... JUDSON HARMON JUDSON HARMON BY HUGH L NICHOLS Judson Harmon forty-fourth governor of Ohio 1909-1913 was born at Newtown Hamilton County Ohio on the 3rd of February 1846 He was the eldest son of Rev Benjamin Franklin Harmon one of the pioneer preachers of the Baptist faith who extended the field of his spiritual ministrations through the medium of the old-time circuit-riding to the adjoining County of Clermont Judson Harmon was of English ancestry His lineage has been authentically traced to ...
... ANTHONY GENE CAREY ANTHONY GENE CAREY The Second Party System Collapses The 1853 Maine Law Campaign in Ohio As he sat at his desk in Cincinnati in late September 1852 Rutherford B Hayes recorded his thoughts on the apparent disintegration of a party system that had held the loyalties of Americans for a generation Government no longer has its ancient importance he wrote Its duties and its powers no longer reach to the happiness of the people The people's progress progress of every sort no ...
... Governor Rutherford B Hayes NOTES ON PAGE 191 GOVERNOR RUTHERFORD B GOVERNOR RUTHERFORD B HAYES 59 by DANIEL R PO R TER The spirits of a discontented Congressman from Cincinnati were decidedly lifted late in January 1867 by a letter from William Henry Smith Ohio's Secretary of State The letter sounded out Representative Rutherford B Hayes as a possible gubernatorial candidate This was the first indication Hayes received that he was being considered instead of incumbent Governor Jacob D Cox ...
... INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTY-FIRST INDEX TO THE MINUTES OF THE FORTY-FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SOCIETY AND THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Archaeological and Historical Society gifts to Museum 623-624 list of acholds Annual Meeting 607 urges cessions 624-629 the Seip Mound completion of Building 607-608 need 630 American Anthropological Assofor expansion of Building 656-658 ciation Central section at the MuArchives Committee on appointed 608 seum 630 re-elected 668 Donahue ...
... DARWIN H DARWIN H STAPLETON Abraham Flexner Rockefeller Philanthropy and the Western Reserve School of Medicine In September 1914 the president of Western Reserve University in Cleveland Charles F Thwing addressed a friendly letter to an important ally of the university's medical school I am glad to say to you that your Western Reserve Medical School is opening tomorrow in excellent form The students seem to be overflowing We have a little larger first-year class than we ought to receive We ...
... Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association Annual Meeting Ohio Valley Historical Association 16 1 commemorated in our own beautiful memorial building holding his library and numerous family relics while his remains with those of his wife lie beneath the family monument on the beautiful knoll in Spiegel Grove which is approached only by traversing the original Harrison trail of the war of 1812 As coworkers in this field of historic investigation we welcome you to our capital and lay open ...
... DISHARMONY IN THE HARDING CABINET HOOVER-WALLACE CONFLICT by EDWARD L SCHAPSMEIER and FREDERICK H SCHAPSMEIER The campaign of 1920 was a twofold success for the Republican Party Warren G Harding brought the Grand Old Party back into national power and he succeeded in reuniting the party The rupture of 1912 had been healed The cabinet represented all factions During Harding's presidency party harmony was sustained by balancing the desires of the Progressive and conservative wings -- neither ...
... THE CINCINNATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1828 THE CINCINNATI MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF 1828 MARY BAKER FURNESS CINCINNATI Cincinnati began its existence as a city under its first charter March 1 1819 By an act of the General Assembly passed January 26 1827 a new charter was granted which superseded the old one and did away with all the legislation which had been enacted under it According to this second charter the city boundaries began with the Ohio River at the east corner of partial section No 12 ...
... DANIEL F DANIEL F RING The Cleveland Public Library and the WPA A Study in Creative Partnership The dole is a narcotic a subtle destroyer of the human spirit I am not willing that the vitality of our people be sapped by the giving of cash1 In a large way this statement of President Franklin D Roosevelt summarizes the philosophy and emphasis of the New Deal which was a desire to substitute work for relief2 Expressions of this philosophy were the proliferation of federal agencies and the ...
