reading of Ohio Its People and Culture with the hope that the book would help to meet the need of junior high school teachers for a fresh and lively treatment of Ohio history Unfortunately my optimism was misplaced In a word the book is sloppy It appears to lack clarity in conceptualization is permeated with ...

"American Industrial Mobilization for War, 1917-1918," by H.A. De Weerd. Volume 49, Number 3, July, 1940, pp. 249-261.
... OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 249 OHIO HISTORY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 249 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL MOBILIZATION FOR WAR 1917-1918 By H A DE WEERD Admiral A T Mahan once described his fellow Americans as being aggressive combative and war-like but he added they are the reverse of military being out of sympathy with military tone and feeling1 A neglect of the study of military history and economy in the United States developed partly as a result of an ingrained American distaste for and ...

Volume 90, Number 1, Winter, 1981, pp. 95-96.
... BOOK NOTES BOOK NOTES Women In Kentucky By Helen Deiss Irvin Lexington The University Press of Kentucky 1979 134p photographs source listing Another contribution to the Kentucky Bicentennial Bookshelf series this work outlines the history of the Kentucky women from 1775 through the 1930s The six chapters focus on the lives of settlers workers and reformers without doting on the contributions of exceptional Kentucky women Based upon published diaries autobiographies biographies and newspapers ...

Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 159-179.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Frontier Republic Ideology and Politics in the Ohio Country 1780-1825 By Andrew RL Cayton Kent Kent State University Press 1986 xii 197p map notes essay on sources index 2700 The intellectual history of the early republic has undergone considerable revival in recent years Led by Bernard Bailyn at Harvard whose The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution 1967 was a classic when published and continued by his pupil Gordon Wood of Brown University in the ...

"A Newly Discovered Extension of the Newark Works," Volume 45, Number 2, April, 1936, pp. 189-193.
... A NEWLY DISCOVERED EXTENSION OF THE A NEWLY DISCOVERED EXTENSION OF THE NEWARK WORKS By DACHE M REEVES1 The study of aerial photographs of the famous Newark group of prehistoric earthworks resulted in the discovery of a hitherto unknown extension to these works An interesting feature of this discovery is the fact that an important section of the works was found on the Newark flying field This area had been prepared for flying purposes after having been under cultivation for a long period and ...

"Adena," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 185-187.
... Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition Ohio Day at the Jamestown Exposition 185 But if for the first time in the history of the race somebody is to draw a line around thrift and enterprise I am sure Ohio will insist on trying the experiment for herself For all economic measures are necessarily experiments especially those which deal with new conditions And when the atmosphere is charged with discontent and resentment no matter how just the eye is not always sure nor the hand always steady so ...

Volume 111, , Winter-Spring, 2002, pp. 65-93.
... Book Reviews Winter-Spring 2002 pp 65-93 Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved This article is presented page by page according to the original print version If a sentence seems to end abruptly scroll down to continue with the next page BOOK REVIEWS A Social Contract for the Coal Fields The Rise and Fall of the United Mine Workers of America Welfare and Retirement Fund By Richard P Mulcahy Knoxville Tenn The University of Tennessee Press 2000 xiv 274p notes ...

"Historic Materials Found in Old Desks," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 401-403.
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 401 that I know of in Columbus still resting in the old desk where its owner a distinguished scientific man of Ohio left it over thirty years ago still undisturbed unless it be by the prying fingers of curious little grandchildren The men who settled this region preserved the letters received by them and in cases of importance copies of their own letters These should be found published or copied ...

"Ohio College and University Departments of History," Volume 58, Number 2, April, 1949, pp. 236-239.
... OHIO COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY OHIO COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENTS OF HISTORY University of Akron Akron Reuben V Smith Summerfield Baldwin Chairman Homer R Cotterham Clara G Roe King Bradow Clarence D Leckey Case Institute of Technology Antioch College Yellow Springs Cleveland Irwin Abrams Chairman Stanton Ling Davis Chairman Louis Filler George A Carroll James Horton Kenyon C Kramer William F Zornow Ashland College Ashland Cedarville College Cedarville E G Mason Chairman R W Bixler Donald R ...

"Property and Power: Women Religious Defend Their Rights in Nineteenth-Century Cleveland" by Leslie Liedel. Volume 112, pp. 68-86, Summer-Autumn, 2003, pp. 68.
... Liedel Summer-Autumn 2003 pp 68-86 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2003 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Property and Power Women Religious Defend Their Rights in Nineteenth-Century Cleveland By Leslie Liedel During the first half of the nineteenth century Catholics fought over concerns of power and authority in the local church that often appeared in debates addressing the ownership of church property In the early history of American Catholicism church ...

