Ohio History Journal

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Volume 55, Number 4, October-December, 1946, pp. 413-422.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS Amphibians of Ohio Part I The Frogs and Toads Order Salientia By Charles F Walker Ohio State Museum Science Bulletin Vol I No 3 Columbus Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society 1946 109p 100 Teachers students naturalists and herpetologists will be glad to know that this much needed paper on the frogs and toads of Ohio has at last made its appearance Although the numbers of kinds of this Order of tailless amphibians Salientia native to Ohio are very limited ...

"Ohio Buckeye, The," Volume 29, Number 3, July, 1920, pp. 275-281.
... THE OHIO BUCKEYE THE OHIO BUCKEYE In a pamphlet entitled Ohio Emblems and Monuments compiled by the editor of the QUARTERLY in 1906 i s an account of the Ohio Buckeye which is here reproduced in adapted form It is somewhat singular but true nevertheless that the average Ohioan is not able to point out with certainty the tree whose name is the soubriquet of his state In the popular descriptions fact and fancy science and oratory are so promiscuously blended that there is nothing remarkable in ...

"Fight for the Right to Counsel, The," by Michal R. Belknap. Volume 85, Number 1, Winter, 1976, pp. 28-48.
... MICHAL R MICHAL R BELKNAP The Fight for the Right to Counsel Too often the American bar has been as Adolf Berle once lamented an intellectual jobber and contractor rather than a moral force but there have been times when the bar has provided the country with highly principled and badly needed leadership1 In the early 1950s an era troubled by the anti-Communist excess known as McCarthyism many civil liberties and constitutional guarantees were in danger among them the right to counsel In order ...

"The Grand Review," by D. A. Randall. Volume 29, Number 2, April, 1920, pp. 140-141.
... 140 Ohio Arch 140 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications THE GRAND REVIEW It was indeed a rare opportunity for a boy of fifteen to visit Washington and witness the grand review of the victorious Union armies in May 1865 Some idea of what this implied may be gathered from a communication describing the event written by Mr Randall's father Rev D A Randall and published in a Cincinnati paper As already stated the two were companions on this occasion and seated side by side opposite the reviewing ...

Volume 75, Number 1, Winter, 1965, pp. 55-66.
... BOOK R EVIEWS THE MAKING OF URBAN AMERICA A HISTORY OF CITY PLANNING IN THE UNITED STATES By John W Reps Princeton N J Princeton University Press 1965 xv574p illustrations maps bibliography and index 2500 This massively documented beautifully illustrated book is a masterful historical survey of a long-neglected subject John Reps professor of city and regional planning at Cornell University has successfully traced from European antecedents through colonial and nineteenth-century experiments the ...

"Song Writers of Ohio: Two Songs Inspired in Ohio," by C. B. Galbreath. Volume 14, Number 4, October, 1905, pp. 428-441.
... SONG WRITERS OF OHIO SONG WRITERS OF OHIO TWO SONGS INSPIRED IN OHIO BY C B GALBREATH While much has been said and written of the achievements of Ohio's men the public has not fully appreciated perhaps the extent of the influence of the gifted women of the state This is due doubtless to the fact that this influence is often exerted in ways somewhat obscure and indirect A gifted woman of course is a creature of physical and intellectual beauty endued with the power to lift man to the heights of ...

"Burials, Admissions to the Holy Communion and Marriages at Schoenbrunn," Volume 34, Number 4, October, 1925, pp. 590-596.
... BURIALS ADMISSIONS TO THE HOLY COMMUNBURIALS ADMISSIONS TO THE HOLY COMMUNION AND MARRIAGES AT SCHOENBRUNN We are indebted to Rev J E einland of Dover Ohio for the following list of burials admission to the Holy Communion and marriages at Schoenbrunn 17721777 BURIALS AT SCHOENBRUNN 1772 CA THARINA -- Samuel's little daughter Baptized December 17th by David Zeisberger Went home December 28th 1772 aged 3 yrs 11 mo Buried in Schoenbrunn 1773 SA LOME - - Isaac Glikhican's daughter's child born ...

"Vatralsky's Tribute to MacGahan," Volume 9, Number 1, July, 1900, pp. 141-147.
... Comments Notes and Reviews Comments N otes and Reviews 141 the contrary A shade of pathetic and almost tragic sadness was cast over the proceedings of the of the meeting by the fact that only a few short hours before the wires across the wide waters had flashed the news that General Roberts with the British troops had occupied Pretoria meaning that it was the beginning of the end for the plucky but all too rash Dutch descendants in the African republic and that England's star of empire was ...

"The Heavenly City and Human Cities: Washington Gladden and Urban Reform," by John M. Mulder. Volume 87, Number 2, Spring, 1978, pp. 151-174.
... JOHN M JOHN M MULDER The Heavenly City and Human Cities Washington Gladden and Urban Reform Historians have generally viewed the rise of the social gospel during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as a response to the problems posed by industrialization immigration and urbanization Ever since the publication of Arthur M Schlesinger's pioneering analysis in 19321 historians have examined American religious groups especially American Protestants to determine the ways in which they ...

"Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine," Volume 67, Number 2, April, 1958, pp. 148-151.
... Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine Miss Newcomb and the Talking Machine Edited by ROBERT M WARNER ON THE MORNING OF MAY 25 1878 the girls of the female seminary at Painesville Ohio interrupted their normal school routine to bark mew crow and tell Mother Goose rhymes to a most unusual auditor--a strange looking machine which listened patiently to all their confidences and then performed the amazing feat of repeating them all back again to the intrigued listeners For the first time in their ...

