Ohio History Journal

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"William Henry Hunter," Volume 15, Number 3, July, 1906, pp. 383-386.
... EDITORIALANA EDITORIALANA WILLIAM HENRY HUNTER William H Hunter Trustee and member of the Executive Committee of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society died suddenly at his residence Chillicothe Ohio in the early morning of Wednesday June 19 1906 after an illness of only five days' duration Mr Hunter closed his earthly career as he had often expressed a desire to do in the very midst of his daily activities Never was he more energetic or enthusiastic in his life work On the ...

"The Archaic Cultures and the Adena People," Volume 61, Number 2, April, 1952, pp. 173-181.
... THE ARCHAIC CULTURES AND THE ADENA PEOPLE THE ARCHAIC CULTURES AND THE ADENA PEOPLE by WILLIAM S WEBB Head Department of Anthropology University of Kentucky The Early Hunters Early man in America cannot boast a record of great antiquity There is no evidence to suggest his development from more primitive ancestors in very ancient times as is the case of man's record in the Old World Early man in America was a migrant coming to this continent from Siberia as a hunter of big game some time ...

Volume 67, Number 3, July, 1958, pp. 269-271.
... Historical News Historical News THE RUTHERFORD B HAYES L IBRA RY has acquired in the past few months a file of the weekly Clyde Enterprise from the first issue on March 21 1878 through December 1900 The issues for 1958 are being received as published and the file for the intervening years will be completed at a later date Two original letters written by Rutherford B Hayes have been added to the Hayes collections One dated October 31 1884 was addressed to Colonel H J Johnson of Cumberland ...

"Report of the Director," Volume 36, Number 4, October, 1927, pp. 594-596.
... 594 Ohio Arch 594 Ohio A r ch and Hist Society Publications The most important problem now claiming the immediate attention of the Secretary of the Society is the upbuilding of the Library A large extension of its newspaper collection in the very near future is in prospect The present opportunity may not continue indefinitely The library is accumulating gradually a creditable collection of county histories of Ohio This can be supplemented at any time After a thorough canvass of the Ohio ...

"From Progressive to Patrician: George Bellamy and Hiram House Social Settlement, 1896-1914," by John J. Grabowski. Volume 87, Number 1, Winter, 1978, pp. 37-52.
... JOHN J JOHN J GRABOWSKI From Progressive to Patrician George Bellamy and Hiram House Social Settlement 1896-1914 The institution most closely associated with the birth and early development of turn of the century Progressivism was the social settlement house which best symbolized the movement's drive for reform and order in urban America As aptly described by Allen Davis the settlement houses were spearheads for reform whose partisans were among the first to recognize and attack problems of ...

"NOTES AND QUERIES" Volume 96, , Summer-Autumn, 1987, pp. 157-158.
... Notes and Queries Notes and Queries Chadwyck-Healey recently announced the availability of the papers of Charles Sumner on microfilm and a printed Guide and Index to all 26000 letters Compiled and edited by Beverly Wilson Palmer the Charles Sumner Papers Project represents the publication of virtually the entire known correspondence of Sumner 1811-1874 and throws new light on the man as well as on the major American political and social issues of the nineteenth century For details concerning ...

"John Sherman and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson," by Roger D. Bridges. Volume 82, Numbers 3 & 4, Summer-Autumn, 1973, pp. 176-191.
... ROGER D ROGER D BRIDGES John Sherman and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson In Irving Brant's recent study of the impeachment process by the United States Congress he characterized the Radical Republican attempt to remove Andrew Johnson from the presidency in 1868 as the most insidious assault on constitutional government in the nation's history It was Brant charged carried on in direct violation of the limitations deliberately placed in the Constitution to prevent such a happening If it had ...

"Tribute: Resolutions authorized at the annual meeting of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, held April 24, 1934," Volume 43, Number 2, April, 1934, pp. 129-130.
... Charles Burleigh Galbreath 129 Charles Burleigh Galbreath 129 where strivings end where peace is perpetual and where mortals on their way to a better estate find a fitting abode for the night in this many-chambered mansion of rest Hither have come the representatives of every walk of life Among them are those once eminent in the affairs of the city the state and the Republic Of these it were superfluous to speak Their deeds have been recorded Their place in local history at least is secure To ...

"Guillotin Thinks of America," Volume 47, Number 2, April, 1938, pp. 129-158.
... GUILLOTIN THINKS OF AMERICA GUILLOTIN THINKS OF AMERICA By JOHN FRANCIS MCDERMOTT Among the many Frenchmen who came under the influence of Benjamin Franklin and American ideas in the last quarter of the eighteenth century not the least interesting was Joseph Ignace Guillotin His project for a colony in the Ohio Valley came to nothing because the disastrous adventure that befell the advance party discouraged and frightened the families he had planned to lead there but though the colony did not ...

"Song of Ohio, The," Volume 17, Number 2, April, 1908, pp. 173.
... OHIO DAY AT THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION OHIO DAY AT THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION For much of the material in the following account of Ohio Day at the celebration of which the Editor was present indebtedness is due to the official report of the Ohio Commissioners made by Mr Stuart R Bolin Circleville Ohio to the Governor of the state Mr Bolin was Executive Commissioner to the Ohio Jamestown Commission and resided in the Ohio Building during the continuation of the Exposition The General Assembly of ...

"Party Politics in Ohio, 1840-1850," by Edgar Allan Holt. Volume 37, Number 3, July, 1928, pp. 439-591.
... PARTY POLITICS IN OHIO 1840-1850 PARTY POLITICS IN OHIO 184 0-1 85 0 BY EDGAR ALLAN HOLT B A M A PH D PREFACE It has been my purpose in this study to trace the political history of Ohio during the 'forties in relation to state and national problems The period under investigation affords an interesting cross section of American political history revealing appeals to party prejudice conflicting economic and social interests political manipulations and log-rollings and the emergence of the ...