"NOTES" Volume 49, Number 4, October, 1940, pp. 412.
... NOTES NOTES Contributors to This Issue DONALD D SHIRA MD Columbus Ohio is Assistant Director of the Ohio Public Health Association FREDERICK C WAITE PhD Dover N H was before his recent retirement Professor of Histologic Anatomy at the Western Reserve University School of Medicine LUCY STONE HERTZOG MD Chardon Ohio is Vice-president of the American Institute of Homeopathy HOWARD D ITTRICK MD Cleveland Ohio is Curator of the Museum of Historical and Cultural Medicine and Editor of Current ...

Volume 65, Number 4, October, 1956, pp. 419-444.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Wilderness For Sale The Story of the First Western Land Rush By Walter Havighurst New York Hastings House 1956 xii372p end paper maps abridged bibliography and index 450 Mr Havighurst who has already given us Upper Mississippi Land of Promise and other studies of the old Northwest now adds a sparkling new volume to his series It is a timely and welcome book The old America seems to be breaking up and moving West said Morris Birbeck an English emigrant in the year 1817 ...

Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 53-66.
... Book Reviews THE INTELLECTUAL AS URBAN REFORMER BRAND WHITLOCK AND THE PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT By Jack Tager Cleveland Press of Case Western Reserve University 1968 198p bibliography and index 650 This is a book about Toledo's erudite reform mayor who served from 1906-1913 The author who teaches history at the University of Massachusetts has organized his study around a central theme He says Brand Whitlock's progressivism can be explained by his rejection of authority images his denial of ...

"Necrology," Volume 35, Number 4, October, 1926, pp. 645-647.
... Forty-First Annual Meeting 645 Forty-First Annual Meeting 645 they shall have settled well did not seem advisable nor would it have been possible owing to lack of funds Careful leveling and grading of the park area or as much of it as may be deemed advisable remains as a task for the future A preliminary step would be the breaking up of the entire tract and seeding it to wheat This would facilitate leveling and grading by thorough harrowing or disking and dragging and the wheat stubble would ...

Volume 66, Number 4, October, 1957, pp. 422-446.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews The Intimate Letters of John Cleves Symmes and His Family Including Those of His Daughter Mrs William Henry Harrison Wife of the Ninth President of the United States Edited by Beverley W Bond Jr Cincinnati Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio 1956 xxxiii174p frontispiece and index 450 The more-public papers of John Cleves Symmes founder of the Miami Purchase and one of the three high judges of the Northwest Territory were edited by Dr Bond in 1926 This new ...

"Honorary and Life Members of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society," Volume 16, Number 4, October, 1907, pp. 513-517.
... Editorialana Editorialana 5 13 salient features and constructive powers in logically linking events with one another carries the reader through this volume and its period without permitting his interest to flag or his enjoyment to diminish The numerous and beautiful illustrations and the plentiful accompanyment of maps and charts greatly add to the pleasure and profit derived therefrom by the reader We still pronounce it the most complete reliable and readable history of our country yet ...

"Pre-Historic Map," Volume 18, Number 4, October, 1909, pp. 577-578.
... Editorialana Editorialana 577 PRE-HISTORIC MAP Concerning the archaeological atlas of Ohio now being prepared by The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society under the direction of W C Mills Curator of the Society the Associated Press has given out the following statement Work on the archaeological atlas of Ohio a work unique of its kind in the history of literature is about one-fourth completed but so quietly has it been in progress that few if any persons outside the membership of ...

"Brand Whitlock and the City Beautiful Movement in Toledo, Ohio," by Shirley Leckie. Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 5-36.
... SHIRLEY LECKIE SHIRLEY LECKIE Brand Whitlock and the City Beautiful Movement in Toledo Ohio We are hearing much of the city beautiful in these days wrote Brand Whitlock in 1912 Hardly a city or a town that has not its commission and its plans for a unified treatment of its parks for a civic center of some sort-in a word its dream To Whitlock who had recently appointed a second Toledo City Hall and Civic Center Commission these were the expression of that divine craving in mankind for harmony ...

"Origin of the Phase, 'Keep the Ball Rolling,'" by Thomas J. Brown. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 444-445.
... 444 Ohio Arch 444 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Again page 279 The French settlers did not locate at the mouth of the Scioto but at Gallipolis See Laws of the U S Vol 2 page 503 On page 276 it is stated that Mount Logan is on Paint Creek Mount Logan is on the east side of the Scioto nearly two miles northeast of the Court House in Chillicothe and is miles away from Paint Creek which is west of the Scioto Page 286 College Hill is named from two colleges College Corner with similar ...