... Ben Wade and the Negro Ben Wade and the Negro By HANS L TREFOUSSE IT HAS LONG BEEN A MATTER OF DISPUTE whether the radical Republicans of one hundred years ago were really sincere in their professions of friendship for the Negro Were they merely interested in economic gains for their followers and political preferment for themselves making use of the Negro question simply to hide their true objectives or were they genuinely concerned with uplifting the downtrodden race This question of ...
... Ohio Valley Hist Ohio Valley Hist Ass'n Fifth Annual Meeting 7 sylvania State College excellently fulfilled its purpose of forming a general introduction to the sessions of the three-days meeting THE INFLUENCE OF THE OHIO RIVER IN WESTERN EXPANSION BY EDWIN ERLE SPARKS President Pennsylvania State College Of the five great continents on the globe three have been conquered have been opened and have been civilized within the span of recorded history It is possible therefore to make a ...
... OHIO'S CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1912 OHIO'S CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OF 1912 by LANDON WARNER Assistant Professor of History and Political Science Kenyon College A constitutional mandate requires the submission to Ohio's electorate in 1952 of this question Shall there be a convention to revise alter or amend the constitution1 Provision for periodic review dates from the constitution of 1851 It was introduced as a democratic reform based on Thomas Jefferson's oft-quoted dictum that no law ...
... Historical News Historical News THE RUTHERFORD B HAYES LIBRARY has recently published in mimeograph form a twenty-page annual report of the director of research Watt P Marchman He reports the addition of more than a thousand books in the library's field of interest and several hundred manuscript items Included in the latter are a veto message of President Hayes with notations in his own hand a collection of articles about Hayes by Frank G Carpenter and a William Cullen Bryant letter A ...
... Remarks of Gov Remarks of Gov James E Campbell 161 REMARKS OF GOVERNOR JAMES E CAMPBELL It was a long-deferred pleasure one year ago on the 19th of October to make my first visit here I learned after arriving that it was an auspicious day being the ninety-ninth anniversary of the landing upon the banks of yonder river of the little band of French settlers who founded this handsome and flourishing city During an address to the people who gathered on that occasion to hear the political ...
... Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 501 Dedication of Ohio's World War Memorial 501 It is particularly appropriate that the address of welcome with which the program proper is to begin should be delivered by His Excellency the Governor of Ohio that staunch friend of the Society neighbor and fellow-citizen Vic Donahey May I present the Governor of Ohio The audience rose and extended a very cordial greeting to Governor Donahey When the applause concluded he spoke as follows Mr Chairman ...
... Learning and Piety in Learning and Piety in Ohio Colleges 1900-1930 By SHERMAN B BARNES FACED WITH AN expanding subdivision of knowledge growing vocational ambitions and increasing enrollments in the early decades of the present century Ohio colleges began to find difficulty in keeping in balance their traditional system of combining learning with religious faith When President Barrows hoped that Oberlin would never become a place where God is politely bowed out of the classroom he observed ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOTES REVIEWS AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL WING The dedication of the Memorial Wing of the Museum and Library Building of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society on April 6 1926 the anniversary of the entrance of the United States into the World War was an occasion long to be remembered by those whose privilege it was to be in attendance In spite of the inclement weather ...
... OHIO IN THE SPANISH AND PHILIPPINE WAR OHIO IN THE SPANISH AND PHILIPPINE WAR THOMAS M ANDERSON Few can fulfill Pliny's motto To do what deserves to be written To write what deserves to be read Great generals are nearly always able administrators and have often proved themselves great statesmen The ability to command and to administer go together but few military commanders have wielded equally well the sword and pen Julius Caesar The foremost man of all the world was at once a great orator ...
... edited by edited by HENRY J YEAGER Nouvelles du Scioto The Story of a Fraud The original settlement of what is now southern Ohio at the end of the eighteenth century was marred by scandalous treatment of the French immigrants by the promoters of the Scioto Land Company Through its agency in Paris the company using misleading information sold land to Frenchmen eager to settle in America The Parisians suffered considerable physical hardship on their voyage to say nothing of the mental anguish in ...
... OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR FAIRFIELD COUNTY IN THE WORLD WAR It may be too soon to write a great history of the World War We still stand in the shadow of that volcanic upheaval We are too close to it in time and interest to measure in due perspective its mighty proportions It is not too soon however to record the facts upon which that history is to be built The part of the United States in ...