Volume 50, Number 4, October-December, 1941, pp. 388-408.
... BOOK REVIEWS BOOK REVIEWS The Constitutional History of the United States 1826-1876 A More Perfect Union By Homer C Hockett New York Macmillan Company 1939 405p 300 The first volume of this series The Blessings of Liberty was reviewed in the QUARTERLY XLIX 1940 292-94 In it Professor Hockett discussed the colonial background the Revolutionary Period and the first third of a century under the new Constitution Here he treats of the slavery controversy but to minimize the boredom of readers who ...

Volume 65, Number 2, April, 1956, pp. 195-220.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews William Oxley Thompson Evangel of Education By James E Pollard Columbus Ohio State University 1955 xi303p chronology bibliographical notes and index 500 William Oxley Thompson's term as president of Ohio State University was longer than that of his four predecessors combined and longer than that of his two successors During his twenty-six years he brought the university from obscurity to a position of respect in Ohio and the educational world His place in the annals ...

"Temperance, Benevolence, and the City: The Cleveland Non-Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance Union, 1874-1900," by Marian J. Morton. Volume 91, , Annual, 1982, pp. 58-73.
... MARIAN J MARIAN J MORTON Temperance Benevolence and the City The Cleveland Non-Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance Union 1874-1900 Here they come now fifty redoubtable and respectable women prayer books in one hand and umbrellas in the others for it looks like rain on this March morning of 1874 in Cleveland Ohio They are striding vigorously down Euclid Avenue headed for the several saloons on Public Square which they intend to close down with their hymns and fervent prayers They are the ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 86, Number 3, Summer, 1977, pp. 200-203.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries The Papers of Thirteen Early Ohio Political Leaders An Inventory to the 1976-77 Microfilm Editions compiled by Linda E Kalette has been published by the Ohio Historical Society Included in this inventory are the manuscript collections of Ethan Allen Brown Samuel Huntington Return J Meigs Jr Arthur St Clair Micajah T Williams Thomas Worthington Charles Hammond Thomas Kirker Othniel Looker Jeremiah Morrow Winthrop Sargent Edward Tiffin and Allen Trimble as ...

Volume 73, Number 3, Summer, 1964, pp. 188-195.
... BOOK REVIEWS INDEX TO THE WILLIAM McKINLEY PAPERS The Library of Congress Presidents' Papers Index Series Washington Manuscript Division Reference Department Library of Congress 1963 x482p introduction and appendices 325 An index often is thought of as merely a finding list but this one functions in numerous ways Its most important functions are three-fold it testifies it terrifies and it teaches First as to its testimony It testifies to a growth in recognition of historical needs --by ...

Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 53-66.
... Book Reviews THE INTELLECTUAL AS URBAN REFORMER BRAND WHITLOCK AND THE PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT By Jack Tager Cleveland Press of Case Western Reserve University 1968 198p bibliography and index 650 This is a book about Toledo's erudite reform mayor who served from 1906-1913 The author who teaches history at the University of Massachusetts has organized his study around a central theme He says Brand Whitlock's progressivism can be explained by his rejection of authority images his denial of ...

"Correspondence of Anna Briggs Bentley from Columbiana County, 1826," Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 38-45, notes 71.
... Life was hard and toilsome in the early years of Ohio statehood for those souls who left warm eastern firesides and crossed the Alleghenies into the new western land In the first years of their settling long hours of work and the necessities of bare existence left little time for correspondence with family and friends The letters that have been preserved show the writers to be unusually literate for the time and place and they take on added significance in view of their scarcity An unusual ...

"Samuel M. Smith, 'Dr. Cure-Awl's' Assistant at the Ohio Lunatic Asylum: His 1841 Case-Reports on Insanity," by Emil R. Pinta. Volume 107, , Winter-Spring, 1998, pp. 58-75.
... EMIL R EMIL R PINTA Samuel M Smith Dr Cure-Awl's Assistant at the Ohio Lunatic Asylum His 1841 Case-Reports on Insanity The first half of the nineteenth century was an enlightened era for understanding and treating mental illness One prevailing theory was that insanity was a physical disease This replaced beliefs that considered the mind to be an emanation from the Creator and therefore not subject to physical laws and interventions In 1812 Benjamin Rush 1745-1813 the Father of American ...

"Principles Without Program: Senator Robert A. Taft and American Foreign Policy," by John E. Moser. Volume 108, , Summer-Autumn, 1999, pp. 177-192.
... JOHN E JOHN E MOSER Principles Without Program Senator Robert A Taft and American Foreign Policy When it came to domestic policy there was very little that was confusing about Senator Robert Alfonso Taft of Ohio 1889-1953 A die-hard conservative Taft remained up until his death a convinced enemy of Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal and the assault on the Constitution which he believed it to represent So solid were his political credentials that he came to be known widely as Mr Republican defining ...

Volume 90, Number 3, Summer, 1981, pp. 262-290.
... Book Reviews Book Reviews Workers in Industrial America Essays on the 20th Century Struggle By David Brody New York Oxford University Press 1980 ix 257p notes 1495 In recent years as the intellectual luster of the labor movement has dimmed and unions have become as attractive to scholars as say the Knights of Columbus labor historians have beat a hasty retreat Labor history has become working class history ethnic divisions social mobility and the consciousness or workers increasingly have ...