"Timothy Walker: Blackstone for the New Republic," by M. Paul Holsinger. Volume 84, Number 3, Summer, 1975, pp. 145-157.
... M M PAUL HOLSINGER Timothy Walker Blackstone For the New Republic In the generation before the Civil War few persons within the state of Ohio were as nationally renowned as Timothy Walker of Cincinnati During the so-called Golden Age of American Law between 1820 and 1860 Walker from his adopted home on the banks of the Ohio River wrote probably the most widely read legal treatise of nineteenth century America the Introduction to American Law A founder of the Cincinnati Law School the first ...

"Prophecy, A," by Return Jonathan Meigs. Volume 20, Number 3, July, 1911, pp. 351-352.
... A Prophecy A Prophecy 351 Wait on the Queen of Arts in her own bowers Perfumed with all the fragrance of the earth From blooming shrubbery and radiant flowers And hope with rapture wed life's calm and peaceful hours Oft as the spring wakes on the verdant year And nature glows in fervid beauty dress'd The loves and graces shall commingle here To charm the queenly City of the West Her stately youth with noble warmth impress'd Her graceful daughters smiling as in MayApollos these and Hebes those ...

"Exploration of the Mound City Group," by William C. Mills. Volume 31, Number 4, October, 1922, pp. 422-584.
... a 422 EXPLORATION OF THE MOUND CITY GROUP EXPLORATION OF THE MOUND CITY GROUP BY WILLIAM C MILLS INTRODUCTORY NOTE Probably no other American prehistoric earthwork has excited so great a degree of historic interest as the so-called Mound City group of Ross County Ohio Certainly from the prehistoric viewpoint it stands unsurpassed Through the partial examination of the group in 1846 by Squier and Davis and the publication of the report in Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley ...

Volume 78, Number 1, Winter, 1969, pp. 53-66.
... Book Reviews THE INTELLECTUAL AS URBAN REFORMER BRAND WHITLOCK AND THE PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT By Jack Tager Cleveland Press of Case Western Reserve University 1968 198p bibliography and index 650 This is a book about Toledo's erudite reform mayor who served from 1906-1913 The author who teaches history at the University of Massachusetts has organized his study around a central theme He says Brand Whitlock's progressivism can be explained by his rejection of authority images his denial of ...

"Baum Prehistoric Village," by William C. Mills. Volume 15, Number 1, January, 1906, pp. 45-136.
... BAUM PREHISTORIC VILLAGE BAUM PREHISTORIC VILLAGE WILLIAM C MILLS The Baum Prehistoric Village site is situated in Twin Township Ross County Ohio just across the river from the small borough of Bourneville upon the first gravel terrace of Paint Creek The Paint Creek valley is drained by Paint Creek a stream of irregular turbulence flowing in a northeasterly direction and emptying into the Scioto River south of Chillicothe The Valley at the site of this village upwards of two miles in width is ...

"In Search of the Mound Builders: The State Archaeological Association of Ohio, 1875-1885," by Terry A. Barnhart. Volume 107, , Summer-Autumn, 1998, pp. 125-170.
... TERRY A TERRY A BARNHART In Search of the Mound Builders The State Archaeological Association of Ohio 1875-1885 If the State Archaeological Association of Ohio is at all remembered today it is as the forerunner of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society That organization emerged from the wreckage of the earlier state archaeological association on March the 12th and 13th 1885 and has been known as the Ohio Historical Society since 1954 The significance of Ohio's first state ...

"Address of Professor Fish (The Wisconsin Archaeological Society, State Field Assembly, July 29-30, 1910)," Volume 19, Number 4, October, 1910, pp. 344-349.
... 344 Ohio Arch 344 Ohio Arch and Hist Society Publications Of which we too may but a portion b e In that sum-total solidarity Of human beings spread across the earth In generations birth succeeding birthThe living who raise the citadels we know The dead whose bones earth bosomed long ago And this good company that meets today Proves the large truth of what I've sought to say For why should we whose daily tasks alone So press upon us that we scarcely own The present hour still take on us to gaze ...

"Visit from Benjamin Lundy, A," Volume 30, Number 4, October, 1921, pp. 494-496.
... OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL OHIO STATE ARCHEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS NOTES AND COMMENTS BY THE EDITOR A VISIT FROM BENJAMIN LUNDY A letter of Ruth Galbreath wife of Nathan Galbreath dated New Garden Ohio 2nd mo 3rd 1833 contains among other things a description of a visit from Benjamin Lundy which may be of interest to readers of this issue of the QUARTERLY as it expresses the regard of Columbiana County Quakers for this reformer and bears testimony to the fact that ...

"Diversity and Woman Suffrage: A Case Study of the Dayton Woman Suffrage Association in the 1912 Referendum Campaign" by Cynthia Wilkey. Volume 112, pp. 27-37, Winter-Spring, 2003, pp. 27.
... Wilkey Winter-Spring 2003 pp 27-37 PDF of this article CONTENTS of this issue Copyright 2002 by the Ohio Historical Society All rights reserved Diversity and Woman Suffrage A Case Study of the Dayton Woman Suffrage Association in the 1912 Referendum Campaign By Cynthia Wilkey That it is the duty of the women of this country to secure unto themselves their sacred right to the elective franchise When Elizabeth Cady Stanton penned these famous words in 1848 little did she imagine that she would ...